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Teen Pregnancies And Drugs On The Rise In Thailand Due To Globalisation


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Where to start?????

We all know the Vatican's position on family planning as it relates to birth control pills devices and medications.

I don't know how much faith I have in a holy roller that is a graduate of an Indian "medical school" amd that is a proponent of the now user friendly term "Natural Family Planning".

I got one think to say to the lady; Yo sister, condoms work. Accept the fact that young men like to fornicate with young women. It's natural, and dare I say, a healthy manifestation of normal adolescent sexual behaviour. Instead of avoiding the issue, give the kids sex education and access to birth control.

No.Don`t you see what will happen?They will all become TERRORISTS! Each and every one of them!

Take reason and commonsense elsewhere,please.

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She said many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

Christ. Where did she study for her thesis? Laboratoire Garnier?

As a completely unqualified " expert " from my own observations in my youth the members of violent families aren't exactly brimming with political ideology.

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'eezergood' timestamp='1304911174' post='4410786']

'Fookhaht' timestamp='1304910046' post='4410745']

'eezergood' timestamp='1304908372' post='4410683']

Blame the farang syndrome, a very useful panacea indeed! So kick us all out and our herecy with it, this of course does not include the ever so necessary BB or IPhone :whistling:

I agree. The answer is really to kick us out; along with electricity, print media, TV, radio, automobiles, computers, modern medicine, satellite communication, and all the other similar evils inflicted on Thailand by western society--which Thais hate so much. :whistling:

Dont forget Whiskey! we know how much they hate whiskey :bah:

Having spent 7 years of reasonable contentment in Thailand , I was sat contemplating my navel on one particular day , suddenly it all hit me in the head , so I said to myself " Self , do you realise all of the problems that have invaded this country have been caused by you and the expats you sit and enjoy yourselves with idle chatter over a sangsom ? Think , you do not visit the wat on a regular basis , you drink whisky , you participate in extra marital sex , you lavishly spend money on luxuries such as a cell phone , refridgerator , colour TV and all of the other unnecessary clutter in your apartment , you are a bad influence on these poor people and their culture " So being the honorable gentleman that I am and not wishing to be any further part in the destruction of Thai moral fibre , I moved on . What is keeping you despicable people there to continue causing these obstacles that pervade the very soul of Buddhism , confess your blatant sins and get the hell out of dodge .

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Globalisation has caused the problems in society

That's it go ahead and blame everywhere(one) except Thailand's useless teachers and parents.

Kids are but a reflection of their elders...

Keep your head in the sand by all means but the problem won't go away.....

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Just another sanctimonious idiot trying to push their own agenda.

Funny how Eastern values are always placed higher than Western ones, I wonder why this is because it is not the truth in reality. Most of the world wants to live in Western societies with Western values that have lower crime rates, more equality, better health systems, better longevity and quality of life, fairer laws etc etc the list goes on much longer.

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Wow, see how wrong I can be. I always thought teen pregnancy actually was normal no less than 100 years ago. It was Thai culture. Get married at 15 and have babies right away.

And now it's all wrong? And even we Westerners have to be blamed for that? Blamed for what? Bringing back ancient Thai culture?

Amazing Thailand !!

Did you hear as well.... that despite the lack of people walking around with goiter, "iodine deficiency" is blamed for the average Thai IQ testing in at below world average? Shellfish and squid being significant sources of iodine, are ubiquitous throughout Thailand, dried or fresh, and seem to be eaten by everyone,

All problems, imaginary or real, are due to external influences.

Edited by NanaFoods
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Wow, see how wrong I can be. I always thought teen pregnancy actually was normal no less than 100 years ago. It was Thai culture. Get married at 15 and have babies right away.

And now it's all wrong? And even we Westerners have to be blamed for that? Blamed for what? Bringing back ancient Thai culture?

Amazing Thailand !!

Did you hear as well.... that despite the lack of people walking around with goiter, "iodine deficiency" is blamed for the average Thai IQ testing in at below world average? Shellfish and squid being significant sources of iodine, are ubiquitous throughout Thailand, dried or fresh, and seem to be eaten by everyone,

All problems, imaginary or real, are due to external influences.

If this is a true statement please can you provide the link, as this is total genius! ALMOST up their with the Holocause naysayers

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Wow!!! Goddamn westerners corrupting poor innocent Asian cultures!!! Not the fact that these countries promote tourism, mass market on their own, and want all of the foreign money, hence the double pricing standards the genius parents put into effect. Now they complain cause they have to pay more to keep their kids happy! Poor, poor Thailand!! It's funny, I've met kids who live in the mountains, can't speak English, never tried McDonald's, don't know how to use the internet, and they are getting stoned and messing around too!!!! Way to blame everyone else for your errors, sometimes it's no ones fault, it just happens. Next thing you know, they won't be smiling when they try and rip you off!!!! How rude!

Reminds me a bit of the OPIUM Dens and Brothels in South East Asia. Or more recently the Vietnam War back in the 60's when Bangkok and Pattaya were full on drugs and Brothels? Wasn't this back in his time, or am I missing something.

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I think there is a lot of undeserved Thai bashing going on here. Why? Well having read the article i haven't found a single quote or reference to a Thai person saying anything blaming the west. It seems all the blame on foreigners is being directed from one of our own. So it seems we have a western woman, who probably knows sweet FA about thailand, its people and culture blaming globalisation (selectively i might add - fails to address the increase in living standards and medical care which globalisation has provided to some parts of the population) for the moral failings of Thailand.

The OP is not Thailand or Thais having a go at the west and westerners, So lets calm down and not have a go at Thailand (we all know its imperfections) :jap:

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How interesting. Globalisation is now the cause of pregnancies and drugs use. I do not remember hearing those arguments when Thailand was flooded with opium and when there was no access to information that allowed children and grown ups to protect themselves by using anti conceptive. Luckily for every doctor saying A another doctor can be find to say B. Maybe the good doctor should have a close look at the problems in for instance the US or the UK where the number of teen pregnancies are just as high as in Thailand or even higher. Not to speak of Muslim countries where everything is a taboo, everybody lives the prudent live and everything else is wiped under the carpet. The problem is education not globalization.

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In regards to teen pregnancies being up, it always amuses me when I hear Thai women say to farang: "No sex before marriage! Thai custom!" Really? A Thai custom? Then can someone please explain to me the increase of unwed teen pregnancies in Thailand?

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......... The problem is education not globalization.

In part. The problem is is of course a lack of education and w.r.t. globalisation it is the inability of countries and their leaders to adapt to a changing world. :jap:

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I blame everyone for everything that I did. It was just their fault and if they hadn't been there it would have been someone else's fault. It's not my responsibility because they all, whoever they are, made me do it. Can't you see that I'm the victim in this story!!!

Children that grow up in violent house holds are just as likely to be more caring when they are adults as they are to be terrorists. Most will see that what is happening in their family unit is wrong. It's when the whole environment creates a culture that having a baby, drugs or lack will lead people to extreme things.

Some terrorists just want the world to burn, they will always do what they will. Others are put there because there seems like no alternative. Thailand doesn't have any invading force, like Iraq or Afghanistan or Palestine. If there are terrorists they are created by the communities and practises of the government that is in charge of the nation.

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Technology and globalisation, did I not read that the government were looking to provide a tablet computer to every child? That will help then. (help virus propagation as well)

Is there any research into the effects of improved nutrition and health care affecting viability of teenage pregnancies that are reaching full term rather than naturally occurring abortions due to various health care issues in the first trimester?

We know one family that have a very high moral standards but little control over/respect from their 14 year old daughter. Who has a poor reputation for school attendance but prefers spending time with her boyfriend consuming drink and drugs. It is probably those factors that have prevented her becoming pregnant. She had free access to computers, phones, internet etc.

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Well the current behavior or the lifestyle of the youngsters has nothing to do with what other people do. Westerners have their culture and Asians have theirs. Each other should respect each other's culture and not blame that one culture is bringing bad to other culture. Simply blaming the west will not help the current deterioration of Thai culture. The question to ask is - Why are they copying the west ? why aren't the west copying them when Asians go to the western countries?

See, there is no "Bad Culture" in the world and its rude to say that some culture is Bad. Its just that people misinterpret and copy it. So if someone is wrongly copying it without even thinking twice.. Who is to be blamed?

Its just a human nature.. to point fingers to others when you see defect in yourself.. its a fact lets face it.

Edited by R10wota
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Teach birth control NOT abortion from monks.

Jail deadbeat Thai fathers.

Stop having so many DRUNKEN holidays like Songkran for 11 days.

Make people pay for their wrongs and stop mai pen rai.


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I think there is a lot of undeserved Thai bashing going on here. Why? Well having read the article i haven't found a single quote or reference to a Thai person saying anything blaming the west. It seems all the blame on foreigners is being directed from one of our own. So it seems we have a western woman, who probably knows sweet FA about thailand, its people and culture blaming globalisation (selectively i might add - fails to address the increase in living standards and medical care which globalisation has provided to some parts of the population) for the moral failings of Thailand.

The OP is not Thailand or Thais having a go at the west and westerners, So lets calm down and not have a go at Thailand (we all know its imperfections) :jap:

While I agree with your first statement I would not agree with what follows. What we have is an Indian woman (Central Asia) (who probably knows sweet FA about thailand) explaining why she thinks everything is going down the crapper. As most know India is a utopia with the experience to tell others how to properly organize society. So the way I see it - it is both Thailand and the West that is taking the thrashing here. B)

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Asian teenagers and young adults in Thailand, South Korea, Japan etc are all living like in a parallel world, compared to their parents. Something like late 1950's in the West except combined with newest technology. Things are going to change soon. That Songkran incident with those naked girls probably was a taste of things to come :)

Asian baby boomer generation will be soon all adults and it is very huge, almost one billion people. They could surely trash the place, if they decided so. Especially when they decide slaving in sweat shops for pennies ain't cool :)

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"" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?

Agree - what rock does this Dr Catherine Bernard live under. The Thai family system is far more civilised and appropriate than the majority of the western systems. What makes this woman think she has any right to sprout this vitriolic garbage and with what authority? blink.gif

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In regards to teen pregnancies being up, it always amuses me when I hear Thai women say to farang: "No sex before marriage! Thai custom!" Really? A Thai custom? Then can someone please explain to me the increase of unwed teen pregnancies in Thailand?

I have only heard that line being said in reference to a gold-digger-scam, i.e. getting the guy to cough up a huge sin sod...

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only thais would blame globalization, and see it as a threat. I read a survey about that in the book Investing in thailand. Only this place saw such as a threat and reason to be defensive, as well as blame globaization for flaws.

As for the drugs, come on! SE asia. What doesn't grow in thailand anyway?? This has been a hub for centuries as far as drugs have gone.

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I think there is a lot of undeserved Thai bashing going on here. Why? Well having read the article i haven't found a single quote or reference to a Thai person saying anything blaming the west. It seems all the blame on foreigners is being directed from one of our own. So it seems we have a western woman, who probably knows sweet FA about thailand, its people and culture blaming globalisation (selectively i might add - fails to address the increase in living standards and medical care which globalisation has provided to some parts of the population) for the moral failings of Thailand.

The OP is not Thailand or Thais having a go at the west and westerners, So lets calm down and not have a go at Thailand (we all know its imperfections) :jap:

While I agree with your first statement I would not agree with what follows. What we have is an Indian woman (Central Asia) (who probably knows sweet FA about thailand) explaining why she thinks everything is going down the crapper. As most know India is a utopia with the experience to tell others how to properly organize society. So the way I see it - it is both Thailand and the West that is taking the thrashing here. B)

Ahh she's Indian - (Sorry the name threw me into thinking she was western) I wonder why she chose to pick on Thailand is there any self interest activity going on here? i.e. opening a new branch of her organisation, or a conference with a name to be dropped into the media? All sounds like the media tactics of an organisation hoping to go regional or maybe global :blink:

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Globalisation causese teen pregnancies? I think it is sex that causes preganacies isn't it?

Well, at least no one has tried to blame this on Thaksin.

One would have to ask the very obvious question that since women used to have much larger families and marry younger 50 years ago, is this figure actually increasing, or was it always this way in Thailand. But then of course, if the number has been stable forever, you couldn't blame it on the bogeyman.


These are figures for 1997

At national level, approximately 3% of women aged

15–19 were reported to be currently pregnant

with their first child. The survey found that the

proportion was higher among women living in rural

areas (3%) than their urban counterparts (1%).


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Globalisation, what a joke by some researcher from a marble desk on another planet! These kind of do-gooders only harm the interests of poor people in countries like Thailand by giving welcome excuses to point at the world around and not to tackle the problem where it's rooted.

It's lack of education, lack of enforcement of all basic rules and laws (in this case most important laws on education and child labor) and police dealing drugs and running gambling venues on a very large but local scale in Thailand.

Does anybody know that Thai kids have to be in school full time until the age of 15 and can only do some light labor from the age of 13?

Thailand is number 2 in the world after South Africa for teen pregnancies, that's why all condom vending machines were removed in Bangkok schools on Valentines day so we can rank number 1 next time!

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