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Proof Of Income - Uk Embassy - Latest Info

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Just to keep people updated, I went to the UK Embassy in Bangkok to get the "proof of income" letter required for Visa extension.

In my case it was to be used for extension application to Non O visa based on marriage.

Having read the requirements on the UK Embassy website I went armed with:

1) Passport

2) 3 months bank statements (printed from online account)

3) Bankers draft for 2,315 Baht

Just incase I also took the wife's Tabien bahn and a copy of our marriage certificate, and wife's ID.

Arrived at the Embassy 9.00am, no queus, striaght in, no one at all inside, straight to the window, I expalined thatt I wanted a "proof of income letter" and was asked for my passport and then asked for proof of address in Thailand, now this is not stated anywhere that I am aware of so it was just as well I had the wifes tabien bahn with me, A photo copy was taken on both.

The lady checked over the bank statements and that was accepted no problem, next came the payment, she was somewhat surprised by the bankers darft and said cash would have been fine!!! (contrary to the embassy website)but because of the bankers draft I had to pay an additional 200Baht admin fee. She completed a form based on my submissions and that was that.

All paid all done very easy and collected the letter the same day at 1.00pm and not next working day as stated on the website, This maybe due to the fact they were very quiet and I may have just been lucky.

The whole thing was very easy and straight forward, submitting everything was 10 minutes, and collecting less than 3 minutes.

The letter states:

This is to certify that.....................(.name)..... is holder of British Passport number ...................

issued at .............by .................and is a British Citizen.

Mr...............has indicated that he resides at .......................and there is no information in our Consular records to the detriment of the applicant.

Mr.........has provided eveidence showing that he receives a monthly income totalling...GBP..................

The Embassy would be grateful for any assistance you can provide to Mr................in his application for extension to stay in the Kingdom.

blah blah blah

Hope this is helpful to anyone else contemplating the same trip who may be concerned or interested to know what is involved and what you get back.

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Good heavens. The British embassy actually did something helpful and correct for once. I can only applaud them for finally getting it right.

Well done on getting a result.

My (limited) experience is that

1 The staff are ratty because you have come for a service to be provided. (Isn't that why they are there?)

2 Unhelpful if you have a real problem (In the too difficult category perhaps)

3 Expensive for the simplest of tasks. (eg - the British embassy were twice the price for translating a document than the NZ embassy was for translating the same document!)

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Just to keep people updated, I went to the UK Embassy in Bangkok to get the "proof of income" letter required for Visa extension.

In my case it was to be used for extension application to Non O visa based on marriage.

Having read the requirements on the UK Embassy website I went armed with:

1) Passport

2) 3 months bank statements (printed from online account)

3) Bankers draft for 2,315 Baht

Just incase I also took the wife's Tabien bahn and a copy of our marriage certificate, and wife's ID.

Arrived at the Embassy 9.00am, no queus, striaght in, no one at all inside, straight to the window, I expalined thatt I wanted a "proof of income letter" and was asked for my passport and then asked for proof of address in Thailand, now this is not stated anywhere that I am aware of so it was just as well I had the wifes tabien bahn with me, A photo copy was taken on both.

The lady checked over the bank statements and that was accepted no problem, next came the payment, she was somewhat surprised by the bankers darft and said cash would have been fine!!! (contrary to the embassy website)but because of the bankers draft I had to pay an additional 200Baht admin fee. She completed a form based on my submissions and that was that.

All paid all done very easy and collected the letter the same day at 1.00pm and not next working day as stated on the website, This maybe due to the fact they were very quiet and I may have just been lucky.

The whole thing was very easy and straight forward, submitting everything was 10 minutes, and collecting less than 3 minutes.

The letter states:

This is to certify that.....................(.name)..... is holder of British Passport number ...................

issued at .............by .................and is a British Citizen.

Mr...............has indicated that he resides at .......................and there is no information in our Consular records to the detriment of the applicant.

Mr.........has provided eveidence showing that he receives a monthly income totalling...GBP..................

The Embassy would be grateful for any assistance you can provide to Mr................in his application for extension to stay in the Kingdom.

blah blah blah

Hope this is helpful to anyone else contemplating the same trip who may be concerned or interested to know what is involved and what you get back.

I appreciate your wish to be helpful But this is not an update. The same requirements have been in force for years

But I would point out that you do not even have to go to the Embassy. You post a copy of what they require plus send the money and you get the form back.

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Thanks for sharing your experience, always useful to know nothing has changed over the years, apart from the fact that you were able to pick your letter up on the day.

For clarification, the Embassy website doesn't say you need a bankers draft unless you are applying by post, you can pay cash or by Visa or MasterCard.

Not bad is it, nearly fifty quid to print a standard letter from a template?

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Indeed thanks.

Also worth noting that the Consular Section now also accepts credit cards for payments (including for passports), with the somewhat exorbitant fees charged a welcome addition.

To our OP, are you registered with Locate? I've not been asked even FOR my address (for EMS of documents) as it's already in the system.

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I did it all by post, just wrote a letter requesting the income letter. Proof was this years P60 tax certificate.

Paid for it by Thai postal order and it was sent EMS back to home address in Phu Toei.

This week used the letter for the combined method of 800k Baht for retirement extension- no probs and the immigration office gave me a rate of 50 Baht to one GBP which I thought was pretty decent of them!!.

That was at Phitsanulok Imm Office.

PS: I use the Embassy Locate service every year too, so they know I am still out in the boonies.

Edited by phutoie2
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Posted my request for Proof of Income Monday two weeks ago with Postal Order (cheaper method than bankers draft fee) and received official letter back 4 days later by EMS (Friday 3:00pm). Cannot complain with that turnaround.

Similar speed of service for previous 3 years.

On one occasion an error was made. They apologised and told me they would do another letter urgently. I received the replacement in under two days.

Think the current 2315 Baht for such a small near standard letter is well OTT. I know the arguments but still think OTT in aiding British Expats.



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Why are bank statements required?

My understanding is; most recent 3 months of Bank statements or payslip are required IF one cannot produce an original Pension(for example) letter from provider to prove their income.

I get an annual letter from my provider so no bank statements or payslips are required for proof to Embassy. I assume some who do not get annual letters may decide not to request them but just send statements or payslips if easier for them.

Regards, Dave

Edited by gdhm
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Thanks to you all for the info! Very useful. Just one little grey area for me. A retirement benefit is for life. Do you have to obtain this proof of income (retirement) EVERY year or does one statement suffice for your entire stay in Thailand.

Thx and regards,


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Thanks to you all for the info! Very useful. Just one little grey area for me. A retirement benefit is for life. Do you have to obtain this proof of income (retirement) EVERY year or does one statement suffice for your entire stay in Thailand.

Thx and regards,


unfortunaly, you have to go through the same rigmorale,every year.

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Why are bank statements required?

My understanding is; most recent 3 months of Bank statements or payslip are required IF one cannot produce an original Pension(for example) letter from provider to prove their income.

I get an annual letter from my provider so no bank statements or payslips are required for proof to Embassy. I assume some who do not get annual letters may decide not to request them but just send statements or payslips if easier for them.

Regards, Dave

Ah I see now.

That you for that information.

I am off to Chiang Mai on Monday to get a letter and the lady there said I will need bank statements but in the Embassy in BKK they didn't say.

I do my offshore banking through the internet and I have downloaded the last 3 months worth which I will NOT show unless they specifically request them.

I have the letters from the pension providers anyway.

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Charlie H,

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Did you provide the bank statements in Thailand where your income come or a UK Bank statement.

It is unusual the UK EMbassy to seem so quiet but of course recession times has reduced the International ravelling

from UK as well. Cheers

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Charlie H,

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Did you provide the bank statements in Thailand where your income come or a UK Bank statement.

It is unusual the UK EMbassy to seem so quiet but of course recession times has reduced the International ravelling

from UK as well. Cheers

The statements were printed from a UK bank and from the "online" banking system.

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Thanks for the up-to-date info. Can I ask you, if you had Thai income (e.g. rental income) how would you go about getting 'proof''. This is my first year, with Thai investment income and I want to use it to reduce the amount of cash-at-bank, needed for renewal of my type ''O'' retirement visa. Tia !; Paddy.

Edited by paddypower
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Thanks for the up-to-date info. Can I ask you, if you had Thai income (e.g. rental income) how would you go about getting 'proof''. This is my first year, with Thai investment income and I want to use it to reduce the amount of cash-at-bank, needed for renewal of my type ''O'' retirement visa. Tia !; Paddy.

LiteBeer or Lopburi are the best ones to ask, as far as I know if your income is from a Thai source you would need monthly tax receipts to verify the income.

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Thanks for the up-to-date info. Can I ask you, if you had Thai income (e.g. rental income) how would you go about getting 'proof''. This is my first year, with Thai investment income and I want to use it to reduce the amount of cash-at-bank, needed for renewal of my type ''O'' retirement visa. Tia !; Paddy.

Is not Thai income proved by way of tax reciepts from the Revenue Dept???

Edited by Dave the Dude
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One other point that seems to differ between offices, did your proof of income letter show your gross income or net income?

In my case they took it directly as it was on the bank statement, I didnt say and they didnt ask but I think it is taken as NETT but the letter doesnt specify which it is either.They just added up the various "IN" and divided by the number of months to give an average (as the amounts varied slightly) and thats what they put on the letter.

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If taking from deposits it would have to be net as that would be the only information available - but if you have pension statement or such it should be the gross as that does not change - the net can change depending on what deductions you decide to take.

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Think the current 2315 Baht for such a small near standard letter is well OTT. I know the arguments but still think OTT in aiding British Expats.



Certainly agree that the charge of 2315 baht is OTT especially as I have just been informed by the Swedish Embassy that their charge for a "proof of Income" letter is 550 baht :annoyed:

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FWIW: (while slightly off-topic ;) )

The proof of income letter that is given by the American Embassy here in Bangkok which used to cost 1020baht went up and now is $50 US DOLLARS!! (I dunno what their baht conversion is).

Guess we just hafta suck it up.. ... ... :bah:

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