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"Thai Mussing" seemed to have died a well deserved death so ThaiVisa forum is trying a new tack, seems to be working, but its high hits with angry responses so in the long run TV will suffer from this kind of "trick". I wonder how many members are considering cancelling the email notifications already?

Anyway on a much more serious note... must go...im' off to the "sexpot pussy club bar" to find some cheap sex, after a hard day chasing my underage pupils around the classroom at shool ware i teech inglesh. Oh,oh, just got a good idea!... i got no money techin, so I think i will buy a big sex bar and have all the staff every day for free, hu hu ha ha.

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This guy did NOT say all expats are sexpats and he did NOT say all people who dislike Thaksin are sexpats.

The question is ... What did he say and with what facts did he use to back up his over the top claim?


This guy did NOT say all expats are sexpats and he did NOT say all people who dislike Thaksin are sexpats.

The question is ... What did he say and with what facts did he use to back up his over the top claim?

Well, that's two questions actually....smile.gif

And why is the first "the question" when we can read what he said right on the page?

As for the second, I doubt I will know what facts he used -- which over the top claim are you referring to? (But is is an OP - ED so I'm not sure he's obligated to cite facts).

(Hate to be in a position to defend the writer or the article...but just trying to be rational)

EDITEDfor Typos


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

I agree the author is a obviously a bigot.1zgarz5.gif

Though it is true Taksin lost much popularity with ex pat community during the violent clashes in BKK, the current administration seems to be also declining in popularity. In reality most ex-pats like their Thai counterparts only wish for peace and prosperity in the land of smiles. wai.gif


"Thai Mussing" seemed to have died a well deserved death so ThaiVisa forum is trying a new tack, seems to be working, but its high hits with angry responses so in the long run TV will suffer from this kind of "trick". I wonder how many members are considering cancelling the email notifications already?

Anyway on a much more serious note... must go...im' off to the "sexpot pussy club bar" to find some cheap sex, after a hard day chasing my underage pupils around the classroom at shool ware i teech inglesh. Oh,oh, just got a good idea!... i got no money techin, so I think i will buy a big sex bar and have all the staff every day for free, hu hu ha ha.

very funny...........

and self-concentrated though.

havin' all bar girls for only yourself......

huh.........pedofile sexpat!!!!


Firstly, the so called sexpats, the dimwitted OP are referring too's, breadth of Thai political knowledge is limited to whatever pigeon English drivel some Issan hooker from whatdaphukaburi, pukes up whenever her mouth isn't full. And generally its positive regarding Taksin, as ignorant dregs and low life's in the north commonly support him. So these guys generaly tend to be the Taxsin supporters. It's the folks with a clue, the contributing members of society who have settled down here with Thai Families who see Taxsin and his red shirt thugs for the terrorists that they are.

David Waite can eat a fat pickle, and if I ever met him in person I'd tell em so..



More power to the sexpats. They not only are pumping money into the economy via willing and legal partners who in large part turn around and support their familes but the sexpats are also helping short time hotel owners, bars and pharmacies. At this stage in Thailand's growth sexpats are actually good for Thailand and its economy.

Obviously pedo-pats would be a different story but the writer didn't insinuate they hate Thaksin or communicate a clear dislike for them as he did older men still enjoying a sex with consensual partners. Older and richer men get young women to sleep with them all over the world but and all over the world they pay for it one way or another ... in some places such as the entertainment areas here it is just more to the point.

And personally I don't believe there us a large percentage of expats in Thailand that are still being sexpats after being here near a decade. I think their number would not be a significant percentage of total expats.


I wonder who the normal audience is for this Asian Correspondent blog is.

Apparently it isn't westerners living in Southeast Asia, because he just dumped all over them. And it certainly couldn't be any other journalists because the quality of writing here is very juvenile. Like a college paper rant.

As far as Thaksin is concerned, it was the red shirts being paid to raze Bangkok, even though there original demands had been met, that sealed the deal for me. Thaksin is seriously dangerous and conscienceless.

I support the common folk of Thailand, and I hope some day they see that they have been duped and that they elect one of their own to power to put one over on the elite, democratically.


Firstly, the so called sexpats, the dimwitted OP are referring too's, breadth of Thai political knowledge is limited to whatever pigeon English drivel some Issan hooker from whatdaphukaburi, pukes up whenever her mouth isn't full. And generally its positive regarding Taksin, as ignorant dregs and low life's in the north commonly support him. So these guys generaly tend to be the Taxsin supporters. It's the folks with a clue, the contributing members of society who have settled down here with Thai Families who see Taxsin and his red shirt thugs for the terrorists that they are.

David Waite can eat a fat pickle, and if I ever met him in person I'd tell em so..


Oh dear, it's this kind of post (and I'm not entirely sure it isn't a hoax ) that rather confirms the author's view of the Thaksin hating sexpat.


I loved this article, i was cracking up as a read it!! to all these douchbags trashing it on this thread I say the truth hurts don't it, at least i'm able to laugh at myself unlike you jerks that are too 'proud'; screw you :lol:

i especially like what he said about posters on TV having nothing good to say about Thailand or Thai people yet they insist on staying here, I was just making this same complaint recently on the KFC wages thread..

Why do you stay here if you hate this country and it's people so much? I love the Thais, despite all our flaws they're always nice to us as long as we're not rude or overly cheap, a few of the girls in the bars are messed up but they tend to gravitate to farangs that are equally unscrupulous.

and how many farangs have i met here writing some retarded book about sex and violence with some lame military twist.. there so bad you can't even read a few pages before putting it down.

just look at the link bkkboksdotcome,its to the right!

and you can tell the way alot of the guys here post that they have some type of social disorder.. again at least i'm able to laugh at myself..i'm not saying i 100% meet the stereotype this guy is talking about but admittedly I was not able to make it in my home country and came here looking for cheap rent and a few bucks just to get by..


If you follow the link to Dan Waites own website and read his article 'Thailand, the new Burma?' you will see that he is in fact a serious journalist with a keen knowledge of Thailand and the issues that confront it. If you then follow the link from that to the article by Somsak Jeamteerasukul, you will be able to see how Thailand's 'democracy' is still in peril from interference by the military and the ruling elite.

As to Waites' article on sexpat political views. It seems to me that what irks most farang is the insinuation that most of us here are 'sexpats' whereas the vast majority of Farang are wholly respectable members of the community. His assertion that most of those who are here for sex and booze and rock and roll are the most vocal in their opposition to Thaksin Shinawatra and his social order policies is not far wide of the mark....one thing they forget of course is that Mr Abhisit's government have had 4 1/2 years to roll back Thaksin's legislation on booze bans, early closing of bars and nightclubs and the restrictions on karaoke bars and 'entertanment venues' ' but have chosen not to do so. Maybe Thasin was speaking for wider Thai society after all?!?!


Don´t really understand the point here. whats the relation between beeing a "sexpat" and not liking Thaksin??? The bars gonna close down and no thai women wanting to marry or bombom with farang cause mr. Thaksin will give an extra fifty bath/day to taxi drivers and farmers???? Expats here might not represent the most decent men on earth but they just like to have fun and sun plus they support the poor thais more than most hi-so thais would ever do!!! BTW expats are just joining a culture and system already existent here. Farangs likes Thailand cause thai peoples normal lives are what they are, love booze, sex, extravagance, bpai tiiao, dine out. They don´t love all politicians though. Comparing drinking and sexing with wars on drugs and southerners is ridiculous.


350 mostly defensive replies in less than a day. The writer will soon have enough additional research data for a follow-up article where he establishes a psychological profile that validates his original story.


Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1.

If ever there was a good thread to delete, (not just close) it is this one. It is a slap in the face to HUGE majority of people who come to this forum in good faith and abide by the norms that govern decent behavior, on and off of the forum. ThaiVisa has stooped to a new, appalling and embarrassing low, apparently just to up their numbers.

Agree with all of kandahar's points, but especially with the two paragraphs above.

Really don't know what was going through George's mind when he decided to post this trash. I thought Thaivisa was better than this. Apparently not.

Oh come off it.I'm already on record with my view that the article is rather feeble but it also clearly touches a nerve with some (actually quite a lot given the many responses on this thread).The Thaksin hating foreigners (I'm talking about the obsessives not the average joe who doesn't like him much) do tend to be an odd lot by and large.George was quite right to post it.What's been interesting has been the visceral anger of many, clearly suggesting in a rather mediocre piece the author has hit home on a few points.


This post did exactly what it was intended to do. It rattled all of your cages, got you to read and respond to this thread (self included) and sent more views to the Asian Correspondent website. Kudos to Mr. Spooner and to George for a job well done.


It's been more interesting reading the responses than the article itself.

as for the author, the publicity is going to be good for his career regardless.


Oh come off it.I'm already on record with my view that the article is rather feeble but it also clearly touches a nerve with some (actually quite a lot given the many responses on this thread).The Thaksin hating foreigners (I'm talking about the obsessives not the average joe who doesn't like him much) do tend to be an odd lot by and large.George was quite right to post it.What's been interesting has been the visceral anger of many, clearly suggesting in a rather mediocre piece the author has hit home on a few points.

I read your earlier post and thought it hit the nail on the head.

Why do you assume though, that because people get angry about a point of view, that must mean that it has hit a nerve, that there is some truth to it and that it must be insulting them personally?

Do you find yourself only ever angry about a point of view when it accurately and personally insults you? If so, fine, that's you, but don't assume everyone's emotions work in the same way.


Why Thailand's sexpat community hates Thaksin Shinawatra

By Dan Waites

Dan Waites,

How did you identify the sexpat's in Thailand and who is the designated spokesperson for there community? Is there a point of contact for this community and which survey was conducted that revealed the sexpat community hates Thaksin Shinawatra? (Please provide link to survey)

You then go on to mention Thai Visa Forum:

A good place to find these shining examples of manhood is the Thai Visa Forum. Many of the people who post on the site seem to dislike almost everything about the country and yet, for some reason, they remain here (I suspect it must be the temples). The consensus on the Thai Visa Forum is that Thaksin is evil incarnate and must never, ever be permitted to return. (You will gain brownie points on Thai Visa by wittily referring to Thaksin as "Toxin" and to the red shirts as "red shits"). Here, tales of Thaksin's return circulate like horror stories. Feelings for the exiled billionaire go beyond hatred and into the realms of outright terror.

Thai Visa recently did a survey of its members – 4,434 of them to be precise. Among the areas they were quizzed on was politics. They were asked: "Should Thaksin be forgiven and allowed to return?" Of those who answered, 73.3% said "No".

According to Thai Visa Forum's website they have over 118,000 members and you choose to make generalizations based on a survey of less than 4,500 of it's members. Like most of Thai Visa Forum's members I chose not to participate in the survey. Although I live in Thailand I don't follow Thai politics closely and I don't give a rat's ass whether Thaksin runs the country or not (not my business-as the Thai's would say).

I became a member of Thai Visa Forum recently to keep abreast of news-breaking stories. During my short period of observation of Thai Visa Forum, I would go out on a limb and say that there is a small core of its members that post on the forum. I see the same 'posters' every time I visit the forum. Just as the overwhelming majority of the 118K members did not participate in the survey, the overwhelming majority doesn't post on the forum. So, we wouldn't know that it is a consensus on Thai Visa Forum that Thaksin is evil. Just because the majority of the people who post may not favor him doesn't mean it is a consensus.

As for your argument about hating Thaksin because of his (social reform programs or closing bars) the sexpat community (whoever they are) need not worry. Until the masses receive higher education and are able to support there families well beyond just meeting basic needs, immediate gratification will always eclispe delayed gratification. How long will it take the average Thai person to work an honest job and save for a home and the finer things in life which we all desire (delayed gratification)? or travel to Phuket, Pattaya, nearest bar, etc. and hit the jackpot with a foreigner (immediate gratification)?

Dan Waite, the next time you survey the 'sexpat community' that you've already identified according to the headline of your post, include a question as to why the sexpats 'hate/fear' Thaksin's return and have there designated spokesperson elaborate when he submits his summary report to you. That way you will not have to make disturbing generalizations and attempt to identify and demoralize over 118,000 individuals you obviously know nothing about.


Not at all......... Dont tell me that Thai girls sitting in front of a bar is not a hocker..... regular Thai girls do not go to bars, especially farang bars.

Disparaging terminology like "hocker" (sic) and "whore" only go to show that the poster has no understanding (or sympathy) about what leads people to resort to selling themselves to support their family and themselves. Not all bargirls are prostitutes but many are and, those that are, are not automatically bad people and will readily and happily take a way out if offered. I don't see a problem with it if both parties are happy. What exactly is a "sexpat" anyway? An expat who has sex? An expat who has sex with many different people? In my experience most expats get sick of the bar scene after a while and settle down to a fairly mundane life.


He wrote 'meet in a bar' not 'gogo bar' or 'bargirl' -- very different.

Not at all......... Dont tell me that Thai girls sitting in front of a bar is not a hocker..... regular Thai girls do not go to bars, especially farang bars.

What on earth are you on about? So now any girl/woman that goes to a nightclub frequented by foreigners is a whore?

Do you even know what you just inferred? Heck, it is even a 112-case. Is this you real name you are posting under?


I don't care about Thaskin or the current government but I care about my family in Thailand and I'm not a sexpat. I also don't like being thrown into a barrel and being labeled a sexpat or sex tourists or pedo or what ever. I am just a normal guy with a family.


Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1.

If ever there was a good thread to delete, (not just close) it is this one. It is a slap in the face to HUGE majority of people who come to this forum in good faith and abide by the norms that govern decent behavior, on and off of the forum. ThaiVisa has stooped to a new, appalling and embarrassing low, apparently just to up their numbers.

Agree with all of kandahar's points, but especially with the two paragraphs above.

Really don't know what was going through George's mind when he decided to post this trash. I thought Thaivisa was better than this. Apparently not.

Oh come off it.I'm already on record with my view that the article is rather feeble but it also clearly touches a nerve with some (actually quite a lot given the many responses on this thread).The Thaksin hating foreigners (I'm talking about the obsessives not the average joe who doesn't like him much) do tend to be an odd lot by and large.George was quite right to post it.What's been interesting has been the visceral anger of many, clearly suggesting in a rather mediocre piece the author has hit home on a few points.

There is nothing to come off of. I could write a mediocre piece criticizing the TV users who prefer double quilted toilet paper over single ply and it would hit home with some. What would be the point? And why would TV go ahead and let it fly? This thing really is just a sensational attack on the TV members. It infers that sexpats are particular hateful concerning Thaksin and it infers that that group is fairly represented as posters on TV who bash Thaksin and therefore, it infers the argument is valid. Ignorant inferences, I believe.

The whole thing is slanted to give the impression that overall, we TV posters as a group, are the people being referenced in this thing. This whole thing casts aspersions on us all. Think about people in other countries who don't know about this place reading this thing. What kind of opinions are they going to come away with? Where is the wannabe author leading them? Had he been worth his salt, he could have just as easily gone into sexpat territory and interviewed the very people that he assumes are being represented on TV. Of course, he didn't do that. He painted broad strokes with a dark, gloomy, forbidding color. He didn't do the interviews because people who are involved in that trade don't rally give a rat's butt about who is in charge. Money will change hands and all will be well, regardless.

Had this post been made by any normal poster in the normal course of the day or night, it would have been deleted, just as many, many less offensive posts have been and hopefully, will be in the future. I see this whole thing as just another turn for the worse, in all the things most of us have come to see changing with the times. TV is heading towards the fun, fun, fun, meaningless and profitable field of shock and awe and outrageous. Next perhaps we will see an alliance with Fox News and Charlie Sheen.

Social responsibility should outweigh profits but I know it won't. We see it every day, all we know and trust, spinning ever more quickly into the toilet until one day, there will only a few good men and women left standing, overwhelmed by the shouts and glee of those who take joy in shitting on others and reveling in their victory when ignorance and the pursuit of a buck overwhelm common sense and decency.

I have never witnesses an episode such as this, where the leader of a once-decent thing allowed such venom and smears to tarnish the very people who got him to where he is. I never thought I would see it here on this forum. I find it sad that a man that comes from the same generation as myself has allowed his younger staff to influence his decisions in what is right and wrong. Here's the thing, George. There will be some atta boys for you on this. They are wrong. Your staff will continue to push you to push the envelope. They are wrong. They will be wrong until you and I and the rest of the generations that held the line on social responsibility are dead and gone. Only then, when THEY own it all and THEY rule, will it be okay to attack, or to allow others to attack, THEIR own. And at that point, it will be okay, because THEY will be the attacker AND the attacked and THEY deserve all of it. In the meantime, most of us aren't of that generation. Fox news sucks. So many news stories where the journalists IS the story, sucks. Watching so much of what was good going down the toilet these modern days sucks. So, how about you delete this crap and we all agree that TV still doesn't suck? I know it isn't as profitable to be a bastion of social responsibility. But it is a better man that remains true to the beliefs that got him this far. Those beliefs weren't wrong. And in the future, new generations will embrace them again, when they realize what they have created.


For the sake of writing, isn't he only making a stero-typical reference to a fleeting segment of Farang population.... that yes, exists, mainly in certain pockets of sea,sun & sand. So what!... All roads seem to lead to Thailand and when they arrive we arrive in all shapes and sizes. I don't take offense to his writing because I know he's not talk'n about me.

I find a continual fascination in observing the trails & tribulations of the Expat/ sex-pat community here and how so many choose the position of a small frog at the bottom of a well looking up and thinking all it sees, is all there is. rolleyes.gif


Sex-pat is a libelous label and unprovable characterization. There are sexual deviates at all levels of society. Just look at the millionaire French guy in Rikers Prison.


one thing they forget of course is that Mr Abhisit's government have had 4 1/2 years to roll back Thaksin's legislation on booze bans, early closing of bars and nightclubs and the restrictions on karaoke bars and 'entertanment venues' ' but have chosen not to do so. Maybe Thasin was speaking for wider Thai society after all?!?!

4 1/2 years? A red apologist being liberal with the facts again, how unusual.


Oh come off it.I'm already on record with my view that the article is rather feeble but it also clearly touches a nerve with some (actually quite a lot given the many responses on this thread).The Thaksin hating foreigners (I'm talking about the obsessives not the average joe who doesn't like him much) do tend to be an odd lot by and large.George was quite right to post it.What's been interesting has been the visceral anger of many, clearly suggesting in a rather mediocre piece the author has hit home on a few points.

I read your earlier post and thought it hit the nail on the head.

Why do you assume though, that because people get angry about a point of view, that must mean that it has hit a nerve, that there is some truth to it and that it must be insulting them personally?

Do you find yourself only ever angry about a point of view when it accurately and personally insults you? If so, fine, that's you, but don't assume everyone's emotions work in the same way.

Indeed, such an assertion is madness.

if that was true, I wonder what some people that pretend they know how many foreign lawyers that work here think if someone would write that the stereo type is that everyone that claims that lots of foreign lawyers work here in an official capacity is infact all pedophiles.

Only those that are infact the latter would surely be objecting, eh?


If ever there was a good thread to delete, (not just close) it is this one. It is a slap in the face to HUGE majority of people who come to this forum in good faith and abide by the norms that govern decent behavior, on and off of the forum. ThaiVisa has stooped to a new, appalling and embarrassing low, apparently just to up their numbers.

Jeez, man...really?

How have you or I been slapped in the face? I've been more insulted by many, many other things I've read on TV than this -- while I'm no advocating they be deleted I certainly would have done so before I'd want this stupid OP axed (Have you not seen those copious and gratuitously offensive comments about Thais and Thailand? Or the same about the Farangs who choose to live here? All written by TV posters that you feel the need to be so vigorously protected from insult?)

Think about people in other countries who don't know about this place reading this thing. What kind of opinions are they going to come away with?

Ummm...who cares? Are you postig under your real name? Does your family, business community or whomever know you post here and are they likely to come and find out about it?

Social responsibility should outweigh profits but I know it won't. We see it every day, all we know and trust, spinning ever more quickly into the toilet until one day, there will only a few good men and women left standing, overwhelmed by the shouts and glee of those who take joy in shitting on others and reveling in their victory when ignorance and the pursuit of a buck overwhelm common sense and decency.

I have never witnesses an episode such as this, where the leader of a once-decent thing allowed such venom and smears to tarnish the very people who got him to where he is... So, how about you delete this crap and we all agree that TV still doesn't suck? I know it isn't as profitable to be a bastion of social responsibility. But it is a better man that remains true to the beliefs that got him this far. Those beliefs weren't wrong. And in the future, new generations will embrace them again, when they realize what they have created.

Holy smoke! Get some perspective! This is just a web-board. Take from it what you can, be it entertainment or information or both. But it doesn't matter. It's not one of the pillars of civilization or something.

EDIT for Typos


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Not to mention the Jews,the Russians, and the homosexuals!


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