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Curfew In Chiang Mai & Situation Updates


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According to British Embassy

· We advise against all but essential travel to the city of Chiang Mai where a number of violent incidents, some involving gunfire, have occurred following the clearing of the Red Shirt demonstration sites in Bangkok. Red Shirt demonstrators have set up a demonstration site at the Chiang Mai railway station. British nationals already in Chiang Mai should monitor this travel advice and local media before going out during the day, and otherwise comply with the curfew in force.

What is the situation this morning?

From the end of my soi, traffic looks to be normal on Thanon Suthep?

Petrol station are opened this morning?

any information please...

places to avoid....

The demonstration site at the station has been there a long time. If this advisory is the best the embassy can do, maybe they should just shut up. I very much doubt one single employee of the embassy has been touring Chiang Mai to see the situation for themselves. The British Council in Chiang Mai employs teachers and the consulate employs 2 (very polite and helpful) female Thai administration staff. There isn't even a full-time British consular position anymore. They know nothing.

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My wife's sister works in the management office of a condo building ... she was online this morning telling us that the foreigners in that building have gone. They paid their one month rent in lieu of notice and bailed out one by one ... not one foreigner left in the building and many army and police in nearby Nimmanhemin Rd. She is hoping that they close the office so she doesn't have to run the gauntlet coming/going to work on her little m/bike. Sounds very grim. I'm as angry as hel_l about this situation. Poor Chiang Mai

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Has anyone seen , or is there a link that can be posted as to schools.... which are closed and which are open ??

Language schools also if someone knows...


Don't know about language schools, but it seems all other schools are closed for the week:

นายกเทศมนตรีเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ ประกาศให้โรงเรียนในสังกัดเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ ปิดการเรียนการสอน

วันที่ 20-21 พ.ค.


สำหรับวันที่ 21 พ.ค. ให้ฟังข่าวล่าสุดอีกครั้ง

"The Mayor of Chiang Mai has announced that all schools in the municipal area will close on May 20-21, because of the the exceptional situation. However, for May 21, please continue follow the news for the latest information."

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Has anyone seen , or is there a link that can be posted as to schools.... which are closed and which are open ??

Language schools also if someone knows...


there are a number of mentions in this thread, but the majority of schools seem to be closed today and tomorrow from what i've heard from teacher friends.

fingers crossed that yesterday's shenanigans in CM were anger and frustration at the result of the red campaign in bangkok and there's no repeat today. though that might of course change when some of the more agitating sort actually get home to CM from bangkok.

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20 พ.ค. 2553

สะ พานนวรัฐปิด : (07.30 น. 20 พ.ค.) ตำรวจจราจร ได้ปิดการจราจรบนสะพานนวรัฐ ผู้ใช้รถโปรดเลี่ยงใช้เส้นทางอื่น

โดยรถจากหนองหอยจะถึงแค่ริมปิงซูป เปอร์สโตร์ แล้วปัดออก

จากตลาดต้นลำไย ปัดไปทางท่าแพ

จากโรงแรมเพชร งาม ปัดไปทางท่าแพ

บนสะพานนวรัฐปิด ห้ามรถผ่านชั่วคราว

May 20, 2010:

Nawarat Bridge: (7:30am May 20) Traffic police have closed the Nawarat Bridge. Drivers please detour to other routes.

Vehicles from Nong Hoi can only come as close as Rimping Supermarket

From Dalaad Ton Lamyai, detour to Thapae

From the Petch Ngaam Hotel, detour to Thapae

The bridge itself is temporarily closed to traffic.

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My wife's sister works in the management office of a condo building ... she was online this morning telling us that the foreigners in that building have gone. They paid their one month rent in lieu of notice and bailed out one by one ... not one foreigner left in the building and many army and police in nearby Nimmanhemin Rd. She is hoping that they close the office so she doesn't have to run the gauntlet coming/going to work on her little m/bike. Sounds very grim. I'm as angry as hel_l about this situation. Poor Chiang Mai

My Condo building, Hillside 3, is on Nimmanhamin and I'm still here. I wonder what condo and how many nervous foreigners she is referring too. The whole city and country haven't gone crazy; I think if you're smart enough to avoid trouble you'll stay out of trouble.

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20.03 น.

รับ แจ้ง มีกลุ่มมวลชน ประมาณ 60คน ใช้รถจักรยานยนต์ประมาณ 30 คัน ได้ไปถึงบริษัทเชียงใหม่คอนฯ แล้ว และได้ขว้างปา สิ่งของเข้าไปภายในบริษัทดังกล่าว แล้วหลบหนีไปทางแอร์พอร์ตพลาซ่า

About 60 people traveling on 30 motorcycles has thrown objects at the office of Chiang Mai Construction, and reportedly gone off to Airport Plaza.

20.00 น.

กลุ่ม มวลชนจากถนนท่าแพ ได้นัดกันเดินทางไปยังบริษัทเชียงใหม่คอนสตรัคชั่น ของพ่อตานายนาวิน ชิดชอบ ถนนมหิดล

The group from Thapae had gone to the office of Chiang Mai Construction, owned by the father of Newin Chidchob, on Mahidol Rd.

Wasn't Chiang Mai Construction the bunch who got the contract to build the underpasses a few years ago and then stopped work for 18 months because they wanted more money. If I had known they were going to throw rocks at their offices, I would have joined them.

No, it wasn't Chiang Mai Construction who stopped work. They are very politicised, but the company itself does GREAT work, in my opinion. :)

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08.00 น.

ตำรวจ ปราบจราจล ยังคงคุมและดูแลความสงบในสถานที่สำคัญๆ อยู่ เช่นที่จวนผู้ว่าฯ และศาลากลางจังหวัด


Riot police are still looking after important locations such as the Governor's House and the Provincial Hall.

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More from cm108.com

08.30 น.

ขณะ นี้ ไม่ได้รับรายงานว่ามีกลุ่มมวลชน ชุมนุมในพื้นที่


"As of now, no reports of local demonstrations."

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According to the banks' websites, all Siam Commercial and Bangkok Bank branches nationwide will be closed today and tomorrow. Not sure about other banks though.

The BOT has stated that banks nationwide will be closed (check the News Clippings). From the Bangkok Bank website: "» Bangkok Bank will suspend service temporarily on May 20-21, 2010 in accordance with the notification from the Bank of Thailand"

However, Internet Banking and I believe ATM services will still operate. Correct me if I'm wrong about the ATMs though.

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One of my staff just told me that "many" redshirts are gathering in the area near Rimping ond the Duke's across the Narawat bridge from the Night Bazzar. There are also a lot of soldiers (who are hopefully there to prevent any problems).

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is the immigration office open today?? have to go for the 90days report..

You have 7 days grace on 90 day reporting

Would that also apply for "B" visa holders who need to stamp out?

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Was out and about around 7:30 this morning. Others were out as well but traffic was light. I saw a number of people driving their kids to school. Either I'm confused or they are regarding the status of schools. Most of CM appeared relatively normal. I saw two trucks of soldiers all geared up heading down Chang Khlan. At Narawat Bridge some men were shoveling up the ashes of what looked like 2 burned out trucks. I assume they are the remains from yesterday.


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According to the banks' websites, all Siam Commercial and Bangkok Bank branches nationwide will be closed today and tomorrow. Not sure about other banks though.

The BOT has stated that banks nationwide will be closed (check the News Clippings). From the Bangkok Bank website: "» Bangkok Bank will suspend service temporarily on May 20-21, 2010 in accordance with the notification from the Bank of Thailand"

However, Internet Banking and I believe ATM services will still operate. Correct me if I'm wrong about the ATMs though.

Difficult to say if you're wrong or not. Last night, ThaiVisa posted an announcement that the AMT service would not be disrupted. A few hours later, they posted a new announcement saying that ATM's would be off, nationwide, during the curfew hours. I went out late last night in Chiang Rai and withdrew a little "emergency stash" just in case. The various ATM's in my area were being used and working with no problems. This was around 23:00. Several other people had the same idea, apparently. I have never seen the ATM's so busy at that time of night.

So, even if the machines are going to be down in the future during the curfew hours, it seems that the intention is to make them available during the daytime.

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Does anyone know if the curfew is for a few days or have they only made an announcement about last night?

Post number 37 on this link posted at 09:02:13 this morning says this: "Its possible that there will be an extension on the curfew within #thailand - To be confirmed by Thai gov."

The link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Bangkok-Red-....html&st=25

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Does anyone know if the curfew is for a few days or have they only made an announcement about last night?

Post number 37 on this link posted at 09:02:13 this morning says this: "Its possible that there will be an extension on the curfew within #thailand - To be confirmed by Thai gov."

The link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Bangkok-Red-....html&st=25

Post number 40, same link, says it remains in effect tonight in the provinces that are under "Emergency Decree".

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Here in Mae Rim, the Summit Green Valley Golf Course is open for business and told us that they still plan to offer Night Golf this evening...no worries about a curfew affecting players who might have problems getting home again.

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