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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire

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Everyone also know that they accept it but they just wanna the vice Pm to be investigated.. if majority of your friends die.. will you just stay there and do nothing? So.. if it necessary to kill them when they ask for investigation?? Think properly ..

dam_n trolls they are everywhere tonight...

1. They asked for the Vice PM to be charged and make bail... not possible due to his position and the agency handling the case, LEARN before you post.

2. They did not ask for this until AFTER the moderates had said they liked the roadmap as is... only their "dear leader" did not like it

3. Roughly 60 (way too many I agree) died, hardly the majority of the protesters.

4. I can assure you that any normal somewhat educated and civilized human being would NOT lay waste to an entire city (country?) if people I was with where killed in the course of an ILLEGAL insurgency.

5. You should heed your own advice and learn to think "properly" before you post any more rubbish.. thanks

For some people like you do not accept other opinion and so call other as "Troll" will never learn and improve. Think properly before you post also which your mind is full of innocent blood.. Nothing is more important than a life.. I believe.. for your entire life.. you do not know what is politic and you are only bias for one site due to current situation... Listen here.. No one state that the Red Shirt is doing the right things.. however, tell yourself.. who bring this protest idea to those "low-educated" residents? It is (I guess - personal) is your lovely Yellow shirt protesters.. When the situation come to worse.. why there is so hard to dissolute and held another election to make a clean and international accepted government?? Whatever consequence is come from and initiatives.. learn before you object other people opinion.. thanks

Hypothetical question. Assuming an election was held in the next few weeks, and it was actually free and fair without vote buying, without intimidation, and with national campaigning for everyone (I know a total pipe dream!) what do you reckon the result would be? (Taking into the account the fresh images of Bangkok burning.)

My guess --

Thai Democrats 55 percent

Puke Thai 35 percent

Other parties 10 percent

My guess:

Dems: 45%

PT: 30%

Other: 30%

Adds up to 105%. No wonder they say that votes are rig in Thailand.

I'm still hoping for Issan to be made into a separate country so that animals can live with animals.

I'd invite you to my Issan village to discuss this face to face, but i know it would be a waste of breath. You cowardly internet warrior, go back down your hole.

Tweets from the Nation that Central World might be collapsing.

So far all pics I have seen are of a fire on the Zen side of CW (next to the BTS tracks). Does anybody know if the fire is extending to the central portion of the front building, or to the new atrium between the Zen department store and the office building?

Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

Indeed my wife mirrors the sentiments of your wife as well - How can people who claim to love Thailand and the King do these things

Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

Indeed my wife mirrors the sentiments of your wife as well - How can people who claim to love Thailand and the King do these things

This is NOT the way to sort your problems this is thuggish behavior and sham on the Reds.I feel sorry for the majority of good Thai people.

Maybe it is a version of "Saving Face". The Reds didn't win the battle, so they loot and burn other people's property around them to show that they are big men.

More like childish tantrums with grown up tools.

I just hope they imprison as many of the savage animals as possible for a long long time. I'm still hoping for Issan to be made into a separate country so that animals can live with animals.

This is very rude. People is people. People is not animals.

70 years ago all germans were bad? (according to certain people they were, believe those people have been proven wrong over the years)

30 years ago all iranian people were bad?(according to certain people they were, believe those people have been proven wrong over the years)

last few hours all isaan people are bad?(according to some people here they are, believe those people will be proven wrong over the years)

Stop blaming this to general group of people. This is the work of a small group of individuals, and the leaders are as rich as the group they are fighting. Nothing to do with Isaan.

Rucharee, you are 100% right. Many comments (from either sides) have been generalising and insulting people and moderators should step in.


They blew the 100,000 baht bonus, and they are pissed off!

Now they really have something to be angry about.

And yeah, it was there the whole time. Peace loving. Right, as in "there will be peace as long as I get my way."

I think they've discredited themselves throughout, and the only way this can profit them is give them intimidation cred; when they threaten people to vote a certain way they'll be feared.

Would that be the same Central World (that used to be called The World Trades Center) which, when I afforded it my one and only disappointed visit, had become scruffy, old, tired and with half of the retail outlets empty and unlettable because so many newer, more prestigious shopping malls have been developed since it waved bye-bye to it's glory-days?

Just a thought :D

...Mis-informed thought. It was recently renovated, at great expense, and is (was) a very pleasant mall to stroll in. Very nice place indeed.

As i said, I only went there the once (it was a god-awful miserable place, with a stench of pending failure about it).

Pity I never knew it had been revamped, or I would have taken a look-see for myself.

Oh well, it must be the Red-Shirts who torched it then.............................................Or someone else with an interest, perhaps :) .

Only one thing's for sure and that is that we'll never know for definite.

NO NO, youre mistake, that stench was when the wind blew your way


Obviously a well educated man, yourself, with a degree of reasoned thought and lucid dissemination of the same matched only by your veritable wit.

You really should consider a literary career. :D

Who underwrites the insurance of Central World? I'd be interested to know in reality who's pocket just took a caning... :)

More than likely they are in the same family. :D

Would be surprised if there is not some government assistance.


The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

Yes.. whatever you said.. the whole world is looking and observing.. tell me.. what is so hard to go for election and convince those "low-educated" or poor farmer? A smart government and politician should know how to solve this kind of problem. Why this is never happen in those western country? This is because those government really care for their people and try to avoid any hurting for their lovely people.. Do you think that killing those people can really make bangkok become peace forever and get the compliment from the international? Tell you.. majority of the world is pity for the red-shirt protester rather than the government and very angry for the action there is taken by the government to act on their people.. So.. what is the different between Thailand and Myanmar?/ trust me.. violence will never bring peace to the world .. only care and love can convince the people like the moral of Buddha.

Lemon123, this is a totally inappropriate time for such stupid jokes. If you can't post seriously about this topic at a time like this you shouldn't post at all. Silly wind-ups like this are disrespectful right now. You really should be ashamed.

If you treat this as a joke.. please go ahead and wait for the next 10 years and see what will be happened in the country.. if you cant get what I mean.. you better go back to study and improve your english. Correct me if I was wrong.. i believe you are one of the guy who support for the attack.. you are the one who should be ashamed about what you have posted..

You're wrong

I've posted nothing on the red/protest/political threads except a general weariness about farangs who suddenly know everything about Thai politics.

If you meant any of that tripe seriously then I apologise for over-estimating you and congratulate you on being the first single cell organism to learn to type


The significance of burning down Central World is of course that the Chirativat family is also a large shareholder in Post Publishing which Thaksin previously tried unsuccessfully to take over through nominees. The owners of Siam Paragon, who also own The Mall, have a close business relationship with Bangkok Bank. There are other lesser links of business families with large interests in Rajprasong I won't go into but suffice it to say that the targets of the arson and the siting of the protest were not coincidences. It is one elite Chinese business family saying <deleted> to rival elite Chinese business families and draining their financial resources that might be used to support the Dems. Thai businesses usually don't have much insurance for terrorism and civil disturbances, so this could be a huge blow.

I just hope they imprison as many of the savage animals as possible for a long long time. I'm still hoping for Issan to be made into a separate country so that animals can live with animals.

This is very rude. People is people. People is not animals.

People who kill other people, and burn and destroy - have lost their rights to be labeled - human.

Kinda true in a sense. I have yet to see a dog burn and destroy. But I have seen a few dogs help other dogs though!

I just hope they imprison as many of the savage animals as possible for a long long time. I'm still hoping for Issan to be made into a separate country so that animals can live with animals.

This is very rude. People is people. People is not animals.

People who kill other people, and burn and destroy - have lost their rights to be labeled - human.

You could hardly call me a red supporter, but I think the OP's comment is out of order. Despite the countless propaganda postings here about Isaan being a seething mass of red supporters, there are actually whole provinces that want nothing to do with them, and see Thaksin for what he really is. I do, however, agree that those responsible for the grenade attacks, the duping of many of the protestors and those directly responsible for the burnings currently taking place have indeed lost the privilege of being regarded as civilised human beings.


CRES: Arsonists/terrorists May Face Maximum Penalty of Capital Punishment

During an official press conference by the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation has called perpetrators who are setting fire to buildings and locations in Bangkok and those who are staging terror attacks in the capital city and other areas of Thailand could face the maximum penalty of capital punishment. The CRES is urging families and relatives of those individuals to discourage them from being involved in illegal acts.


I've got no complaints about this!  :)

Who underwrites the insurance of Central World? I'd be interested to know in reality who's pocket just took a caning... :)

More than likely they are in the same family. :D

Would be surprised if there is not some government assistance.

what about all those mom & pop stores in Siam Square

So many people's lives and livelihoods have been destroyed, runied or badly damaged today by these disgraceful acts of terror

I'm kind of wondering why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work. Possibly because the government turned off the water?

Probably because armed red shirts were preventing firefighters from getting there before the fire spread, as has been reported, but you'll say ANYTHING to relay the blame onto someone else. Please stop posting. This isn't your city. Let us who grew up here mourn the loss of what is our home to a bunch of drugged up terrorists on a revenge spree. What exactly are you trying to achieve with your posts? You want to enrage posters? Be controversial? Just fuc_k off already.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of posting the same msg.. that is one kitty that should be an outside cat... and away from the computer... utter nonsense filled posts every time.

Not to step on anybody's feet, but I actually asked myself the same question. Does Central World not have a sprinkle system? If it does, and I think it must have one, why did it not work? Now I won't blame the government for it, but the question why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work sounds reasonable to me.

The government had many opportunities to diffuse the situation and it took the wrong action every time. The government is killing the Thai people. Now the red shirts are to blame??? I don't think so.

<deleted>. What you should be saying is the government had every opportunity to nip this in the bud. Why would the gov' be to blame when a bunch of thugs terrorize the streets threatening all n sundry, affecting NORMAL people's lives, ruining the economy? Why do you people have a problem getting it? What makes you tick?

The Thai Government risk making matters far, far worse (there goes my opinion again) by their rubbish handling of this situation.

100,000 red-shirted protesters, out in the open, are easier to deal (and negotiate) with than 100 terrorists planting bombs, shooting members of authority and performing other acts aimed at crippling or, at least, denting the country's economy.

You would have assumed the Thai PM, an English born and bred chap, educated at Oxbridge would have been capable of holding a conversation now, wouldn't you?

Naivety at its best. Yes, lets do a general election because a pack of thugs demand it. Abhisit is more switched-on than you give him credit for.

For some people like you do not accept other opinion and so call other as "Troll" will never learn and improve. Think properly before you post also which your mind is full of innocent blood.. Nothing is more important than a life.. I believe.. for your entire life.. you do not know what is politic and you are only bias for one site due to current situation... Listen here.. No one state that the Red Shirt is doing the right things.. however, tell yourself.. who bring this protest idea to those "low-educated" residents? It is (I guess - personal) is your lovely Yellow shirt protesters.. When the situation come to worse.. why there is so hard to dissolute and held another election to make a clean and international accepted government?? Whatever consequence is come from and initiatives.. learn before you object other people opinion.. thanks

You are clearly a troll and saying you are not does not make it so... I gather English is not your first language and that is fine, but it does make it a bit harder to understand exactly what you are going on about. You did NOT offer up opinions you presented a bunch of items as factual. As in what the REDS wanted to happen to the Vice PM, which was incorrect as were the other all the other comments you made..

As for your continued babbling I don't own any yellow shirts, they are not mine and I detest what they did every bit as I do what the REDS did, you please store that cliche for another day.

You my friend need a better grasp on the language before you post some of the things you do, not an insult just a friendly suggestion as nothing you said it that post came across as logical.. the protest idea was not brought to the "low educated" residents by anyone other than their local thug leaders that rounded them up for the slaughter by their "dear leader" time to pull your head out of the sand

Channel TPBS reports that some sections have collapsed.

The collapsed section is the Zen section.

Please provide a link to TPBS...

its a tv station - google it. Also tweets on the Nation attesting to the same.

Not to step on anybody's feet, but I actually asked myself the same question. Does Central World not have a sprinkle system? If it does, and I think it must have one, why did it not work? Now I won't blame the government for it, but the question why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work sounds reasonable to me.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about the firefighters, but they DO have sprinklers inside the building. There's one like every few feet. It might have been because the water was switched off. Great planning whoever did it.

PS: See the "Not terrorists. Peaceful protesters" clapping and cheering as Central World burns down.

I think we knew what kind of "people?" - and I use the term very loosely - these Red Shirts are. They feel great because to them they finally got back at the "elites" who they hate even though without the elites there would be no jobs, no civilisation for these scumbags to live in.

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