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You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English


pot calling the kettle black there mate.

ever listened to an aussie staying in london, in the middle of winter ?

<deleted> me, now that is whinging !

Say what you like mate.......there aint no throwing the Whinging Pom title



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It has been said many times before and wil most likely be reiterated many times in the future "If an Englishman is not complainng , he must be sick " . It is an Englishmans duty and perogative to moan and groan , it is inherant in his genes , so what ?????????????

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You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English


pot calling the kettle black there mate.

ever listened to an aussie staying in london, in the middle of winter ?

<deleted> me, now that is whinging !

Say what you like mate.......there aint no throwing the Whinging Pom title



oh i dont know, just wait until you lose the ashes on home soil ! :whistling: wouldnt like to see another kim hughes episode :lol:


You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English

Or Expat English, whinging about about the Expat English![b.....whinging![/b]



George Carlin was one of my favorite complainers because he did it with humor. We all complain in our own way. But, isn't it a little hypocritical to tell a complainer (about complainers?) to spend time in inner reflection on 'his own problem' so he can join the rest of us and chill. Sounds like just another complaint to me.


You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English


pot calling the kettle black there mate.

ever listened to an aussie staying in london, in the middle of winter ?

<deleted> me, now that is whinging !

I’d 2nd that tigerfish!

It never fails to amaze me, the first lot to start “DRIPPING” are Aussies, and what do they start dripping about………………………………”whinging Brits” That kettle calling the pot!


Sillyman, I often enjoy your posts, so this isn't a jibe.

You complain about the complainers. That is one of your several recurring complaints about this forum. I too have complaints about this forum. Yet neither of us is leaving Thaivisa.

Does that make us pathetic? I hope not.

Since it doesn't cost anything to leave ThaiVisa, Fookhaht's explanation in post # 21 doesn't apply to us, so where does that leave the likes of you and I? Now there's a topic to discuss.


You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English


pot calling the kettle black there mate.

ever listened to an aussie staying in london, in the middle of winter ?

<deleted> me, now that is whinging !

I’d 2nd that tigerfish!

It never fails to amaze me, the first lot to start “DRIPPING” are Aussies, and what do they start dripping about………………………………”whinging Brits” That kettle calling the pot!

Hey! come on lads,some of the best friends I never had were Aussies!


It actually baffles me big time to read how some people think it's so easy to just up & leave somewhere..

OP, people have Families, Business's etc, they can't just " Up & Leave " even if they wanted to..

I have my moments, more than most i know thinking about it, of being incredibly unhappy here bbut above all else, life in Thailand, if you wnat it to be, can be incredibly good with the Sun shining..

Could i pick my little Girl up every day from School if i was at home ?? No

Could i take her for a walk down the beach after work ?? No

Could i rent a 3 Bedroom House on a 24 Hour Secured Complex where the Guards on duty Salute every time they open the Entrance Gate for me for under $500 USD per Month ?? No

Could i wake up every morning at Home & think that even if it isn't sunny today, it will be probably tomorrow ?? No

Thailand' not that bad a place to live in, at all..

It is infuriating for me sometimes, for sure but overall it's good..

The one's that leave generally come back anyway don't they, because they understand & ^^ it sinks in..


I understand the Sillyman's point and it's not what many here are arguing about. I for one have no problem with people complaining or highlighting problems in any society—it's more the way people complain. When you do it in such a way as to malign an entire peoples just because a small minority of them pissed you off, then you've crossed the line. That is the standard MO here. Whether its Thai women, Thai government, Thai drivers, Thai entertainment….whatever, it's the same condescending tone. The air of superiority here is about as thick as a well timed fart and smells just as bad. Having met a whole lot of farangs in Thailand, I can assure you that most of these guys really have nothing to feel superior about.

And the prevailing theme in many of these whine sessions is how things in Thailand just aren't the same as it was in their home country, with an obvious slant towards their home country being better. With comments like that, how can you NOT insists that they go back to this wonderful paradise that they constantly speak of. Farangs complaining is not the same as Thais complaining. Farangs have a choice of staying or leaving—Thais do not.

Some of the most rabid complainers here do come across as having a strong hatred for Thais and Thailand. So you do have to wonder why this ilk is so intent on staying in a place that they find so undeniably horrible, around people they so obviously despise, in a culture that they have nothing but contempt for. Since the Thais aren't going anywhere, isn't it fair to ask—as the Sillyman has—"why do you stay in Thailand if you're so unhappy?"

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Or would you prefer them to give a completely false account of life in Thailand?

If you left it to the whining, complaining brigade, TV readers would have a completely false account of life in Thailand.

There are so many posters here who are obviously unhappy living in Thailand, I have to ask the question,

Why do you stay in Thailand if your'e so unhappy ?

I think most of the I hate Thailand brigade don't actually live in Thailand, and haven't spent that much time here. Ripped off by a bargirl and now obsessed with the place.

I think you may be onto something. Since they couldn't find happiness in Thailand, no one else should!


IMHO I don't think that its a question of being unhappy here for the majority of Ex Pats,but some of the bad things that happen to them, and annoy them,and thus create a need to discuss it on this Forum.

They also discuss the bad things concerning their own countries,so why cant they discuss Thailand on a Ex Pat forum,without the same old boring cliche......... "why don't you leave"go home?

Or would you prefer them to give a completely false account of life in Thailand?

This is an example of a poster with a brain in his head, the op is a good example of one without :blink:

Kilgore, why would you resort to attacking someone just because you don't agree with his point-of-view? Are you so lacking in anything substantive to say that all you can do is call the other person a dummy? Should be clear who the one is that's lacking in brain cells and it ain't the OP.

There are so many posters here who are obviously unhappy living in Thailand, I have to ask the question,

Why do you stay in Thailand if your'e so unhappy ?

I think most of the I hate Thailand brigade don't actually live in Thailand, and haven't spent that much time here. Ripped off by a bargirl and now obsessed with the place.

I think you may be onto something. Since they couldn't find happiness in Thailand, no one else should!

I think you should read some of the posts here........Geriatrickid for one has already stated in his opinion there are not a large number of 'I hate Thailand' posts on the forum and I agree.........there will always be some aspects of life which we think could improve wherever we are........tell me where are you seeing all these 'overseas' failures that are 'hating' Thailand in their every post?

Does it make you feel in some way superior to appear to accept the way things are in Thailand.

Is it Ok in your eyes for a guy to relate his tale of woe regarding a divorce in his country of origin, but if he divorces in Thailand not to speak of it........why? I guess those who express concern about not receiving mail are overseas, or those who may mention the lenghthy visa renewal process? or repetitive visa runs? all overseas failures are they?

A forum is about diverse opinions and discussion, if people cannot accept this........why do you log in?

  • Like 2

You have to understand that their is a certain type of person who is not happy unless they have something to complain about. It's just their nature, they aren't happy unless they can bitch about something.

This forum is simply their venue to complain.

They are called English


pot calling the kettle black there mate.

ever listened to an aussie staying in london, in the middle of winter ?

<deleted> me, now that is whinging !

Say what you like mate.......there aint no throwing the Whinging Pom title



I've always found the Aussies to be the biggest whingers. Very sore losers at cricket, exemplified by Ponting, and while we are on the subject of aussies can you please tell me what is so great about kangaroos? :lol:


You complain about the complainers. That is one of your several recurring complaints about this forum. I too have complaints about this forum. Yet neither of us is leaving Thaivisa.

Does that make us pathetic? I hope not.


  • Like 1

Or would you prefer them to give a completely false account of life in Thailand?

If you left it to the whining, complaining brigade, TV readers would have a completely false account of life in Thailand.

But their isn't that many of them as you agreed with Geriatrickid!

"think you should read some of the posts here........Geriatrickid for one has already stated in his opinion there are not a large number of 'I hate Thailand' posts on the forum and I agree.........there will always be some aspects of life which we think could improve wherever we are........tell me where are you seeing all these 'overseas' failures that are 'hating' Thailand in their every post?"


I've always found the Aussies to be the biggest whingers. Very sore losers at cricket, exemplified by Ponting, and while we are on the subject of aussies can you please tell me what is so great about kangaroos? :lol:

So far the only examples of Aussies whinging is about the cricket...could we start a list on what Poms whinge about in Thailand alone??....probably not enough space here though.

The reason people only notice the bad comments about Thailand or any place on this forum is that people rarely write about the good things, it doesnt promote long topics...


I found this really good restaurant yesterday.....

Oh did you, what is the name

name a place

Thanks I will try that one.

I went this really horrible restaurant yesterday

Oh did you, what is the name

yeah I went there once it gross

I went there once, have to agree

you guys are full of <deleted>, it was great when I was there

I used to know the owner, he was knobhead

bloody service was up the crap too


What is great about the kangaroo.....tastes good on a barbie...took some roo meat to Thailand once, the Thais love it and its chock full of protein and low on cholesterol.


IMHO I don't think that its a question of being unhappy here for the majority of Ex Pats,but some of the bad things that happen to them, and annoy them,and thus create a need to discuss it on this Forum.

They also discuss the bad things concerning their own countries,so why cant they discuss Thailand on a Ex Pat forum,without the same old boring cliche......... "why don't you leave"go home?

Or would you prefer them to give a completely false account of life in Thailand?

I agree. Some posters do post criticisims of Thailand but they are not necessarily unhappy here. Some times they are working things out online. Perhaps its a matter of interpretation: some readers view any negative views of Thailand as unaceptable; others engage and comment both in agreement and disagreement.

Any way, this debate will continue and I see no accord on the matter.

OK, deport me now :D


"Or would you prefer them to give a completely false account of life in Thailand?"

Of course not but, as an ADULT, we expect that he would be able to handle the ebbs and flows of life without whining, and complaining to strangers.


I've always found the Aussies to be the biggest whingers. Very sore losers at cricket, exemplified by Ponting, and while we are on the subject of aussies can you please tell me what is so great about kangaroos? :lol:

So far the only examples of Aussies whinging is about the cricket...could we start a list on what Poms whinge about in Thailand alone??....probably not enough space here though.

Aussies whinge about pomes whinging more than pomes whinge. ;)


I've always found the Aussies to be the biggest whingers. Very sore losers at cricket, exemplified by Ponting, and while we are on the subject of aussies can you please tell me what is so great about kangaroos? :lol:

So far the only examples of Aussies whinging is about the cricket...could we start a list on what Poms whinge about in Thailand alone??....probably not enough space here though.

The reason people only notice the bad comments about Thailand or any place on this forum is that people rarely write about the good things, it doesnt promote long topics...


I found this really good restaurant yesterday.....

Oh did you, what is the name

name a place

Thanks I will try that one.

I went this really horrible restaurant yesterday

Oh did you, what is the name

yeah I went there once it gross

I went there once, have to agree

you guys are full of <deleted>, it was great when I was there

I used to know the owner, he was knobhead

bloody service was up the crap too


What is great about the kangaroo.....tastes good on a barbie...took some roo meat to Thailand once, the Thais love it and its chock full of protein and low on cholesterol.

:offtopic: What your beef with English pal most Australian guys I meet here are great company and yes we do try the

piss out of one and other.:drunk:

Never come across one like you with such a bad attitude.

  • Like 1

I've said this before, but I know some people just don't understand it:

"I've taken careful note, and come to the conclusion that whatever opinion any other expat has or expresses about Thailand has absolutely no impact on my own day in Thailand - I can read someone ranting about their wife, their neighbor, the school system, the police, the laws, corruption, Thai women, Thai men, Thai kids, Thai dogs, Thai cats ...... You name it, you even rant about it - It will have zero impact on my ability to enjoy or not enjoy my own life in Thailand"

I take the view that most of the people who have moved to live here actually care about the place they've chosen to live in, certainly those raising families here (Who might not have an option to leave) have a vested interest in Thailand - And if then if people live here, have invested their life here then I think they are entitled to an opinion and since the forum rules allow them to express their opinion (within the rules) why not let them get it off their chest.

I can't get upset about someone else expressing a negative opinion, or more often than not relating an negative experience - clearly many other's don't either. But there is a group of people, the OP included who do get upset about it, to the point of telling people they don't know and of who's personal life circumstances they have no knowledge to 'Go Home'.

This begs a question.

What is it about the OP, and others like him, that causes them to be so offended by other people's opinions - The OP is not Thai, he can't claim to defend Thailand on the basis of nationalism - So why the urge to defend a country that is not his against the views of people he does not know.

It's curious too that I've never ever heard a Thai person complain about foreigners expressing a negative view of Thailand or discussing a negative experience they've had in Thailand - More often than not Thais will agree with such views - Perhaps because they too genuinely care about the place and want to see improvement.

Yesterday I had lunch with five Thai men, two I've known for many years the others I've only met recently. As I joined them they were discussing the corruption surrounding the G3 Auctions, who's got their snout in the trough and who's clearly taking back handers.

Perhaps the OP would have these people sent out of Thailand too?!

Complaints are never going to go away, certainly not while the causes of the complaints remain. The OP understands that foreigners are complaining and he gets upset by the fact. If he's living in Thailand, and integrating into Thai society, he can't miss the point that Thais are complaining too - far more so.

I'd therefore suggest that the OP, spend less time complaining about the right of others to live where they want and express the views they want and spend a little time in inward reflection about what it is within himself and within his own life's choices that causes him to be so offended.

Most of us live life happily while accepting the right of others to express whatever opinion they wish. The reward of the OP spending some time in inner reflection on 'his own problem' might very well be that he can join the rest of us and chill.

Well Said GH


:offtopic: What your beef with English pal most Australian guys I meet here are great company and yes we do try the

piss out of one and other.:drunk:

Never come across one like you with such a bad attitude.

What do you mean? Wheres the bad attitude?

So I cant take the lager out of the limeys...

Just for your information I was born in Pinwall Warwickshire, oh yeah, thats in England isnt it?

Ironic eh? I am taking the piss out of myself.....

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