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Thai Red-Shirts Leaders Will Surrender To Police May 15: Nattawut


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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

perhaps you would like to explain to us why they were the only ones to do so and the upstanding people you defend do nothing.

By the way you might want to look up the word democracy before you claim to know what it is. In a Democracy the majority rules not the corrupt politically motivated. Even America is not a democracy if it was Gore would have been president.

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Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

You mean the system that put the last two PM's in power and the REDS had no issue with that election being held after the coup? You mean they only have a problem when it's their guy NOT in power? Sounds democratic to me.. I get so tired of all the RED apologists running around screaming about democracy when a very small minority of the country as a whole supports the REDS.. if you have proof otherwise please show it for us all to see... just FYI I am not a right wing authoritarian... I am a fed up BUSINESS owner that sees a bunch of poorly educated people being led to slaughter by a multi billionaire with a grudge.. and these same people being screwed over on a daily basis by their village elders that charge them 20% per month on loans and force them to hire their firms for work etc.. etc.. yet somehow it's the "Elite" of Bangkok keeping them down... time to take off the blinders and see what is really going on.

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Red-shirt leader Chat says he will not report to emergency command

BANGKOK: -- Pol Lt Gen Chat Kuldirok, a red-shirt leader, said Saturday that he will not report himself to the Emergency Operations Command.

Chat, a former commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, said he received the summon order of the EOC Saturday morning but he would not meet EOC officials at the 11th Infantry Regiment as summoned.

Chat said he feared that he would be arrested and taken to be detained at a military camp in Chon Buri.

He said he preferred to wait for the court issue an arrest warrant against him instead.

As more information comes out as to who is who in the red movement, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny.

Any idea as to why the police action failed at the SC Hotel anyone? Here we have a Pol Lt Gen as red leader with the police going to arrest other red leaders undercover. Talk about Keystone Cops.

And if he is not willing to surrender now what makes anyone think he will surrender after an arrest warrent is issued? Does the arrest warrent assure him he will not be taken to the military camp in Chon Buri? What a joke.

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Seized by paramilitaries? I completely missed that. More information please.

The airport was initially seized by armed and masked men, who were extremely well organised and went about setting up roadblocks. Many were wearing camouflage and appeared at first glance to be bonafide security forces.

I witnessed this myself, having drove past these men setting up the roadblocks while I was heading to park my car and catch my flight, FD3616 to Phnom Penh which was one of the last flights to leave that afternoon.

Edited by Oberkommando
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They've forced closure of a few shopping malls, which are only expensive advertisments for leading brand names for the most part.

Closing international airports (it was countrywide if you care to remember) for even 24 hours causes far more inconvenience and loss of revenue, not to mention the irreversible damage to Thailand's reputation when international gateways are seized by paramilitaries and then descended upon by thousands of protestors, with foreigners being directly involved.

Are you sure Red magic hasn't caused the ash cloud over Europe?

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The reds always like to use the yellows as an example.

It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

Since the yellows ruined the economy for 9 days, isn't it time the reds stopped ruining the economy?

They've been in Ratchaprasong for more than 9 days now.

They've forced closure of a few shopping malls, which are only expensive advertisments for leading brand names for the most part.

Closing international airports (it was countrywide if you care to remember) for even 24 hours causes far more inconvenience and loss of revenue, not to mention the irreversible damage to Thailand's reputation when international gateways are seized by paramilitaries and then descended upon by thousands of protestors, with foreigners being directly involved.

I have a tourism-related business in Thailand. The airport closures sure have cost me a lot of money. The continuing protests by the reds and the violence related to it are definitely going to cost me even more.

The airport closures could have been seen as an unfortunate incident, the violent clashes by the reds (both last year and this year) make Thailand systematically unstable. International (and even domestic) tourism in Thailand will take a very long period to recover.

I surely disagree with you about the loss of revenue caused by the yellows vs the reds.

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It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

Precedents shouldn't be used as excuses for commiting the same act, especially when you claim to be fighting against the precedent.

Edited by rixalex
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It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

Precedents shouldn't be used as excuses for commiting the same act, especially when you claim to be fighting against the precedent.

Hmmm, you know, that makes sense.

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Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

You mean the system that put the last two PM's in power and the REDS had no issue with that election being held after the coup? You mean they only have a problem when it's their guy NOT in power? Sounds democratic to me.. I get so tired of all the RED apologists running around screaming about democracy when a very small minority of the country as a whole supports the REDS.. if you have proof otherwise please show it for us all to see... just FYI I am not a right wing authoritarian... I am a fed up BUSINESS owner that sees a bunch of poorly educated people being led to slaughter by a multi billionaire with a grudge.. and these same people being screwed over on a daily basis by their village elders that charge them 20% per month on loans and force them to hire their firms for work etc.. etc.. yet somehow it's the "Elite" of Bangkok keeping them down... time to take off the blinders and see what is really going on.

Great post! nuff said

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Precedents shouldn't be used as excuses for commiting the same act, especially when you claim to be fighting against the precedent.

Glad there are posters here who use their brain before clicking the Add reply button. Bravo!

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Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

You mean the system that put the last two PM's in power and the REDS had no issue with that election being held after the coup? You mean they only have a problem when it's their guy NOT in power? Sounds democratic to me.. I get so tired of all the RED apologists running around screaming about democracy when a very small minority of the country as a whole supports the REDS.. if you have proof otherwise please show it for us all to see... just FYI I am not a right wing authoritarian... I am a fed up BUSINESS owner that sees a bunch of poorly educated people being led to slaughter by a multi billionaire with a grudge.. and these same people being screwed over on a daily basis by their village elders that charge them 20% per month on loans and force them to hire their firms for work etc.. etc.. yet somehow it's the "Elite" of Bangkok keeping them down... time to take off the blinders and see what is really going on.

The ludicrous spectacle of the red leaders wearing their foolish T shirts with 'prai' emblazed on it is truly comical, they are 'Prai Tiam' fake prai, for sure, staying at SC Park hotel in air conditioned rooms whilst the real peasants sleep on the streets.

In my hometown the money arrived for the village committee to organise pickups to join the rally.

Each member was given a certain sum for his pickup and it was up to him to decide how much to pay passengers, so competition was fierce. Being the dry season it was easy to find participants. It was ludicrous at times when some pickups didn't even get as far as Korat before turning back home!

These are the 'innocent' redshirts, the rent a mob Thaksin was hoping to use to overthrow Apisit.

Then you have the true believers who have been watching the red channels over the last year, believing all the lies and hatred spewed out by such unpleasantries as Jatupon.They wlii be difficult to remove from Rachaprasong, being in a similat mental state to cult members. I recommend they don't drink any lemonade offered by the red leaders.

Then there is the hard core violent men who want to overthrow the monarchy and put Thaksin back as head of state.

Unfortunately for them their plan was clearly exposed by several video cameras last Saturday, shooting behind the red lines at reds and soldiers. Pity they didn't catch those planting explosives on the power line bases in Ayuttaya.

In the meantime the Thai public wake up and rally against the red shirts. Members of the Twitter group openly admit they're scared of the aggressive, belligerent and threatening red shirts, preferring cyber space to voice their opinions, but they know in a crisis it's time to show their faces.

In my view the only way for the red shirts to win now is to have a censure debate and persuade the coalition parties to switch but perhaps it's too late for that after the hit men in red revealed themselves.

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Since they made an announcement we know it is a lie. They have no intention of giving themselves up by 15th of May.

They are hoping for one of tho things, possibly both: 1) That they succeed before that and 2) that people in general have forgotten the pledge by the time the date arrive as other big events have already taken over the focus on the news-mind.

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What are the yellows??

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I would like to second this, but add that were these birdbrain posters in a similar situation in their home countries, I am sure they would be out the streets as well. For some reason when it comes to Thailand they have diffrent standars. Any country that has had army coups every 5-6 years for 70 years obviously needs serious reform, but too many posters on here just seem to want to side with the status quo, no matter how corrupt or self serving. SOme on here need to wake up when it comes to who rules here, why and how.

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Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

You mean the system that put the last two PM's in power and the REDS had no issue with that election being held after the coup? You mean they only have a problem when it's their guy NOT in power? Sounds democratic to me.. I get so tired of all the RED apologists running around screaming about democracy when a very small minority of the country as a whole supports the REDS.. if you have proof otherwise please show it for us all to see... just FYI I am not a right wing authoritarian... I am a fed up BUSINESS owner that sees a bunch of poorly educated people being led to slaughter by a multi billionaire with a grudge.. and these same people being screwed over on a daily basis by their village elders that charge them 20% per month on loans and force them to hire their firms for work etc.. etc.. yet somehow it's the "Elite" of Bangkok keeping them down... time to take off the blinders and see what is really going on.

The ludicrous spectacle of the red leaders wearing their foolish T shirts with 'prai' emblazed on it is truly comical, they are 'Prai Tiam' fake prai, for sure, staying at SC Park hotel in air conditioned rooms whilst the real peasants sleep on the streets.

In my hometown the money arrived for the village committee to organise pickups to join the rally.

Each member was given a certain sum for his pickup and it was up to him to decide how much to pay passengers, so competition was fierce. Being the dry season it was easy to find participants. It was ludicrous at times when some pickups didn't even get as far as Korat before turning back home!

These are the 'innocent' redshirts, the rent a mob Thaksin was hoping to use to overthrow Apisit.

Then you have the true believers who have been watching the red channels over the last year, believing all the lies and hatred spewed out by such unpleasantries as Jatupon.They wlii be difficult to remove from Rachaprasong, being in a similat mental state to cult members. I recommend they don't drink any lemonade offered by the red leaders.

Then there is the hard core violent men who want to overthrow the monarchy and put Thaksin back as head of state.

Unfortunately for them their plan was clearly exposed by several video cameras last Saturday, shooting behind the red lines at reds and soldiers. Pity they didn't catch those planting explosives on the power line bases in Ayuttaya.

In the meantime the Thai public wake up and rally against the red shirts. Members of the Twitter group openly admit they're scared of the aggressive, belligerent and threatening red shirts, preferring cyber space to voice their opinions, but they know in a crisis it's time to show their faces.

In my view the only way for the red shirts to win now is to have a censure debate and persuade the coalition parties to switch but perhaps it's too late for that after the hit men in red revealed themselves.

So what if money is needed for the campaign and expenses paid, are not strike funds paid to protesters in your home country? don't political parties raise money and pay workers? more demonsing anti red BS. As is this lie about the reds wanting to overthrow the crown and re instate Thakisin, if you bother to read their demands you will find neither of these, so lets have some evidence, or shut up please.

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What are the yellows??

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I would like to second this, but add that were these birdbrain posters in a similar situation in their home countries, I am sure they would be out the streets as well. For some reason when it comes to Thailand they have diffrent standars. Any country that has had army coups every 5-6 years for 70 years obviously needs serious reform, but too many posters on here just seem to want to side with the status quo, no matter how corrupt or self serving. SOme on here need to wake up when it comes to who rules here, why and how.

Supporting an authoritarians (Thaksins) path back to power is NOT being anti-authoritarian. Just an FYI.

If some of you red fans was truly pro-democracy and anti-authoritarian, you would already know of the other groups that are truly for it. But alas, I digress...

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Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

You mean the system that put the last two PM's in power and the REDS had no issue with that election being held after the coup? You mean they only have a problem when it's their guy NOT in power? Sounds democratic to me.. I get so tired of all the RED apologists running around screaming about democracy when a very small minority of the country as a whole supports the REDS.. if you have proof otherwise please show it for us all to see... just FYI I am not a right wing authoritarian... I am a fed up BUSINESS owner that sees a bunch of poorly educated people being led to slaughter by a multi billionaire with a grudge.. and these same people being screwed over on a daily basis by their village elders that charge them 20% per month on loans and force them to hire their firms for work etc.. etc.. yet somehow it's the "Elite" of Bangkok keeping them down... time to take off the blinders and see what is really going on.

The ludicrous spectacle of the red leaders wearing their foolish T shirts with 'prai' emblazed on it is truly comical, they are 'Prai Tiam' fake prai, for sure, staying at SC Park hotel in air conditioned rooms whilst the real peasants sleep on the streets.

In my hometown the money arrived for the village committee to organise pickups to join the rally.

Each member was given a certain sum for his pickup and it was up to him to decide how much to pay passengers, so competition was fierce. Being the dry season it was easy to find participants. It was ludicrous at times when some pickups didn't even get as far as Korat before turning back home!

These are the 'innocent' redshirts, the rent a mob Thaksin was hoping to use to overthrow Apisit.

Then you have the true believers who have been watching the red channels over the last year, believing all the lies and hatred spewed out by such unpleasantries as Jatupon.They wlii be difficult to remove from Rachaprasong, being in a similat mental state to cult members. I recommend they don't drink any lemonade offered by the red leaders.

Then there is the hard core violent men who want to overthrow the monarchy and put Thaksin back as head of state.

Unfortunately for them their plan was clearly exposed by several video cameras last Saturday, shooting behind the red lines at reds and soldiers. Pity they didn't catch those planting explosives on the power line bases in Ayuttaya.

In the meantime the Thai public wake up and rally against the red shirts. Members of the Twitter group openly admit they're scared of the aggressive, belligerent and threatening red shirts, preferring cyber space to voice their opinions, but they know in a crisis it's time to show their faces.

In my view the only way for the red shirts to win now is to have a censure debate and persuade the coalition parties to switch but perhaps it's too late for that after the hit men in red revealed themselves.

So what if money is needed for the campaign and expenses paid, are not strike funds paid to protesters in your home country? don't political parties raise money and pay workers? more demonsing anti red BS. As is this lie about the reds wanting to overthrow the crown and re instate Thakisin, if you bother to read their demands you will find neither of these, so lets have some evidence, or shut up please.

The evidence is clearly in the red magazines, have you seen the recent issue with the picture of 'King ' Taksin. Can you read Thai,it's all there.

I don't know about strike funds in your country, but I would doubt that a political party in England or USA would pay millions of pounds to English or American working class people to occupy Bond or Wall street for weeks, threaten independent organisations, TV stations, etc.

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It amazes me at the level of hatred and criticism being directed towards Thaksin on this forum. He seems to be considered guilty of just about every crime known to mankind. The only thing missing (AFAIK), are accusations of pedophilia...

But when he was in power only a few years ago, I cannot recall reading such extreme views about him from Thai Visa posters. No-one was baying for his blood, or demanding his imprisonment

Now why is that? Seems to me that there are too many 'sheep' on this forum willing to accept the statements of an illegal, post-coup government.

Thaksin was no angel. But he was definitely the best PM for Thailand, given the country's circumstances.


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Did anyone notice that a red protester was wearing an Obama t-shirt which was shown in the international press. That is very offensive. The USA government has not taken sides, but has strongly urged negotiations between the red shirts and the Thai government. As the red shirts have refused all negotiations, there is no way it is acceptable for the red shirts to try to imply that their movement would be supported by Obama. Sure, wear the Che, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Thaksin, and Ho Chi Minh fashion statements, but please leave MY president out of it!

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But when he was in power only a few years ago, I cannot recall reading such extreme views about him from Thai Visa posters. No-one was baying for his blood, or demanding his imprisonment

Now why is that? Seems to me that there are too many 'sheep' on this forum willing to accept the statements of an illegal, post-coup government.

You are incorrect and performing history revisionism is not something that further the cause.

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[quote name=angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

I also get angry when people try to suppress other opinions to theirs. Nobody has a clue apart from you? The fact remains Dude - if we had a FAIR election tomorrow we all know it would be a sweeping landslide for the reds. Call elections now and avoid further bloodshed - if anything happens to red leaders we will have full blown civil war here. Abhisit should do the right thing now.

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I also get angry when people try to suppress other opinions to theirs. Nobody has a clue apart from you? The fact remains Dude - if we had a FAIR election tomorrow we all know it would be a sweeping landslide for the reds. Call elections now and avoid further bloodshed - if anything happens to red leaders we will have full blown civil war here. Abhisit should do the right thing now.

Sweeping landslide? Are you joking? Do you even know the results of the last election?

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Did anyone notice that a red protester was wearing an Obama t-shirt which was shown in the international press. That is very offensive. The USA government has not taken sides, but has strongly urged negotiations between the red shirts and the Thai government. As the red shirts have refused all negotiations, there is no way it is acceptable for the red shirts to try to imply that their movement would be supported by Obama. Sure, wear the Che, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Thaksin, and Ho Chi Minh fashion statements, but please leave MY president out of it!

I don't think that anyone anywhere, other than a slightly over-stressed individual posting here, has, is or will ever give it a moment's thought...an ability to laugh as oneself can never be underestimated. :)

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What are the yellows??

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I would like to second this, but add that were these birdbrain posters in a similar situation in their home countries, I am sure they would be out the streets as well. For some reason when it comes to Thailand they have diffrent standars. Any country that has had army coups every 5-6 years for 70 years obviously needs serious reform, but too many posters on here just seem to want to side with the status quo, no matter how corrupt or self serving. SOme on here need to wake up when it comes to who rules here, why and how.

:D seriously mate? and Thaksin wasn't self serving or corupt? hahaha

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I also get angry when people try to suppress other opinions to theirs. Nobody has a clue apart from you? The fact remains Dude - if we had a FAIR election tomorrow we all know it would be a sweeping landslide for the reds. Call elections now and avoid further bloodshed - if anything happens to red leaders we will have full blown civil war here. Abhisit should do the right thing now.

Sweeping landslide? Are you joking? Do you even know the results of the last election?

martin buddy lay off the crack pipe eh.

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

I didn’t realise that you have to submit your autobiography on here in order to be able to make a comment.

Thaksin is the last democratically elected leader that Thailand had. In addition he won two elections. Three if you accept that the Reds won the post coup one too. You mention things about Thaksin but like a lot of your ilk who attack and abuse do not actually back it up with facts or quotes and context. It is easy to say things like you say but where does it take anyone.

My recollection is that the first post coup election – so one based on the constitution that the Army Government created – elected the Reds to a majority government. Then the Electoral Commission removed the first PM because he was a chef on a TV show. Then the Yellows invaded the Airport and that caused a crisis. The army didn’t want to help on that one either. The Electoral Commission stepped in once more and got rid of the next Red PM. He stood aside and the Yellow’s then formed a majority coalition government.

So not quite right on the facts and the constitution you put so much faith in is not exactly based on democratic values.

The big thing to watch is the Army as they make their own minds up and do not have anything to do with democracy.

Now the same electoral commission has told Abhisit that he has problems, but we don’t hear anything about that from you apologists.

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I also get angry when people try to suppress other opinions to theirs. Nobody has a clue apart from you? The fact remains Dude - if we had a FAIR election tomorrow we all know it would be a sweeping landslide for the reds. Call elections now and avoid further bloodshed - if anything happens to red leaders we will have full blown civil war here. Abhisit should do the right thing now.

Sweeping landslide? Are you joking? Do you even know the results of the last election?

martin buddy lay off the crack pipe eh.

The irony is Martin here is a video of the dear PM Abhisit eating his own words :D

- if you can understand Thai he says the government must take responsiblity by resigning :)

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I would think that the red shirt leaders who resisted arrest yesterday would have no chance of bail in any civilized legal system.

Being a criminal lawyer in the UK i would think that it counts as a civilized legal system. I would also think that they would get bail in England. They are not as far as i am aware on bail for anything else. They are all Thai Nationals and unlikely to fly the Country. Things can be done to mitigate the risk of them disappearing i.e. surrender passport sign on at police stations put up a surety etc. These are not holders of diplomatic passports so the Thaksin type issues do not apply.

As far as i am aware going from one place to another when the police are on the way is not resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is doing something when the police have their hands on you.

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

I didn't realise that you have to submit your autobiography on here in order to be able to make a comment.

Thaksin is the last democratically elected leader that Thailand had. In addition he won two elections. Three if you accept that the Reds won the post coup one too. You mention things about Thaksin but like a lot of your ilk who attack and abuse do not actually back it up with facts or quotes and context. It is easy to say things like you say but where does it take anyone.

My recollection is that the first post coup election – so one based on the constitution that the Army Government created – elected the Reds to a majority government. Then the Electoral Commission removed the first PM because he was a chef on a TV show. Then the Yellows invaded the Airport and that caused a crisis. The army didn't want to help on that one either. The Electoral Commission stepped in once more and got rid of the next Red PM. He stood aside and the Yellow's then formed a majority coalition government.

So not quite right on the facts and the constitution you put so much faith in is not exactly based on democratic values.

The big thing to watch is the Army as they make their own minds up and do not have anything to do with democracy.

Now the same electoral commission has told Abhisit that he has problems, but we don't hear anything about that from you apologists.

When talking about the facts it's best to know what they are, otherwise you might end up looking rather foolish.

Just look at the link for the last election results and you will see quite clearly that you are wrong in stating that the reds won a majority government.


There are so many other errors in your post, but I'll let you check those "facts" for yourself.

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I didn't realise that you have to submit your autobiography on here in order to be able to make a comment.

Thaksin is the last democratically elected leader that Thailand had. In addition he won two elections. Three if you accept that the Reds won the post coup one too. You mention things about Thaksin but like a lot of your ilk who attack and abuse do not actually back it up with facts or quotes and context. It is easy to say things like you say but where does it take anyone.

My recollection is that the first post coup election – so one based on the constitution that the Army Government created – elected the Reds to a majority government. Then the Electoral Commission removed the first PM because he was a chef on a TV show. Then the Yellows invaded the Airport and that caused a crisis. The army didn't want to help on that one either. The Electoral Commission stepped in once more and got rid of the next Red PM. He stood aside and the Yellow's then formed a majority coalition government.

So not quite right on the facts and the constitution you put so much faith in is not exactly based on democratic values.

The big thing to watch is the Army as they make their own minds up and do not have anything to do with democracy.

Now the same electoral commission has told Abhisit that he has problems, but we don't hear anything about that from you apologists.


1) Thaksin wasn't the last democratically elected leader. There have been 3 since him. Samak, Somchai and Abhisit.

2) The post coup election resulted in the PPP getting the most elected MPs, but they needed the support of the smaller parties to form government. At that point the smaller parties could have supported the Democrats to form government. But they did that later anyway.

3) The courts banned Samak because he had two jobs - PM and TV show host, and he lied about being paid for being the TV host.

4) The courts banned the PPP executive because they got caught on video being involved in electoral fraud. The PTP (ex-PPP) were still in government, but the smaller parties decided to no longer support them.

5) Somchai didn't stand aside. He was banned.

6) The smaller parties supported the Democrats instead leading to Abhisit being elected PM.

Edited by anotherpeter
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