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Red-shirts To Splash One Million Cc Of Blood On Govt House

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They could make a giant black pudding.


Without putting to fine a point on it... the Red Shirt women I have seen pictured

are significantly more 'operatically proportioned'.... than most Thai ladies I encounter....

In France they call blood sausage Boudin Noir, and plus sized ladies Boudin.

So is this the Boudin Noir Revolution?

Relevant, who knows, but it came to mind.

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I still think the one lone man standing infront of a tank was a more powerful gesture of defiance, than spraying loads of your diseased plasma onto the scenery.

Its a sign of the lowering standards of the modern youth.

The guys that came up with his idea are not youths.

Cheers, Rick

It was a joke..... like , "back in my day , we got real uprisings , not like kids today!" Nevermind.

Straight up though, that photo of the guy facing down the tank is a total historical timeless statement of the courage of the oppressed in the face of tyranny. Can you honestly say that some blokes stabbing themselves because a billionaire told them to, will ever make such a memorable & moving photograph?

I completely agree with your sentiments. It might have made more impact if Thaksin was actually present at this 'Zillion man march' and looking down the barrel of a gun. Sadly not to be. The blood letting will be the last straw for many on the Followers in my opinion.

Cheers, Rick

I bet Jatuporn feels a right clot!

Cheers, Rick

HA! Speaking of CLOT... he must be down for the count...

unseen on Thai Visa for this whole scene,

I would have expected him to eat this up.

Or is that down for the Blood Count.

No doubt; 0 and very negative.

I bet Jatuporn feels a right clot!

Cheers, Rick

HA! Speaking of CLOT... he must be down for the count...

unseen on Thai Visa for this whole scene,

I would have expected him to eat this up.

Or is that down for the Blood Count.

No doubt; 0 and very negative.

Well at least someone got the joke.

Cheers, Animatic.


This is NOT the post of the day...

It's gotta be post of the week. :)

How many roads

must a man walk down,

before he can get a clue....

It's always interesting to read Steve's posts because unlike the vast majority here he does actually know what he's talking about, and his observations are grounded in experience.What is more he seems, though firm in his views, to be quite unaffected by the bilious hatred that affects some.Indeed his posture seems to be a detached amusement, not the enraged and ignorant ranting one gets from....well, no need to name those with posts metaphorically flecked with spittle.We all know who they are.

There's very little in Steve's Thaksin comments with which I would disagree.Thaksin is touched with flashes of genius but he's not actually a very good politician.Unlike most here I've actually had business discussions with him in his early days and really he didn't seem anything special though canny in the familiar Sino-Thai businessman way.

Where Steve and I differ (I think) is that whether by a flash of genius or good luck I believe Thaksin hit on the holy grail of Thai politics.In the long catalogue of Thaksin's crimes, mistakes, errors historians will recognise his catalytic effect and that after Thaksin things would never be the same again.I don't think Steve really recognises this, perhaps because of the unwelcome class war connotations.Actually I don't think it has to come to that.

As the shit collection has not reached the expectations: this is the new alternative... :):D:D

Presumably the blood will be collected from all 3 of the Sexes.....

Where will they collect that much blood from at short notice? :)

and who will provide 100,00 fresh syringes at short notice?

Wouldn't it be simpler and easier just to collect 10 LITRES of blood from each of the protest leaders, rather than risk the health of so many people.


Thaksin may well have had a "catalytic effect",

but most typically catalysts are destroyed or devoured

during their interaction with the greater reaction they set off.


Where's Thaksin's pint of blood, sacred and glorious as it is? :cheesy:

I can't believe Thaksin and his hugely expensive and experienced PR team has missed this opportunity to have Thaksin pour out his own blood, rush it by a special mercy jetcraft to Thailand where a hugely adoring and worshiping awaiting crowd would receive in spectacular fashion the arrival of the container of sacred blood from the glorious martyr Himself! :D

How could the Thaksin self interest machine miss such a golden opportunity to have Thaksin's blood contribution shipped to the former LOS? <deleted>, it could be placed on a barge to cruise up and down the Chao Phraya whilst the adoring crowds gather along its banks to bow and prostrate themselves as the barge passes before them. :D Then the blood of Thaksin's living body would be carried from barge to shore amid great pomp and circumstance with thousands of loyal worshipers reaching extacy, or even nirvana in the presence of the great one's actual blood! :D

The container of the magnificant one's blood from his own actual sacred living body should then be placed on a casson and pulled thru the streets of the capital by the most loyal of all the gazillions of the Redshirts supporters and admirers, with tens of thousands of Redshirts following in a glorious state of grace and love. :D

The great one's blood container could then be placed in the center of the park for the hysterical mass of Redshirts to gather around, chant, incantant, sing and worship in a ritual hitherto unseen in the country.

Of course the great one's container of his blood sent express from the distant abroad would be the first to be spilled in a great crash against the wall of the parliament building, sort of like when a new ship is 'christened'. The most deserving of the Redshirts, several of them, would be selected by virtue of, well, their virtue in their unswerving and worshiping support of the saviour Himself jointly to make the historic toss. :D

Then and only then could the barrage of blood throwing begin against government and other buildings of the ammat. :)

Actually, I still like the idea expressed earlier that Thaksin needs to donate about eight pints of his blood to the cause. :D:D

I really don't know about this plan by the reds. I think aorta think of something else.

(I'll get my coat)

If you carry on in that vein it'll be your blood they're after.


What you are all discussing this stupid idea? It goes out of bounds! There is no reason to put human blood on the streets when thousands are dying because of the lack of blood donations! What a sick thing this is!

"it's better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles", Buddha

Good night, I am disillusioned. I thought I was living in a developping countiy, but now the oppisite may be the truth.


Hmm what is the opposite of a developing country? enveloping country? de-developing? undeveloping? English teachers have a go at it...

Hmm what is the opposite of a developing country? enveloping country? de-developing? undeveloping? English teachers have a go at it...

Regressing ?

I really don't know about this plan by the reds. I think aorta think of something else.

(I'll get my coat)

If you carry on in that vein it'll be your blood they're after.


Without putting to fine a point on it... the Red Shirt women I have seen pictured

are significantly more 'operatically proportioned'.... than most Thai ladies I encounter....

So basically red shirt women are fat?

Thaksin may well have had a "catalytic effect",

but most typically catalysts are destroyed or devoured

during their interaction with the greater reaction they set off.

Actually part of the definition of "catalyst" is that it isn't used, destroyed, or devoured. :)

Rational people wouldn't want a movement like this to run their country. Thailand may be more rational than you think.

The score so far -

Asean Summit - Thaksin

Black Songkran - Abhisit

100K Man March - Abhisit

When is the game over? Please, make it be over!


Sept 19 aniversary march to topple gov. - Abhisit

Grand misapplied petition - Abhisit

ASEAN Sumit redux - Abhsit

Turned around economy freefall - Abhisit / Korn

Attended international summits and returned un-deposed - Abhisit

No observable incidents of mental faculties failing publicly - Abhisit

Thanks for that. Excellent list. I think Abhisit ought to get double bonus points for this current 100K red man march, considering it was supposed to be the FINAL SHOWDOWN. Come on, now, this should be OVER now. Who can call it?

Rational people wouldn't want a movement like this to run their country. Thailand may be more rational than you think.

The score so far -

Asean Summit - Thaksin

Black Songkran - Abhisit

100K Man March - Abhisit

When is the game over? Please, make it be over!


Sept 19 aniversary march to topple gov. - Abhisit

Grand misapplied petition - Abhisit

ASEAN Sumit redux - Abhsit

Turned around economy freefall - Abhisit / Korn

Attended international summits and returned un-deposed - Abhisit

No observable incidents of mental faculties failing publicly - Abhisit

Thanks for that. Excellent list. I think Abhisit ought to get double bonus points for this current 100K red man march, considering it was supposed to be the FINAL SHOWDOWN. Come on, now, this should be OVER now. Who can call it?

It's not over, not by a long shot. These peope have one great advantage in that their cause of social justice is worthy. They WILL need to coalesce their factions. They WILL need new leadership. They WILL need to incorporate some acadenics and professionals from the middle class, but I'm confident, in time, those things will come about.

In my opinion Abhisit has championed the stated golas of this movement better than any leader has. He needs to get that message out, open dialouge, and do more still. I think he is bright enough and possess enough energy and will to do just that. I hope they give him the opportunity to try.


I meant the Thaksin red shirt movement, not the cause of social justice in Thailand. I agree they need a major reorganization. Frankly, I don't have confidence that will happen anytime soon. The Isaan people will never accept Abhisit (or probably ever his party) as their leader in that cause.

Hmm what is the opposite of a developing country? enveloping country? de-developing? undeveloping? English teachers have a go at it...

Regressing ?

Let's hope so. :)

Regardless, previous to the time of 'political correctness' there were developed countries, underdeveloped countries and undeveloped countries. Once political correctness in the developed countries gained the upper hand, lead by the 'underdeveloped' countries which objected to the term, it was broadly agreed by the global cognicenti that the present continuous tense using the suffix 'ing' should be used - and that proved acceptable to all.

So for some 20 years now we've had 'developing economies' rather than countries. Thailand's objection, which should be included given where 95% of us are, was that the countries (once) considered to be underdeveloped countries rather had long and well developed and deeply rooted cultures, societies and civlizations (think Egypt, China, India, Iran etc).

Hence the use and application of the word/concept "economies" rather than countries, since the use of the word 'countries' was seriously (and rediculously) considered to be a condescending view towards Old World countries which have had a long history of a culture and civilization (decrepit as those histories and cultures may be insofar as they continue to exist as iron law in the present and indefinitely foward into the future).

So for a score or so years now there exists a new categorization of nation states predicated in terms that are based in economy, such as GDP, GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity, Standard of Living, Quality of Life, Human Development Index (determined by organizations such as the UN, OECD, ILO, Transparency International et al) - advanced economies such as, respectively, N America and Europe, developed economies such as respectively S Korea and Taiwan, developing economies such as respectively Thailand and Botswana, least developed economies such as respectively Rwanda and Burma.

This is more political economy, ethnocentricism, nationalism and gross politics than it is English terminologies or the phrasings or terminologies of other languages.

Aren't you glad you asked? :D

I really don't know about this plan by the reds. I think aorta think of something else.

(I'll get my coat)

If you carry on in that vein it'll be your blood they're after.


At least he stept up to the platelet

The bloodletting plan was just announced on CNN. So now the whole world is aghast and of course they are thinking that Thailand is barbaric. Let's just hope that they realise that it's just a few fanatics and such actions don't shame the whole of Thaialnd and Thai people...

This is what the world saw on television, on the CNN news channel:



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Regardless, previous to the time of 'political correctness' there were developed countries, underdeveloped countries and undeveloped countries. Once political correctness in the developed countries gained the upper hand, lead by the 'underdeveloped' countries which objected to the term, it was broadly agreed by the global cognicenti that the present continuous tense using the suffix 'ing' should be used - and that proved acceptable to all.

When did we stop using the term Third World Shiathole? :)

They could make a giant black pudding.


Without putting to fine a point on it... the Red Shirt women I have seen pictured

are significantly more 'operatically proportioned'.... than most Thai ladies I encounter....

In France they call blood sausage Boudin Noir, and plus sized ladies Boudin.

So is this the Boudin Noir Revolution?

Relevant, who knows, but it came to mind.

A symbol will do :)

Regardless, previous to the time of 'political correctness' there were developed countries, underdeveloped countries and undeveloped countries. Once political correctness in the developed countries gained the upper hand, lead by the 'underdeveloped' countries which objected to the term, it was broadly agreed by the global cognicenti that the present continuous tense using the suffix 'ing' should be used - and that proved acceptable to all.

When did we stop using the term Third World Shiathole? :)

Between you I and the lampost, the countries with 'advanced' or 'developed' economies continue to view Third World Shytholes as exactly that - ratholes with decrepit cultures, society, civilizations that are 'has beens' who never were. Look at our immediate experience in the former LOS and our knowledge of its history - it's a history of political clowns, a place where in the schools students are given the assignment to construct mineature models of ancient Thai villages, places that are certain their long history makes them superior. Nevermind that their long history locks their feet in concrete and is the real cause of chaos.

But I suspect we're getting a bit off topic - unless of course one applies the points discussed here to the present irresolvable conflict.

Natthawut said the red-shirt people would collect their blood and pour the blood at every gate of the Government House at 6pm.

So anyways, it's 6:16am. Does anyone have pictures of the million CC's of Human (Reds) blood at every Government House gate, or was this just the usual Red rhetoric?

This is getting to be quite boring. :)

Or sorry, maybe I got my dates wrong...maybe this is supposed to happen tomorrow, or a week from tomorrow, or a week after that?

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