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Thai Drivers


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Thai drivers are the most inconsiderate, ill trained, bad mannered drivers of any of the 52 countries I have traveled to, other than maybe India or China. I will not get into what I feel what all the reasons are, however, being in Law Enforcement for much of my life I must say there is an almost constant and total failure of authorities to enforce the traffic laws or understand their purpose as they are written in Thai law. and ..... The laws are there ! Much of the problem is both Westerner's and Thai's beleive the main reason of traffic enforcement is revenue, which it is not. The main reason is and always has been throughout the word, is Education. Without it, you have what has happened in Thailand a country out of driving control where thousands die needlessly every year, both drivers and pedestrians with no hope of any improvement any time in the next few decades, it appears.

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Thai drivers are the most inconsiderate, ill trained, bad mannered drivers of any of the 52 countries I have traveled to, other than maybe India or China. I will not get into what I feel what all the reasons are, however, being in Law Enforcement for much of my life I must say there is an almost constant and total failure of authorities to enforce the traffic laws or understand their purpose as they are written in Thai law. and ..... The laws are there ! Much of the problem is both Westerner's and Thai's beleive the main reason of traffic enforcement is revenue, which it is not. The main reason is and always has been throughout the word, is Education. Without it, you have what has happened in Thailand a country out of driving control where thousands die needlessly every year, both drivers and pedestrians with no hope of any improvement any time in the next few decades, it appears.

is a great way to keep the numbers down though...:whistling:

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Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. :whistling:

This shouldn't surprise anyone that has observed American driving habits and character.

General disconnections are the culprits. Have to be the most "unaware" drivers.....

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.Just driven 5 hours back to Bangkok and came across this thread.

Most Thais seem to drive roughly how I did when I was 17 and just passed my driving test. "Like a dick" is how I shamefully describe it now.

They have to get in front at all costs - probably my number one gripe. If they can't do this then they have to get as close as physically possible to the car in front. If they are in lane 3 and there's a gap in lane 1 that will get them a car length forward then they'll slice across the road to occupy it. The idea of lane discipline is non-existant. Though in fairness, unlike most European motorway networks there are a lot of right turns and U turns on Thai dual carriage ways, which confuses this a little. Throw in various vehicles going down the wrong side of the motorway (a family of 4 on a motorbike with sidecar, no lights in the pouring rain was today's highlight, though not by a great margin.)

Off the motorways there's optimistic overtakes a plenty, cars with no headlights, motorbikes with no reflective surface whatsoever. Egoongs who think nailing a CD to the back of their trailer makes them visible. Kids 3 up on motorbikes. Drunk driving.

It seems that the population as a whole just don't really think about road safety at all.

It's true that there are many worse countries. But there are many better countries too, and a lot of room for improvement.

It's like a lot of Thai life - they are polite in their own terms, I have seen very few beeping horns, flashing lights, rude gestures or other overt aggression. On the other hand some of the things that are perfectly routine and normal are just mind bogglingly inconsiderate, dangerous and pointless by the standards we are used to in Europe.

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.Just driven 5 hours back to Bangkok and came across this thread.

Most Thais seem to drive roughly how I did when I was 17 and just passed my driving test. "Like a dick" is how I shamefully describe it now.

They have to get in front at all costs - probably my number one gripe. If they can't do this then they have to get as close as physically possible to the car in front. If they are in lane 3 and there's a gap in lane 1 that will get them a car length forward then they'll slice across the road to occupy it. The idea of lane discipline is non-existant. Though in fairness, unlike most European motorway networks there are a lot of right turns and U turns on Thai dual carriage ways, which confuses this a little. Throw in various vehicles going down the wrong side of the motorway (a family of 4 on a motorbike with sidecar, no lights in the pouring rain was today's highlight, though not by a great margin.)

Off the motorways there's optimistic overtakes a plenty, cars with no headlights, motorbikes with no reflective surface whatsoever. Egoongs who think nailing a CD to the back of their trailer makes them visible. Kids 3 up on motorbikes. Drunk driving.

It seems that the population as a whole just don't really think about road safety at all.

It's true that there are many worse countries. But there are many better countries too, and a lot of room for improvement.

It's like a lot of Thai life - they are polite in their own terms, I have seen very few beeping horns, flashing lights, rude gestures or other overt aggression. On the other hand some of the things that are perfectly routine and normal are just mind bogglingly inconsiderate, dangerous and pointless by the standards we are used to in Europe.

but even if you haven't seen it yourself unfortunately this is growing " Nearly 1 in 3 have been the victim of a road rage incident"


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Thai drivers are the most inconsiderate, ill trained, bad mannered drivers of any of the 52 countries I have traveled to, other than maybe India or China. I will not get into what I feel what all the reasons are, however, being in Law Enforcement for much of my life I must say there is an almost constant and total failure of authorities to enforce the traffic laws or understand their purpose as they are written in Thai law. and ..... The laws are there ! Much of the problem is both Westerner's and Thai's beleive the main reason of traffic enforcement is revenue, which it is not. The main reason is and always has been throughout the word, is Education. Without it, you have what has happened in Thailand a country out of driving control where thousands die needlessly every year, both drivers and pedestrians with no hope of any improvement any time in the next few decades, it appears.

Ahh yes , I see you mentioned China ,"the masters of disasters" the music score to the Vid is somewhat out of tune with the carnage http://pop.6park.com/life2/messages/24007.html
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Thai drivers are the most inconsiderate, ill trained, bad mannered drivers of any of the 52 countries I have traveled to, other than maybe India or China. I will not get into what I feel what all the reasons are, however, being in Law Enforcement for much of my life I must say there is an almost constant and total failure of authorities to enforce the traffic laws or understand their purpose as they are written in Thai law. and ..... The laws are there ! Much of the problem is both Westerner's and Thai's beleive the main reason of traffic enforcement is revenue, which it is not. The main reason is and always has been throughout the word, is Education. Without it, you have what has happened in Thailand a country out of driving control where thousands die needlessly every year, both drivers and pedestrians with no hope of any improvement any time in the next few decades, it appears.

Ahh yes , I see you mentioned China ,"the masters of disasters" the music score to the Vid is somewhat out of tune with the carnage http://pop.6park.com/life2/messages/24007.html

ermmm....cough ...maybe the Thai drivers are not so bad after all :ermm:

Edited by midas
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I think there are several reasons for the traffic mess in Thailand. How can you expect anybody be driving safe and well mannered when it only takes half a day to get a driver's license?

Second, if you take into fact that most of the people have poor eduaction along with a driver's test that doesn´t require more than for you to back, turn, park and use indicators, you can surely see the reason for the mess it is today.

I could be wrong but last time I checked accident statistics it was between 40-60 000 accidents PER YEAR. If you want to change this then you need to get the system working first.

Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. :whistling:

I think the answer to that is kinda like a mixed bag. US is one gigantic mix of foreigners living together and without making a comment that would seem rasist, I think it's not only because of the American driving culture but to alot of cultures involved. Though I disagree on that a 16 year old should have a driver license while attending school, this is only inviting people to commit accidents

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I think there are several reasons for the traffic mess in Thailand. How can you expect anybody be driving safe and well mannered when it only takes half a day to get a driver's license?

Second, if you take into fact that most of the people have poor eduaction along with a driver's test that doesn´t require more than for you to back, turn, park and use indicators, you can surely see the reason for the mess it is today.

I could be wrong but last time I checked accident statistics it was between 40-60 000 accidents PER YEAR. If you want to change this then you need to get the system working first.

Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. :whistling:

I think the answer to that is kinda like a mixed bag. US is one gigantic mix of foreigners living together and without making a comment that would seem rasist, I think it's not only because of the American driving culture but to alot of cultures involved. Though I disagree on that a 16 year old should have a driver license while attending school, this is only inviting people to commit accidents

My experience of driving in the US was that it was exceptionally safe; speeds were sensible, roads were good, signage was good, vehicles were apparently roadworthy, drivers courteous and well-educated.

Statistics are only of relevance for comparison with one another or with an arbitrary benchmark, neither of which have been offered.


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I think there are several reasons for the traffic mess in Thailand. How can you expect anybody be driving safe and well mannered when it only takes half a day to get a driver's license?

Second, if you take into fact that most of the people have poor eduaction along with a driver's test that doesn´t require more than for you to back, turn, park and use indicators, you can surely see the reason for the mess it is today.

I could be wrong but last time I checked accident statistics it was between 40-60 000 accidents PER YEAR. If you want to change this then you need to get the system working first.

Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. :whistling:

I think the answer to that is kinda like a mixed bag. US is one gigantic mix of foreigners living together and without making a comment that would seem rasist, I think it's not only because of the American driving culture but to alot of cultures involved. Though I disagree on that a 16 year old should have a driver license while attending school, this is only inviting people to commit accidents

My experience of driving in the US was that it was exceptionally safe; speeds were sensible, roads were good, signage was good, vehicles were apparently roadworthy, drivers courteous and well-educated.

Statistics are only of relevance for comparison with one another or with an arbitrary benchmark, neither of which have been offered.


as a regular visitor to USA,but even as someone who is used to driving on the left i used to find it very easy to drive in America. but I noticed a very big difference in the standards of driving on the Los Angeles freeways

between the early 1979 /1980 during the Jimmy Carter 55 mi./h speed limits compared to now. Back in those days

people would almost drive to a rhythm leaving plenty of space between cars and for example you could easily join the freeway whereas now people are crazy the way they drive on LA freeways tailgating and darting from lane to lane and now I worry how many of them are under the influence of cannabis.

Edited by midas
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as a regular visitor to USA,but even as someone who is used to driving on the left i used to find it very easy to drive in America. but I noticed a very big difference in the standards of driving on the Los Angeles freeways

between the early 1979 /1980 during the Jimmy Carter 55 mi./h speed limits compared to now. Back in those days

people would almost drive to a rhythm leaving plenty of space between cars and for example you could easily join the freeway whereas now people are crazy the way they drive on LA freeways tailgating and darting from lane to lane and now I worry how many of them are under the influence of cannabis.


Test done in the Uk just a short vid to educate yourself.

Cannabis use and driving, here a real test to educate yourself. Don't let an informed debate come before your prejudge. Anyway I would not do drugs and drive its illegal. But i worry more about people drinking and driving then doing cannabis

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This “total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face” doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

So what is the point of this thread if not to whine and insult the Thais? Surely there isn't anyone here stupid enough to believe that you're actually going to change driving habits in Thailand through your arrogant attitudes and name-calling. I would imagine that if any Thais were to read this thread, they would just chalk it off as more farang ignorance and inability to adapt. I myself couldn't give a rats-ass what anyone thinks of my driving--and I'm probably a much more aggressive driver than the average Thai. Am I going to change my driving habits to appease a bunch of obnoxious d*ckheads? Heck no. Not even a little bit.

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

Here are some facts :

World road fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants : 20.8

Thailand : 19.6

As I said before it's all a matter of implementation of traffic laws.

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

Here are some facts :

World road fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants : 20.8

Thailand : 19.6

As I said before it's all a matter of implementation of traffic laws.

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

Here are some more facts:

Fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants :

Thailand : 19.6

Sweden : 2.9

Edited by Forethat
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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

Here are some facts :

World road fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants : 20.8

Thailand : 19.6

As I said before it's all a matter of implementation of traffic laws.

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

Here are some more facts:

Fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants :

Thailand : 19.6

Sweden : 2.9

Marshall Islands : 1.7

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Thai drivers are far better than this lot over the Mekhong, with a massive increase in the number of cars on the road over the last 5 years it has become very dangerous especially in the capital city.

It's actually a breath of fresh air driving in Thailand in comparison.

You don't even have to pass a driving test or have any kind of driving instruction to obtain a license :blink:

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

Here are some facts :

World road fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants : 20.8

Thailand : 19.6

As I said before it's all a matter of implementation of traffic laws.

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

Here are some more facts:

Fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants :

Thailand : 19.6

Sweden : 2.9

Marshall Islands : 1.7

Isle of Sark, Channel Islands : 0 :)

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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

So what is the point of this thread if not to whine and insult the Thais? Surely there isn't anyone here stupid enough to believe that you're actually going to change driving habits in Thailand through your arrogant attitudes and name-calling. I would imagine that if any Thais were to read this thread, they would just chalk it off as more farang ignorance and inability to adapt. I myself couldn't give a rats-ass what anyone thinks of my driving--and I'm probably a much more aggressive driver than the average Thai. Am I going to change my driving habits to appease a bunch of obnoxious d*ckheads? Heck no. Not even a little bit.

+ 1 :thumbsup:

Berkshire, these sanctimonious fools are hopeless, they will never change, the flowers don't bloom on dead tree.

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This is in no way intended as a slur, on Asian drivers per se. BUT. Just how long have the majority of them jumped from the Ox cart to the Toyota Pickup/Benth? As opposed to Western drivers, the majority of whom have enjoyed the benefits of the automobile much, much longer? Thus the average Asian (and showy Thai in particular) believes him/herself to be a GOD within the confines of their 'on-the-tick' vehicle, and sod everyone else.

The reason for so many accidents is speeding, leading from their 'me first' attitude. How many times have you been tailgated, just to end up side by side at the next traffic light/circle?

I am often delighted when a surprised wai and a smile is forthcoming when giving way to Thais on a Pedestrian Crossing. I am also severely pissed off when some tosser drives at full pelt through a puddle the size of a bloody lake soaking me to the skin.

And yes, there are asshol_e farang drivers. But farang here are happily in the minority. Anyway. There's your answer. Ignorance.

Edited by evanson
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First of all I want to point out that this is the kind of topic that has the potential to upset certain people despite the debate being held within the realms of TV rules. I have even seen posters ended up being accused for racism when they point out that Thai people are bad drivers. Personally, I think Thai drivers suck. Big time. They are by far the worst drivers I've experienced anywhere. And every piece of statistics agree – at least if driving skills are measured by the number of people killed and injured per capita.

It is a fact that Thailand suffers from a seriously high number of road fatalities per capita. I cant see the reason why anyone would be offended when someone presents facts. This "total pigheaded unwillingness to look facts in the face" doesn't do any good at all, to be honest.

So what is the point of this thread if not to whine and insult the Thais? Surely there isn't anyone here stupid enough to believe that you're actually going to change driving habits in Thailand through your arrogant attitudes and name-calling. I would imagine that if any Thais were to read this thread, they would just chalk it off as more farang ignorance and inability to adapt. I myself couldn't give a rats-ass what anyone thinks of my driving--and I'm probably a much more aggressive driver than the average Thai. Am I going to change my driving habits to appease a bunch of obnoxious d*ckheads? Heck no. Not even a little bit.

+ 1 :thumbsup:

Berkshire, these sanctimonious fools are hopeless, they will never change, the flowers don't bloom on dead tree.

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I actually prefer Thai driving as we know where we stand and, let's face it, most expats end up driving the same way and - tourists are even worse!

HOWEVER, this is an expat forum for people to 'voice' their gripes - few are just out to "whine and insult the Thais"

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Here are some more facts:

Fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants :

Thailand : 19.6

Sweden : 2.9

Fines in Sweden for speeding : from 1500 upto 4000 Kr. at about 5.5 Baht to the NOK is between 8.250 and 22.000 Baht.

Sort of proves my point that implementation of traffic laws and hefty fines do work.

Yermanee :jap:

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Here are some more facts:

Fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants :

Thailand : 19.6

Sweden : 2.9

Fines in Sweden for speeding : from 1500 upto 4000 Kr. at about 5.5 Baht to the NOK is between 8.250 and 22.000 Baht.

Sort of proves my point that implementation of traffic laws and hefty fines do work.

Yermanee :jap:

Quite. But I prefer it the way it is - other than drunk drivers who really do deserve a hefty fine.

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It's like a lot of Thai life - they are polite in their own terms, I have seen very few beeping horns, flashing lights, rude gestures or other overt aggression. On the other hand some of the things that are perfectly routine and normal are just mind bogglingly inconsiderate, dangerous and pointless by the standards we are used to in Europe.

but even if you haven't seen it yourself unfortunately this is growing " Nearly 1 in 3 have been the victim of a road rage incident"


Shocking incident with the pilot getting shot, but as far as I know very rare. As I read that article, the one in three figure comnes from the UK. In my experience most "road rage" in the UK involves shouting and waving arms, but very seldom deadly force.

Given the relative standard of driving here it is to the credit of the Thai "jai yen" demeanour that there aren't far more road rage incidents here. I reckon there was a good half dozen from me on Sunday. Fortunately my own brand of road rage just means my girlfriend gets a lesson in expressive use of the English language, rather than anyone getting shot, stabbed or rammed off the road.

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It doesn't concern me if Thai drivers are considerate or not. They are what they are and you just have to pay attention 100% of the time and always expect the unexpected. I have no control of anyone but myself. What others choose to be does not concern me. I just have to adjust my thinking to account for others if I want to stay reasonably safe. It only takes a moment of not paying attention for something bad to happen. That is true no matter where in the world you are driving.

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