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Foodcourt Giving Out Wrong Change? Or No Change.


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My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card. The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards. She thought that was kind of strange. After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and went home. After thinking about it, she remembered that she didn't get the 300 baht change after getting the two cards.

Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht and asked for a 100 baht foodcourt card. She gave me the card first. And than the 900 baht change. I noticed that she placed the card on the counter first, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change. It seemed she was waiting to see if I would leave.

Has anything like this happened to you?

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My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card. The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards. She thought that was kind of strange. After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and went home. After thinking about it, she remembered that she didn't get the 300 baht change after getting the two cards.

Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht and asked for a 100 baht foodcourt card. She gave me the card first. And than the 900 baht change. I noticed that she placed the card on the counter first, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change. It seemed she was waiting to see if I would leave.

Has anything like this happened to you?

They usually load the card up first and then count the change twice before they give it to you.

I've never heard of this happening to anyone, and as for me, if not to eat i will often go ino a foodcourt for a convenient way of breaking down a 1000 baht note, get 100 baht card,get change,have a coffee, get small change back..and leave..never had a problem

So you are saying that your friend forgot to take the change from the initial transcation, yet i presume they retrieved the small change from what was left on the card???:o

IMO Anyone so deeply in-bedded in their own la-la land should avoid such establishments..

Sorry, i dont normally say this but actually theres so many clever and more deserving scams to fall by..anyone who forgets their own change should maybe go back to joining Alice, with bunnies,top hats ect ect :blink:

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This latest delay farangs change foodcourt scam must go down with the legendary Yakult scam... :lol:

Todays scam that Sanook caught was...

I bought 2 pieces of fried chicken and 2 sticky rice and the woman forgot to put in the namjim? spicy dip sauce...

I was shocked and had to ask for it as she delayed putting into the bag, I'm sure because farang cannot eat spicy !

be careful out there its a jungle.....

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One of my local mom and pop shops gave me 20 baht change too much, which I didn't realise till the next day.

Went back, gave 20 baht back, bought more beer, and got overcharged 8 baht. Guy is not the sharpest...

You are farang, they will wait and see if you are stupid enough to just walk away without change.

Happens often enough to create a precedent.

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Clearly sometimes they score the free money, so of course this is probably happening quite a lot. I have noticed similar on occasion. Its a good warning for the sleep walking among us to PAY ATTENTION, unless you don't mind being played. BTW, if you do walk away and come back, your case is weakened considerably.

Edited by Jingthing
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My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card. The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards. She thought that was kind of strange. After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and went home. After thinking about it, she remembered that she didn't get the 300 baht change after getting the two cards.

Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht and asked for a 100 baht foodcourt card. She gave me the card first. And than the 900 baht change. I noticed that she placed the card on the counter first, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change. It seemed she was waiting to see if I would leave.

Has anything like this happened to you?

They have pre- loaded cards 100 ฿ each. It's the amount most asked for. Also people who ask for cards over 100 ฿ mostly are 2 or more persons, so 2 cards are more convenient :)... not waiting for your change ? :rolleyes:

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rubbish post, sorry

I tend to agree. Can happen anywhere, if the cashier susses an easy catch !!!!

Pay attention OP :ermm:.

Disagree TOTALLY. This kind of thing is MUCH more likely to happen in Thailand than in the countries most of us have come from. Why deny it?

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rubbish post, sorry

I tend to agree. Can happen anywhere, if the cashier susses an easy catch !!!!

Pay attention OP :ermm:.

Disagree TOTALLY. This kind of thing is MUCH more likely to happen in Thailand than in the countries most of us have come from. Why deny it?

Went to my favorite coffee shop in the states bought some stuff and handed the girl 20 dollars she gave me change for a 10. I told her I gave you a 20 she says no only a 10. I then explained to her I know I only have a 20 in pocket could not be a 10 and I am a regular here and I would defiantly not try and cheat the place. She gave me the correct change. I never said anything to the manager, someone I knew, she was gone in about 10 days.

These scams happen every were employees stealing from their employer is one of the biggest losses to business.

Edited by moe666
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I said more likely in Thailand. In my experience, massively more likely. I didn't say it never happened in other countries. Duh.

Pray tell why more likely in Thailand. No matter were you shop always count your change.

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Pray tell why more likely in Thailand. No matter were you shop always count your change.

If they get caught in Thailand nothing will happen to them, when you report them to the police they will literally laugh in your face. This only encourages dishonest behaviour and is part of the problem.

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It's just par for the course. You always have to be alert, everywhere. Be sure what you give the cashier and always count your change. You may not be used to it back in blighty, but you gotta get into the habit of it here if you don't wanna be scammed. Businesses sometimes post warning signs about counting your change: for example, the ticket windows at the bus terminals have them.

If you hand over a 500 or 1000 note, be sure you and the cashier agree that it's a 500 or 1000 note. I hold it up say, "Pan baht na" so that she/he knows that I know. Haven't had any problems in many years.

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If you live here in the frame of mind that this kind of thing happens here more frequently then it makes sense for you to be more aware and in your daily life take steps necessary to avoid these situations.

Wife and I visit food courts and other establishments that could easily take advantage of the shopper and we have never been scammed in any way. We also are very careful about what we spend and the change we get back.

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I think the moral to the story probably is stop talking to your friends about the previous nights riviting TV soaps while engaging in financial transactions as your continued brain dead state leaves you wide open to scams.

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Clearly sometimes they score the free money, so of course this is probably happening quite a lot. I have noticed similar on occasion. Its a good warning for the sleep walking among us to PAY ATTENTION, unless you don't mind being played. BTW, if you do walk away and come back, your case is weakened considerably.

Agreed....It is always a good idea to be very watchful and mindful when receiving change for any service in Thailand. One doesn't need a college degree to operate a till, and often it seems service staff are chosen on looks vs. mental capacity/calculating ability. I always carefully watch my change being counted, and then count it once again before i walk away. That goes for anywhere in Thailand, cause once you walk away you've no chance of getting your money back should you find yourself short changed. biggrin.gif

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Never happens to me as I find the food served at these food courts to be unappetizing.

I hate food courts and any eating place that requires the prior purchase of coupons. You have to guess at the costs of what you want and either return to get money back on unused coupons . .or go back and buy more coupons. It is a scheme set up for the advantage of the owners/operators NOT for the customer and I wont participate unless forced to do so by not having any other option . .or the pressure of friends.

I agree about the food too.

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The main thing to watch out for in food courts is those that have coupons good for one day only. Forget to redeem them after eating, which is easy to do, and your 30 baht meal just turned in to a 100 baht meal. Not that big of a deal, but it's very annoying to discover a pocket full of now useless coupons while the food court now has your cash

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Agree, the reduced to no change scam here happens more than back home. An aloof tourist is the perfect target and what is the downside from their perspective? They just smile and act as if they simply forgot. In the end though it is not even a concern of mine, considering it has only happened a handful of times here in the last couple years. Tourists get scammed in all countries.

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They have pre- loaded cards 100 ฿ each. It's the amount most asked for. Also people who ask for cards over 100 ฿ mostly are 2 or more persons, so 2 cards are more convenient :)... not waiting for your change ? :rolleyes:

Some places have pre-loaded cards, but some do not. When I give 100 baht to the cashier at Carrefour, they have to type in the amount before providing the card. You might be right, but my friend was disappointed that the cashier did not call her back. She stood there long enough for the cashier to give back the change, so it seemed that the cashier was waiting to see what happens.

rubbish post, sorry

I tend to agree. Can happen anywhere, if the cashier susses an easy catch !!!!

Pay attention OP :ermm:.

Disagree TOTALLY. This kind of thing is MUCH more likely to happen in Thailand than in the countries most of us have come from. Why deny it?

The reason why it happens more here than in a developed country is because of the internet and lawyers. If a business is found to rip off its customers, people find out about it quickly on the internet. The threat of a lawsuit will cause many businesses to correct the problem quickly or go out of business.

I think the cashier that provided the two food cards, instead of one, could have been doing a slight of hand trick. If you can confuse the person, or make the person think of something else, it is possibly they will make a mistake.

On another note, I will be going to Bali on vacation. I read that at exchange booths, where money is converted, the cashier will count the money in front of you and do some magic trick to remove some money before handing it to you. It is well known. So the purpose was not to say that things only happens in Thailand, but to make people aware that it can happen in unlikely places.

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Along similar lines. A few months ago the burger place at swampy domestic departures food court double billed my card. I only noticed when i redeemed my card. The cashier was familiar with the problem and even suggested the burger place before I told her. She had a quick word with the burger place and refunded the disputed amount.

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My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card.  The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards.  She thought that was kind of strange.  After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and went home.  After thinking about it, she remembered that she didn't get the 300 baht change after getting the two cards.  

Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht and asked for a 100 baht foodcourt card.  She gave me the card first.  And than the 900 baht change.  I noticed that she placed the card on the counter first, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change.  It seemed she was waiting to see if I would leave.  

Has anything like this happened to you?

No, I'm not that stupid, and I learnt to count at a young age (3, I think).

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My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card. The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards. She thought that was kind of strange. After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and

Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht andfirst, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change. It seemed she was waiting to see i

Has anything like this happened to you?

. Sure and I usually make sue they regret it. Learn a few swear Thai words. There are cheats everywhere and most farang are easy targets.
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