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Thaksin Ready To Return And 'Serve The People'

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I have deleted some flames, off-topic posts, and the replies to them.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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"Among people in the list of Pheu Thai party-list MP candidates are Jatuporn Promphan, Natthawut Saikua, Arisman Pongruangrong, Kokaew Pikulthong, Wisa Kanthap, Chinawat Habunpad."


Perhaps it's just an insignificant technicality, but I believe that if Arisaman is going to be running as a Party-list MP, he would need stop running from the law and return to Thailand from his current terrorist suspect fugitive status.

Also from that article is the astounding news that the Pastry Box Thaksin Lawyer is Back!... and is also slotted to become a Pheu Thai Party-list MP:

Meanwhile, Pichit Chuenban, Thaksin's personal lawyer, is on the list of party-list MP candidates.

How the Pheu Thai Party plans on getting around the fact that the convicted briber spent 6 months in prison, which supposedly negates any chance for becoming an MP, is beyond me.

Here he is when he was sent off to prison:


June 26, 2008

The Supreme Court sentenced three key members of the legal team of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to six months in prison each yesterday over the 2 Million Baht snack box incident. Lead lawyer Pichit Chuenban, legal assistant Supasri Srisawat, and the coordinator of the legal team, Thana Tansiri, were all found guilty.



What the OP photo doesn't show is that at other times during the 2 hour-long speech, 2 of the previously unknown Thaksin Triplets were shown on the monitor.


unaltered photo from Thai News:


In the photograph, Thaksin's mouth is open. I assume he is speaking the truth?

I was talking to someone in BKK last year during 'the troubles' and was told "you know when Thaksins lieing, his lips move!"


the only problem is that the mayority of the thai people who post in this forum belongs to the high class with money and who are able to speak english,but in the university the i hear,evereday, thai students talking about thaksin and remembering those past years in which food wasnt so expensive

In reality, there are very, very few Thais that do participate in the News and other forums that I frequent.

I would even say that the majority that purport to be Thai are not Thai at all, so I would disagree with your majority statement of them being hi-so because it is all askew by that.

I do wish there was more Thai participation in the forums, but I would also point out that there are a couple of Thais that do post here that I wouldn't consider hi-so at all.

As for the university students, I hope some of them will take economics or related courses to learn that Thaksin wasn't responsible for controlling the world-wide economy and that his departure led to increasing global inflation rates.

Hopefully, they can learn at least some fundamental stuff that high-schoolers should know, let alone university students.


rising food prices is everywhere ................these days.....

there is no relation between the food prices and Taksin........ Use your own little knowledge then.....

don't try to coordinate Taksin with the goodies....


Appreciate your acknowledging your error.

No problem. The important fact to remember is that Newin Chidchob is still a convicted criminal and a banned politician involved heavily with the current government and de-facto leader of a party in the current governing coalition.

And when he['s MPs] was a part of PPP you ofcourse protested?

And if he is involved with PT after the election, you will ofcourse protest?

Of course the answer is yes to both those questions.


For those that lived through the 1997 economic disaster and that has been in business . . . We know the miracles Thaksin did....

It is a fact of history; go look at the Asian economic disater after the financial colapse in 1997....

Only Thailand got out of it, in the last year of Thaksin - Thailand even repaid all debts to the World Bank; clearing out the help they got.

A large number of devellopment sin Thailand got underway during his reign....

Do you understand :

a ) Thaksin was standing 1 step behind Chavalit when he said 'We will not devalue the baht' on friday, and on monday Chavalit devalued the baht causing the Asian Tiger economimic crash. Thaksin was Deputy PM. and was one of the ONLY people who turned a profit from hedging his baht investments, before the devaluation....

Please read in the assumtions of how that happened with his position at the time. This also goes to the heart of the Sondhi/Thaksin bad blood. Sondhi was not let in on the deal and was ruined and knew Thaksin could have given him the same insider trading knowledge but didn't. Fearing Sondhi and the Lao Satellite deal would be too great a competition for Shinsat... Later Thaksin used banker friend leverage to drive final nails into Sondhi financially for many years.. and the seed of an intense desire for vendetta was planted.

b ) Thaksin did NOT like the "World Banks*" reporting restrictions. It prevented him from cooking the books and doing deals he wanted to do. So he SOLD the "World Banks*" or more correctly IMF International Monetary Fund debt to... TEMASEK, yes Singapore bought it,

as LONG TERM DEBT, with no oversight restrictions, lower interest, but because of the longer time MORE COST TO THAILAND.

c ) Thailand was an original signatory of the IMF was and STILL IS, a member and contributor yearly based on % of national revenues. As short term safety valve, in times of financial distress. This is why Thailand joined and used the IMF funds. Because it is like a global insurance pool for members if they ever needed.

So Thaksin sold everyone the fiction that the debt was paid off, when it only was shifted to a less observent local 'owner', so he was not under such strong scrutiny, and played the nationalist card to make it seem he was getting some great satan off of Thailands back. But in reality sold the debt to a commercial entity, rather than the international governmental safety valve insurance agency, that Thailand is a part of.

Masterfully played since some still believe this fiction even now.

Ignoring the fact that he was in the heart of the cockup that CAUSED the need for that loan. Chuan took those fair and typical IMF loan agreements, for a time, in an attempt to clean up the Thai banking world. Thaksin made nationalist points while dialing back all those reforms to an ailing system, while benefiting from a return to strength of the REGIONAL economy. And taking full credit for the tough love repairs of others, while blaming them for the pain needed to do those repairs.

Similarly to how Abhisit is being blamed for external factors to Thailand's economy beyond his control.

* "World Banks*" or more correctly IMF

a) So, regarding Thaksin/Sondhi, you advocate Macy should tell Saks? That's left of Castro and Kim Jong Il.

B) Supposition rarely rings authoritative and this is no exception. Did or did not Thailand weather the financial crisis better than other regional governments? Believing your own conjecture does not reality make.

c) So what really bothers you is not that the country benefitted, but that he may have. You can say that the country did not benefit, but who is one supposed to believe, the articulate crowing of isolated foreigners that should not be involved in Thai politics, or the legions of people to whom the country truly belongs?

Part quote: "...So Thaksin sold everyone the fiction that the debt was paid off, ...".

There's another version of this.

Last year in the midst of the the red riots the street vendors in my soi were going to the rallies every day and they all admitted openly that they attended for the money. My adult Thai son often asked them questions about what they learned from the speeches at the rallies.

I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

However on one occasion they were all very heated, they said that abhisit was spreading lies about payment of the the IMF loan. They had been told at the rally that thaksin personally paid off the IMF with his personal funds and were told to beware of anybody telling them diferently. My son challenged them and was quickly bombarded with their insistance that the red leaders had absolute and specific evidence that the IMF loan was repaid with thaksins personal funds.

Manipulation at it's best!


PTP? More like TPP. Thaksin's Personal Party. On the one hand we have him promising the leadership, and at least one important cabinet post, to family members. On another hand we have party list positions promised to criminal lawyers, terrorists on the lam, bail jumpers, common thieves and anyone else he owes a favour to. On yet another hand - yes, he seems to have as many hands as lies, all the better to stab multiple people in the back with, we have at least two senior members quitting, or threatening to quit, and take their supporters with them, because he won't make them leader. On a further hand we have the party chairman leaving because of anti monarchy rhetoric spouted by the member responsible for terrorism. And on the last currently visible hand - no doubt more will emerge from his cloak of evil as the elections draw closer, we see a group of candidates openly admitting that they don't agree with policy/statements made by the party, but won't face up to their principles and leave the party because then they might miss out on their place at the trough. A party run by a bail jumping, convicted criminal, peopled by, and for, crooked lawyers, terrorists, sour grapes merchants, and no-principled money grabbing out-for-themselves-and-to-hell-with-what-we-believe-in toadies. A serious force for democratic change? A cultural shift? He, and his apologists here, must think we have more legs to pull than he has hands.


begin removed ...

I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

... end removed

A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:


begin removed ...

I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

... end removed

A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:

Didn't you offer him off the meter ..............( reciprocal of bein' totally SILENT for all the way to Ram.IV)


begin removed ...

I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

... end removed

A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:

Plus, thaksin recently making big statements demanding that the army stay out of politics. What a joke, he stacked the army with his own relatives, on one occasion one of his close relatives was jumped 5 ranks in one move. Plus his cousin, in the army, was caught red handed in a large event to manipulate voting records.


PTP? More like TPP. Thaksin's Personal Party. On the one hand we have him promising the leadership, and at least one important cabinet post, to family members. On another hand we have party list positions promised to criminal lawyers, terrorists on the lam, bail jumpers, common thieves and anyone else he owes a favour to. On yet another hand - yes, he seems to have as many hands as lies, all the better to stab multiple people in the back with, we have at least two senior members quitting, or threatening to quit, and take their supporters with them, because he won't make them leader. On a further hand we have the party chairman leaving because of anti monarchy rhetoric spouted by the member responsible for terrorism. And on the last currently visible hand - no doubt more will emerge from his cloak of evil as the elections draw closer, we see a group of candidates openly admitting that they don't agree with policy/statements made by the party, but won't face up to their principles and leave the party because then they might miss out on their place at the trough. A party run by a bail jumping, convicted criminal, peopled by, and for, crooked lawyers, terrorists, sour grapes merchants, and no-principled money grabbing out-for-themselves-and-to-hell-with-what-we-believe-in toadies. A serious force for democratic change? A cultural shift? He, and his apologists here, must think we have more legs to pull than he has hands.

Nice summation of current events down at Pheu Thai Party headquarters. :thumbsup:


Thaksin Ready To Return And 'Serve The People' up

as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter if his ego so desires.

The list of Party list players shows there is

no consideration for the 'good of the Thai people',

I can see why those 40 Issan MPs are worried.


Pheu Thai Party Announces Policies for Upcoming Election

The Pheu Thai Party has announced its election campaign plans, with ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra making a two-hour speech in a video-link address.

During the Pheu Thai Party's election campaign announcement at Thammasat University on Saturday, self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, through video conferencing, announced the party's policies, which employs the slogans “Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Delivers” and “Think Different, Do Different for All Thais”.

The event focused on administration during the Thaksin era and how to gain the majority of the votes.

He said his populist policies will help Thais stand on their feet financially, assuming they are implemented correctly.

In addition, the ex-premier expressed agreement with the Election Commission's plans to impose special rules to prohibit political parties and candidates from making statements deemed offensive to the monarchy.

Meanwhile, Thaksin noted that there has already been coercion and lobbying going on.

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand, but will focus on restoring the country.

Regarding the premiership candidacy, he said they should know once the list of party candidates has been completed.

The former PM added that typically, the first person on the list would be eligible.


-- Tan Network 2011-04-25


...announced the party's policies, which employs the slogans “Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Delivers”

Honestly its pathetic, Phuea Thai is a total joke. One man and his sock puppets.

A better slogan would be "Thaksin dictates, Pheua Thai obeys".

...announced the party's policies, which employs the slogans "Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Delivers"

Honestly its pathetic, Phuea Thai is a total joke. One man and his sock puppets.

A better slogan would be "Thaksin dictates, Pheua Thai obeys".

Honestly its pathetic, Democrats are a total joke. One Army and their sock puppet.

A better slogan would be "Military dictates, Democrats obey". Or "Newin dictates, Democrats obey".


...announced the party's policies, which employs the slogans "Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Delivers"

Honestly its pathetic, Phuea Thai is a total joke. One man and his sock puppets.

A better slogan would be "Thaksin dictates, Pheua Thai obeys".

Honestly its pathetic, Democrats are a total joke. One Army and their sock puppet.

A better slogan would be "Military dictates, Democrats obey". Or "Newin dictates, Democrats obey".:thumbsup:

Honestly, one is a near direct quote from the perpetrator, the other is an opinion ;)

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand, but will focus on restoring the country.

Ever magnanimous, ever the statesman.

C'mon admit it. You were giggling to yourself when you posted that weren't you?

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand, but will focus on restoring the country.

Ever magnanimous, ever the statesman.

C'mon admit it. You were giggling to yourself when you posted that weren't you?

At least you were clever enough to see that it was tongue in cheek.


If the last election was any indication, we will see a large and magical increase in the number of new members posting shameless pro-Thaksin propaganda.

Well that happened last May as the red violence stepped up and they thought they had political momentum.

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand, but will focus on restoring the country.

Ever magnanimous, ever the statesman.

It's almost like promising not to kill anyone if elected.

Note though that he did not say that he promises but that he does not intend to, which is weaker than a promise.


begin removed ...

I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

... end removed

A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:

Plus, thaksin recently making big statements demanding that the army stay out of politics. What a joke, he stacked the army with his own relatives, on one occasion one of his close relatives was jumped 5 ranks in one move. Plus his cousin, in the army, was caught red handed in a large event to manipulate voting records.

Has this same cousin been installed on the PTP Party List?

Survey says!

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand

Just making such a statement alludes to the fact that there is possibility that he will take revenge.

Should anyone who aspires to lead a country make such a statement? People should be repulsed.

He reiterated that he does not intended to take revenge on anyone when he returns to Thailand

Just making such a statement alludes to the fact that there is possibility that he will take revenge.

Should anyone who aspires to lead a country make such a statement? People should be repulsed.

Feeling the need to even say this, shows, that he KNOWS there are many who expect him to do just that. Take revenge.


why would his history lead so many to think this is how he thinks?


Or is it because he DOES think this way,

that he figures he needs to say this to put them off the scent?


The very fact that there is even talk of a Thaksin return would suggest that the the door may have been left slightly ajar.....and not firmly shut.

Would that not suggest an opportunity missed........by whom?

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