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Zone 2 Parking Lot At Suvarnabhumi Airport Closed Off By Armed Men

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A bit off subject, and I apologize to the mods, but the quote:

Integrity does not exist in Thailand.
makes me think of something else.

The Thai language actually does contain words such as: Integrity, Honesty, Respect, Common Sense. Unfortunately, in the dictionary they are all preceded by "We have no....."


Is that true?.... that explains everything

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A bit off subject, and I apologize to the mods, but the quote:

Integrity does not exist in Thailand.
makes me think of something else.

The Thai language actually does contain words such as: Integrity, Honesty, Respect, Common Sense. Unfortunately, in the dictionary they are all preceded by "We have no....."


You are right!


Airport Parking Lot Reopens, But Armed Men Still Present

Reports indicate that the Zone 2 parking lot at the Suvarnabhumi Airport has reopened. However, the 40 armed men who reportedly took over the area are still present.


-- Tan Network 2010-10-01


I wonder when the generator, amplifier, the speakers, the microphones, the band, the stage, the flags, the dancers, toilets, the food vendors, fresh water supply for showers, the bamboo and off course the drums with gasoline and car tires will arrive so they can get started again. Still boggles my mind if anyone does not wear it's safety belt you get pulled over and 40 Ali Babas with guns can take over the parking lot of an International airport ......No we are not strange...we are absolutely bonkers!!

The parking garage has been reopened AND the armed men are still there.....! ! !

Then the important question must be asked..... " Who gets the Parking Fees ?????



This would almost be a Thai Visa first, 3 pages of posts down and everyone agrees.

Great story. I find nothing surprising anymore, funny but not surprising. :lol:


Are these "armed men in black" the same "hire a gang" people who were hired by the Reds?:crazy:

Try reading post 48, a summary

So it would appear the interested party most concerned with going ahead with the concession would be the Bhumjaithai Party,

Hardly Reds under the beds stuff, is it.


In any other country this would be an armed insurrection, or a revolution - a gang of 40 armed men take over part of the capital city's main airport? WIll they be arrested and tried? I doubt it.

Another day in Thailand!

Yes, my sentiments exactly.

Seems a bit odd though that this hasn't been picked up by any other news media. You'd think that such an event would be on par with the yellow shirts occupying the airport and shutting down flights. After all, if bullets are to start flying around, it's hard to believe AoT would allow arriving passengers to disembark as usual.


Thai people and the Thai government has no backbone. They let anything happen no matter how dangerous it is, how badly it affects their economy, and how it negatively affects their people. It must be their "mai pen rai" mentality. That is why Thailand is still a backward "third world" country" . The Thai people are like sheep and will always follow the foreignors demands. Maybe that is good for foreignors. It is not good for the Thai people.

"Every country has the government it deserves." - Joseph Marie de Maistre

Good luck, Thailand.


It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

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I think I've finally acclimatised to life in Thailand. The story didn't horrify or surprise me - not even a raised eyebrow. Now I know what TiT really means

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Around 40 armed men dressed in black

The men in black are now backing up the Thaksinista taxi service?

The only bright spot in all of this is that they remain employed after May Mayhem 2010, thus keeping unemployment figures lower.

I hate to tell you this, but Thaksin's cronies were all pushed out of the concessions, including the taxi service, years ago. Please try to keep up. The taxi service is run by the Air Force. These are most likely from King Power, who support (i.e., pay off) the Democrats and the Yellow Shirts.


Now the reasoning behind TAT lowering thier guestimate of arrivals to 8% , they had been prewarned of this incident , who is scratching whos back I wonder . As has already been said , had the army moved in swiftly to show the new boss means buisiness , maybe it would have set a president for any future actions of this nature , make sure they all fell down a few steps or twelve on the way out , would have impressed even more future terrorists about what NOT to do .


No, you all have it wrong...this story has got all out of control...the 40 armed men were just providing parking security....you don't have to worry about your spare tire being stolen with them around...talk nice to them and they will even validate your parking snub. ;)


In any other country this would be an armed insurrection, or a revolution - a gang of 40 armed men take over part of the capital city's main airport? WIll they be arrested and tried? I doubt it.

Another day in Thailand!

So what else is new! They had yellow shirts take it over a while back and one yellow shirt could walk toward 100 police and they back paddled :lol:


I can imagine the happy holidaymakers arriving at the airport not knowing there's a potential timebomb ready to go off in the carpark.Welcome to the land of smiles...NOT.


A small army can take over part of the airport - where did all the weapons come from? Was it part of the 7,000 from the south that have not been publicised or tracked down - whats the response to this - stand back and let the old and new car park attendants fight each other

Absolutely NUTS!


It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

The original quote, from the Christian New Testament, 1 Timothy 6:10, is,"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." In general I notice that religious teachers do not greatly admire worldly wealth. Jesus taught that rich people will not go to heaven. Unfortunately his teachings were soon corrupted, and in the 15th Century Jean Calvin taught that worldly wealth in fact shows that God loves you. He also taught that only 4,000 people are going to heaven and they've already been chosen, so it doesn't matter whether you believe or not, nor whether you live a righteous life, if you are of the elect you're going to heaven and the rest of us are not. Sorry, this has nothing to do with the price of rice or armed men taking over a concession.


Exactly what is the State of Emergency anyway. There can not be any meeting of more than 5 people, except if they take over an airport parking level with weapons.

I simply can not understand the logic of this place, I know that there is a logic, or set of rules that run the place, but I have not yet been able to identify the algorithm that describes it.

We had just returned from a week in Singapore to the airport last night, before this happened. Taking the airport link was a pain in the butt, no directions or any indication of which stop was where or any indication of express

train or local train. Getting off at the last stop, we needed to carry the suitcases down 4 levels, and walk out to the street and hail a cab. With no signs whatsoeveranyfuc_kingplaceatall. Coming back from Singapore it sure was a shock, and I have been living here nearly 15 years now. I simply forgot how other places operate.

Cost of Singapore, Hotel 3X Bangkok, Food 1.5X, Cabs 2X, Shopping 1/2 price, Public Transportation less than Bangkok but it went everywhere. All in all after the cost of the hotel, Singapore was not much more expensive than Bangkok but the quality was outstanding.

Sightseeing was great, Geylang the "soi cowboy" area had many but not so attractive girls. No idea of price as I was with the GF so I couldn't ask.

People were well educated and actually could answer questions, I speak Thai and many Thais don't know much more than what is currently in front of them.

I wonder if Singapore could change so much in 40 years is there hope for Thailand in the next 400......

Everywhere had free wifi and 3G, totally connected city.

Thailand has determined that not launching 3G will have no negative impact on the country, up-country who needs 3G to plow a field.

Sorry to wander off topic.

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Around 40 armed men dressed in black

The men in black are now backing up the Thaksinista taxi service?

The only bright spot in all of this is that they remain employed after May Mayhem 2010, thus keeping unemployment figures lower.

I hate to tell you this, but Thaksin's cronies were all pushed out of the concessions, including the taxi service, years ago. Please try to keep up. The taxi service is run by the Air Force. These are most likely from King Power, who support (i.e., pay off) the Democrats and the Yellow Shirts.

It's good to hear then that the tens of thousands of staunch, and not infrequently violent, Thaksin-supporting taxi drivers have all changed their colors. When exactly did they renounce Thaksin and stop their activities for him?

*edited to add: Do these Air Force taxi drivers wear their Air Force uniforms when they drive?


How is this story not on the Nation website?

You forget, "The Nation" is more akin to a comic than a newspaper.

What they are doing now is frantically reading other newsfeeds about the occupation at the airport and phoning their political masters so they know which way to spin their own report. Unfortunately for them these people are probably still at lunch!


Airport Parking Lot Reopens, But Armed Men Still Present

Reports indicate that the Zone 2 parking lot at the Suvarnabhumi Airport has reopened. However, the 40 armed men who reportedly took over the area are still present.


-- Tan Network 2010-10-01


WOW this is wonderful Thailand..... :lol:


I feel like I'm living in the wild west rather than the far east!

The Philippines used to be known as The Wild East, maybe Thailand wants to take over that crown.

Hign noon at Suvarnabhumi zone 2 parking lot? Nah, it doesn't have the right sound to it. They could of course be filming a new Thai movie "A Fistful of Baht".

Didn't someone in the tourist business just predict a 20 - 30% rise in tourists?

What a laugh. It is really lucky that the muslim separatists are not really strong nor organised because if they ever got that way Thailand is rich for the picking.


Thai people and the Thai government has no backbone. They let anything happen no matter how dangerous it is, how badly it affects their economy, and how it negatively affects their people. It must be their "mai pen rai" mentality. That is why Thailand is still a backward "third world" country" . The Thai people are like sheep and will always follow the foreignors demands. Maybe that is good for foreignors. It is not good for the Thai people.

I can't recall any foreignors (sic) demanding that the police should allow Thai-Chinese mafia to send armed thugs into the airport in support of them business claims. Foreigners are actually more likely to avoid investing in the country or coming to spend their tourist dollars here when they read about armed gangs running around in the airport with the police standing idly by. Most Thai leaders couldn't care less what foreigners want which is why we have the most backward laws on foreign investment in Asia. What have you been smoking?

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It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

I believe the correct quote is "For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."

On the other hand, there is a very good documentary that blames religion. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0774118/


How can the parking lot be reopened when the armed men are still present? What nonsense. Don't the Thai police or army have the means to take these 40 armed men out? Take them out (kill them) already and get the airport secure as it should be!

I don't so, they must be connected to the government...... :ph34r:


Thai people and the Thai government has no backbone. They let anything happen no matter how dangerous it is, how badly it affects their economy, and how it negatively affects their people. It must be their "mai pen rai" mentality. That is why Thailand is still a backward "third world" country" . The Thai people are like sheep and will always follow the foreignors demands. Maybe that is good for foreignors. It is not good for the Thai people.

I can't recall any foreignors (sic) demanding that the police should allow Thai-Chinese mafia to send armed thugs into the airport in support of their corrupt business claims. Foreigners are actually more likely to avoid investing in the country or coming to spend their tourist dollars here when they read about the police allowing armed gangs run amok in the airport. Most Thai leaders couldn't care less what foreigners want which is why we have the most backward laws on foreign investment in Asia and why ordinary Thai people have to buy overpriced and uncompetitive goods and services from protected Thai-Chinese business families as a result. What have you been smoking?


If they are not holding hostages they should be given the right to surrender peacefully. If not the police need to take them down,

by any means necessary.


How can the parking lot be reopened when the armed men are still present? What nonsense. Don't the Thai police or army have the means to take these 40 armed men out? Take them out (kill them) already and get the airport secure as it should be!

Yes, the blazing guns sure worked well when someone took those Hong Kong tourists as hostages in the Philippines. Of course, if the Thai police had just gone ahead and fired on them, the same people on TV would be talking about "In any other country they would negotiate first."


To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

It's the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil.

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Didn't someone in the tourist business just predict a 20 - 30% rise in tourists?

Headline said 20-30 per cent

Article said

International arrivals are expected to soar by 2030 per cent in the approaching high season, assuming no political tensions get in the way, the Association of Thai Travel Agents said Thursday.

Proofreading not required at the Nation



It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

The original quote, from the Christian New Testament, 1 Timothy 6:10, is,"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." In general I notice that religious teachers do not greatly admire worldly wealth. Jesus taught that rich people will not go to heaven. Unfortunately his teachings were soon corrupted, and in the 15th Century Jean Calvin taught that worldly wealth in fact shows that God loves you. He also taught that only 4,000 people are going to heaven and they've already been chosen, so it doesn't matter whether you believe or not, nor whether you live a righteous life, if you are of the elect you're going to heaven and the rest of us are not. Sorry, this has nothing to do with the price of rice or armed men taking over a concession.

Four thousand, eh - and if wealth shows that God loves us, then presumably the 4,000 richest people go to heaven - wow, Forbes already has all these names. This version of God sounds like he could have been a principle adviser to the Bush administration. As if we needed more evidence that it is all fairy tales compiled by a bunch of self-appointed religious scholars in order to consolidate their own power - which is almost indistinguishable from money, oddly enough.

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