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Are You More Thai Than All The Other Farangs?


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Some more:

- I honk and/or wai at shrines when driving past. Or both, though waiing and honking at the same time is a skill.

- I do actually wear an amulet (well, travel Buddha) when traveling.

- I compose my own merit-buckets when making merit at the temple.

- Not only do I exclusively eat Thai food, I enjoy making it too. I just made my own khao man kai; it was awsome, the secret is in the bay leaves,

and in using the best rice money can buy. (you can NEVER spend too much money on rice.)

- I check on Feng Shui stuff when it comes to matters relating to the house and the garden.

- I stopped holding doors open for other people.

- I'm much more likely to sniff-kiss than unhygienic-kiss.

- I mostly speak Thai with my daughter. I may have to pull her out of international school because that's just un-Thai, plus she keeps coming back

speaking the Queen's English.

- I have acquired GREAT Thai accent when I sapeak Englit.

- When I meet another Farang-Thai couple I ask questions about him in Thai to his lady while he sits there like a zombie, instead of just asking him. Drives 'em nuts.

Winnie....do you pick your nose in public ?? ....if not, you are not at one with your Thainess.. :)

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Though she is only 6 years old. She thought me sitting at a family dinner with a bogey hanging from my nose was the height of hilarity.

And it *IS* ! :) Who can progress to other forms of humor & delight if you don't cover your bodily-functions-bases first. :D

Very true.

When we visited my mother in law she asked granny to " Pull my finger " before ripping out a huge fart as my MIL muttered a despairing " Luk Farang " under her breath.

My wife gave me a " Where did she get that from? " look perfectly complemented by my air of complete innocence.

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The points I have listed are examples of statements by Farangs why they are more Thai than other Farangs.

Nothing to do with being open minded or fitting in. Simply the kind of reasoning used by some Farangs to claim more Thainess.

sorry, the way i read your opening post was like you were inferring it ridiculas that farrangs claim to be like a thai, i was just trying to show how its natural to adapt and change

It is of course ridiculous to claim to be more Thai than any other Farang, since you are never going to be one tiny bit more Thai.

Getting a Thai driver's license or even marrying a local lass, is not adapting to anything and does not make one anymore Thai than a farang who has not married and does not drive.

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<br />dam_n. <br /><br />I do pick my nose, but if someone sees me then I stop and pretend to just rub my nose. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> <br /><br />Does that count?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Naah.....doesn't count...you have to be in a very public place with your finger buried in your nose up to the second knuckle at least

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The points I have listed are examples of statements by Farangs why they are more Thai than other Farangs.

Nothing to do with being open minded or fitting in. Simply the kind of reasoning used by some Farangs to claim more Thainess.

sorry, the way i read your opening post was like you were inferring it ridiculas that farrangs claim to be like a thai, i was just trying to show how its natural to adapt and change

It is of course ridiculous to claim to be more Thai than any other Farang, since you are never going to be one tiny bit more Thai.

Getting a Thai driver's license or even marrying a local lass, is not adapting to anything and does not make one anymore Thai than a farang who has not married and does not drive.

your second statement is right, but your first is surely wrong.

For example:

Have you seen this series of docs on thai terrestrial tv where this bangkok thai dude goes around meeting these farrang who've grown up in thailand? last week he met this guy who had lived in sum northern hill tribe village since he was 6, he was climbing up tree bare foot picking down ants nests and eating the ants raw, while this bangkok thai was jumping all over the place like a right fassy, this falang spoke fluent thai, northern, and the tribal language, moved like a thai mannerisms and everything, he speaks english and went to study in america for a year but came back because he didnt like it, wanted to stay in his village with his tribe and live the simple happy life. Surely he is more thai or localised than you me or just about anyone else! He considers hims self thai, but have white skin, like a black man in england is still english if he feels it to be so.

Edited by mccw
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473geo beats all of you by a mile. He won 90 baht on the lottery from tree bark. TREE BARK. Unless you've won more from patterns in dog poop then he's got everyone beat hands down.

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There's also native English speakers who appear to have forgotten how to speak their own language and only speak partial English or what they call 'pidgeon thai'.

I haven't met so many of these people but they are out there wandering aimlessly around Bangkok.

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Frankly, who cares? Having been exposed to several ex-pat communities around the world, I can't say I've ever seen one so self-obsessed... with identity, status, etc. Maybe you can't get 'more Thai' than that, but still, the notion's absurd, and speaks more to insecurities than accomplishments IMHO. I agree about the stun guns though- better wet than shet!

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There's also native English speakers who appear to have forgotten how to speak their own language and only speak partial English or what they call 'pidgeon thai'.

I haven't met so many of these people but they are out there wandering aimlessly around Bangkok.

I'm afraid i'm one of them, although wandering chiang mai not so aimlessly, and drop thai word in to sentances with out meaning to; it takes a concious effort to switch back to full english and a good few hours of being around old mates to get back in to the swing of slang an that. this forum helps keep me in tune

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Since I am in no way trying to be Thai my take is that any foreigner that tries so hard to throw away a part of their background has serious issues and I am happy to not have to interact with them.

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I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :):D

Do I win :D

Sounds like a cool magic-trick. Any photos of the preparation all those months before? :D

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I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :):D

Do I win :D

Sounds like a cool magic-trick. Any photos of the preparation all those months before? :D

Boo's previous life.

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Definitely the most interesting thread posted on TV over the last week or so.

.....should be fun, all the Pseudo-Thai's doing battle on who can Wai the most correctly, who can eat the hotest Somtam, who paid the most sinsot, who has the best "corrections" in police, Military goverment....the list is endless...

I am waiting with baited breath

If this is the most interesting thread posted here over the last week it says a whole lot more about the other threads than anyting else. Who gives a sh#$%#^t?

In the general interests of disclosure - meant in irony, with toungue firmly in cheek but truthfuly.

I have a Thai drivers license

Married to a Thai

Lived here on a permanent basis since 1997

Eat Thai food

Speak passable Thai (literate as well)

Work here (with a work permit - not a teacher)

Have a little yellow book.

blah blah blah

Am I Thai? Yeah, about as Thai as George Bush. Never was, never will be. doesn't mean I ain't enjoying life here, things piss me off from time to time but hey, I've just spent three weeks back in the home country - somewhere in the western world - and life isn't perfect there. Are the Thais weird, wonderful and hard to fathom at times? Yes. Case closed. Good night. New thread please before this one descends into a flaming session. Merry Christmas All!

Glod Bless (whoever she is ).

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I'm not more Thai than the other Farang's but I'm definitely a lot less American than the other American's, whether here or back home (especially back home).

I really do feel like a man without a culture now. I'll never be accepted as Thai by the Thai's but I am not American anymore, I don't behave or think like one and I can't relate to them anymore.

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I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :):D

Do I win :D

Hm, I produced one out of someone elses bagina, that obviously takes more skill. :D

AND one on the way, but that will be a C-section, otherwise I risk having the birth clash with one of the important World Cup games. With a C-section I'll plan it when Paraguy plays Elbonia.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :):D

Do I win :D

Hm, I produced one out of someone elses bagina, that obviously takes more skill. :D

That depends. :D

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I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :D:D

Do I win :D

Doesn't count, the kids are considered as 50% thai and assuming hubby is 100% there is not much left for you. Sad but true, farang - thai kids are always just that in the eyes of some. Commonly referred as half cast all the time.

Anyways good topic GH, those guys give me the laugh all the time. Ever noticed how they all live in "real thailand" anyone know where that is ? :)

Winnie, i'm just back from seven, got some shrimp flavor potato chips and deposited the 3 baht change to my left ear while heading back home with my motocy. How many points i score ?

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i married a girl with a honda jazz and got her to swap it for a pickup truck.

I expect a certain level of sercive from my woman.

our second son has a name in respect of the king

whisky with water is better than any fizzy mixer

chang and leo tastes better than sing or hieniken, but recognise sum people buy it for the purposes of face.

i live in a moo baan but luv to grow my own fuit and spices, actually maybe this isnt very thai as most the nieghbours dont do this.

i just bought a new wallet because its bad luck to have a broken one.

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Definitely the most interesting thread posted on TV over the last week or so.

.....should be fun, all the Pseudo-Thai's doing battle on who can Wai the most correctly, who can eat the hotest Somtam, who paid the most sinsot, who has the best "corrections" in police, Military goverment....the list is endless...

I am waiting with baited breath

If this is the most interesting thread posted here over the last week it says a whole lot more about the other threads than anyting else. Who gives a sh#$%#^t?

In the general interests of disclosure - meant in irony, with toungue firmly in cheek but truthfuly.

I have a Thai drivers license

Married to a Thai

Lived here on a permanent basis since 1997

Eat Thai food

Speak passable Thai (literate as well)

Work here (with a work permit - not a teacher)

Have a little yellow book.

blah blah blah

Am I Thai? Yeah, about as Thai as George Bush. Never was, never will be. doesn't mean I ain't enjoying life here, things piss me off from time to time but hey, I've just spent three weeks back in the home country - somewhere in the western world - and life isn't perfect there. Are the Thais weird, wonderful and hard to fathom at times? Yes. Case closed. Good night. New thread please before this one descends into a flaming session. Merry Christmas All!

Glod Bless (whoever she is ).

Yes I think we have a winner........there is nothing more Thai than pretending not to give a dam_n......"up to you" attitude..........then......then.....then......proceed to complain about the thing that was "up to you"!!!!

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chang and leo tastes better than sing or hieniken, but recognise sum people buy it for the purposes of face.

Buying Sing or Heineken for "Face"....... &lt;deleted&gt; there's some sad people about..... and it would seem with pretty low aspirations.

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What about .....

- the nightly saga of watching Thai soaps intently for 2-3 hours as if it was very serious TV.

- throwing your rubbish out the car window or dropping it on the sidewalk llike it's no big deal (even at one's own house)

- don't even blink at a gruesome death scene on the front page or TV news headline

- eating last night's leftovers for breakfast

- having more stuff dangling from the rear view mirror than any other car at the stop light

- playing chicken with opposing traffic while passing another vehicle, even if your destination is only 2 clicks up the road

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