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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage


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I can remember seeing a Swastika badge on the shirt of a BTS station cashier/clerk a few months ago. You can see them on bags , T-shirts, Even on the painted company buses that are everywhere, Clearly WW2 was something missing from the ciriculum in Thailand

The swastika is a religious symbols, don't mix it up with the nazi swastika. See the link in my earlier post.

The ancient symbol you are referring to is not set at an angle. The Nazis took it and set it at an angle so it's corners are at the top and sides. There is a very clear distinction between the two.

It's like the difference between a Catholic/Christian cross and and inverted one. Different meanings.


So if they are sporting the Nazi version then it's not the same as the Sanskrit version. But bottom line is, most Thais are ignorant of it's meaning and that it offends some people and this is a 95% Buddhist country so if they piss off a few Jews or people who are overly politically correct, tough shit. Is it in bad taste? Sure but so is half of modern pop culture. I find Lady GaGa more offensive than a bunch of Thai school children wearing Nazi uniforms.

I find all the idiots riding around Patts on stupid loud choppers in lame attempts to draw attention to themselves and make up for their small penises offensive. I find the mass influx of rude Russian and Middle Eastern tourists that have no regard for others whatsoever offensive. Let's ban the Nazi swastika along with the chopper riders and third rate tourists and make everyone happy. We can work on getting rid of Lady GaGa later.

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Ironic that it should be in the Daily Mail which itself had pages full of anti-Jewish sentiment when the East End of London saw quite a large influx of Jewish immigrants.

As for those kids in Chiang Mai , nothing there to be concerned about. Anyway wasn't the Catholic church implicated in Nazism as I remember ?

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Thailand for all it's charm is also one of the most inward looking and self isolating places on earth. As a culture it seems to make every effort to stoke it's 'nation building nationalism' and the myopia and self-centeredness it bestows. They mostly don't know about european history or the holocaust or much else external that isn't about their businesses profiteering, because they have been trained in the school system to IGNORE IT ALL.

Will this fiasco make that attitude change? Doubtful, because the teachers will make nice, show a few classes on selected parts of history, that add slightly to the little they personally know, without making them look clueless, and thus lose face. And on the side say 'Farang Baa, Thai's better! ', and try to make back the face they lost to those few who know what this all means.

The outrage shown about this moronic display was 'farang outrage', and quite appropriate, but will this go very deep into the greater Thai social psyche?Doubtful. This is a problem for those crazy people out there, not 'real Thais', who of course know better.

Unless Thailand's school system can get past its self blinding navel gazing basis, there is little hope for the country to move into the global economy during the tough times ahead.The school system ensures they are NOT properly equipped to deal with the outside world.

This incident puts that fact in stark relief.

Edited by animatic
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This happened in 207 and was written up in an Associated Press article by Richard Barrow

Thai Students Dress as Nazi Stormtroopers

Thai school apologizes to Jewish organization for Nazi celebration

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It seems - history repeats itself.

This is very strange and is smacks of total ignorance of WWII history and Nazi Germany. Don't these teachers read? If I am not mistaken, this is NOT the first time it has happened in Thailand.

You are right, it certainly isn't the first time in Thailand. But, the people not knowing about WW11 is very typical of the Thai education system.As I was personally told by a director at a school I taught at, "The Monks will teach the students all they need to know about history." It's no wonder this is and will be for a long time a 3rd world country as long as the culture rules.

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This happened in 207 and was written up in an Associated Press article by Richard Barrow

Thai Students Dress as Nazi Stormtroopers

Thai school apologizes to Jewish organization for Nazi celebration

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It seems - history repeats itself.

This is very strange and is smacks of total ignorance of WWII history and Nazi Germany. Don't these teachers read? If I am not mistaken, this is NOT the first time it has happened in Thailand.

You are right, it certainly isn't the first time in Thailand. But, the people not knowing about WW11 is very typical of the Thai education system.As I was personally told by a director at a school I taught at, "The Monks will teach the students all they need to know about history." It's no wonder this is and will be for a long time a 3rd world country as long as the culture rules.

Indeed ignorance is everywhere. I wonder if the Israeli embassy will wade in on this one.

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I think that the students were trying to make a valid point. There is little or no difference between Hitlers Nazis and todays UN and Euro- American imperialist atrocities. When the final death tolls of our atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other nations are tallied, future generations will consider Hitlers atrocities nominal compared to ours.

I really feel sorry for poor individuals like you, that have no concept of why you are walking around free in this world today, my father gave up 5 years in the prime of his life so that you could do that, luckily he survived, millions did not.

Shame on you

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Not acknowledging something happened quite some time ago, hardly makes it non existent or negates how bad it was, neither does ignoring it, covering it up, preventing people displaying it etc etc.

People get so up in arms about things like this. I don't get it. And my family background is German and even many many of the German people suffered during the war as well.

Yes it was bad that it happened. But people idolize Christianity as the moral standpoint of western society, yet many many more people have died over the ages under the banner of "Christianity'. Yet most people are ignorant about this fact and it's something that is very covered up. Well maybe Christianity offends me. So should we then get outraged when a Church is built, preachers try to 'convert' me, try to put me down because I'm not a religious zealot. Same thing, its no different, yet that is accepted.

Point it, someone was expressing something as a dress up. Most people who get upset had nothing to do with the war I would be assuming but 'have to find it offensive' because yes it was so horrible.

The US is doing the same under a guise of war on terror, killing many people for oil. Should we then get up in arms about any reference to the US. Where does it stop and when do people decide to accept it's part of history, acknowledge it for what is was and move on.

So many here act as if no one in the world would dress up in NAZI uniforms, I'm sure you're not so ignorant. Common.

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Farangs getting offended by school childres fancy dress at a carnival...I think it says more about them than the children.

Jeez get over it it happend over 60yrs ago, life moves on time moves on and after all it was just a fun carnival day... not the Hitler Youth re banding.

Edited by Tafia
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The Nazis stole the swastika. It's high time that it's taken back.

ceramic-sm2.jpgThe Sawastika in Buddhism is the symbol of the heart of Buddha. Thats why you will find it on the buddha statues in many Budhist temples.

Also you are in Thailand. I guess you have heard the Thai sai hello to each other, and used the Thai word for it yourself: Sa wat dee

Sa wat comes directly from the sanskrit word swasti which means well being...and the swastika is the symbol for that. You are in other words using the sawastika every time you say hello to someone on Thailand...

So please don't get worked up every time you see this religious symbol, which is the second most holy symbol in both Buddhism and hinduism.

But okay, dressing up in Nazi uniforms was over the top. I agree to that.

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I don't know too many people in the UK or US who know much about the history of other countries unless it was related to their own history.

To be fair, a large chunk of the world's history was at one time subject to British colonialism. So I reckon that the British have a fair idea about the history of a lot of countries - including two that border with Thailand.

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Thailand for all it's charm is also one of the most inward looking and self isolating places on earth. As a culture it seems to make every effort to stoke it's 'nation building nationalism' and the myopia and self-centeredness it bestows. They mostly don't know about european history or the holocaust or much else external that isn't about their businesses profiteering, because they have been trained in the school system to IGNORE IT ALL.

Will this fiasco make that attitude change? Doubtful, because the teachers will make nice, show a few classes on selected parts of history, that add slightly to the little they personally know, without making them look clueless, and thus lose face. And on the side say 'Farang Baa, Thai's better! ', and try to make back the face they lost to those few who know what this all means.

The outrage shown about this moronic display was 'farang outrage', and quite appropriate, but will this go very deep into the greater Thai social psyche?Doubtful. This is a problem for those crazy people out there, not 'real Thais', who of course know better.

Unless Thailand's school system can get past its self blinding navel gazing basis, there is little hope for the country to move into the global economy during the tough times ahead.The school system ensures they are NOT properly equipped to deal with the outside world.

This incident puts that fact in stark relief.

What he said. It's a pitiful state of affairs.

Another one that makes me laugh... have you seen how popular the Sex Pistols "God Save the Queen' T-shirts are amongst the Bangkok youth? I've had conversations with students about this in the past... obviously don't want to go into details on here but those of you that know the LP cover will be able to appreciate the irony.

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I dressed up as a viking once.

I never raped or pillaged anyone, though.

I dressed up as a Roman soldier, but I didn't crucify anyone, or throw them to the lions.

I imagine that people don't feel particularly strongly about events that happened before their parents were born, on the opposite side of the world.


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So please don't get worked up every time you see this religious symbol, which is the second most holy symbol in both Buddhism and hinduism.

You speak as if Buddhism is a homogeneous entity - it's not. There are no holy symbols in Buddhism (holy meaning set apart, sanctified) only symbols. The most universally accepted symbol of the purity of the Buddha's heart being not the swastika (except in some small sects) but the lotus flower.

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that emblem has been used in India long before hitler was born. associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. a school teacher of mine while I was growing up spoke about this emblem and mentioned that Hitler was a buddhist before he turned "to the dark side". turned the emblem upside down and there they have something for the nazis. probably just a fairy tale the story but thought i'd share it anyways. :)

Your teacher was incorrect : Hitler was always a catholic and was never a Buddhist. But the symbol is much older than the Nazis.

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Suggestions for movies to educate my Thai family please. jap.gif Shock value is good thing.

Google (Videos) for "Nacht und Nebel". I'm not sure if forum rules allow to post a link.

Thank you! Trying to source the English version now.jap.gif

Google for "Night and Fog". You'll find a French version (in 3 parts) with English subtitles.

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Farangs getting offended by school childres fancy dress at a carnival...I think it says more about them than the children.

Jeez get over it it happend over 60yrs ago, life moves on time moves on and after all it was just a fun carnival day... not the Hitler Youth re banding.

I think most offended adults are more offended that the 'educated' teachers allowed it to happen and don't directly blame the clueless children. But you're right, its carnival so lets just dress up as rapists and serial killers. Its all just a bit of harmless fun.

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I imagine that people don't feel particularly strongly about events that happened before their parents were born, on the opposite side of the world.


Yeah, just imagine how ignorant people would have to be, in order to be completely oblivious to continental genocide. And in the 21st century too, with internet, tv, newspapers and even pigeon post. It really must be extremely difficult to be this ignorant.

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.......take a look in Naklua and you will see many Germans wearing SS crash helmets or stickers on their bikes, also girls with tatoos......

That is a bloody lie. In Germany it is a criminal offence showing or wearing Nazi symbols. We are taught extensively in school what happened during the Third Reich and in many schools it is mandatory to visit a "Konzentrationslager". When Thais wearing Nazisymbols I am always really embaressed and I asked myself how the people here can be so ignorant. It is a Catholic school where this happened and they should be very aware of this because of their colaboration with the Third Reich.

Excellent post, wonder if they will now be taught the history of the Catholic church to put things into perspective.

The Dollar And The Vatican by Avro Manhattan should be on the curriculum, if they dont have a copy I am more than willing to send them mine.

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Do they know that if Hitler had his ways they'd be considered as second class monkeys on the scale of mankind?

This is a very important point you are making and one that should be drilled into the student's.

They would probably be slaves, exterminated or used for medical experiments.

Indeed. Thais were classified as "coloureds" under apartheid in South Africa. No doubt Hitler would have viewed them no differently from his Afrikaner brothers.

So Thais were classified as 'Coloureds'; Indians were classified as 'Asian', and Chinese were classified as 'Honorary European'... were Thais really classified as coloured under the apartheid regime? That is news to me, since I always thought 'coloured' mean 'half-cast'... anyway, I am not sure.

What I am sure about is that South Africa did it's fair share of fighting for the Allied side... so how do you get the conclusion that Hitler viewed them no differently to his Afrikaner brothers? By that statement you discount the efforts of Gen. Smuts is setting-up the League of Nations... and forget every life lost Afrikaner or English.. for the Allied cause.

Rubbish post.

Agreed the "Arkady" is talking through his ar*e, I would hazard a guess and say there were no/very few Thai's living in South Africa at the time, I certainly never came across any, and "SAffer" is 100% correct with his statement about personages of an Asian origin, they were certainly not classed as "coloured"

As to "Arkady's" other remarks.....Hitler was Austrian/German......Afrikaaners have their origins in Holland, so can hardly be called his "Afrikaaner brother's"

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