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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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the fact is that they have killed many more of each other sunny agaist shia muslim and if you remeber the border war between iraq and iran where they used nerve gas and they estimate 1 million died there but is really no loss to many people in the world because where ever these people seem to be there trouble

So it's ok to kill a few more? Americans seem to causes a bit of trouble as well, now that you mention it. And America has more wars going simultaneously than anyone else.

Edited by Crushdepth
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WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea.

After bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan, senior administration officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours, the official said. Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world's most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, the official said. So the U.S. decided to bury him at sea.

The official, who spoke Monday on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive national security matters, did not immediately say where that occurred.

<deleted> ? ! :blink:

The perfect excuse!! Just what are they hiding? I don’t understand.

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Glad this prick is dead! sorry it took so long! Glad that they got one of his son I hope there were more! But 35 miles from the capital of Pakistan supports that this country was hiding him for years especially the size of the compound which stood out like a palace! This government has lots to answer for and U.S. should seriously think about stopping support this country with money! If they are being overun by Al Quada they deserve it. They should keep his body frozen and once the World Trade Towers are built should throw his body down from the top to celebrate. I myself am heading down to Walking Street tonight to celebrate with some ping pongs.

Nobody said this man was not scum. But i think you are very short sighted. And maybe the U.S. should remove their troops from around the globe and concentrate on all the shit they have going on in the U.S. And let those who have oil decided who to sale it to and who not to sale it to and then maybe the world would be a better place for all of us .Have you ever served in the armed force? most of the soldiers believe that they are doing no good for the countries they are based in and would rather be at home having a cold one not walking around waiting to be shoot ,blow up in some shit hole were the majority of the countries people think you have no right there . When the f** k will it end.

You are the idiot that you are! Short sighted, I suggest you look in the mirror! I'm just as liberal as the next person but people like you just don't get the big picture! I don't agree to everything the U.S. has done and I had certainly preached what is happening today to our own domestic economic problem! You are the type of person who say don't drill for oil but is the first to complain why gas is so expensive. You are the type of person who protest that we can't cut down one tree and have a house in the woods and when it burn down you are the first to wonder why it happen and quickly ask where is FEMA and my cash? You are the type of person who claim jobs are being shipped out of the country and is the first in line after Thanksgiving outside Walmart buying everything that is made in China. You are the type that complain when they have to be scan at the airport but the first to cry when something happens. You are the type that is ruining our education system by complaining that our teachers must teach this way but at the same time say they are paid too much. You are the type of person complaining about high taxes at the same time complain about why our State and Cities have so many Fee's. In the end you are the type politicians behind close door call " Stupid "

you just don't get the big picture because you are the type that is so self righteous that you are blind that the U.S. goes out and help and yes hurt others around the world but tell me what country doesn't do the same. Can you tell me China or Russia is better? Do you see any of the Middle East countries turning down our aid? You have no facts that " most soldiers " believe that they are doing no good " but I'm sure there are some! This is a volunteer nor forced army! Our country good or bad did not attack first like they attack on 9/11. I would like to live in a dream world like you but I can't! I didn't serve in the Armed force but <deleted> does that have to do with being a American? Loosing a niece and nephew on 9/11, I think is enough! Good or Bad you enjoy democracy in your life because of it. I too would like the U.S. to stop giving money to everyone while within our own country is dying within but I'm realistic it isn't going to happen no matter who is in charged.

Maybe you would appreciate what you have if you lost someone close to you who never had a choice to live! I'm mad at America just like you but we didn't fly planes into buildings and strap bombs on kids to get back at us!

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Great for Obama's ratings today. Coincidentally right off all the birth crap from

Trump and right before elections. Very well orchestrated. And very nice giving a burial at sea, wouldn't want anyone getting hands on his body for martyrdom's sake. Of course we know the body will be kept at Roswell.

Now that we rid the world of the killer of 3000+ on US soil, who's responsible for the 100k dead civilians in Iraq? I believe Saddam was hung at around 50k.

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the fact is that they have killed many more of each other sunny agaist shia muslim and if you remeber the border war between iraq and iran where they used nerve gas and they estimate 1 million died there but is really no loss to many people in the world because where ever these people seem to be there trouble

So it's ok to kill a few more? Americans seem to causes a bit of trouble as well, now that you mention it. And America has more wars going simultaneously than anyone else.

Yes, while your country does nothing but sit back and complain about the problems my country is a little more proactive.

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CNN reporting that Osama Bin Laden buried at sea. - CNN

On brother that takes the cake

10 years hunting him...(supposedly)

Now less than xx hours after getting him dispose of the evidence

You cannot make this stuff up.....even in the best movie it would not be believed

What? You don't want to take their word for it? :whistling:

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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

Edited by Mario2008
removed the word official as the photo is not official
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So the US government had his body, now they don't. Like some kids pantomime. Now you see me, now you don't. Are we honestly suppose to believe he was Osama, give me a break. They had the gardener, the gardeners wife took the reward and is living in South America with Elvis. rolleyes.gif

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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

Superb post. It's such an obvious fake.

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Just a reminder to some:

There's a big difference between questioning the news and posting outrageous conspiracies. The former is welcome, the latter winds up in the trash, and repeat offenders get shown the door. There's no shortage of places that welcome the most over the top theories, but this is not one of them.

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Yes, the Towers come down and immediately, within days, the debris, including any possible evidence, is removed off shore and disposed of.

No forensics necessary, folks. We knew who did it as before the day was over (we just couldn't stop 'em ahead of time).

Now, ten years later, the "perpetrator" is found and killed and-- wait a minute, hold on there!-- his body is buried at sea in accordance with Islamic practices -- within 24 hours.

Really, fellow citizens. Take our word for it.

Really. :D

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed.

If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.

Mark Twain

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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

I have removed the word official from the "title" of this post, as there is no official photo of a death Osama Bin Laden. Such claim is false and misleading.

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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

I have removed the word official from the "title" of this post, as there is no official photo of a death Osama Bin Laden. Such claim is false and misleading.

I am shocked that there is a fake picture circulating on the internet - you will be telling us that there is other information out there that has been made up as well next. I just don't know who to trust anymore!

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea.

After bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan, senior administration officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours, the official said. Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world's most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, the official said. So the U.S. decided to bury him at sea.

The official, who spoke Monday on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive national security matters, did not immediately say where that occurred.

<deleted> ? ! :blink:

I did the same thing with my goldfish.smile.gif

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Pakistan Taliban threaten US, Pak over Osama bin Laden's killing

By ANI | ANI – 20 minutes ago

Karachi, May 2 (ANI): The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Monday threatened to attack the United States and Pakistan over the killing of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in a secret US operation in Pakistan.


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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

Funny seeing they have not released it yet. I guess you can find a lot of fake stuff on the internet. :jap:

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The death photo of Osama is proven to be fake !

The facial expression and beard are very reminiscent of a 1998 image of bin Laden, the first picture shown below. Next to it, we show the original resolution of the "corpse" image as we've seen it (197 by 263 pixels), "flopped" 180 degrees on the horizontal axis to conform to the original 1998 image's beard orientation. The third image is a blended image of the two, with the "corpse" image at 100 percent opacity below the original image at 43 percent opacity. The way the images "lock" in place at the mouth, beard and nose indicates that the image circulating on the Web and foreign television outlets is nothing but a clumsy fake.

photo here and here (graphic)

Nice find.

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1 conspiracy theory deleted.


Maybe the fact the Bin Laden is still on the FBI list might have something to do with the fact that it is Sunday night in Washington?

and Sunday night for over a week ...

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I can't quite understand what is the gloating about.

Took 10 years to find a single guy, who was then killed by the same guys who killed more civilians in past 12 years than all the terrorists combined.

Quite an achievement :)

edit: Also, I feel quiet bad for Americans now, since I presume TSA will be grabbing their balls even more now, because of 'heightened security alerts' which are inevitable

Edited by senti
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