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Stun guns seized at Aberdeen Airport

Fraserburgh man held after two firearms found

Aberdeen Sheriff Court heard Spencer Henderson was stopped by UK Border Agency officers when he arrived on a flight from Thailand on Monday.

Henderson, 41, of Beauly Place, Fraserburgh, had just arrived from Bangkok, via Amsterdam, when a search of his luggage at Aberdeen Airport revealed the two stun guns.

After questioning by officers, Henderson was charged with being knowingly concerned in the illegal importation of firearms.

He admitted the offence and has been remanded in custody for reports.

Read more: http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article.aspx/1652039#ixzz0iZtyNfCT

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I would not have considered those as being "firearms".

Need to be careful though, I think that even innocent items like those throwing stars are illegal in the UK.

I think that even innocent items like those throwing stars are illegal in the UK.

:):D :D :D :D :D :D :D

How about my star of David Jewish pendant? Take the chain off and use it like a Japanese throwing star?

I think that even innocent items like those throwing stars are illegal in the UK.


How about my star of David Jewish pendant? Take the chain off and use it like a Japanese throwing star?

One's designed to be sharp and hurt the other I would hazard a guess is not.


The question has been asked a few times on this forum about the legality of bringing back these stun guns etc, so i guess there is the answer.

So many available along beach road and the various markets, maybe some people just dont consider there being anything illegal about them.


Remanded in custody seems a bit steep though. He's hardly likely to get more than a fine, you'd think he'd have been released on his own recognisances pending a court appearance.


My friend took a couple of mosquito zappers, the ones like a tennis racquet. Despite the fact that nearly every house here has at least one my frien had a terrible exprience at the Airport. His offence was importing dangerous weapons. They were confiscated, loads of paperwork and interrogations before they decided not to charge him.

Stun guns are a bit different though. Take them back to England and not expect to get caught?

Another friend, who sleeps in his lorry when on long distance trips, ordered a pepper spray by post for when he is in the cab, especially with the lorry thefts that occur. When it arrived he got arrested.


We have to remember that under Scottish law stun guns are considered as firearms.

He also had two, which throws the 'personal use' argument out of the window.

He might also be known to police, and have a record as long as your arm and be importing stun guns to torture local heroin addicts into paying their dues. We just don't know.

The standard punishment for possession of a single stun gun is six months suspended sentence in the U.K.


Back in England stun guns are classied as fire arms and could lead to a minimum 5 year jail sentence

They have reportly been used by muggers.



Yes, they are classified as firearms in the UK, In the UK only police who are part of a firearms unit can use them.

Remand seems a bit harsh, I would say there is more to this or skipped bail in the past.


Its also a total waste of time warning people because you cannot warn an idiot. They just don't listen ! And only an idiot would try to take one home.


The trouble for him is that he will be treated the same as if he had brought in guns,

There is no way he would be bailed,

but he may get bail at a later hearing with a good solicitor.

here is a link about a guy caught in England .

stun gun

and this is about a guy caught in Scotland


As he was caught in Scotland he may get a different conviction than in England

got this from the Guardian guardian

While possession of stun guns and CS spray is theoretically punishable with a maximum sentence of 10 years and an unlimited fine, most cases are treated less seriously. Those caught attempting to bring the weapons into the country face having the weapon confiscated but further action is rarely taken unless there is evidence of specific criminal intent.

Yes, they are classified as firearms in the UK, In the UK only police who are part of a firearms unit can use them.

Remand seems a bit harsh, I would say there is more to this or skipped bail in the past.

are you legally allowed to have a stun gun . in thailand ?

i know , they are easy enough to buy ..

i bought one for my gf ...



i brought a stun gun back to the uk last time. well i say i brought it back, but i actually put it in the bin, didnt want to chance going through the airport with it, unknowingly my gf put it back in my suticase. good job i didnt get checked. stupid women lol

anyone know if your allowed to bring a police battern back to the uk?


hahahaha - what a fool.

the UKBA and pigs are all over the AMS-ABZ flights. I've been stopped by the pigs the last 2 times I've came back that route - only the rozzers though, not UKBA.

saying that, they probably just stopped him cos he's from costa del fraserburgh - the only competition peterhead gets for 'the toilet of scotland' award.


I cannot see how charging people over pepper spray can be a good thing.

Stun guns should just get confiscated, why all the hassle?

The west has gone nuts, I can't wait to escape.

I cannot see how charging people over pepper spray can be a good thing.

Stun guns should just get confiscated, why all the hassle?

The west has gone nuts, I can't wait to escape.

The thing is, if stun guns were legal in the U.K. then there would be a massive outbreak of stun-gun muggings by the one million or so unemployed drug-addict fiends aged 14-23 who roam the cities.


Maybe they should ban kitchen knifes next.... one of the reasons i left Europe.... people don't realize what a 'police state' it really is ... For Gods sake, you need a license for a dog, !!

I would much prefer a little bit of youtube censorship to the complete BS back home....

BTW, throwing stars are easily made with some scrap metal and basic tools :) maybe metal should be banned.

Maybe they should ban kitchen knifes next.... one of the reasons i left Europe.... people don't realize what a 'police state' it really is ...

In the UK, knives cannot be sold to anybody under 18 now.

Sale of kitchen knives (except cutlery) is banned on e-bay.uk after a recent government clampdown.

Wait another two, three years...

It is all about removal of personal responsibility from the individual.

I cannot see how charging people over pepper spray can be a good thing.

Stun guns should just get confiscated, why all the hassle?

The west has gone nuts, I can't wait to escape.

The thing is, if stun guns were legal in the U.K. then there would be a massive outbreak of stun-gun muggings by the one million or so unemployed drug-addict fiends aged 14-23 who roam the cities.

Well, maybe the use of stun guns would leave less people dead or seriously disabled than when assaults are carried out with knives, baseball bats or golf clubs...?

Maybe they should ban kitchen knifes next.... one of the reasons i left Europe.... people don't realize what a 'police state' it really is ... For Gods sake, you need a license for a dog, !!

I would much prefer a little bit of youtube censorship to the complete BS back home....

BTW, throwing stars are easily made with some scrap metal and basic tools :) maybe metal should be banned.

spot on... this is nonsense.

It is all about removal of personal responsibility from the individual.

yep. makes me puke.


Good , They are a lethal weapon in the hands of an idiot, Why buy one if you don't intend using it, its like carrying a gun then saying i will not use it, they can kill ,


I admit that I did buy a stun gun while traveling around France and Spain after hearing all the storys of camper van break ins

But I never used it just pulled the trigger a few times and had a real urge to touch the big blue sparks , ( when drunk)

and god they make some noise, crackle like crazy,

Ps the police battons are also banned in the uk, colino

Ps mines at the bottom of the channel just off Dover

They are a lethal weapon in the hands of an idiot

As nearly everything!

But in what % of cases is it lethal?

I would prefer being zapped to being stabbed. But hey, that's just me! Maybe your preference is different.

Ps mines at the bottom of the channel just off Dover

then they should send out a minesweeper

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