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Private Health Insurance For Thai Kids


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Here's the situation:

- I take care of most things for my 7 yr old granddaughter (although both parents are present, both professional people, but they like grandfather in the picture (and grandfather pays of course - no problem).

- Just asked at BUPA (CM) and they indicated that it is illegal (in Thailand) for a health insurer to issue a policy to a child unless at least one of the parents is a member of the same fund. In this case both parents are very well covered through employment and have no need to take additional private cover. But in both cases the cover provided by their employers is employee only and cannot be extended to children.

Father, mother and my granddaughter all all Thai nationals.

Would appreciate any past experiences members can share, please.


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We also insured a child separately. When you say you asked Bupa, did you speak with the central office or just some agent trying to sell you a policy. Premiums are low for children so there isn't much commission in it for them. Maybe they were misleading you.

Actually I sent an e.mail to their CM office, and the response was as mentioned, but maybe the person who answered was in fact an agent.

I'll call the Bangkok HO and ask.

Your point about agents is very relevant. My Thai son discovered that more than half of his wifes take home salary was being paid out in two insurance premiums. Bottom line:

- The agent was her best friend from high school.

- One policy was life asurance for her mother, and on real scrutiny by a western insurance/assurance expert, was worthless.

- The second policy was health insurance for her mother, the 'benefits' were way way beyond what was logical or usable.

- Son asked the agent to explain and was totally ignored.

- Son asked for the name of the agent's supervisor - response "I have no supervisor whatever, and policy holders are forbidden to call the HO".

- Son insisted that the agent cancel the policies - response - "Policy holders cannot cancel - it is not allowed by Thai law".

- Son did contact the HO (a joint venture between a Thai bank and a very well known British Insurance co.) and after some instance was faxed a copy of the fine print, which indicated that the policies could be terminated by the holder after 3 months or something similar. Son confronted the agent about this - response, "the HO faxed you a fake document".

- Son went to the HO with his wife and all documents and demanded that they issue a document on the spot to show the policies were cancelled and stating that no further premiums were payable. And they did get refund of some money paid on the life assurance.

- Son's wife also discovered that her 'best friend' from high school was previously blacklisted as an agent by the most up front insurance name in Thailand.

- Best friend from high school called son's wife and abused her, and said "your not fair, the insurance company took back my commisssion".

- Best friend from high school is no longer best friend.

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