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Sawadee Pattaya Tv


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I have just watched this programme for the first time.

Just as I expected, it is typical of all the amateur local TV here in Pattaya.

Johnny Diamond is, unfortunately, one of the presenters.

Just as he amply demonstrated on his former radio show, he certainly doesn't sparkle as his name might suggest.

I just thought I would throw this open and ask for other honest opinions please?

Edited by Jonathanpattaya
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The guy who is bank rolling this his some sort of UK TV personality or something like this - so he thinks he is and tells most people upon first greeting - I wouldn't know him from a bar of soap - he was boasting a month or so before it started how this show would blow the local competition apart.

So far I think its great - I usually turn it on just before I go to bed to help me sleep, and sure enough, watching 5 minutes of it puts me right to sleep.

Have you checked out their website, it is even worse, looks like someone put it together whilst they were on a drinking session and hardly any of the links/buttons work.

And lets not forget the adverts, especially the pool one, it is so amateur and so annoying to listen to.

I got to say, that even the local Thai shows are far far ahead of this show.

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The guy who is bank rolling this his some sort of UK TV personality or something like this - so he thinks he is and tells most people upon first greeting - I wouldn't know him from a bar of soap - he was boasting a month or so before it started how this show would blow the local competition apart.

So far I think its great - I usually turn it on just before I go to bed to help me sleep, and sure enough, watching 5 minutes of it puts me right to sleep.

Have you checked out their website, it is even worse, looks like someone put it together whilst they were on a drinking session and hardly any of the links/buttons work.

And lets not forget the adverts, especially the pool one, it is so amateur and so annoying to listen to.

I got to say, that even the local Thai shows are far far ahead of this show.


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  • 1 month later...

It's not just you that thinks that,

I can't abide any of the presenters on any of the farang channels and always turn over when they come on, as does everyone I know.Can these channels not find anyone at least half decent to present these shows, or is it just a case of "I own the channel so I should be on TV", I mean we have a choice of Jonny Diamond who just seems to have absolutely no presentation skills at all, Howard Miller who has all the charisma of a puddle but somehow manages to get on everything, even the bloody adverts and his voice is sooo boring, Raine Grady who looks as if she's made of leather but trys so hard to look young or Mick the Hammer and the less said about him the better.

Come on Pattaya TV, I know that you don't have a massive budget but you could at least choose a presenter who people want to watch, how many adverts must go unwatched because people just change the channel when these people come on?

Take note advertisers, your better off advertising in the paper!

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I just went on their website and it looks like it has been thrown together by a blind graphic designer.

But here' just some of the exciting stuff you can look forward to, and that "Down on the Street" feature looks like a real winner. But maybe Byte Size trumps it. I'm not sure.

I wonder if Soi 6 will win the covted Soi Award. I'd like to see them with their cameras down there. That WOULD give the Mayor something to Q and A about:

"Why you take camela Soi 6. No good for Thailand. No good for Pattaya. No good for you."

We will provide Pattaya with a professional show, with lots of variety, including news, entertainment and essential information for both the tourist and expat.

Here is what you can look forward to here on Sawadee Pattaya TV:

“Stars in their eyes” Stars and well known peronalities visting Pattaya.

“Back stage pass “ esxclusive VIP entry to Events, Concerts and Sports.

“Down on the street” Chatting with the people on the street.

“Byte size” With a fun and anecdotal view of the world of IT.

“On the horizon” Events for the viewer’s diary.

Health and Beauty - Finding many ways to improve your body whilst in Pattaya.

See Soi Award - Chance for viewers to nominate their favorite Soi. We will send cameras down there, and then the viewers can decide the result.

A regular Q& A session with the Mayor of Pattaya city,Khun Itthiphol Kunplome.

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In reply to your constructive criticism I would like to tell you about the show:

The show was created as a medium of promoting Pattaya, not showing dead people, the latest carnage, or theft.

We have the approval of TAT and the City Hall, and we are trying to show tourists the benefits of staying in our fine city.

As for presenting abilities, it is very hard to find any good presenters here in Thailand,

I go in front of the camera when there is no one else available.

I will have a go at anything from racing to skydiving.

Then you also have to consider that in Thailand it is very difficult as a farang to work here.

We have had many offers from people but to be honest most freeze once they get in front of the cameras.

Also we are innovative we normally use radio mikes, and more than one camera. (now other channels are starting to follow our lead)

We have been only going for 7 weeks, I know it won't be great for many months to come, please give us a bit of slack all we're trying to do is promote this city, unlike the other shows available. Apologies for website, work in progress there.

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The other local news progs are like watching snuff films but I do find myself glued to the gory items - I should be ashamed

but not as ashamed as the those that film and the foreigners who supply voiceovers covering 'news items' where some poor soul is shown dead in his underpants on a toilet floor due to a heart attack or something.

I'd hope they get filled-in off friends of the deceased

meanwhile I'll see if Sawadee Pattaya Tv gets any better

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I haven't been to Pattaya for a while. Does the station still play that long beer bar advert with the Queen song?

I mean, here's a song about going out and throwing caution to the wind, sung by a guy who died of AIDS.

Gives me the foo kin creeps. Whoever put that one together should be forced to sing it in karaoke, then deported.

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In reply to your constructive criticism I would like to tell you about the show:

The show was created as a medium of promoting Pattaya, not showing dead people, the latest carnage, or theft.

We have the approval of TAT and the City Hall, and we are trying to show tourists the benefits of staying in our fine city.

As for presenting abilities, it is very hard to find any good presenters here in Thailand,

I go in front of the camera when there is no one else available.

I will have a go at anything from racing to skydiving.

Then you also have to consider that in Thailand it is very difficult as a farang to work here.

We have had many offers from people but to be honest most freeze once they get in front of the cameras.

Also we are innovative we normally use radio mikes, and more than one camera. (now other channels are starting to follow our lead)

We have been only going for 7 weeks, I know it won't be great for many months to come, please give us a bit of slack all we're trying to do is promote this city, unlike the other shows available. Apologies for website, work in progress there.

Thanks for coming on to defend the channel. But from what you say for long stay residents you don't offer much, being designed to promote a City Hall/TAT view of the city (nothing wrong with that if you are looking to make money from advertising, but long stayers here know the real score and may rapildy tire of a propaganda tool).

And you are aiming at tourists in the city, telling them how great Pattaya is, but presumably they already think that and that is why they are here? Again no problem if you are looking to make money selling advertising to promote businesses/attractions to tourists, but as one poster mentioned earlier about the more gory aspect of news reporting here, endless puff pieces get a bit boring, which you have no doubt factored into the programme schedule.

Do you have a Russian segment? If not, I suspect aiming your product at English-speaking tourists who have loads of money to spend and who enjoy endless puff pieces and loads of advertising, is a dramatically shrinking market share.

But good luck with it anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

'TV you can trust' - I know what that means - but it certainly isnt applicable to Sawadee Pattaya.

I caught it last night, I heard music from Countdown - Beverly Hills Cop and at least two other pieces of music that I am sure they havent asked permission to use - so what they are doing is breaking the law.

I see they now have a theme tune - is it just me or is it a revamping of the Care Bears tune?

As for the content - Question of the week - what a load of crap.

Youtube moments - we all get these sent to us - dont need to see them on TV.

Presenters - its an insult to the word.

It is beyond me why anybody would want to advertise on this show.

Just an aside - i take it it must be easy to get work permits to work on television?

I heard the show had support form City Hall - I havent seen one piece that showcases Pattaya.

So what element of the show is trustworthy? - I will keep my opinions on that to myself

TV in Pattaya always comes under fire - but this is just a joke - and not a funny one at that.


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In reply to your constructive criticism I would like to tell you about the show:

The show was created as a medium of promoting Pattaya, not showing dead people, the latest carnage, or theft. - No the so-called English Superstar that owns it wanted to beat his chest here - failed miserably me thinks and pissed off several of the local media that had supported him quiet well before that.

We have the approval of TAT and the City Hall, and we are trying to show tourists the benefits of staying in our fine city. I doubt you have approval, if so, this is normally provided in writing, so show us the proof.

As for presenting abilities, it is very hard to find any good presenters here in Thailand,

I go in front of the camera when there is no one else available. There are heaps of good presenters, anyone seem the bird on True that does the intro for some of the shows

I will have a go at anything from racing to skydiving. Because you get to do it FREE, it is called a free lunch

Then you also have to consider that in Thailand it is very difficult as a farang to work here. No it is not, if you have the skills and talent, and you are not doing a Thai out of a job, then you should be able to secure a work permit/job - emphasis on skills here me thinks.

We have had many offers from people but to be honest most freeze once they get in front of the cameras. They probably saw a previous episode just before they were about to be filmed - exit stage left

Also we are innovative we normally use radio mikes, and more than one camera. (now other channels are starting to follow our lead) WOW, I will watch it just for the radio mikes and focus one eye on one camera and the other eye on the other camera

We have been only going for 7 weeks, You lasted that long

I know it won't be great for many months to come, please give us a bit of slack all we're trying to do is promote this city, unlike the other shows available. You had a couple of years to get it right when you were with PPW, what's going to change - How does You Tube promote the City

Apologies for website, work in progress there. Must be the same management that is putting the show together, what's the old saying, could organise a XXXX in a whoXXhouse.

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Okay, to be fair, Sawadee TV deserves some credit, it hasn't yet made it on this website list I found.

The 50 Worst TV Shows of All Time:

• 50. Barney & Friends (PBS, April 6, 1992–present)

• 49. The Ropers (ABC, March 13, 1979–May 22, 1980)

• 48. Bless This House (CBS, September 11, 1995–January 17, 1996)

• 47. Rango (ABC, January 13, 1967–September 1, 1967)

• 46. Me And The Chimp (CBS, January 13, 1972–May 18, 1972)

• 45. A.K.A. Pablo (ABC, March 6, 1984–April 17, 1984)

• 44. She's the Sheriff (Syndication, 1987–1989)

• 43. Woops! (FOX, September 27, 1992–December 6, 1992)

• 42. The Flying Nun (ABC, September 7, 1967–April 3, 1970)

• 41. The Tom Green Show (MTV, 1999–2000)

• 40. Makin' It (ABC, February 1, 1979–March 19, 1979)

• 39. Still the Beaver (Disney Channel, 1985–1986)

• 38. hel_l Town (NBC, September 11, 1985–December 25, 1985)

• 37. Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell (ABC, September 20, 1975–January 17, 1976)

• 36. The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo (NBC, September 18, 1979–May 5, 1981)

• 35. Pink Lady and Jeff (NBC, March 1, 1980–April 11, 1980)

• 34. Alexander the Great (ABC, January 26, 1968)

• 33. Holmes and Yo-Yo (ABC, September 25, 1976–December 11, 1976)

• 32. Co-Ed Fever (CBS, February 4, 1979)

• 31. Homeboys in Outer Space (UPN, August 27, 1996–May 13, 1997)

• 30. Unhappily Ever After (WB, January 11, 1995–May 2, 1999)

• 29. The Howard Stern Show (E!, June 20, 1994–present)

• 28. Supertrain (NBC, February 7, 1979–July 28, 1979)

• 27. Turn-On (ABC, February 5, 1969)

• 26. Life with Lucy (ABC, September 20, 1986–November 15, 1986)

• 25. Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire (FOX, February 20, 2000)

• 24. One of the Boys (NBC, January 23, 1982–August 20, 1982)

• 23. Sammy and Company (Syndication, 1975–1977)

• 22. The Powers of Matthew Star (NBC, September 17, 1982–April 15, 1983)

• 21. Baywatch (NBC/Syndication, September 22, 1989–May 19, 2001)

• 20. The Pruitts of Southampton (ABC, September 6, 1966–April 7, 1967)

• 19. The PTL Club (Syndication, 1976–1987)

• 18. The Ugliest Girl in Town (ABC, September 26, 1968–January 30, 1969)

• 17. Casablanca (NBC, April 10, 1983–September 3, 1983)

• 16. The Chevy Chase Show (FOX, September 7, 1993–October 15, 1993)

• 15. Manimal (NBC, September 30, 1983–December 31, 1983)

• 14. Baby Bob (CBS, March 18, 2002–present)

• 13. Twenty-One (NBC, September 12, 1956–October 16, 1958)

• 12. Hello, Larry (NBC, January 26, 1979–April 30, 1980)

• 11. The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer (UPN, October 5, 1998–October 26, 1998)

• 10. Hee Haw Honeys (Syndication, 1978–1979)

• 9. You're in the Picture (CBS, January 20, 1961–January 27, 1961)

• 8. Cop Rock (ABC, September 26, 1990–December 26, 1990)

• 7. AfterMASH (CBS, September 26, 1983–December 18, 1984)

• 6. Celebrity Boxing (FOX, March 13, 2002–present)

• 5. Hogan's Heroes (CBS, September 17, 1965–July 4, 1971)

• 4. The Brady Bunch Hour (January 23, 1977–May 25, 1977)

• 3. XFL (NBC, UPN, TNN, February 3, 2001–April 21, 2001)

• 2. My Mother the Car (NBC, September 14, 1965–April 5, 1966)

• 1. The Jerry Springer Show (Syndication, September 30, 1991–present)

But it's damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn close 555555555555555555555555555555

Edited by seadoo
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Now, my media sources tell me that Mr Johhny Diamond is now no longer with Sawadee TV :D .

And you may have noticed that they are only really running non permission use You Tube videos at the moment.

My Media source says that Mr J also got in a lot of trouble for using another Media Outlets TV Commercials, which the other Media Oultet made for their Clients. :)

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  • 5 months later...

No, not bitter at all, and had a fabulous time even with all the highs and lows, met some really fantastic people and still really enjoying life to the full today.

The article was little about Johnny Diamond personally, and yes, it was a polite conversation when we met, but I can't censor the fact that his on air persona, both TV and Radio, was not what I'd consider to be riveting entertainment, that one just couldn't get enough of. (Sorry if that's you Johnny, nothing personal).

But again that's my opinion, and obviously a few others.

The real point of the missive, was about the standard of English language TV and Newspapers both then, and now in Pattaya, and the dubious characters who control and present it, to a public who essentially have no say in it.

Viewers in this country (Australia) vote with their remotes, and Channels are directed by audience viewing habits, and if they don't improve, they go under. Non of those mechanisms are in place in Pattaya.

There is no defense of it (Pattaya TV & Newspapers quality) as it is truly woeful, extremely unprofessional, and offers the entertainment equivalent of watching a dog near a tree.

Thailand is moving forward in so many areas, it is so unfortunate that a beaut City such as Pattaya, which is promoted as a real Thai excitement and entertainment destination, is at the whim of entrenched business men who have established influence within certain quarters, and can procure finance from a variety of sources to cling on to positions they don't deserve to have regarding the local media.

Sorry, and I know everyone gets in their own comfort zones in Pattaya regarding such things, but the rest of the world is looking (and coming) to Pattaya, and there needs to be plenty of strong, focused discussion about making changes to the status quo there, in this case local Media and the Governance of it.

As for Sawasdee TV, well it can't have been going for any length of time as I was only there just before last Christmas, and I didn't hear about it, unless it is run by a gentleman who tried to get a channel called Tropical TV off the ground with Banglamung Cable, in which case i think I can guess where that's going.

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:lol:Some very funny posts, gave me some good laughing, he-he.

"Sadly" I only have UBC TV, but can understand that the usual "TV Stars" are still on air, well I kind of miss them so maybe I should have Banglamung cable installed as well, but only for laughs.

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  • 1 month later...

The other local news progs are like watching snuff films but I do find myself glued to the gory items - I should be ashamed

but not as ashamed as the those that film and the foreigners who supply voiceovers covering 'news items' where some poor soul is shown dead in his underpants on a toilet floor due to a heart attack or something.

I'd hope they get filled-in off friends of the deceased

meanwhile I'll see if Sawadee Pattaya Tv gets any better

I agree with your comments 100% I used to watch the Thai news,but myself and my thai wife used to

argue over things like me saying like, oh another motorbike accident thats unusual, and like you say the

voice over chappie making snide remarks about somebody dying in an unusual position. I dont know if

you get the same quality picture as I get but it is terrible.

As you say lets see if Sawadee Tv gets any better,

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