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Obama: If I were U.S. Rep. Weiner, I would resign


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Obama: If I were U.S. Rep. Weiner, I would resign

2011-06-14 20:49:14 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday said that, if he were U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner right now, he would choose to resign over the scandal.

Weiner, who has been the U.S. Representative for New York's 9th district since January 1999, has been involved in a scandal known as Weinergate since he accidentally posted a sexually suggestive picture on the social networking website Twitter. The Congressman had meant to send it privately to a 21-year-old woman, but accidentally sent it to all of his followers on Twitter.

The politician, who was considering a run for Mayor of New York City, has admitted to exchanging sexually explicit messages and photographs with at least six women over a three-year period, both before and during his marriage with Huma Abedin, a senior aide to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Both the White House and Obama had remained silent over the scandal, despite calls from a number of Democratic and Republican leaders for Weiner to resign. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Monday that the White House believed the issue is a distraction. "Obviously as Congressman Weiner has said himself, the behavior was inappropriate; the dishonesty was inappropriate," Carney said.

During the interview aired on Tuesday, Obama said Weiner's conduct has been highly inappropriate. "I think he's embarrassed himself, he's acknowledged that, he's embarrassed his wife and his family," the president said.

"Ultimately there's going to be a decision for him and his constituents. I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. Because public service is exactly that, it's a service to the public," Obama added. "And when you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can't serve as effectively as you need to at the time when people are worrying about jobs and their mortgages and paying the bills, then you should probably step back."

Weiner, who reportedly still has the support of his constituents, previously said he would not resign over the scandal. But recent media reports have indicated that Weiner might now be considering to resign as the pressure on him to step down continues to increase.

On Saturday, police in Delaware said they were investigating the online contact Weiner had with a 17-year-old girl. Authorities said there was no evidence of anything inappropriate, but the fact that Weiner had contact with a minor only increased calls for his resignation.

Weiner was granted a two-week leave with pay by the U.S. House on late Monday in order for him to seek professional treatment. But since the U.S. House will be in recess after that period, Weiner will actually have time off until July 5th.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-14

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Weiner broke no laws. He's an arrogant idiot, yes, but he didn't steal, he didn't rape anyone, he didn't embezzle etc.

It's up to his constituents to decide.

Being convicted of committing a felony does not preclude one from membership in Congress.

Having the morals of an alley cat should preclude one but, considering the constituency Weiner has, it probably won't. A recent survey stated 56% do not want him to resign.

He wouldn't yield the floor a few months ago so it is unlikely he will resign now.

Narcissism does not allow one to admit failures of any sort.

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Weiner broke no laws. He's an arrogant idiot, yes, but he didn't steal, he didn't rape anyone, he didn't embezzle etc.

I agree, but doing interview after interview in which he blatantly lied to the public means that he will never be effective in convincing anyone of anything again.

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Being convicted of committing a felony does not preclude one from membership in Congress.

Having the morals of an alley cat should preclude one but, considering the constituency Weiner has, it probably won't. A recent survey stated 56% do not want him to resign.

He wouldn't yield the floor a few months ago so it is unlikely he will resign now.

Narcissism does not allow one to admit failures of any sort.

Ya got sumpin' against us NEW YAWKERS???? :D :D :D

Seriously I'm not sure that the urge to mail out photos of one's genitals implies low morals so much as a serious mental quirk....

On the plus side, he has brought immense joy to U.S. comedians. I'm sure the writers for the daily Show, Letternman, Leno et al view it as a gift from heaven.

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The latest photos show him cross dressing and oiling up. He doesn't need therapy. He needs a vacation to Pattaya.

He is only a exhibitionist tranny. He is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Beach road, he could open a hot dog stand and do OK.

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The current exposure Weiner has received has lead to some allegations of Islamist links amongst his inlaws. Perhaps he should give BHO a special handshake and all will be well. :whistling:


Was Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner and the Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton, unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Is it possible she does not know that her brother is tied to the Brotherhood’s radical leadership? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab newspapers, which has remained secret in American government circles?

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He is quitting tomorrow. Sitting watching the adoring faces of Jeab and Dow as they amuse themselves without the aid of any INTERNET appliances I chalk up another reason why I stay in Thailand.

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Maybe some people are just jealous of the 40 year old with a decent body and a big peen. :whistling:

He is just another example of the low quality folks who inhabit high places these days in Washington

I am not jealous but..... some supporters seem to be attracted :whistling:

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Maybe some people are just jealous of the 40 year old with a decent body and a big peen. :whistling:

He is just another example of the low quality folks who inhabit high places these days in Washington

I am not jealous but..... some supporters seem to be attracted :whistling:

Looking back at the administrations of Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln and U,S. Grant if anything American politics has gotten less corrupt.

Hot dogs and cross dressing are a far cry from Watergate and Preston Brooks.

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Maybe some people are just jealous of the 40 year old with a decent body and a big peen. :whistling:

He is just another example of the low quality folks who inhabit high places these days in Washington

I am not jealous but..... some supporters seem to be attracted :whistling:

Looking back at the administrations of Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln and U,S. Grant if anything American politics has gotten less corrupt.

Ummm but America is bankrupt now.....we were not then

Some Jeffersonian principles would be welcome today

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His internet antics are not exactly shocking or unusual these days although public officials in the US should be smart enough to know they have to put on a show of so called sexual morality to survive. However, blatantly lying about what he did and the many reports of unwelcome sexual harassment coming out made his resignation inevitable.

However, one does wonder if his last name was something bland like Smith whether this would have inflated to the degree that it did. Anyone watching US media recently knows it was dominated by Weiner/Dick jokes.

The good news. Made the public wonder if there's a big surprise in store when you unwrap nerdy Jewish guys.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't think it is fair to call this guy a cross dressing tranny. He certainly can't compare to J. Edgar Hoover. Besides, I'm sure many women (and a lot of men) have salivated over his photographs, especially his angled pose that gave him, umm an edge. rolleyes.gif

I know what he did was not overly bright and showed some exceptional arrogance, but he wasn't implicated in a savings and loan collapse, bribes, starting a war or trying for a hookup at the public toilets. I have a hunch a lot of people don't care. I don't.

Maybe he can get a new career going as a model for Playgirl.

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Maybe some people are just jealous of the 40 year old with a decent body and a big peen. :whistling:

He is just another example of the low quality folks who inhabit high places these days in Washington

I am not jealous but..... some supporters seem to be attracted :whistling:

Looking back at the administrations of Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln and U,S. Grant if anything American politics has gotten less corrupt.

Ummm but America is bankrupt now.....we were not then

Some Jeffersonian principles would be welcome today

Jefferson died in debt, and his heirs had to sell his beloved home Monticello, for a fraction of its cost, to help pay off his creditors. The Congress failed to save him from financial ruin. History is a bitch isn't it.

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I don't think it is fair to call this guy a cross dressing tranny. He certainly can't compare to J. Edgar Hoover. Besides, I'm sure many women (and a lot of men) have salivated over his photographs, especially his angled pose that gave him, umm an edge. rolleyes.gif

I know what he did was not overly bright and showed some exceptional arrogance, but he wasn't implicated in a savings and loan collapse, bribes, starting a war or trying for a hookup at the public toilets. I have a hunch a lot of people don't care. I don't.

Maybe he can get a new career going as a model for Playgirl.

Not fair to call him a cross dressing tranny?


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Ummm but America is bankrupt now.....we were not then

Some Jeffersonian principles would be welcome today

Jefferson died in debt, and his heirs had to sell his beloved home Monticello, for a fraction of its cost, to help pay off his creditors. The Congress failed to save him from financial ruin. History is a bitch isn't it.

My response was in reference to your post that claimed the administrations were less corrupt today.

I am not speaking of Jefferson as a person & his personal debts built by who knows what....but I am referring to his principles as a president & where we (USA) financially are today.


“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Thomas Jefferson
“I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” —Thomas Jefferson

Which is basically just what we ended up doing & the results are obvious

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Not fair to call him a cross dressing tranny?

No it is not. The image is taken out of context. Harry dressed up as a nazi. Is Prince Harry a nazi?

Is Jaimie Middleton a cute maid because he dressed up as a maid while his friend bent over a simulated fellatio on another naked chum. Is he saying come sodomize me because he is posing with his bare buttocks exposed and smiling with a come hither look in his eyes?

People take pictures for fun. It might not be something you or I do, It might cause one to say, Jeebus what were these twits thinking, but people do things in private under the assumption that prying eyes won't intrude.

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Not fair to call him a cross dressing tranny?

No it is not. The image is taken out of context. Harry dressed up as a nazi. Is Prince Harry a nazi?

Is Jaimie Middleton a cute maid because he dressed up as a maid while his friend bent over a simulated fellatio on another naked chum. Is he saying come sodomize me because he is posing with his bare buttocks exposed and smiling with a come hither look in his eyes?

People take pictures for fun. It might not be something you or I do, It might cause one to say, Jeebus what were these twits thinking, but people do things in private under the assumption that prying eyes won't intrude.

If I put on a bra, knickers and black panty hose, took photos and sent them out over the INTERNET I would not be surprised if someone saw them.

If in performing said action I expressed surprise that anyone saw them I would be a twit.

As a celebrity if I went to Pattaya and dressed in drag for a night and did the town not many would notice but still I would not be surprised to make the local gossip blogs.

Perhaps it was unfair of me to characterize him as a cross dressing tranny. I should have said part time cross dressing tranny. Sorry I will watch my usage in the future.

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Jefferson died in debt, and his heirs had to sell his beloved home Monticello, for a fraction of its cost, to help pay off his creditors. The Congress failed to save him from financial ruin. History is a bitch isn't it.

My response was in reference to your post that claimed the administrations were less corrupt today.

I am not speaking of Jefferson as a person & his personal debts built by who knows what....but I am referring to his principles as a president & where we (USA) financially are today.


“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Thomas Jefferson
“I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” —Thomas Jefferson

Which is basically just what we ended up doing & the results are obvious

One of my points was to state that politicians are politicians and Jefferson was a hypocrite just like the politicians of today. Jeffersonian principles included a highly unusual sex life as well as being a spendthrift not much different than politicians today.

He could talk the talk but not walk the walk. Weiner was a lightweight when you look at Jefferson. If you can't manage your own house it takes big brass ones to tell a country what to do.

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One of my points was to state that politicians are politicians and Jefferson was a hypocrite just like the politicians of today. Jeffersonian principles included a highly unusual sex life as well as being a spendthrift not much different than politicians today.

He could talk the talk but not walk the walk. Weiner was a lightweight when you look at Jefferson. If you can't manage your own house it takes big brass ones to tell a country what to do.

Hey you will get no argument from me on that point ;)

Which is why my original post you replied to stated "some Jeffersonian Principles would be welcome today"

After all puppets are all just puppets & the so called system has always been defective. In many ways like religion... except with religion no test of the system is possible till your dead & unable to complain about it :lol:

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So Barack sez Weiner should resign for showing off his tallywacker, but it's okay for Barack to show his ass to the American people every day of the week and keep on keeping on. Showing genitals is a sign of sexual variance. Showing the ass is a sign of arrogance. Weiner did the right thing eventually, but it was all politically motivated. As a famous American political commentator likes to suggest, sexual deviancy is a career ender for Repubs, but a resume' enchancer for Dems (see Clinton, Frank, Spitzer, among others). Weiner is a lifelong protege' of Chucky "Schmucky" Schumer. Look for Weiner to surface with a cushy perch in the Dem machine, sometime after the 2012 election when he will be deemed as "cured" of his affliction.

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So Barack sez Weiner should resign for showing off his tallywacker, but it's okay for Barack to show his ass to the American people every day of the week and keep on keeping on. Showing genitals is a sign of sexual variance. Showing the ass is a sign of arrogance. Weiner did the right thing eventually, but it was all politically motivated. As a famous American political commentator likes to suggest, sexual deviancy is a career ender for Repubs, but a resume' enchancer for Dems (see Clinton, Frank, Spitzer, among others). Weiner is a lifelong protege' of Chucky "Schmucky" Schumer. Look for Weiner to surface with a cushy perch in the Dem machine, sometime after the 2012 election when he will be deemed as "cured" of his affliction.

You are probably right but it is kind of too bad he does not come to Pattaya to open a club. He would make an interesting addition to the town. Maybe he could have done a NY Deli too. Think of the sausage possibilities. I bet Jing Thing would have done his marketing and done a good job too. Cowboy is going down the tubes. Soi Weiner could have been the nest big thing in Thai tourism.

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