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Thailand's Yellow-Shirts Call For PM Abhisit To Stand Down

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You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time. That's Democracy for you.

I disagree. You can please most of the people, most of the time, but you cannot please the vocal minorities (yellow and reds).

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Thailand needs to be run by a committee of 15 professional people and say 15 Rural people. No more no less.

These 30 people are selected by HRH and paid a total of say $3 million Dollars per year. No more no less.

It is the committee's job to re write the Constitution over the next year. It is then rubber stamped by HRH.

Then they have to manage, yes manage, not Govern the country for the next 5 years. Over that 5 years the have the responsibility and the accountability to rectify all current Thai issues from Defence to Taxation, Health, Law and Order, Immigration, Education, Poverty etc etc.

At the end of their term Thailand can have an election (Democratic) and that will give time for decent intelligent parties to be formed to carry the work of the Committee forward. It will also give those people in Thailand the opportunity to rectify their past crimes and work and invest in the country for the good of the Thai people.

Thailand must stamp out corruption, nepotism, and have a Police force that works and works to the benefit of all through Laws that are created and enforced. No excuses.

How would a 3 million dollar salary stop corruption. Corruption is a product of greed. So now I have 3 million... but what I really want is 10 million... more more more.


Perhaps the Reds could simply hand over their barricades to the Yellows. That would save all the effort of shifting 1000 tyres out then back again.

(Has anyone else noticed that some of those tyres are in good nick .... I wonder if any are Fortuner sized?

Thailand needs to be run by a committee of 15 professional people and say 15 Rural people. No more no less.

These 30 people are selected by HRH and paid a total of say $3 million Dollars per year. No more no less.

It is the committee's job to re write the Constitution over the next year. It is then rubber stamped by HRH.

Then they have to manage, yes manage, not Govern the country for the next 5 years. Over that 5 years the have the responsibility and the accountability to rectify all current Thai issues from Defence to Taxation, Health, Law and Order, Immigration, Education, Poverty etc etc.

At the end of their term Thailand can have an election (Democratic) and that will give time for decent intelligent parties to be formed to carry the work of the Committee forward. It will also give those people in Thailand the opportunity to rectify their past crimes and work and invest in the country for the good of the Thai people.

Thailand must stamp out corruption, nepotism, and have a Police force that works and works to the benefit of all through Laws that are created and enforced. No excuses.

How would a 3 million dollar salary stop corruption. Corruption is a product of greed. So now I have 3 million... but what I really want is 10 million... more more more.

The people who form the committee are people who are professional and put the country first. Anybody who has help a political office or military/police post in the past is automatically ruled out.


"There are no permanent allies, no permanent friends, only permanent interests", is a cliché which quite often describes the behavior pattern of nations. This is because it is the interest of a nation that governs its behavior in a given situation.

the yellows who dont want reconcilliation do not know what politic is about..they might be called facist ..poor them..:)

I remember so many claiming that Abhisit was the PAD's puppet. Those claims seem to have disappeared.

It would appear to be that way.

It will never end. :D

Even when it ends, it will never end...

Thailand has reached the stage, when the 'Top' can not continue to rule, while the 'Bottom' can not continue to be ruled in the old, traditional ways.

Something's got to give. Changing Govt 'personalities' will not help. Military coups will not change. Abhisit, Thaksin, or whoever, - will not change anything.

This country needs a big change in socio-economic policy.

I don't see any party offering this.

I hope never to see another 'revolution' in my life. Too costly... :D

:) Any group, party or individuals calling for blood, harsh measures, army involvement etc., think of the costs! Then, think again!... :D

Yes - that's about it for me, for what my opinion is worth.

Yet in saying this, it does not argue that this crisis is some kind of peasant's revolt - it is egos at play and power struggles but it is symptomatic of something much larger and more worrying. The whole fabric and system is creaking at the seams because it is outdated in the globalised world. You either have to to let it go or become more authoritarian to prop it up. You cannot fiddle around in the middle and hope that it sort of heals itself, it ain't gonna happen. A vertical sociopolitical hierarchy (semi-feudal structure) and a democracy cannot co-exist - they are at odds with another, as one demands equality and one exists through inequality - society is not fair but it is fairer than what is self-evident here. That does not condone violence or any such actions, but it does acknowledge that the globalised era brings with it a much more violent society, so there really should be no surprise that violence occurs. Ultimately, though, everything one sees now, it could be argued, is just the the start as there is every chance this system will completely unravel when mother nature takes its sad but inevitable course...

These issues are at the heart of Thailand's real needs. Democracies are complex and relative to other parts of the world democracy is a fairly new concept and way of life here in Thailand. A revolution will not end this need for democratic sophistication. I actually think the building blocks for a real democracy as far as governmental procedures are already in place, it is a matter of all Thai citizens becoming like minded in the goal and responsibilities implementing a democracy. Every people in history has had to do the same and all people in the world still need to improve in this respect.

Thailand has a long history of tolerance over all so hopefully the country is poised to succeed.

hmmm, the Yellows should be happy.... Did they not create their own party after the last election (at least they said they would) - now they can see how popular their party is.....

No, no, you forget their "party" is supposed to be the 70% of Parliament that is appointed! I don't think they ever did say exactly who was supposed to do the appointing, but I suppose it was/is their executive committee. :)

The people who form the committee are people who are professional and put the country first. Anybody who has help a political office or military/police post in the past is automatically ruled out.

We've heard this all before. When Taksin was running for election (before he eventually became prime minister) he said something along the lines of "I am already rich so I will not be corrupt, I will only care for the people" and look where that went. As soon as he became prime minister he began shifting his shares around so he could cheat the system.

The people who form the committee are people who are professional and put the country first. Anybody who has help a political office or military/police post in the past is automatically ruled out.

And where would you find these people? And how would you know what's in their hearts? How would you know they're not corrupt or can't be corrupted once they're in office?

Greed is everywhere. I mean a guy worth a couple of billions of dollars should have enough for the next few generations right? But still it isn't enough and he wants more.


If a political group can not handle NOT getting everything their way and end up disrupting the lives of thousands (plus deaths) then maybe this country deserves a dictator...seems like Thai politics cannot handle democracy.

Next, I was planning to retire here, FORGET IT. --not worth investing in property at the moment

words cannot express how much i dislike both of these groups.

But what did the government expect when you offer a free amnesty to people who have tried to tear this country apart; you are just telling the next lot.... make your best shot; because you have nothing to fear.

Obviously fear of the law just for little buffalos and there are lots of special interest groups who can bring 100k down to bangkok

No one is being given "free amnesty".

and how can you know that?

The list of powerful Thai people who went in jail is very short.


What are the yellows afraid of? If they are so sure being the best solution for Thailand and its people they should calm down....or are they afraid of loosing power, I think they want only the best for Thailand :)

Thailand is largely split between the mainly rural poor and urban working class Reds, and the Yellows, who blockaded Bangkok's two main airports in 2008, before a controversial court verdict removed Thaksin's allies from power.

WHY the author of the article described the Yellows just that way and not like he described the Reds??????? WHO ARE THEY?

The people who form the committee are people who are professional and put the country first. Anybody who has help a political office or military/police post in the past is automatically ruled out.

And where would you find these people? And how would you know what's in their hearts? How would you know they're not corrupt or can't be corrupted once they're in office?

Greed is everywhere. I mean a guy worth a couple of billions of dollars should have enough for the next few generations right? But still it isn't enough and he wants more.

The people you mention above are obscene and do not deserve a place at any table. There are people about who are not at all involved with corruption. One just has to do the research to find them.

Now the Yellow's turn to say "But the reds ...".

We must surely run out of colours soon .............PLEASE .................

Oh no... then we get into complex color combinations and patterns, then fashions... I'm waiting for the "Itsy Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" party to arrive and return things to reason. Makes for more interesting photos.... :)

Edited for drunken spelling.

Thailand needs to be run by a committee of 15 professional people and say 15 Rural people. No more no less.

These 30 people are selected by HRH and paid a total of say $3 million Dollars per year. No more no less.

It is the committee's job to re write the Constitution over the next year. It is then rubber stamped by HRH.

Then they have to manage, yes manage, not Govern the country for the next 5 years. Over that 5 years the have the responsibility and the accountability to rectify all current Thai issues from Defence to Taxation, Health, Law and Order, Immigration, Education, Poverty etc etc.

At the end of their term Thailand can have an election (Democratic) and that will give time for decent intelligent parties to be formed to carry the work of the Committee forward. It will also give those people in Thailand the opportunity to rectify their past crimes and work and invest in the country for the good of the Thai people.

Thailand must stamp out corruption, nepotism, and have a Police force that works and works to the benefit of all through Laws that are created and enforced. No excuses.

And international everyone is complaining that there is no democracy, Thaksin paid NGOs tell Thailand is worse than Myanmar. What will your committee make if the red demonstrate like now?

International they can sell it much easier as demonstrations for democracy. Who guarantee that these people are not corrupt and that no rich people bribe them?

I agree with the idea, only I doubt that it will work. Reds for sure will call it a corrupt military dictatorship, no matter how honest and good these people might be.


Well. Certainly no red shirt supporter could possibly complain if the PAD comes out to protest. They'll just be continuing on in the peaceful actions of the red shirts, though perhaps ramped up a bit. And when they bring in their military-trained extremists to lob a few grenades there shall be no double standards involved whatsoever. After all, the reds did it....

This is all precisely what people have been warning about what would happen if the Democrats give in to violence and terrorism.

I don't have the answers. I wish I did. I am not a PAD supporter. I am not a red shirt supporter. I have been supporting the Democrats only if headed by Abhisit, but I think he personally has been burned by recent events. I am beginning to wonder if there is anyone left to support.

Ha "Abhisit" is damned if he does and he is damned if he doesn't :)

Yes exactly.

But he need do nothing about this it's just a speech.

And when he ignores them what will they do. Nothing.

Never a dull moment.

The people you mention above are obscene and do not deserve a place at any table. There are people about who are not at all involved with corruption. One just has to do the research to find them.

It's hard to find people who are not corrupt or can't be corrupted. What you need is a swift crackdown anyone who is corrupt. Arrest them, charge them, throw them in jail.

However, if it were that easy, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. It really doesn't matter what kind of political system you have. What matters is how effectively you enforce the law. Difficult here.

Idiots, as we would need more agitation and hype. Could they join also Rajprasong intersection? We could then clean up in one swipe...

The red and yellow leadership deserve each other and, as such, perhaps they can be locked up together in the same prison. I believe that the Americans still have one here and that it's currently somewhat under-utilized.

What could the PAD, Peoples alliance for DEMOCRACY, possibly have against calling for elections ????? -



PAD is a democracy for the rich and the conservatives, while reds are the democracy for the radicals and the rural poor.

( :) why isnt there a group set up for real democracy?)

Thailand needs to be run by a committee of 15 professional people and say 15 Rural people. No more no less.

These 30 people are selected by HRH and paid a total of say $3 million Dollars per year. No more no less.

It is the committee's job to re write the Constitution over the next year. It is then rubber stamped by HRH.

Then they have to manage, yes manage, not Govern the country for the next 5 years. Over that 5 years the have the responsibility and the accountability to rectify all current Thai issues from Defence to Taxation, Health, Law and Order, Immigration, Education, Poverty etc etc.

At the end of their term Thailand can have an election (Democratic) and that will give time for decent intelligent parties to be formed to carry the work of the Committee forward. It will also give those people in Thailand the opportunity to rectify their past crimes and work and invest in the country for the good of the Thai people.

Thailand must stamp out corruption, nepotism, and have a Police force that works and works to the benefit of all through Laws that are created and enforced. No excuses.

And international everyone is complaining that there is no democracy, Thaksin paid NGOs tell Thailand is worse than Myanmar. What will your committee make if the red demonstrate like now?

International they can sell it much easier as demonstrations for democracy. Who guarantee that these people are not corrupt and that no rich people bribe them?

I agree with the idea, only I doubt that it will work. Reds for sure will call it a corrupt military dictatorship, no matter how honest and good these people might be.

I believe that the heart of the matter in Thailand is the Constitution. Once you get that sorted out you would not have demonstrations.

Once HRH explained to the people of Thailand what the roadmap to prosperity was I believe that most would jump on board.

The military would not at all be given any power in this setup. They are there to protect the country from outside interference.

Countries in this World village would just have to put up with the situation for 5 years, allowing the country to create a credible Government for the long term.

The way out of corruption is to get rid of poverty and become an egalitarian society so that all can live a peaceful life. I certainly agree the Capitalism is a very poor system and sometimes wonder if there is a need to reengineer a new form of Communism to replace it.

It is very unfortunate to see the issues of the World revolve around money. This is wrong. The world needs to rethink itself and place lesser influence on money. Otherwise we are all doomed.

TAN_Network: INN: Red shirts postpone decision on road map; say PM should "clear the air" with PAD first

No. They need to get rid of the reds first and deal with PAD later. Looks like the reds are looking for every way out of this since they were backed into a wall.

TAN_Network: INN: Red shirts postpone decision on road map; say PM should "clear the air" with PAD first

No. They need to get rid of the reds first and deal with PAD later. Looks like the reds are looking for every way out of this since they were backed into a wall.

Maybe they are waiting to be paid? Once they get their "show up money" they will go home. Me thinks that this is the crux of the matter.


As much as I dislike the Reds and their leaders, I cannot understand what the Yellows now want.

And after all I hate the logo of their NPP Party....it reminds me of something :)


The people you mention above are obscene and do not deserve a place at any table. There are people about who are not at all involved with corruption. One just has to do the research to find them.

It's hard to find people who are not corrupt or can't be corrupted. What you need is a swift crackdown anyone who is corrupt. Arrest them, charge them, throw them in jail.

However, if it were that easy, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. It really doesn't matter what kind of political system you have. What matters is how effectively you enforce the law. Difficult here.

seems we are talking about the corruption in Thailand, then I jump in :-)

yeah, the polticial layer of the government, is corrputed in a magnificent scale ! not only in this government, but in every government in the long history ( just the greedy people in power ) !

even worst, the operational layers of the government, are corrupted in everyday operation ! they hang a badge of 'civil servant' but all they interested are standard practice of corruption, their core income !

well, SAME fashion of corrpution applies in business domains as well !

finding a bunch of CLEAN leaders and they can transform the bad cultures in this country, it may take generations to go !

TAN_Network: INN: Red shirts postpone decision on road map; say PM should "clear the air" with PAD first

No. They need to get rid of the reds first and deal with PAD later. Looks like the reds are looking for every way out of this since they were backed into a wall.

Maybe they are waiting to be paid? Once they get their "show up money" they will go home. Me thinks that this is the crux of the matter.

I hope it's that simple.

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