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Sorry for double post. The time delay fooled me again.

It is easy enough to analyse which are the hot topics. Simple requests usually get answered quickly and easily. Mods take care of most idiots.

Thanks. :lol:

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Simple requests usually get answered quickly and easily. Mods take care of most idiots.

And who takes care of the ........, Whoops! best not got there as ........, are immune from the the opinions of forum laymen :D



I always thought that someone that was working in the field would know the difference between a forum and a "room" ....


Let's face it, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages on a forum.

I think you will find that if you go out into the street and start asking total strangers for information most won't give you the time of day and you will have to stand there and stop a lot of people before you get a helpful answer.

Not to mention the time you waste.

Otherwise you could join a club that has the sort of people with answers or cultivate your own social network. All these things take large investments of time, effort and even money - it'll probably cost you a lunch or a few drinks.

Fast forward to the internet age and you have virtual places which bring together a likely useful audience. It takes you 2 minutes to post a question and you can go away and do your own thing and likely find a useful answer when you return. This costs you nothing in time or money and these are total strangers being nice enough to help you out.

In this age of instant friends, I think its important to differentiate. Anyone can come and join in your conversation on a forum, (actually if you don't like them, then block them - we often do it in reality). The fact that you can pose questions to such a wide anonymous audience is amazing and how can it be everyone's duty to provide the answers we want to hear. It's a bit like complaining about the taste of free coffee.

Good post Sally.

I often use the ignore user function in the political forums/Thailand News and almost never in the local fora/forums.


Is it because those who have lived her for so many years are fed up with questions that have been answered before on various forums within Thai Visa?

Or is it because those who have lived here for so many years have forgotten what it was like for them in their earlier years of arriving here in total bewilderment

I think it's a combination of the above. :(

Yes I incline to agree...But forgive me if I repeat what I have already said....Give a little latitude and try to be kind to those who are beginning their lives here! C'mon people .....give a little and try to be more understanding of those in need.

There but for the grace of god , go I...into a world I do not comprehend nor have the grace to respond with human kindness! due to my innermost fears of understanding of this new life..

..God should always have a capital "G"


Hi Raindancer

There is actually a simple solution to the issues you raise. Read on to find out more.

Before coming to Thailand I was what you might call a budding Netentrepreneur, meaning I worked with online projects, including some forums. The problems you mention are not unique to TV even though this particular forum might be a bit extreme when compared to many others. It doesn't help though when posters (and their posts), are being constantly controlled, and sometimes bullied, by those who 'manage' the world's forum rooms. This habitual, and often unnecessary, interference probably hurts, rather than helps, with any harmony that certain members might have otherwise had. The web's virtual 'control-freaks' belong to a separate tribe and deserve their own story, so I'll not write anything more pertaining to them in my response here.

So you will find lots of other forums relating to all kinds of topics around the world with more than their fair share of rude and aggressive types. This class of people seem to get some kind of warped pleasure out of dishing out unhelpful opinions on anything from the price of oranges to the latest NASA technology.

The best way to deal with them is to totally ignore what they write as if their posts are invisible.

You see, these virtual warriors, for want of a better phrase, feed off of hostile and antagonistic interaction, so by responding to their scribblings you are actually playing right into their cyber-hands so to speak.

Posted below is a short explanation of forums participants worldwide. I found this information during my early days of exploring what made the World Wide Web tick. Hope it gives a little perspective ;-)

Back in the day, I did a little research on forums in an attempt to find out why there was so much disrespect and lack of netiquette in the rooms. It was interesting to discover a common demographic amongst the more hostile participants.

My research showed that those who live in Forums (daily participants) generally tend to attract the same universal set of common denominators, which are the stuck-in-the-mud 'angry' male in his 40s and 50s. These 'not-young, though not-old' tribes where found to participate in forum threads simply because they're easy to use and a great place to vent their own frustrations (whatever they happen to be!). Now, if anyone reading this gets uptight then, well, all that can be said on that is...........if the cap fits, then wear it!


Remember, it's nice to be nice. It's not nice to be nasty!

Thanks Aitch

Your message contains some excellent points. Will take your advice.


Speaking of demographics, I wonder how many expats - most of whom claim otherwise - are actually unhappy here, inside themselves.

Free floating anger is not unusual on the planet. Anyone recall the film Network and "I'm mad as h_ll and I'm not going to take it any more!"?

Curiously, the angry and bitter types don't seem to know that they are revealing that they're having a bad day or life when they post here. For me, venting on forums is better than kicking the dog or demeaning the wife/GF. Forums are outlets that are better, but no solution.

They do provide a way for us to see ourselves as a segment of our human condition too.


I guess I'm just old fashioned. I was raised during the time of the Golden Rule....... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

And also "If you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all"


It's the Brits fault.

How's that for a shyster of a comment on the very first reply, op!

I am here after advice I am not here to witness bad manners.

This is the type of post that gets my back up. If you want advice and no bad manners, suggest not visiting open, online fora. TV is not a paid for service; it doesn't owe you anything. ;)


Many farangs here are ungrounded: the excess current, only partly discharged by playing snooker with hookers, results in the formation of Blovic Acid, a powerful steroid and hallucinogen, whose side effects include foramic-rage, delusions of grandeur, schadenfreude, a compulsion to spank, or be spanked, and, of course, bloviation.

Best to not expose your bottom in such company.



Many farangs here are ungrounded: the excess current, only partly discharged by playing snooker with hookers, results in the formation of Blovic Acid, a powerful steroid and hallucinogen, whose side effects include foramic-rage, delusions of grandeur, schadenfreude, a compulsion to spank, or be spanked, and, of course, bloviation.

Best to not expose your bottom in such company.


Thank you Orang.


Hi Raindancer, I hope you stay on the TV forum because in my opinion it is one of the better ones around and although there are perhaps some posters who will antagonise you, in general I have found it to be a great source of information.

There are some truly helpful people on TV and I for one have been most appreciative of the information provided by the likes of, “Crossey”, “lopburi3”, “Mario28” and “Jingthing” to name just a few.

This contrasts with my experience on a forum here in Phuket, based around a bar in Patong, where bullying and ignorance seem to be the order of the day.

On one occasion, a particularly hostile and long-term poster replied to some of my posts regarding the seemingly high funeral expenses for my lady’s deceased mother, by pointing out that I had probably been ripped off by her, and when I defended my/her position, after many other posts he basically wanted me to, “own up and admit that I was ripped off by my long-term partner”, thereby branding her a thief and a liar.

Both he and one other know-it-all also took a hostile stance at another one of my seemingly innocuous posts.

I have since stopped posting, as I want nothing more to do with these inadequate individuals, although I occasionally visit the forum to check up on a couple of friends.

Taking a step back has enabled me to view the above forum from a different perspective and looking at it now, I would say that it is best described as puerile, very cliquey and much of the information on it revolves around poster’s sexual encounters, where to find particular services related to this etc etc. Made the mistake of joining it when I first arrived, but then we all make mistakes when new to this country and in particular when seeking information and contacts.

In summary, it is my opinion that TV is a great forum to be involved in and one which will provide you with endless information, given by helpful people. Of course there will always be a few folk who see things differently and to me that is not a problem, but antagonistic and outright misinterpretation of the facts are usually picked up by the moderators, and I believe the moderators are very fair-minded individuals, so in the main the forum is kept “clean”.

Stay with it and take heart from the supportive comments which have been posted prior to this. Good luck.


If you want advice and no bad manners, suggest not visiting open, online fora. TV is not a paid for service; it doesn't owe you anything. ;)

Are you sure about that jackr? I mean, without us ('us' being the huge and ever growing member base), there would be NO ThaiVisa. So based on that, TV owes us its very existence. Doesn't it?



It's the Brits fault.

Oh really....it is question of breeding and manners that it is common to many....So why blame the Brits?

Why not?

I `m half Yank and half Brit, which makes me a complete Yanker. But I suppose it`s better to be a Yanker then an Aussie or a Canadian. Oh, the stories we hear about them.

As for the OPs question, why do you take these forums so seriously?

Thai visa members come in 7 categories:

The good guys, the nice guys, the matter of fact guys, the droning on and on guys, the bad guys, the head bangers and the total A/holes.

Just like in real life, we can pick and choose who we respond to on Thai visa.

Believe me you can.


I'm 5 ft 6 inches (168 cms)tall and weigh less than 56 kgs.

This Forum give me a sense of power, I can cast abuse and make derogatory comments without getting punched in the mouth. What a great feeling.


It's the Brits fault.

Oh really....it is question of breeding and manners that it is common to many....So why blame the Brits?

Why not?

I `m half Yank and half Brit, which makes me a complete Yanker. But I suppose it`s better to be a Yanker then an Aussie or a Canadian. Oh, the stories we hear about them.

As for the OPs question, why do you take these forums so seriously?

Thai visa members come in 7 categories:

The good guys, the nice guys, the matter of fact guys, the droning on and on guys, the bad guys, the head bangers and the total A/holes.

Just like in real life, we can pick and choose who we respond to on Thai visa.

Believe me you can.

Beetlejuice, see what you started...... just by wondering what form of English someone was using :blink: Personally, I am betting the form of English was either French Canadian or Louisiana Cajon. :lol:


There are a small number of posters who think they know everything about everything (and have 1000s of posts - not UG who seems a nice guy despite his 1000s of posts). Particularly on the political forums and if you don't agree they will come steaming in and are very rude and condescending - much less so on local forums as has been pointed out - it IS a shame.


there is a small number of posters who think they know everything about everything (and have 1000s of posts) - particularly on the political forums and if you don't agree they will come steaming in and are very rude and condescending...

That's not true! I don't have 1000s of posts....


Hi Raindancer, I hope you stay on the TV forum because in my opinion it is one of the better ones around and although there are perhaps some posters who will antagonise you, in general I have found it to be a great source of information.

There are some truly helpful people on TV and I for one have been most appreciative of the information provided by the likes of, "Crossey", "lopburi3", "Mario28" and "Jingthing" to name just a few.

This contrasts with my experience on a forum here in Phuket, based around a bar in Patong, where bullying and ignorance seem to be the order of the day.

On one occasion, a particularly hostile and long-term poster replied to some of my posts regarding the seemingly high funeral expenses for my lady's deceased mother, by pointing out that I had probably been ripped off by her, and when I defended my/her position, after many other posts he basically wanted me to, "own up and admit that I was ripped off by my long-term partner", thereby branding her a thief and a liar.

Both he and one other know-it-all also took a hostile stance at another one of my seemingly innocuous posts.

I have since stopped posting, as I want nothing more to do with these inadequate individuals, although I occasionally visit the forum to check up on a couple of friends.

Taking a step back has enabled me to view the above forum from a different perspective and looking at it now, I would say that it is best described as puerile, very cliquey and much of the information on it revolves around poster's sexual encounters, where to find particular services related to this etc etc. Made the mistake of joining it when I first arrived, but then we all make mistakes when new to this country and in particular when seeking information and contacts.

In summary, it is my opinion that TV is a great forum to be involved in and one which will provide you with endless information, given by helpful people. Of course there will always be a few folk who see things differently and to me that is not a problem, but antagonistic and outright misinterpretation of the facts are usually picked up by the moderators, and I believe the moderators are very fair-minded individuals, so in the main the forum is kept "clean".

Stay with it and take heart from the supportive comments which have been posted prior to this. Good luck.

I agree, stay with it Raindancer, good luck


there is a small number of posters who think they know everything about everything (and have 1000s of posts) - particularly on the political forums and if you don't agree they will come steaming in and are very rude and condescending...

That's not true! I don't have 1000s of posts....


It is always "fun" to be mentioned obliquely. Yes the political forums do require a bit of thick skin and there are always new/returned members that would have much higher post counts if they weren't having to 'return' so often.

Like I said in reply to Nancy's quite well written post, the ignore option is there for all and using it is not a bad idea. :)

BTW --- to the OP --- a statement like "it is a question of breeding" is certainly the type of issue you seem to be complaining about on this thread :)


there is a small number of posters who think they know everything about everything (and have 1000s of posts) - particularly on the political forums and if you don't agree they will come steaming in and are very rude and condescending...

That's not true! I don't have 1000s of posts....


It is always "fun" to be mentioned obliquely. Yes the political forums do require a bit of thick skin and there are always new/returned members that would have much higher post counts if they weren't having to 'return' so often.

Like I said in reply to Nancy's quite well written post, the ignore option is there for all and using it is not a bad idea. :)

BTW --- to the OP --- a statement like "it is a question of breeding" is certainly the type of issue you seem to be complaining about on this thread :)

15,000 and counting... LOL


funny - it does seem only a very few posters who try to 'dominate' though - don't you think? with thousands of posts reciting their 'wisdom'? blink.gif


Is it because those who have lived her for so many years are fed up with questions that have been answered before on various forums within Thai Visa?

Or is it because those who have lived here for so many years have forgotten what it was like for them in their earlier years of arriving here in total bewilderment

I think it's a combination of the above. :(

Yes I incline to agree...But forgive me if I repeat what I have already said....Give a little latitude and try to be kind to those who are beginning their lives here! C'mon people .....give a little and try to be more understanding of those in need.

There but for the grace of god , go I...into a world I do not comprehend nor have the grace to respond with human kindness! due to my innermost fears of understanding of this new life..

..God should always have a capital "G"

Who, and where is "God"? :unsure:

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