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Threatened With Iron Bar By Motorbike Taxi Man


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ok lads advice please and especially from any fvp on here

i just tried to leave a motorbike on the street in bhukeow and was threatened by a m/bike taxi animal with an iron bar which he raised above his head and aimed at me. he brought it down but stopped short of hitting me when he saw i wasnt going to get out of its way

he carried on waving it around and as its not my bike i had to move it

what should i have done and what should i do know if anything-------------------i am only just short of going back now without the bike and doing him

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go for it. But first

Make sure he isn't with his mates. Some of these guys have paid for their pitch, he sure knew you hadn't

Make sure he doesn't have the iron bar. Iron hurts

Make sure you have hopiton insurance. Broken heads are expensive

Too near Christmas, or New Year, or Songkran, or next Christmas to let this kind of thing get you down, he was only protecting his territory

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Why not just park your bike a meter or so away and not where this fella and his mate have their taxi rank..easy-peezy, or would that be too much of a step-down for your fragile ego to handle?

As had been stated, they often have to pay the local Thai toughs for their piece of pitch, and even if they didn't, they are just protecting their workplace. Just move on down the soi a bit and then everyone is happy and the world is back in equilibrium again :)

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go for it. But first

Make sure he isn't with his mates. Some of these guys have paid for their pitch, he sure knew you hadn't

Make sure he doesn't have the iron bar. Iron hurts

Make sure you have hopiton insurance. Broken heads are expensive

Too near Christmas, or New Year, or Songkran, or next Christmas to let this kind of thing get you down, he was only protecting his territory


Good advice.....

I have come up with a new trick....if you want to leave your bike in a taxi space just get off it in a hurry and say 'haa natee' and give him 20 baht......works for me every time, they are grateful for free money and as your in a hurry they wont bother arguing....

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Dont go back and try to forget it,think yourself lucky more of them didnt get involved,yes it makes you angry but it's the way it is.2 weeks ago i saw 9 motobike taxi drivers fighting on Sukhumvit road,4 from one taxi group and 5 from another,and it was because one rider had stolen a fare from the other group..

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maybe indeed better to forget but some of us can't do that easily, that's why we are all different characters on this earth. I for instance also have a problem when I get threatened by these cun_ts to try and get back of them.

To be honest, it has worked at times but also at times had my ass kicked :rolleyes::ph34r:

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maybe indeed better to forget but some of us can't do that easily, that's why we are all different characters on this earth. I for instance also have a problem when I get threatened by these cun_ts to try and get back of them.

To be honest, it has worked at times but also at times had my ass kicked :rolleyes::ph34r:

I know what ur sayin..i also hate backing down especially to parasites like these but unfortunately you are on their turf and indeed in their country...imagine if the tables were turned and it was a foreigner in your town starting trouble...

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maybe indeed better to forget but some of us can't do that easily, that's why we are all different characters on this earth. I for instance also have a problem when I get threatened by these cun_ts to try and get back of them.

To be honest, it has worked at times but also at times had my ass kicked :rolleyes::ph34r:

I know what ur sayin..i also hate backing down especially to parasites like these but unfortunately you are on their turf and indeed in their country...imagine if the tables were turned and it was a foreigner in your town starting trouble...

Indeed, they wouldn't last long

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I hope that you were wearing a helmet!!!


go for it. But first

Make sure he isn't with his mates. Some of these guys have paid for their pitch, he sure knew you hadn't

Make sure he doesn't have the iron bar. Iron hurts

Make sure you have hopiton insurance. Broken heads are expensive

Too near Christmas, or New Year, or Songkran, or next Christmas to let this kind of thing get you down, he was only protecting his territory

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Reading the OP, I sit in disbelief!! I also agree with the vast majority of the replies above!

Firstly, the right thing to do was walk away, as already pointed out, these taxi guys don't fight to loose............they will be mob handed, and it's 99% certain you would come off the worse! A costly and painful excercise.

Secondly, if anything did happen to this motorbike taxi boy just now, guess what Sherlock??? You have just anounced prime suspect No 1 for the assault on a forum......................as premeditated assault..................and also specifically asked FVP for advise!

Lastly, the type of person who would carry out any kind of revenge attack, would not be sitting behind a computer monitor discussing it, it would have taken place instantly, believe me, I know plenty who could have, and are more than capable of doing so..........but they are not that stupid.

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I agree that it is their turf, their country but Pattaya is not their town, IMO if it wasn't the foreigners coming here to visit and spend some of our money, then this guys turf would be a dirt road in some squalid shanty town! An iron bar was a bit extreme!


maybe indeed better to forget but some of us can't do that easily, that's why we are all different characters on this earth. I for instance also have a problem when I get threatened by these cun_ts to try and get back of them.

To be honest, it has worked at times but also at times had my ass kicked :rolleyes::ph34r:

I know what ur sayin..i also hate backing down especially to parasites like these but unfortunately you are on their turf and indeed in their country...imagine if the tables were turned and it was a foreigner in your town starting trouble...

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please take solice from this Neil

the man was a coward

he was frightened of you

he may have won a round but not necessarily the fight

you know exactly where he is, he has no idea where or who you are

you have lived to fight another day and have time to plan another interaction if you wish

i have known motorcycle taxi drivers have problems with car doors, minor collisions with passing vehicles etc

it can happen.......

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Reading the OP, I sit in disbelief!! I also agree with the vast majority of the replies above!

Firstly, the right thing to do was walk away, as already pointed out, these taxi guys don't fight to loose............they will be mob handed, and it's 99% certain you would come off the worse! A costly and painful excercise.

Secondly, if anything did happen to this motorbike taxi boy just now, guess what Sherlock??? You have just anounced prime suspect No 1 for the assault on a forum......................as premeditated assault..................and also specifically asked FVP for advise!

Lastly, the type of person who would carry out any kind of revenge attack, would not be sitting behind a computer monitor discussing it, it would have taken place instantly, believe me, I know plenty who could have, and are more than capable of doing so..........but they are not that stupid.

SPOT ON woody. The OP is talkin the talk, not walkin the walk. If you've gone away to think about action then it aint going to happen, is it.

Woulda, shoulda, coulda - GAME OVER. :lol: Personally if someone pulled an iron bar on me, I would of taken it off them and used it as a tooth pick & chewed on it, then I would of bench pressed their taxis & perhaps juggled a few Toyota Vigo's or something like that. :ph34r:

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Why not just park your bike a meter or so away and not where this fella and his mate have their taxi rank..easy-peezy, or would that be too much of a step-down for your fragile ego to handle?

As had been stated, they often have to pay the local Thai toughs for their piece of pitch, and even if they didn't, they are just protecting their workplace. Just move on down the soi a bit and then everyone is happy and the world is back in equilibrium again :)

I agree. I have also been kindly told that I could not park here because it "belongs" to the taxi guys. I always move my bike, why not, when you think about it you would properly do the same in his shoes (flip-flops). Okay threatened with an iron bar is way over the top, but I haven't seen any Thais who fight fair.

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Neverdie, glad to see your teeth are up to nibbling on a bit of iron bar! And you're sense of humour is still in tact!

Don't know about the bench pressing or juggling though..........might take the piss a bit too far :rolleyes:

On a serious note though, after almost ten years in Pattaya, I know it is almost always best to try to quell the situation (if possible). I have been in a few scrapes myself, and it's never pleasant!!! And guess who is almost always in the wrong..............you got it first time!!! Farang!!!

What does surprise me though, is the timing of the OP's post, normally these clowns (taxi boys) are usually at their peak first thing in the morning, when they've had a full night of Sam Song or Lao Khao (excuse the spelling please), I've been working overses for sometime, and lost touch with some of my Thai spelling / brands, I'm sure I'll get back to my best when I return in a couple of weeks though!

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I'm not defending anyone who makes threats with an iron bar. That is just unacceptable.

Maybe they have to pay to rent the space, maybe they don't, but, these moto taxi guys are trying to make a living and need 2-3 metres of road to park their bikes.

Personally, I would just look for a parking space that didn't upset them. Life's too short for this sort of crap.

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Recently a friend of mine parked his motor cycle next to the taxi boys area outside Royal Garden and went inside to do a bit of shopping.

When he came out about an hour later both his tyres were flat and he couldn't get the engine to turn over.

My friend,who incidentally was also a Motor bike driver was not too happy but there was not much he could do about it ,

so he had no choice but to push his mo-bike all the way to his mechanic's shop.

I did notice that one of the resident drivers was doing a lot of talking,in Thai of course,and when I asked my friend what the other was saying ,he,my friend replied that that was the guy who flattened the tyres.

What an arsehol_e ...........

The guy with the mouth had an accident a couple of nights later !!

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Once I parked my bike next to a taxi rank and went for a massage. When I came out the engine wouldn't turn over. I made them start it up manually for me. Turns out the the battery had given up the ghost and probably had nothing to do with them at all.

Rental company paid for a new battery.

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Most of these hostile and negative events posted above can / could be avoided by parking and staying as far away from these jerks as possible.

What cannot be avoided is walking the gauntlet by these lowlifes on every other corner. It is amazing that with all the income they get from foreigners that there is so much negativity.

Well its a real love/hate relationship here : hate the guys - love the girls.

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I cant beleive the people on here trying to defend the actions of this thai lowlife thug.....threatening somebody with a steel bar because they have parked in an area of the kerb that he regards as his personal parking spot.

To the OP.. ...forget about this low life ass; hole why waste your energy on him........you should realise Pattaya if full of thai lowlifes who are looking for the slightest excuse to attack a falang and it wont be one it will be a pack of the animals........i will be going armed when i am in pattaya these days....pepper spray,telescopic baton,blades....all available on beach road.

I am with the US citizens on this .... when it comes to my personal safety i will arm myself for the purpose of self defence.

If you choose to remain unarmed when in a place which you know to be dangerous you should google the word ......sheeple.....this will be you if when are attacked.

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I cant beleive the people on here trying to defend the actions of this thai lowlife thug.....threatening somebody with a steel bar because they have parked in an area of the kerb that he regards as his personal parking spot.

To the OP.. ...forget about this low life ass; hole why waste your energy on him........you should realise Pattaya if full of thai lowlifes who are looking for the slightest excuse to attack a falang and it wont be one it will be a pack of the animals........i will be going armed when i am in pattaya these days....pepper spray,telescopic baton,blades....all available on beach road.

I am with the US citizens on this .... when it comes to my personal safety i will arm myself for the purpose of self defence.

If you choose to remain unarmed when in a place which you know to be dangerous you should google the word ......sheeple.....this will be you if when are attacked.

I think you have miss-understood the advice being given.....nobody is defending the actions of the Parasite in question but only advising against starting trouble with them.

YES he shouldn't have pulled a weapon and threatened him and YES he deserved a severe beating for it, but this is NOT the U.S. and what may seem like a reasonable solution to armed with "pepper spray,telescopic baton,blades" to you or any other Gung-Ho maniac will only end in the farangs downfall...if not by the parasite and his mates, then by the police after you are charged with assault or murder.

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I cant beleive the people on here trying to defend the actions of this thai lowlife thug.....threatening somebody with a steel bar because they have parked in an area of the kerb that he regards as his personal parking spot.

To the OP.. ...forget about this low life ass; hole why waste your energy on him........you should realise Pattaya if full of thai lowlifes who are looking for the slightest excuse to attack a falang and it wont be one it will be a pack of the animals........i will be going armed when i am in pattaya these days....pepper spray,telescopic baton,blades....all available on beach road.

I am with the US citizens on this .... when it comes to my personal safety i will arm myself for the purpose of self defence.

If you choose to remain unarmed when in a place which you know to be dangerous you should google the word ......sheeple.....this will be you if when are attacked.

Sounds like Mr T talking. I wasn't aware that all US citizens were advocating violence, surely some of them know what an ass kicking feels like and would use their brain, rather than a loud mouth and weapons.

You are gonna last a long time on the streets here, buddy

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