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Sunrise Tacos Coming To Jomtien!


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have to agree with pattayaparent here, I had the exact same experience

That's total BS. Sunrise has a wide variety of salsas on offer including a few hot ones. Also a wide choice of MEATS. I haven't liked their tacos much in the past, but their BURRITOS have been close enough to real Calfornia ones to give me a food boner.

Caveat: I have only ever tried their ORIGINAL location.

Next ...

How can you say it's BS when you weren't there to eat it?

The may have a wide choice of MEATS (only 2 actually, beef and chicken) but the MEAT I happened to CHOOSE was chicken and it was dry, and the salsa they gave me was not spicy.

Now Sunrise may be more 'authentic' to you but I vote with my taste buds and the tacos in Mike's were much nicer, juicy and with a spicy salsa and I deliberately chose the same dish so as to have a direct comparison.

Edit: I'll give the burritos a try when they open and make the same comparison with Mike's.

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Thanks, Gil, for your thoughtful and thorough posting. I for one am very much looking forward to your opening and I hope to become a regular (I live nearby at View Talay 2, have no car and love Mexican food). Please keep us posted with your progress!



Just to update everyone, most of the glass work is now in. There are some cool photos on our FB page at www.facebook.com/sunrisetacospattaya

The main floor is now mostly tiled, and the 3-phase electric is now in place. Our second floor kitchen is complete, and we are starting up all fridges in the next day or two. We are in BKK today, picking up 2,000 lbs of our imported corn, and bringing it down to Pattaya. We have 3 types of corn kernals - yellow, white, and blue (yes, it exists in nature). Our chips use all 3 types, but our tacos shells are made from the yellow only. We are hoping to have our tortilla maker on site also soon, and we can start pressing fresh corn tortillas over the weekend. Looks like my staff will be eating Mexican right up until the opening!

Based on progress, we are projecting a Nov 25th opening; it will be a soft opening though, only announced on Thai Visa (we are loyal to Thai Visa). No other announcements will be made, as we want to get 4-5 days operating under our belt before making any announcements. Hope to see some of you Thai Visa members there and don't hesitate to come up and say HI. I will be the stressed out one crumpled in the corner.


Edited by SunriseTacos
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Will you be selling fresh corn tortillas? Just a though--if they are good, I'd definitely buy some regularly as an alternative to the week-old ones you can buy at Foodland.


Thank you; yes, we will be selling packs of fresh corn and flour tortillas. It is my hope that no tortilla served to a customer is older than just a couple of hours. We will have a full time tortilla presser on site, and will be making tortillas fresh daily. Nothing is store bought.

This goes the same for salsas, of which we have 9 made daily. Saw a note before about spiciness, we have two VERY hot salsas that are always freely available from our free salsa bar - 1) John's Hot, and John's Super Hot. John's HOT uses 400 grams of chillies, and Super Hot uses 800 grams. Basically, John's Hot can stop an elephant. John's Super Hot though, can basically stop all of Africa. If you don't believe me, come and make me a challenge. Dinner on me for a winner.



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Frankly, i admire this guy Gil, already

to have the balls to throw himself into this hostile environment on Thai Visa shows committment and a determination to succeed

it sounds like some members already have an axe to grind and hes not even open yet!

like many on here, i have been to all the Mexican restaurants on offer in these parts and like many have said, i have found them lacking

so as one who is often in search of something to tickle his taste buds, he can count on me as one of the first visitors

i wish him good luck with his venture

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Frankly, i admire this guy Gil, already

to have the balls to throw himself into this hostile environment on Thai Visa shows committment and a determination to succeed

it sounds like some members already have an axe to grind and hes not even open yet!

like many on here, i have been to all the Mexican restaurants on offer in these parts and like many have said, i have found them lacking

so as one who is often in search of something to tickle his taste buds, he can count on me as one of the first visitors

i wish him good luck with his venture

I have to admit I like this guys communication skills especially in this hostile envoirment ( = TV food critics). After living here for 2 years the normal things I hear in restaurants are "cannot" and "no hab" in MOST local eateries. I lived 6 months in Mexico and actually prefer this Tex-Mex food and this restaurant is only 300 metres from my elevator, it will be a good addition to my regular restaurants. I wish him good luck in his endeavers.

I hope when it opens it gives me one of JTs self proclaimed food boners! :rolleyes:

Edited by gerry53
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Sunrise's burritos are much closer to typical CALI-Mex than Tex-Mex.

One thing I prefer to Americanized Mexican over Mexican Mexican is the traditional use of LARD in Mexican cooking. Americans generally prefer lighter. It's a similar thing to traditional Indians food using ghee when many westerners could do without the ghee.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sunrise's burritos are much closer to typical CALI-Mex than Tex-Mex.

One thing I prefer to Americanized Mexican over Mexican Mexican is the traditional use of LARD in Mexican cooking. Americans generally prefer lighter. It's a similar thing to traditional Indians food using ghee when many westerners could do without the ghee.

Your culinary expertise is simply amazing JT. Is there a Arizona - Mex or a Florida - Mex that you can compare to the Tex - Mex or the Cali - Mex. :whistling: I definitely wouldn't want to make any generalizations to arouse your criticisms!

Edited by gerry53
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Sunrise's burritos are much closer to typical CALI-Mex than Tex-Mex.

One thing I prefer to Americanized Mexican over Mexican Mexican is the traditional use of LARD in Mexican cooking. Americans generally prefer lighter. It's a similar thing to traditional Indians food using ghee when many westerners could do without the ghee.

Your culinary expertise is simply amazing JT. Is there a Arizona - Mex or a Florida - Mex that you can compare to the Tex - Mex or the Cali - Mex. :whistling: I definitely wouldn't want to make any generalizations to arouse your criticisms!

Having lived in the South and Southwest, I am familiar with Cal-Mex and Tex-Mex (also real Mex). Thailand does not have any "Mexican" restaurant that comes even close to Tex-Mex. I have eaten at Sunrise Tacos and it is clearly close to Cal-Mex. We are lucky to have any Mex!

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The famous American Mexican variations are Tex-Mex, Cali-Mex (though most Americans don't know it when they see it as it has become nationalized through chains like Chipotle), and New Mexico-Mex (which is mostly regional). Arizona Mex? Not really -- basically the same as Tex-Mex. Florida-Mex? No.

Edited by Jingthing
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  • 2 weeks later...

Gil here, owner of Sunrise Tacos Pattaya. Please permit me to weigh in, introduce ourselves, and let you all know what's up.

No other food to my mind invokes the same emotional discussions regarding what is, and what is not "authentic." I cannot answer this. I can say though, that we import our own 100% organic white, yellow and blue corn in kernel form from the U.S.A. We then grind it, add water and salt, and hand work it. Each tortilla is then HAND pressed and turned into one of the most tastiest corn tortillas I have ever had. We import all avocados fresh, we make all our own salsas each morning, our margaritas are made daily from real fruit, etc., I am hoping that these efforts help us to develop a loyal expat crowd, just like our loyal crowd in BKK. From our recent experience opening at Terminal 21 (we are packed daily), we also appeal to the young and hip Thai crowd, who hanker for delicious, fresh and unique tastes at very competitive prices. We hope to capture a portion of this crowd also in Pattaya, as there are not a lot of places for the mainstream Thai crowd to experience a modern and fresh concept restaurant. Being on the main road also, we hope to get our share of tourists when they visit the beaches of Jomtien.

We chose Jomtien for several reasons - easy parking, and easy access for the resident expats or full time Pattaya residents. Although we looked at over 60 locations on Beach road, parking and access is troublesome, even more so during events (e.g., music festivals). Rents there are sky high also, with tea money the norm.

The Jomtien area also has one of the highest concentrations of condominiums in a small area, making home delivery a viable supporting revenue opportunity. We are located directly at the entrance to Jomtien Complex, just before reaching Shenanigan's on the right. A large corner unit. The surrounding road construction is mostly complete, adding appeal to this area which we are hoping will begin to take on a popularity of its own as Pattaya proper gets more and more crowded. Many long-term expats that I know dread the idea of trying to "dine out" anywhere near Walking St or Beach Rd, or even 2nd road. Next year, we will open in North Pattaya also.

Regarding the restaurant itself, we have 2 full time kitchens on site, with a unique margarita bar off to the side of the main dining room. The build out is looking fantastic, with an unusual split level hung ceiling in modern colors. The restaurant is 75% glass enclosed, and will incorporate the latest in back-projection technology of printed photos of our food. Booths are over-sized of course. We have approximately 75 seats, and booths and tables that can sit full families. The bar will serve a full a full drink menu, including hand-blended and machine blended margaritas. Of course, we are continuing our trademark free salsa bar (9 different types, made daily).

Our opening date is approximately Nov 20th, 2011. A lot depends upon the completion of the build out. All of our staff is now training full time at multiple Sunrise Tacos locations in BKK, and we will follow the recipes originally created by our 2 native Mexican head chefs. Recently, we also consulted a Mexican head chef residing in China, who flew into Thailand to meet us and consulted on our food. He did not make one change recommendation, which we took to mean that we are on the right track.

Final note - we are 90% thru completion of a mobile Mexican food truck also. It is a full sized long bed Toyota with a camper house on top. It will travel all over Pattaya and East Pattaya serving nachos, supreme nachos, quessadillas, burritos, tacos, and of course, margaritas. The mobile unit has hot and cold running water, full cooking capability, fridges, etc., so please keep an eye out for our mobile Sunrise Tacos unit coming near you! You can PM me here of course for any further information. It will be available for catering, birthdays, wedding events, home parties, etc. of course. We also have a full catering service for the extended menu.

Thank you everyone,

Kind regards,


Owner - Sunrise Tacos Pattaya

Well, November 9th 2011 today, and the clock is ticking down. We are now putting in 15-16 hour days. Last night, we tested the sound system, and found out 2 of our speakers aren't working (glad we tested now). We are also having the height of the bar work table lowered, the outside awnings lowered, etc. We have now installed sun shades for the outside kitchen, and most of the equipment for the downstairs kitchen will be installed tomorrow over the next several days. Much of our kitchen equipment is custom built - hot well, cold well, sink, etc, and I am REALLY glad we ordered it last month. I have found out ours was the last order accepted by the factory!

Our staff that has been training in BKK for a month will finish their training on the 12th, then relocate to Pattaya on the 13th. We will give them 1-2 days off, and then they will come on site to help us. We are hoping that the dining room is finished then. We are planning to seriously start cooking at that time also. We have already been making corn tortillas though, and starting flour tortillas on site today.

Saw a note today about beer shortages. We had already known this about a week ago, when we contacted Heineken to order. We have been all over Pattaya scouring shops, and have managed to compile enough stock for about 2 weeks we think. We are hoping that by the 1st week of Dec, things will improve. We are also facing shortages of spices, rice, condensed milk, etc. On the whole though, we are happy to be high and dry in Pattaya, and not facing crippling flood waters like much of northern BKK, Ayhuttaa, etc., so I am happy to count our blessings.

Hope to see some of you at the opening and do introduce yourselves from Thai Visa!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Gil here, owner of Sunrise Tacos Pattaya. Please permit me to weigh in, introduce ourselves, and let you all know what's up.

No other food to my mind invokes the same emotional discussions regarding what is, and what is not "authentic." I cannot answer this. I can say though, that we import our own 100% organic white, yellow and blue corn in kernel form from the U.S.A. We then grind it, add water and salt, and hand work it. Each tortilla is then HAND pressed and turned into one of the most tastiest corn tortillas I have ever had. We import all avocados fresh, we make all our own salsas each morning, our margaritas are made daily from real fruit, etc., I am hoping that these efforts help us to develop a loyal expat crowd, just like our loyal crowd in BKK. From our recent experience opening at Terminal 21 (we are packed daily), we also appeal to the young and hip Thai crowd, who hanker for delicious, fresh and unique tastes at very competitive prices. We hope to capture a portion of this crowd also in Pattaya, as there are not a lot of places for the mainstream Thai crowd to experience a modern and fresh concept restaurant. Being on the main road also, we hope to get our share of tourists when they visit the beaches of Jomtien.

We chose Jomtien for several reasons - easy parking, and easy access for the resident expats or full time Pattaya residents. Although we looked at over 60 locations on Beach road, parking and access is troublesome, even more so during events (e.g., music festivals). Rents there are sky high also, with tea money the norm.

The Jomtien area also has one of the highest concentrations of condominiums in a small area, making home delivery a viable supporting revenue opportunity. We are located directly at the entrance to Jomtien Complex, just before reaching Shenanigan's on the right. A large corner unit. The surrounding road construction is mostly complete, adding appeal to this area which we are hoping will begin to take on a popularity of its own as Pattaya proper gets more and more crowded. Many long-term expats that I know dread the idea of trying to "dine out" anywhere near Walking St or Beach Rd, or even 2nd road. Next year, we will open in North Pattaya also.

Regarding the restaurant itself, we have 2 full time kitchens on site, with a unique margarita bar off to the side of the main dining room. The build out is looking fantastic, with an unusual split level hung ceiling in modern colors. The restaurant is 75% glass enclosed, and will incorporate the latest in back-projection technology of printed photos of our food. Booths are over-sized of course. We have approximately 75 seats, and booths and tables that can sit full families. The bar will serve a full a full drink menu, including hand-blended and machine blended margaritas. Of course, we are continuing our trademark free salsa bar (9 different types, made daily).

Our opening date is approximately Nov 20th, 2011. A lot depends upon the completion of the build out. All of our staff is now training full time at multiple Sunrise Tacos locations in BKK, and we will follow the recipes originally created by our 2 native Mexican head chefs. Recently, we also consulted a Mexican head chef residing in China, who flew into Thailand to meet us and consulted on our food. He did not make one change recommendation, which we took to mean that we are on the right track.

Final note - we are 90% thru completion of a mobile Mexican food truck also. It is a full sized long bed Toyota with a camper house on top. It will travel all over Pattaya and East Pattaya serving nachos, supreme nachos, quessadillas, burritos, tacos, and of course, margaritas. The mobile unit has hot and cold running water, full cooking capability, fridges, etc., so please keep an eye out for our mobile Sunrise Tacos unit coming near you! You can PM me here of course for any further information. It will be available for catering, birthdays, wedding events, home parties, etc. of course. We also have a full catering service for the extended menu.

Thank you everyone,

Kind regards,


Owner - Sunrise Tacos Pattaya

Well, November 9th 2011 today, and the clock is ticking down. We are now putting in 15-16 hour days. Last night, we tested the sound system, and found out 2 of our speakers aren't working (glad we tested now). We are also having the height of the bar work table lowered, the outside awnings lowered, etc. We have now installed sun shades for the outside kitchen, and most of the equipment for the downstairs kitchen will be installed tomorrow over the next several days. Much of our kitchen equipment is custom built - hot well, cold well, sink, etc, and I am REALLY glad we ordered it last month. I have found out ours was the last order accepted by the factory!

Our staff that has been training in BKK for a month will finish their training on the 12th, then relocate to Pattaya on the 13th. We will give them 1-2 days off, and then they will come on site to help us. We are hoping that the dining room is finished then. We are planning to seriously start cooking at that time also. We have already been making corn tortillas though, and starting flour tortillas on site today.

Saw a note today about beer shortages. We had already known this about a week ago, when we contacted Heineken to order. We have been all over Pattaya scouring shops, and have managed to compile enough stock for about 2 weeks we think. We are hoping that by the 1st week of Dec, things will improve. We are also facing shortages of spices, rice, condensed milk, etc. On the whole though, we are happy to be high and dry in Pattaya, and not facing crippling flood waters like much of northern BKK, Ayhuttaa, etc., so I am happy to count our blessings.

Hope to see some of you at the opening and do introduce yourselves from Thai Visa!



We thought that some ThaiVisa.com members would enjoy seeing these pictures. We are getting close now, the ceiling lighting has now been put in place. The blue effect is really stunning. There is really nothing like this in Pattaya that I can think of. I am a big fan of the Irish / English pubs, but even I get a craving for something bright, airy and fresh. 3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc. Our sound system also is now in place, with a variety of classics / latest play lists. We are hooking up sinks today, and cleaning the 2nd kitchen. We hope to start prepping soon. Tentative date of opening is Nov 30th. Just around the corner!



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Gil here, owner of Sunrise Tacos Pattaya. Please permit me to weigh in, introduce ourselves, and let you all know what's up.

No other food to my mind invokes the same emotional discussions regarding what is, and what is not "authentic." I cannot answer this. I can say though, that we import our own 100% organic white, yellow and blue corn in kernel form from the U.S.A. We then grind it, add water and salt, and hand work it. Each tortilla is then HAND pressed and turned into one of the most tastiest corn tortillas I have ever had. We import all avocados fresh, we make all our own salsas each morning, our margaritas are made daily from real fruit, etc., I am hoping that these efforts help us to develop a loyal expat crowd, just like our loyal crowd in BKK. From our recent experience opening at Terminal 21 (we are packed daily), we also appeal to the young and hip Thai crowd, who hanker for delicious, fresh and unique tastes at very competitive prices. We hope to capture a portion of this crowd also in Pattaya, as there are not a lot of places for the mainstream Thai crowd to experience a modern and fresh concept restaurant. Being on the main road also, we hope to get our share of tourists when they visit the beaches of Jomtien.

We chose Jomtien for several reasons - easy parking, and easy access for the resident expats or full time Pattaya residents. Although we looked at over 60 locations on Beach road, parking and access is troublesome, even more so during events (e.g., music festivals). Rents there are sky high also, with tea money the norm.

The Jomtien area also has one of the highest concentrations of condominiums in a small area, making home delivery a viable supporting revenue opportunity. We are located directly at the entrance to Jomtien Complex, just before reaching Shenanigan's on the right. A large corner unit. The surrounding road construction is mostly complete, adding appeal to this area which we are hoping will begin to take on a popularity of its own as Pattaya proper gets more and more crowded. Many long-term expats that I know dread the idea of trying to "dine out" anywhere near Walking St or Beach Rd, or even 2nd road. Next year, we will open in North Pattaya also.

Regarding the restaurant itself, we have 2 full time kitchens on site, with a unique margarita bar off to the side of the main dining room. The build out is looking fantastic, with an unusual split level hung ceiling in modern colors. The restaurant is 75% glass enclosed, and will incorporate the latest in back-projection technology of printed photos of our food. Booths are over-sized of course. We have approximately 75 seats, and booths and tables that can sit full families. The bar will serve a full a full drink menu, including hand-blended and machine blended margaritas. Of course, we are continuing our trademark free salsa bar (9 different types, made daily).

Our opening date is approximately Nov 20th, 2011. A lot depends upon the completion of the build out. All of our staff is now training full time at multiple Sunrise Tacos locations in BKK, and we will follow the recipes originally created by our 2 native Mexican head chefs. Recently, we also consulted a Mexican head chef residing in China, who flew into Thailand to meet us and consulted on our food. He did not make one change recommendation, which we took to mean that we are on the right track.

Final note - we are 90% thru completion of a mobile Mexican food truck also. It is a full sized long bed Toyota with a camper house on top. It will travel all over Pattaya and East Pattaya serving nachos, supreme nachos, quessadillas, burritos, tacos, and of course, margaritas. The mobile unit has hot and cold running water, full cooking capability, fridges, etc., so please keep an eye out for our mobile Sunrise Tacos unit coming near you! You can PM me here of course for any further information. It will be available for catering, birthdays, wedding events, home parties, etc. of course. We also have a full catering service for the extended menu.

Thank you everyone,

Kind regards,


Owner - Sunrise Tacos Pattaya

Well, November 9th 2011 today, and the clock is ticking down. We are now putting in 15-16 hour days. Last night, we tested the sound system, and found out 2 of our speakers aren't working (glad we tested now). We are also having the height of the bar work table lowered, the outside awnings lowered, etc. We have now installed sun shades for the outside kitchen, and most of the equipment for the downstairs kitchen will be installed tomorrow over the next several days. Much of our kitchen equipment is custom built - hot well, cold well, sink, etc, and I am REALLY glad we ordered it last month. I have found out ours was the last order accepted by the factory!

Our staff that has been training in BKK for a month will finish their training on the 12th, then relocate to Pattaya on the 13th. We will give them 1-2 days off, and then they will come on site to help us. We are hoping that the dining room is finished then. We are planning to seriously start cooking at that time also. We have already been making corn tortillas though, and starting flour tortillas on site today.

Saw a note today about beer shortages. We had already known this about a week ago, when we contacted Heineken to order. We have been all over Pattaya scouring shops, and have managed to compile enough stock for about 2 weeks we think. We are hoping that by the 1st week of Dec, things will improve. We are also facing shortages of spices, rice, condensed milk, etc. On the whole though, we are happy to be high and dry in Pattaya, and not facing crippling flood waters like much of northern BKK, Ayhuttaa, etc., so I am happy to count our blessings.

Hope to see some of you at the opening and do introduce yourselves from Thai Visa!



We thought that some ThaiVisa.com members would enjoy seeing these pictures. We are getting close now, the ceiling lighting has now been put in place. The blue effect is really stunning. There is really nothing like this in Pattaya that I can think of. I am a big fan of the Irish / English pubs, but even I get a craving for something bright, airy and fresh. 3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc. Our sound system also is now in place, with a variety of classics / latest play lists. We are hooking up sinks today, and cleaning the 2nd kitchen. We hope to start prepping soon. Tentative date of opening is Nov 30th. Just around the corner!

looks great Gil

keep up the good work!

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3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

I'm kind of a purist that way too but if they have decent burritos I don't care if there's a live polo match in the room.

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3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

I'm kind of a purist that way too but if they have decent burritos I don't care if there's a live polo match in the room.

Could always get a takeaway I suppose, especially if the only beer they will have is Heineken?

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3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

I'm kind of a purist that way too but if they have decent burritos I don't care if there's a live polo match in the room.

Could always get a takeaway I suppose, especially if the only beer they will have is Heineken?

We have many beers - Heineken, Tiger, Corona, San Miguel, Tiger Crystal, San Mig Light, etc.


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3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

Yes, we're a restaurant, not a bar per se. However, we have background music, and TVs to add something a bit extra to the dining room. Typically, the TVs are silent unless their is a major sporting event. We will keep some sound on the bar TV.


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3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

I'm kind of a purist that way too but if they have decent burritos I don't care if there's a live polo match in the room.

Could always get a takeaway I suppose, especially if the only beer they will have is Heineken?

We have many beers - Heineken, Tiger, Corona, San Miguel, Tiger Crystal, San Mig Light, etc.


Bud would be good, Sol would be swell

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