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New US Ambassador To Thailand Officially In Office

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New US ambassador to Thailand officially in office


BANGKOK, 21 January 2011 (NNT) -- Former US Ambassador to the Philippines Her Excellency Kristie Anne Kenney has officially assumed her new position as the US Ambassador to Thailand succeeding His Excellency Eric G John.

According to the US embassy in Thailand, Ambassador Kenny arrived in Thailand on 7 January 2011, and the Thai government officially acknowledged her assumption of the post on 19 January 2011. The new ambassador last month introduced herself as US ambassador-designate to Thailand via www.youtube.com.

In that presentation, the new ambassador stated that she wished to meet Thai people and hoped to learn more about life and education system in Thailand as well as the nature, the history and the globally recognized culture.

Ambassador Kenny has begun her diplomatic career since 1981 and had been working in many countries such as Ecuador, Jamaica, Switzerland and Argentina. She was the ambassador to the Philippines from 2006 to 2010. She is also able to speak Spanish, French and little Thai.

The new ambassador also has her own blog, http://ambkristie.us/, where she narrates her experiences in Thailand.


-- NNT 2011-01-21 footer_n.gif


From everything I've read about the new ambassador, she is a very personable and high energy person.

From what I have read, she is a South American specialist and not a Southeast Asian specialist. Her last stint was in the Philippines where there was some criticism of her being too close to the ruling elite and too far from the reality on the street level. I am sure she is highly personable as the recent wiki-leaks episode clearly demonstrated that one of the primary roles of Ambassadors is to schmooze and collect idle gossip. But given the precarious political conundrum that Thailand finds itself in at the moment, I would prefer a cantankerous curmudgeon familiar with Southeast Asia rather than a generic career "diplomat" with an engaging smile.


From everything I've read about the new ambassador, she is a very personable and high energy person.

From what I have read, she is a South American specialist and not a Southeast Asian specialist. Her last stint was in the Philippines where there was some criticism of her being too close to the ruling elite and too far from the reality on the street level. I am sure she is highly personable as the recent wiki-leaks episode clearly demonstrated that one of the primary roles of Ambassadors is to schmooze and collect idle gossip. But given the precarious political conundrum that Thailand finds itself in at the moment, I would prefer a cantankerous curmudgeon familiar with Southeast Asia rather than a generic career "diplomat" with an engaging smile.

Thailand is the Land of Smiles....Thai's will probably like a very personable person...if they like the U.S. Ambassador, it improves the chances they will like the U.S. Of course even a new U.S. Ambassador ain't going to make any difference in the new-and-higher fees charged for services at the U.S. Embassy.


I am surprised reading your post.

May I ask if you ever shaked hand with her?

Talked to her in person?

Asked her a question?

Scrutinized her closeup and in person?

Perhaps, you ought to seek an audience with her.... before saying what you said....?

She is perfect for Thailand current political climate.... imho

No. I am her publicist. I am not on nor under her payroll either. But I do receive and use greenback regularly along with Euro, Pound, RengMingPhee and Rupee though.... :)

Come on.... give her a chance and if possible render her a helping hand as well....

Her Excellency deserves the very best Thailand has to offer.... :jap:

Besides, Kristie, I believe, would also be the very best female role model for all aspiring female here as well.... :jap: :jap: :jap:

From everything I've read about the new ambassador, she is a very personable and high energy person.

From what I have read, she is a South American specialist and not a Southeast Asian specialist. Her last stint was in the Philippines where there was some criticism of her being too close to the ruling elite and too far from the reality on the street level. I am sure she is highly personable as the recent wiki-leaks episode clearly demonstrated that one of the primary roles of Ambassadors is to schmooze and collect idle gossip. But given the precarious political conundrum that Thailand finds itself in at the moment, I would prefer a cantankerous curmudgeon familiar with Southeast Asia rather than a generic career "diplomat" with an engaging smile.


A woman appointed to a high position in american system. No change there. We are being womanised.

Did you not remember....?

The very first moment you were delivered out of somewhere....

you have already been womanized....

by your very own.... you know who.... :D

Kristie would have a time of her life in Thailand....

living out her ultimate dreams.... and

showing all the Thai girls....

what higher education can help any woman to excel to the very top....

surpassing many many masculine gender and the likes.... :)

stand aside.... Apisit, SuThep et al....

Here comes the Super Mom and the one and only American Superlative State Woman, Kristie.... :jap: :welcomeani:


The important aspect is that she sounds like a career diplomat...not a "political" appointee that gets the due to being a friend of the president. Personally, I prefer to see woman in these positions. They usually are not as arrogant and get things done. (Meanwhile,there is still the problem with the US embassy staff's "people skills" at the passport/document office.)


The important aspect is that she sounds like a career diplomat...not a "political" appointee that gets the due to being a friend of the president.

The critical aspect is that it will likely be upon her watch when the doggie doo doo hits the fan and I would prefer someone far more familiar with the ever evolving political machinations here, a true Thai-hand, rather than a career diplomat whose only professional goal over the past 20 years has been the support of the US empire. Perhaps she would like to address the current selling of some long accumulated hard assets, representing significant wealth of the Kingdom, into cash that is being deposited offshore.


The important aspect is that she sounds like a career diplomat...not a "political" appointee that gets the due to being a friend of the president.

The critical aspect is that it will likely be upon her watch when the doggie doo doo hits the fan and I would prefer someone far more familiar with the ever evolving political machinations here, a true Thai-hand, rather than a career diplomat whose only professional goal over the past 20 years has been the support of the US empire. Perhaps she would like to address the current selling of some long accumulated hard assets, representing significant wealth of the Kingdom, into cash that is being deposited offshore.

Could you provide some reference materials on the above, pls?

I was aware only of several self-serving politically questionable ministers who are not certain as to what is going to happen to Apisit's govt, they and theirs using various aliases have been converting THB into other foreign currencies in Euro, US, Yuan and physical gold bars.... in preparation for some unforeseen circumstances.... and they would use special privileges accorded to senators to haul their packed and sealed luggage by private aircraft....

The current political climate is way different from when people were preparing to usher Tuxsin out....

This time around, the same group with some other additional groups, are charging Apisit and his govt with selling out His Royal Majesty's hard fought territory.... and

worst of the worst is.... Apisit with his certain 3 deputies or so, will be hit with treason charge by the yellowshirt who stated they are now drawing up the charges for filing to DSI and the judiciary ....

News Flash

At the moment, it is Monday, January 24, 2011; 12:11 pm:

The Thai newscast is airing the live interview of the two out of the 7 kidnapped by the Cambodian soldiers. The two said that they were advised by the Thai govt representatives to admit to the charge so as to facilitate the Cambodian court proceedings.... but then VeeRa and the lady chose to stand behind the fact that they were wrongfully arrested in Thailand territorial, not Cambodian land.... They admired VeeRa et al courage and willingness to fight to the last day....

And also, it is now clear that since the PM Apisit ordered his army to inform the Cambodian to remove the Cambodian signage from certain Thai territorial, namely Wat Kaew temple.... but the current newscast said that the Cambodian govt refuses to remove the Cambodian signage from Wat-Kaew in Thai territorial....

At the moment there is no response from the Thai PM, Apisit as yet....

It has been some five hours since the Cambodian refusal to comply....

and the Thai PM has not responded nor convened his cabinet for any emergency meeting yet.... :(

I weep for Thailand.... and my heart is broken over the tarnished sovereignty of His Royal Majesty hard fought and earned Kingdom....

Field Marshall General SaRid ThaNaRutt and numerous other old time soldiers would have turned over in their graves in shame and despite.... :shock1:


Field Marshall General SaRid ThaNaRutt and numerous other old time soldiers would have turned over in their graves in shame and despite.... :shock1:

Since that old reprobate is burning in hell, I doubt whether he is preoccupied by a few PAD quasi fascists stirring up shit and looking pretty stupid now as well.


The twitter-verse seems to agree that she is lovely. And likes Thai food. And smiles a lot.

Sounds like I'm qualified to be ambassador as well, then!

Thai food, Schmai food, I give her a month before she is seen at Great American Rib Company or Monitas Mexican.

Oh, BTW, Good luck Ambassador Kenny, and if you don't read thaivisa, why the heck not?!?

I think she's going to do a great job. Again, in case she reads this, can you do something to get the Thai government to decrease the horrific taxes on American wine imports to Thailand? I understand the Australians got a special deal with the Thais on that. Why not US? Are we chopped liver?


The important aspect is that she sounds like a career diplomat...not a "political" appointee that gets the due to being a friend of the president. Personally, I prefer to see woman in these positions. They usually are not as arrogant and get things done. (Meanwhile,there is still the problem with the US embassy staff's "people skills" at the passport/document office.)

Let's not confuse short hagiographic blurbs with the reality of the job.

A career diplomat would have

a ) a career to worry about, but, b ) also doing a good job to continue up the diplomatic ladder.

Just because she is a South America specialist, doesn't mean she didn't use her Spanish/Portuguese skills in Philippines to grasp a greater understanding of S.E. Asia in short order. Nor does being an Ambassador mean you will suddenly be 'in touch with the street' , that rarely is part of the purview, nor social circle, of a top level diplomat, that is other persons jobs, though they will report to the Ambassador. So any whining about that is disingenuous at best. Though no doubt she will have an easier time meeting the average Somchai in Thailand.

So she is likely to be a much better choice than a presidential friend with some clout or big donations.

My late uncle was a career diplomat and economics specialist and sharp as a tack.

So I can easily see the benefit to having a pro in the position here.

Field Marshall General SaRid ThaNaRutt and numerous other old time soldiers would have turned over in their graves in shame...

Interesting transliteration...anyway, you seem to suggest he was some sort of great protector of Thai honor and sovereignty renowned for his martial prowess...Let's see...he did do a lot for the Thai economy. In addition to that, he was a consummate Mafia godfather of massive proportions, a major narcotics tycoon, as well as an accomplished military dictator who put an end, with the most repressive regime of modern Thai history, to Thai efforts of the time towards some sort of democracy (oh, and he also did manage to maintain a stable of allegedly dozens of Mia Nois) -- but I'm not aware that he is anyone about whose good opinion we should worry (even if he were alive).

Field Marshall General SaRid ThaNaRutt and numerous other old time soldiers would have turned over in their graves in shame...

Interesting transliteration...anyway, you seem to suggest he was some sort of great protector of Thai honor and sovereignty renowned for his martial prowess...Let's see...he did do a lot for the Thai economy. In addition to that, he was a consummate Mafia godfather of massive proportions, a major narcotics tycoon, as well as an accomplished military dictator who put an end, with the most repressive regime of modern Thai history, to Thai efforts of the time towards some sort of democracy (oh, and he also did manage to maintain a stable of allegedly dozens of Mia Nois) -- but I'm not aware that he is anyone about whose good opinion we should worry (even if he were alive).

Of course, 99.99% of Farang won't be aware of some of his great patriotic characteristics among his numerous extreme faults ....:annoyed:

And I won't blame you for that little lack of knowledge either. ;)

I brought Field Marshall SaRid up in conjunction with PraVeHarn temple specifically.

He was the only one at the time bold enough to stand up against the then world powers,

and delivered a spirited and heartwarming speech to Thai people some decades back.

He spoke on the verge of tears announcing something to the effect that:

My brothers and sisters, we are being cheated out of PraVeHarn temple by the world court decision today.

PraVeHarn temple belongs to the Thai people.

PraVeHarn had been on Thailand territory for ages.

There is no way possible that another nation can intrude into Thailand and construct the PraVeHarn temple.

There is no way to go up to the PraVeHarn temple except through Thailand territory.

Brothers and sisters, I say to you that we will fight to take back PraVeHarn temple to our children,

even though we must die in the process....

Brothers and sisters we will fight to the end to bring back PraVeHarn temple....

Steelejoe, compare his spirit with the current Thai govt, Apisit, SuThep et al attitudes and spirits toward PraVeHarn temple and its surrounding territorial....

It is such a disgrace for Thai people as a whole but I do believe that most decent Thai will not continue to stand behind Apisit nor his govt for too much longer....

unless, of course, if Apisit et al will show some demonstrable public courage to defend Thailand sovereignty and His Royal Majesty Kingdom and territory....

SteeleJoe, if you have another better person (other than SaRid) in mind, pls do let me know and I'll be forever grateful to you.... OK? :jap:

Lastly, we'll see from Tuesday, January 25 on;

how the current Thai govt, under PM Apisit leadership or the lack of it, will answer and deal with the mounting pressure from some prominent demonstrator groups pressing him to:

1--Revoke and null and void the MOU

2--Withdraw from participation in JBC

3--Force all Cambodians; currently settling along Thai border since the time the UN and International Red Cross requested Thailand to provide certain Thai territorial for Cambodian refugees to settle temporarily while awaiting permanent relocation to a third nation, such as Australia, US, Europen, Japan et cetera.... around 1980 (about 30+ yrs since); to leave Thailand territorial immediately and permanently.

As one of the numerous Farangs in Thailand, what do you imagine would happen at this juncture, pls? :)

And I'll also ask our new ambassador, Kristie, what is her thought on this messy Thai affairs when I go to Bkk next.... :jap: :jap: :jap:


There's something about 'Kristie'

By Tulsathit Taptim

The Nation


The thing about Kristie A Kenney is that she's probably too good at being diplomatic to be a diplomat. Not that other diplomats aren't friendly, though. It's just that the new US ambassador to Thailand is un-diplomatically pleasant and gracious.

If you are confused by the intro, imagine a top American envoy doing a hearty high five with a reporter 15 minutes into their first meeting. After that, imagine an effective, albeit womanly, comment on WikiLeaks that goes straight to the point. And which ambassador to Thailand, new or old, can spend one and a half hours with Thai journalists, keeping them stuck on basketball, tennis, diving and cooking and discussing almost everything under the Kingdom's sun without Thaksin Shinawatra's name being uttered even once?

If that was Kristie the diplomat at work, one wonders what Kristie the laid-back lady is like. One certainty is a hyper-active woman who can't live without her iPhone, which is where all her tweets about pets, weather, why-can't-I-upload-my-pics? or I-slipped-in-the-new-home have come from. During her meeting with a small group of Thai reporters yesterday, they lost track of how many sports she loves and plays.

It's not unusual for top-ranking diplomats to discuss their mothers' objections to their career choice with first-time guests. It's the natural way such topics come up that differentiates her. If diplomats are taught to break the ice, she may have perfected the art of melting it in 5 minutes. And while all diplomats must learn to be charming, to be un-diplomatically so must take a unique talent.

After the WikiLeaks fiasco, maybe there are few better options than sending a person like her here. (Her Bangkok posting was decided before the scandal broke, though.) The former ambassador, Eric John (fair play to him, he was in the middle of it when it came to Thai-leaks, and he's a man), had to limp out of the Kingdom after issuing a media statement in hundreds of words focusing on "privacy", raising the possibility of some information being false, and guaranteeing America's deep appreciation of strong, valuable ties with Thailand and mutual history.

It would have been interesting if it had been Kristie Kenny who had to do the damage control. However, despite the luck of not being directly involved, her depiction of Julian Assange as someone who "stole your notebook" and laid bare the contents may be more effective than attempts to make him an out-and-out terrorist.

She wants to know far more about Thailand than just the yellow shirts and the red shirts. The country in her view is too vast, diverse, beautiful and economically promising to stall too long over a political crisis. The new ambassador is setting out to do what she did in the Philippines, which she seemingly explored not just as a diplomat but also as an ordinary person.

The real work has not yet begun and the jury is still pretty much out. A Twitter-crazed and blogaholic ambassador is unconventional at best and in some circumstances can turn controversial. Having said that, maybe it's secrecy-dominated diplomacy that is unconventional, so much so that when a woman in the field looks this normal, it appears unorthodox.


-- The Nation 2011-01-27

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