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Sunset, Chiang Mai, April 18


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you, giant, orange, sun, sinking,

aflame redder as you go drown

behind Doi Suthep, making way:

for night's stars to hide in haze

future's rice in the Ping's valley

calling to the Nagas: "give rain,"

future's blood on Bangkok Sois,

barbed wire around the rainbow

we're all here: Thai and Farang,

on the edge of instincts' abyss,

happiness sometimes a curse,

unhappiness at times, blessing

love songs still sung say love's

easy: yet, we refuse surrender

Edited by orang37
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albums are red

albums are blue

but in africa albums are black

read that in a kids book that got handed down to me as a youngun, guess some people may be offended nowadays. here was me expecting a marvellous sunset photo, anyway 37 what were you doing on the west side of the bank, mmmm

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love songs still sung say love's

easy: yet, we refuse surrender

And so to REM sleep, one hopes.

I'm interested in concluding lines: Not the money, then.

Edited by CMX
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The problem for β€˜37

Is that his poem didn’t rhyme.

Not that such would deaden

Comprehending it every time.

But for some, a verse that’s blank

Cannot mean within its words.

They’ll suggest that the thing stank

(Lest it be thought they’re all nerds).

So if we refuse to drink

From the poet’s prime reflections

It isn’t that we think –

It’s our thinking imperfections.

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you, giant, orange, sun, sinking,

aflame redder as you go drown

behind Doi Suthep, making way:

for night's stars to hide in haze

future's rice in the Ping's valley

calling to the Nagas: "give rain,"

future's blood on Bangkok Sois,

barbed wire around the rainbow

we're all here: Thai and Farang,

on the edge of instincts' abyss,

happiness sometimes a curse,

unhappiness at times, blessing

love songs still sung say love's

easy: yet, we refuse surrender

"unhappiness at times, blessing" Why Orang? Do you mean that sometimes we need to experience unhappiness, to appreciate happiness, or something else? Would be great if you would elaborate on that part. Tnx. :)

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"unhappiness at times, blessing" Why Orang? Do you mean that sometimes we need to experience unhappiness, to appreciate happiness, or something else?

Sawasdee Khrup Khun Eek,

Well, we're only the poets, the deliveryboys for the Muse; I'm afraid the best we can do is to quote Rebbi Nachman of Breslau and, later, Uman, who said, somewhere in the late 18th. or early 19th. century :

"Who is a 'whole person' ? : a person who has a 'broken' heart."

My human is not Jewish by birth, or "faith," but found this saying very powerful, and later, at 2am in an internet cafe in a guest house Chiang Mai, many years later, finally met, by serendipity (how else ?), a visiting professor from Israel; when asked to explain the meaning of "broken" ... in the translation of the original my human had read ... he said it meant a heart that was "contrite, humbled, imbued with the awareness of mortality, and stood 'naked before God' in awe and wonder, regretting the things he sholuld be ashamed of, but forgiving himself, and asking God's forgiveness."

So how do you get a "broken heart" ? Well, chances are ... life ... will ... give you more than one ? Who has not "had one" ? If you have not had one yet, we rejoice in your blessed state, and yet we can't forget one awaits you. When you've had a few (broken hearts) does every moment become more "precious" ?

So the answer is : we don't know what it means.

best, ~o:37;

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Never mind the ones who dont appreciate your brilliant mind! :D


Well it's certainly better than anything I could do on the poetry front, but if you want to show us something truly worth appreciating how about a picture of a beautiful sunset, which is what I was expecting?

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Viewed from the west bank of the Ping? That seems odd. Lovely poem, though.

Why is that odd? The North or South bank, that would be odd. :)

(Assume it's a condo on Charoen Prathet Rd.)

Just odd in the sense that if you are watching the sunset behind Doi Suthep from the west bank of the Ping river, the river is not in your field of vision at all, so it would be no different from being anywhere else, that's all.

Edited by Rasseru
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Roses are Red

Violents are Blue

Some Poems Rhyme

And others don't.

Violents are Red

wanke_rs are Pink

A Spell Check In Time

Wouldn't Hurt, I Would Think

(Sorry about Wilfred Owen. He died at the age my son is now, 25).

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Viewed from the west bank of the Ping? That seems odd. Lovely poem, though.

Why is that odd? The North or South bank, that would be odd. :)

(Assume it's a condo on Charoen Prathet Rd.)

Just odd in the sense that if you are watching the sunset behind Doi Suthep from the west bank of the Ping river, the river is not in your field of vision at all, so it would be no different from being anywhere else, that's all.

Still sharp, even after all those years.

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A little poetry

Never hurt


Tell Wilfred Owen that.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun McGriffith and Khun Apetley,

If you are in the "Dead Poets' Society," please ask Sylvia Plath about that, too.

Khun Apetley; what a lovely name !

best, ~o/37;

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Viewed from the west bank of the Ping? That seems odd. Lovely poem, though.

Why is that odd? The North or South bank, that would be odd. :)

(Assume it's a condo on Charoen Prathet Rd.)

Just odd in the sense that if you are watching the sunset behind Doi Suthep from the west bank of the Ping river, the river is not in your field of vision at all, so it would be no different from being anywhere else, that's all.

Still sharp, even after all those years.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru, and Khun M. Hulot,

Well, we would never speak "bluntly" to such fine young blades as you, but a little "honing," we think is in order here.

There is nothing in the poem that implies the author/viewer is looking at the River, or can see the river. But, of course, you are free to project onto any poem anything you like :D

best, ~o:37;

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru, and Khun M. Hulot,

Well, we would never speak "bluntly" to such fine young blades as you, but a little "honing," we think is in order here.

There is nothing in the poem that implies the author/viewer is looking at the River, or can see the river. But, of course, you are free to project onto any poem anything you like :)

best, ~o:37;

Sawadee khrap, k. orang37,

You may speak as directly and honestly to me as you like, whenever you like. I am sorry if my earlier observation offended you in any way, as your message above suggests to me it might have. There was no such intention behind it.

I understand - and understood - perfectly well that, as you point out, there is nothing in your fine poem that implies that the poet is looking at the river or can see it, and I was not projecting anything of the kind, or indeed anything at all.

On the contrary, I just found it odd, and still do, that a specific mention was made in the title of the post to something that seemed to me to have about it an air of significance in relation to the poem but, as I thought about it, at the same time seemed like it could have in fact no relation to the poem or the perspective of the poem. That mention caught my attention, and puzzled me briefly, and on that basis I offered my observation. Again, without any intention of offending.

Best wishes, particularly with regard to your sleep, which I hope is better now than it was a few days ago.


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