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Thaksin Offers Easy Credit, Credit Cards For Taxi Drivers

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Sorry to interrupt the sniping and get back on topic, but..........

shouldn't this post be more sensibly titled taxi owners rather than drivers. IMHO most drivers are NOT owners but sub-contractors, with very few assets to capitalise a loan/credit card.

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As a rule of thumb, anything taken from 'The Nation' is a twisted, misinterpreted version of the truth. Propaganda at it's worst.

Doesn't come close.


keep it up Thaksin,

EC is watching a 5 year banned politician campaigning for Phua Thai

if you were to win, the party will be dissolved because of you and you will have hung yourself with your own rope.................

That is exactly what I thought

How can a banned politician be making these kind of statements

The why is easy - his real thought process is "me me me me ......"

Thaksin was a legally elected PM taken out by force by the army. Then he was "banned". No offense, but given the circumstances, he is perfectly within his rights to continue campaigning. He didn't give up and he ought to get some credit for that.

Bye bye PTP

Not only will the lose the coming election IMO

After the election - PTP go bye bye - disolved

That's an interesting line, especially considering that the democrat party committed similar crimes, was found guilty and was not dissolved thank to a technicality.

If PTP is dissolved again, things will probably get messier than they should. And let's be fair, they have cause.


the sooner this joker is locked up the better not that that will ever happen but you can dream

why any one is taken in by creaser ill never know i mean taksin sorry must of got him mixed up with another egomaniac dictator with only his own interest at heart

please thailand come to your scenes before this fool gets a head lock on you again


Thaksin was a legally elected PM taken out by force by the army. Then he was "banned". No offense, but given the circumstances, he is perfectly within his rights to continue campaigning. He didn't give up and he ought to get some credit for that.

He was caretaker PM at the time of his ousting and following that he was found to have broken the law during his time in office. Had he not eroded away all the checks and balances, the judiciary would have brought his time in power to an end long before the coup. The army pushed the restart button. Unfortunate it had to come to that. Thank Thaksin that it did.


For the benefit of those that don't follow the news... that's being addressed...

A million seek govt help with loanshark debts

By The Nation

Published on January 19, 2010

Close to a million people owing just under Bt105 billion in total to local loansharks had registered for the government debt-relief scheme last month, a source at the Interior Ministry reported yesterday.

Bangkok had the most people registered with 67,362 debtors and Bt6.25 billion in total debt.



Anti-loan shark bank approved

By The Nation

Published on December 8, 2010

Thailand Post yesterday received the Cabinet's nod to set up "Post Bank", offering microfinance to those with difficulty accessing conventional loan sources.

The wholly owned subsidiary, which will be capitalised at Bt50 million, will provide loans of up to Bt10,000 to individuals at low interest rates, Information and Communications Technology Minister Chuti Krairiksh said.


My brother in law applied for this scheme but was turned down because he has no full time employment contract.

I wonder what percentage of people who need these loans are in full time employment?

He borrowed Bt20k to set up a small business and has to pay Bt2000 per month until the debt is paid 100% in full.

He has been paying Bt2000 per month for 4 years!

Also 1 million people owing a total of Bt105 billion? how much was budgeted for the project?


Thaksin was a legally elected PM taken out by force by the army. Then he was "banned". No offense, but given the circumstances, he is perfectly within his rights to continue campaigning. He didn't give up and he ought to get some credit for that.

He was caretaker PM at the time of his ousting and following that he was found to have broken the law during his time in office. Had he not eroded away all the checks and balances, the judiciary would have brought his time in power to an end long before the coup. The army pushed the restart button. Unfortunate it had to come to that. Thank Thaksin that it did.

Thanks for clarifying that. I think many foreigners (especially those who didn't live here then) have picked up the red shirt propaganda line about what happened and don't bother to learn the actual history themselves.

Thaksin offers easy credit, credit cards for taxi drivers

You mean the same easy credit and credit cards that brought much of the "West" to it's financial knees?

Sounds like a brilliant plan, sir (not).

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


We do not need any more taxis in Phuket, thank you very much!

I just checked for responds and found this useless ad.. With all do respect Phuket also don't need more loser farang trashing the places you named or any other place... But this also has nothing to do with the subject so never mind just hope you see clearly


This should be Thaksins campaign banner as his policies will indeed increase the debt load. Debt bondage will be alive and well under Thaksin.when-does-debt-settlement-make-sense.gifT


I just don't get Thaksin at all. Worth $millions, he could walk away buy a desert island make himself King and enjoy the rest of his days in peace and harmony bla bla bla. Yet in his wisdom he decides to keep fighting to try and come back and rule his beloved Thailand. Life's too short mate I'd say stuff the lot of you as no one really gives a hoot once you've gone. I'd buy that Island..Try Gt Britain, it doesn't have a desert but the way it's going you'll get it cheaplaugh.gif


I think it's called being power mad and I also assume returning to power wouldn't hurt his money greed side either. Anyone who actually believes he wants it to "serve the poor people," well, I've got a bridge to sell you.


I think it's called being power mad and I also assume returning to power wouldn't hurt his money greed side either. Anyone who actually believes he wants it to "serve the poor people," well, I've got a bridge to sell you.

I think it's nothing but ego!!!

He never served the people , anything and everything he did had an agenda! 1 for people 10 into his pocket.


Sorry to interrupt the sniping and get back on topic, but..........

shouldn't this post be more sensibly titled taxi owners rather than drivers. IMHO most drivers are NOT owners but sub-contractors, with very few assets to capitalise a loan/credit card.

True, a very large % of Bkk taxis are rented by the day. The vehicles owners call themselves co-operatives which is untrue, they are companies owned by ruthless businessmen who charge very high daily rental rates and the renters are, in most cases also responsible for major and minor damage done to the vehicle. If they break down they are on their own, no support from the actual owning companies, and if they return the vehicle late they get fined heavily.

What's also relevant is that the Land Transport Ministry should have implmented numerous policies and regulations to create a taxi service, a better playing field for the people who want to paticipatse in this industry, plus some comprehensive and enforced controls to enusre customers get good service.

Just one example, there should be regulations so that taxis are returned to their depots at staggered times across each 24 hours, rather than the current situation where all taxis change shifts at 16:00.

Why no policies and controls? Simple, the various Land Transport ministers over decades have been totally incapable people lacking any insight, and lacking sincerity, Plus it's typical ministry where the permanent high level staff have bought there way to the top to get their chance at the feeding trough and nothing more.


Thaksin was a legally elected PM taken out by force by the army. Then he was "banned". No offense, but given the circumstances, he is perfectly within his rights to continue campaigning. He didn't give up and he ought to get some credit for that.

He was caretaker PM at the time of his ousting and following that he was found to have broken the law during his time in office. Had he not eroded away all the checks and balances, the judiciary would have brought his time in power to an end long before the coup. The army pushed the restart button. Unfortunate it had to come to that. Thank Thaksin that it did.

Thanks for clarifying that. I think many foreigners (especially those who didn't live here then) have picked up the red shirt propaganda line about what happened and don't bother to learn the actual history themselves.

They don't bother reading here much, either, as that clarification has probably been posted 400 times at least.

Thanks again, rixalex, for your patience to do so.


Desperate times and desperate stuff. Or with Thaksin more desperate stuff from some one who is actually without power or influence. After all, how much can any opposition ever achieve?

the man never had the ideas, ideology or intellect to be an effective policitican. He has no policies and can only offer debtors or the poor the incentive of increased debt or further poverty. Here we go again with taking on more credit and having a debtor act as guarantor.

It is financial madness and defies me as to how can it pass any financial regulations? Are there any in Thailand?

This hot air is deemed newsworthy but in reality I can't Thaksin or Poor Thai getting out any message. Before they had charisma, but that passes and wains with age, and Thaskin certainly does look harrowed and aging fast.

I've said for some time that Thaksin's time is up and Thai politics has moved on. It remains far from ideal but an army backing a democratic party is a far more acceptable face than a reruen to the dark ages and all that Thaksin and his ilk stand for.

He may return one day. But I think it'll be for the final rights. As for his support, I think it dwindles daily, which is only to be expected when people have nothing to believe in and the spontanaity is longt since passed.

It'sover for Thaksin but he doesn't know it yet. Clearly, his wife did.


I think not........ otherwise I would have written.....totally supported and assisted by....not ably.........looks like you are charging in to ably assist where there is no requirement.....:)

Perhaps it would have been clearer then for you to have said "ably assisted by the Thaksin haters and lovers alike". Just trying to assist... :)

If I was given a script I doubt I would follow..........................perhaps............. the majority of threads related to, or loosly connected to Thaksin are substantially extended by the consistently frantic posting of the Thaksin haters.........

Yep I think that does it...... acknowledges other participants but identifies the posters who substantially extend the threads.......with I might add much repetitive information.......when they with increasing fervour take the small scraps of bait thrown in their direction. Occasionally throwing in a bit of their own bait to spawn a feeding frenzy.........:D

Just thought I drop this in as the thread appears to be slowing.........under the weight of.........:lol:


I just don't get Thaksin at all. Worth $millions, he could walk away buy a desert island make himself King and enjoy the rest of his days in peace and harmony bla bla bla. Yet in his wisdom he decides to keep fighting to try and come back and rule his beloved Thailand. Life's too short mate I'd say stuff the lot of you as no one really gives a hoot once you've gone. I'd buy that Island..Try Gt Britain, it doesn't have a desert but the way it's going you'll get it cheaplaugh.gif

he can't go to Britain, they revoked his entry rights and supposedly froze £4 million of his ill gotten gains

he famously said that Brits in Thailand would pay for it if he ever got back into power

so probably better that he doesn't..........


I just don't get Thaksin at all. Worth $millions, he could walk away buy a desert island make himself King and enjoy the rest of his days in peace and harmony bla bla bla. Yet in his wisdom he decides to keep fighting to try and come back and rule his beloved Thailand. Life's too short mate I'd say stuff the lot of you as no one really gives a hoot once you've gone. I'd buy that Island..Try Gt Britain, it doesn't have a desert but the way it's going you'll get it cheaplaugh.gif

he can't go to Britain, they revoked his entry rights and supposedly froze £4 million of his ill gotten gains

he famously said that Brits in Thailand would pay for it if he ever got back into power

so probably better that he doesn't..........

I could be wrong, but i thought it was something like around billion or some really ridiculous amount of money


keep it up Thaksin,

EC is watching a 5 year banned politician campaigning for Phua Thai

if you were to win, the party will be dissolved because of you and you will have hung yourself with your own rope.................

That is exactly what I thought

How can a banned politician be making these kind of statements

The why is easy - his real thought process is "me me me me ......"

Bye bye PTP

Not only will the lose the coming election IMO

After the election - PTP go bye bye - disolved

I don't know the legal side of the campaigning ban but there may be a reason why nothing is being done about this right now and also why Thaksin is making these promises at this time.

It's possible that because no election has been called as yet, even though we know it will be soon, he can't be campaigning for a election that doesn't exist right now.. Of course maybe this is a Thai law that has no effect on someone outside of Thai jurisdiction and it wasn't taken into account that he could do this without being in Thailand and therefore subject to the law. Is he actually a member of the party? If not he is just making promises that will not be binding on the party if it wins although it could carry them out if it wished.

As always with these things there is a lot of detail and technicalities involved.


Just another form of vote buying. What Mr Thaksin should be offering is a package to encourage Tax Drivers to seek alternative employment. Taxis are creating mayhem and congestion with excessive numbers in many places including airports and tourist resorts. Pattaya is probably one of the best examples, which of an Evening, is totally gridlocked by taxis. At Suvarnabhumi Airport the demand for taxis has slumped since the City Line train services has been, for many, the preferred choice of transport.

It seems that Mr. Thaksin is far more interested in gaining power than serving the interests of his Country.


Thaksin was a legally elected PM taken out by force by the army. Then he was "banned". No offense, but given the circumstances, he is perfectly within his rights to continue campaigning. He didn't give up and he ought to get some credit for that.

He was caretaker PM at the time of his ousting and following that he was found to have broken the law during his time in office. Had he not eroded away all the checks and balances, the judiciary would have brought his time in power to an end long before the coup. The army pushed the restart button. Unfortunate it had to come to that. Thank Thaksin that it did.

Thanks for clarifying that. I think many foreigners (especially those who didn't live here then) have picked up the red shirt propaganda line about what happened and don't bother to learn the actual history themselves.

They don't bother reading here much, either, as that clarification has probably been posted 400 times at least.

Thanks again, rixalex, for your patience to do so.

Thanks also. I've read a bit but I never realised that either.

3 out of 10 for research. I must do better.



Buying a vote by giving credit.............sounds like you buy the vote with the voters money and end up with a profit too. At least it is a clever idea.



Credit cards for taxi drivrs, but when pushed he doesn't want to share the details because the other parties might copy the idea. Well I certainly hope in fact that no other parties would want to copy such a brainless and dangerous idea.

Reminds me of two more of his stupid recents offerings:

- Low cost housing and care for elderly farang, but no details at the time he announced it, and still no details three weeks later.

- Easy visas for foreigners to enter Thailand, but no details at the time he announced it, and still no details three weeks later.


I wonder who the credit card company will belong to ?

Maybe a Thaksin financed, government backed company?

What rate of interest.? Maybe high interest charges after a " honeymoon period " ?

Late payment penalty ? repossessions ?

Remember the Thai saying " No money No honey "

NOBODY gives money away not even that nice kind Mr.T . People always expect something in return.


As a rule of thumb, anything taken from 'The Nation' is a twisted, misinterpreted version of the truth. Propaganda at it's worst.

Doesn't come close.

It's a shame that Thai Visa news does little more than recycle and glorify this kind of crap from 'The Nation'. This is a great hub for expats, but they do very little apart from riling the readers and filling them full of loathing and contempt for their host environment.


It's a shame that Thai Visa news does little more than recycle and glorify this kind of crap from 'The Nation'. This is a great hub for expats, but they do very little apart from riling the readers and filling them full of loathing and contempt for their host environment.

ThaiVisa is not a news agency. The forums are a service offered for free, Thai news is passed as is.

If you want more or other news sources, go look for them. No need to get 'riled' or 'filled full of loathing' here B)


"copying" the idea!!!!!........ ......

is this a good one?

have Taksin studied thoroughly on "the taxi's credit card"? Nope.....i feel it

he will cause them more problems.

they need money management and lots of self-discipline before that.

say not everyone should have credit card(s)..

only fuel payment...... is it worth havin'?

the vat refund is ok... will support

whatta hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

police and scam other police! Buying Post........

I know very few people who are cautious when it comes to credit cards. The Thai's are no exception. Taxi drivers, whoa nelly. This would create a major problem. Most taxi drivers I know don't have a 100 baht in their pocket. How would they ever pay for their charges? Looks good, smells bad.


Another 'I have a bright idea, but can't tell you details yet'


Thaksin uses Skype to make promises

By The Nation on Sunday

Published on May 8, 2011

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday said he had a project in store that would help bring unity among Thais and that the country would no longer be divided by political colours.

Thaksin was speaking during a one-hour speech through Skype to address a seminar panel at Sai Net market in Bangkok's Khan Na Yow district attended by Pheu Thai Party MPs.

"I have this project in my mind but I am not going to speak about it now because this government is a copy cat and is equipped with state budget for advertisement. They have even copied my first home project. So I will announce this project during the last corner in the run-up to the election,'' he said.

Thaksin, whose government initiated the One Million Baht Village Fund, said in order that money reach the grass roots, the fund should be increased by Bt1 million for each village.

He attacked the Abhisit government for its failure to stem rising prices, causing low-income earners to suffer.

"The government does not understand the suffering of the poor because government leaders have never faced economic hardship. They only talk to large traders. If I were them I would call a meeting of giant traders such as CP and Sahapat Group to discuss prices in order to get to know the real cost and bring about fairness to retailers and consumers."

He said the root causes of economic problems include the fast-changing world economy, the failure to bring about truly free trade, and corruption of politicians and state officials.

To solve the economic problem that people earn low income but prices keep rising is to have debt moratoriums, Thaksin said, adding that he supported the project to build more markets and stop street hawkers initiated by Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan when she was in office.

"We must give back pedestrians their walk path and increase markets."

Thaksin will today make his speech through Skype to the Pheu Thai Party seminar panel in Khlong Toei.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai Party Bangkok MP Anudit Nakhonthap said election campaign signs of the party in 50 districts of Bangkok have been removed. He accused state officials of not being neutral and keeping the election campaign signs of some parties.[thenation][/thenation]


"copying" the idea!!!!!........ ......

is this a good one?

have Taksin studied thoroughly on "the taxi's credit card"? Nope.....i feel it

he will cause them more problems.

they need money management and lots of self-discipline before that.

say not everyone should have credit card(s)..

only fuel payment...... is it worth havin'?

the vat refund is ok... will support

whatta hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

police and scam other police! Buying Post........

I know very few people who are cautious when it comes to credit cards. The Thai's are no exception. Taxi drivers, whoa nelly. This would create a major problem. Most taxi drivers I know don't have a 100 baht in their pocket. How would they ever pay for their charges? Looks good, smells bad.

that's why Taksin's aiming the target to these taxi drivers.

being exploited.

lack of many things..

i feel pitiful for them.:(

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