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Flood Nears Inner Bangkok


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Biggest scam in history. Funny considering it is accepted as real by the overwhelming majority of global climate oriented scientists. To claim it is a scam is just a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

A pro­pa­ganda sys­tem, openly ac­knowl­edged by the busi­ness com­mu­nity, de­clares that cli­mate change is all a lib­eral hoax: Why pay at­ten­tion to these sci­en­tists?
http://www.nationofchange.org/occupy-future-1320246767 Edited by Jingthing
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The Thais have made good progress over the last thirty years covering much of their land with Siam Cement; but not enough obviously. Much better to cover the land surface completely. Floodwater runs faster over concrete than over soil. Less time for the next flood to pass.



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Intentional or unintentional black humour never mind .I thought it was hilarious myself.

I hope no offence was taken as none was meant, it certainly eased some of the tension for me anyway.


Edited by siampolee
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The Thais have made good progress over the last thirty years covering much of their land with Siam Cement; but not enough obviously. Much better to cover the land surface completely. Floodwater runs faster over concrete than over soil. Less time for the next flood to pass.



Khun T. will come back and save us all, as he promised to create and island an build a new city.

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The Thais have made good progress over the last thirty years covering much of their land with Siam Cement; but not enough obviously. Much better to cover the land surface completely. Floodwater runs faster over concrete than over soil. Less time for the next flood to pass.



Khun T. will come back and save us all, as he promised to create and island an build a new city.

Which would make it The Promised Land? :unsure:

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Sad. Sad.

Perhaps we have come full circle and will once again be the "Venice of the East". Sure. Why not? Works for me.

But it sure would have been nice to be warned in advance so I could get a boat, raise the house, etc, etc.

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There are still man made global climate change deniers? Hilarious.

Enough hot air coming from F.R.O.C. to certainly change the climate and indeed the dry usable Thai land mass it seems.


:o Does this means that without FROC we are FROCed up?

Wait a Minute! You can't expect FROC to do anything they are to busy moving. Can't seem to find a dry spot.

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Biggest scam in history. Funny considering it is accepted as real by the overwhelming majority of global climate oriented scientists. To claim it is a scam is just a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

And to claim that a benign and essential trace gas is 'imperiling the world', as John Reilly, the co-director of MIT's Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, said yesterday, is equally a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

Truth is, the debate never was about science; most of the deep alarmism comes from dispossessed Marxists, who were homeless after the collapse of the USSR. The environment is the perfect cause to keep harassing the capitalists, so the global warming scam is, if you like, the downstream flooding from the defeat of Communism two decades ago.

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I suppose threads are a bit like people; once they get too old, they start to lose the plot.

They get cranky and irritable, sometimes they seem to lose their direction, and drift, wandering in circles.

And sometimes, they just go entertainingly completely out their tree, and turn into irrelevant nonsensical rants.

Rather than humour them by joining in their fantastic digressions, we should try to bring them back to the real world and relevance

Still no sign of flooding south of the city, and the bairns are hoping to get back to school soon


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There are still man made global climate change deniers? Hilarious.

Enough hot air coming from F.R.O.C. to certainly change the climate and indeed the dry usable Thai land mass it seems.


:o Does this means that without FROC we are FROCed up?

Wait a Minute! You can't expect FROC to do anything they are to busy moving. Can't seem to find a dry spot.

:lol: Funny!! the sad ting is, they can´t even move their asses.:blink:

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For my sixpence-worth, and I'm no expert, why not channel the unwanted water to areas where it is wanted by building a system of canals ? In the north-east of Thailand, Bururam area, we've had quite a lot of water this year. Rice crops doing nicely etc. We had even more water here 3 years ago, but in between, drought. Last year our rice crop failed due to NO water, not one grain of rice and this was the same for a huge area. We WANT water, we NEED water, so channel it here and save precious Bangkok the same misery it's currently having in the future. Far cheaper to build canals heading east than to try and circumnavigate Bangkok.....in my opinion

One slight problem with that idea is that Buriram is more than 1000 feet higher than the central plains

.... and "last year" saw the worst floods in Isaan in decades - flood water was still standing in the fields in February after October's rains.

That's amazing, so near to us too much water yet here, nothing. In this area because of the drought and ruined rice crops, the government in their infinate wisdom gave every rice farmer a piglet with one sack of feed. This was supposed to be enough food to compensate for no rice -- FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. What a load of c**p ! Who thought that idea up ? Maybe someone with too many piglets or a very large cooperative. And, if that wasn't insult enough, if the pig either died, got sold or eventually eaten, you had to PAY BACK the government 200 baht ( the value of the piglet ) AND one sack of feed. GREAT DEAL. No sacks of aid or suchlike so most people round here had to get loans with exorbitant interest rates just to buy rice ro eat. The longer I live here the more I laugh at ' Amazing Thailand '.

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IMO - It is only a matter of time before all of Bangkok gets flooded

No one in charge has a clue how to stop it or how to redirect the water

You are probably correct so why not offer them some advice or are you the same as those in charge? Not A clue on What to Do. :ph34r:

well if he was an expert and know how to fix it tomorrow nobody would listern to him anyway, clearly the statement is correct otherwise the water would not be where it is.

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Biggest scam in history. Funny considering it is accepted as real by the overwhelming majority of global climate oriented scientists. To claim it is a scam is just a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

And to claim that a benign and essential trace gas is 'imperiling the world', as John Reilly, the co-director of MIT's Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, said yesterday, is equally a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

Truth is, the debate never was about science; most of the deep alarmism comes from dispossessed Marxists, who were homeless after the collapse of the USSR. The environment is the perfect cause to keep harassing the capitalists, so the global warming scam is, if you like, the downstream flooding from the defeat of Communism two decades ago.

Wow! There are some strange theories on this forum but this is the weirdest yet..... (that I have seen- you may know of another)

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Reply to Richard in Bangkok

Refreshing to read a comment which reflects the position of many of us in Bangkok at this point in time, not only the expats who can relocate until the water, its dubious contents, the mambas and crocs subside, but many of the suburban Bangkok villagers who are simply asking for somebody to give them a gameplan so they can even begin to formulate a life plan. Seeing Yingluck fall part on the national news again this evening was not comforting. The villagers have my respect today.

Edited by frances
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Biggest scam in history. Funny considering it is accepted as real by the overwhelming majority of global climate oriented scientists. To claim it is a scam is just a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

And to claim that a benign and essential trace gas is 'imperiling the world', as John Reilly, the co-director of MIT's Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, said yesterday, is equally a cynical political position that has nothing do with science.

Truth is, the debate never was about science; most of the deep alarmism comes from dispossessed Marxists, who were homeless after the collapse of the USSR. The environment is the perfect cause to keep harassing the capitalists, so the global warming scam is, if you like, the downstream flooding from the defeat of Communism two decades ago.

Wow! There are some strange theories on this forum but this is the weirdest yet..... (that I have seen- you may know of another)

It's not a theory -- just well-documented evidence, all the way from current Australian PM Julia Gillard downwards (or upwards). You can do the rest of the research yourself.

Communism and extreme environmentalism have so much in common; hatred of successful people, paying lip service to 'fairness', telling other people what to do, the heroic narrative of 'saving the world from itself', defining a single version of the truth, cult-like obedience to that truth, micro-control over other people's lives, vile abuse for non-conformists,

The list goes on, but another feature of cults is that people inside them never know that they are in one and thus fail to recognise their own behaviour.

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For my sixpence-worth, and I'm no expert, why not channel the unwanted water to areas where it is wanted by building a system of canals ? In the north-east of Thailand, Bururam area, we've had quite a lot of water this year. Rice crops doing nicely etc. We had even more water here 3 years ago, but in between, drought. Last year our rice crop failed due to NO water, not one grain of rice and this was the same for a huge area. We WANT water, we NEED water, so channel it here and save precious Bangkok the same misery it's currently having in the future. Far cheaper to build canals heading east than to try and circumnavigate Bangkok.....in my opinion

Hopefully the big conversations that need to go on about how this situation can be averted next time will not just concentrate on Bangkok but also address the flooding problems that happen all over Thailand. One of the biggest things that need to be realised is that weather and natural geography are powerful forces to counter. Also these problems are not just confined to Thailand and the massive dam building programs going on in the region will have an impact on this in the future.

One thing to bear in mind is the Isaan plataeu is fairly high with a lot of it over 500 feet above sea level - to move water from the lower central plains to Isaan would not be as straightforward as building canals. The best source for water for this area would probably be from the north via the Mekhong but, with the current dams being built this source might be compromised.

Sorry for any confusion. My ' idea ' would be as follows -- since all this water from Chiang Mai etc is flowing south and downhill towards Bangkok, you find a point on this route that is a similar elevation above sea level to that of Buriram. That's where your canal starts to divert water to regions that need it thereby doing away with any need to pump it uphill. Still seems like a very simple idea to me, all it needs is the planners to choose a route and engineers to construct it. Doesn't have to be that big either providing no greedy farmers choose to dam the flow to fill up their area -- which happens all too often. Unfortunately we have this problem with the river at the end of our village. It can rain all it likes but the river level stays low, then when the dams built by farmers upstream can no longer contain the water, we get it in a massive lump. Pretty dangerous too when it arrives.

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I don't think it's understood, even by the "experts", how much water is in the north and coming through and around Bangkok-- 20 billion cubic meters? That alone is enough for 2 or 3 major dams.... Look at the sattelite images- the North has the look of an ocean on land. The water is still going to be around when next year's monsoon comes, and if it's as bad as this year? The water will never drain - The central plain of Thailand could now be considered the central bay of Thailand....

PM downplays flooding in central Bangkok

Bangkok's well-protected centre is only at risk of minor flooding, Thailand's premier says.

Thailand's worst floods in decades have swamped at least 20 per cent of the capital but Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Saturday flood barriers and drainage systems would keep the city's economic and political heartland mostly dry.

"Even though there may be minor and brief flooding, we can pump and drain it out swiftly."



AFP - Nov. 5, 2011


Edited by Buchholz
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There are still man made global climate change deniers? Hilarious.

Since the whole man-made global warming scam has blown away like a dried-up chicken turd over the past 2 years, there are no "deniers" -- just level-headed adults who refused to be swayed into gibbering terror by alarmist cries from the likes of rent-seeking groups like WWF and Greenpeace.


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Let's face it, you can't tell a city of 10 million people that they will be all flooded. It would create a mass panic and only make things much worse. The only thing you can do is tell them that it won't flood, and when it floods, tell them to leave, district by district. The panic is much smaller and less psychological on the 10 million population.

Imagine 10 million people running around the city not knowing where to go or what to do. They'll likely panic-buy all the stores empty creating a human catastrophe that's much worse.

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Global warming blah, blah, blah. Evidence please. This year was a La Nina year meaning more rainfall than normal. That's what we got and it was mismanaged. Simple as.

Excuse me smarty-pants how can you possibly know it's not going to happen again next year?

" La Niña is defined as cooler than normal sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific ocean that impact global weather patterns. La Niña conditions recur every few years and can persist for as long as two years. "

I don't know - nor does anyone else. My guess is that it won't, though as these are the worst floods in over 50 years. Chances are next year will be just fine - just like the vast majority of years.

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Let's face it, you can't tell a city of 10 million people that they will be all flooded. It would create a mass panic and only make things much worse. The only thing you can do is tell them that it won't flood, and when it floods, tell them to leave, district by district. The panic is much smaller and less psychological on the 10 million population.

Imagine 10 million people running around the city not knowing where to go or what to do. They'll likely panic-buy all the stores empty creating a human catastrophe that's much worse.

Reminds me of the age-old idiom:

Dishonesty Is The Best Policy

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IMO - It is only a matter of time before all of Bangkok gets flooded

No one in charge has a clue how to stop it or how to redirect the water

You are probably correct so why not offer them some advice or are you the same as those in charge? Not A clue on What to Do. :ph34r:

Why don't you offer some advice seeing as you're the obvious expert on this subject angry.gif.

All the guy was saying was that a flood is inevitable in central Bangkok, and I don't see any rules on this forum that state that you must follow a statement with advice. Especially as bad or misinformed advice on this particular subject could cause loss of life.

Quite right. It's like when you have severe pains in your chest. You know something is wrong and see a doctor as they know what to do but you may not know what to do yourself.

The other problem is if someone (farang) posts an opinion on what to do they're told it's nothing to do with them and they can't do anything anyway. If they don't tell Thais what to do then their observation that Thais should do something is wrong as well.

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Truth is, the debate never was about science; most of the deep (Global Warming) alarmism comes from dispossessed Marxists, who were homeless after the collapse of the USSR.

this could possibly the strangest post in the history of ThaiVisa

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People seem to underestimate the power of the sun to simply evaporate a lot of the water, it wont stay forever.

Jeah, right after the sun turned those giant breeding ponds into living creatures of all possible sizes and kinds. Ever heard of bakteria and mosquitos??

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Truth is, the debate never was about science; most of the deep (Global Warming) alarmism comes from dispossessed Marxists, who were homeless after the collapse of the USSR.

this could possibly the strangest post in the history of ThaiVisa

1. Not even close, Plenty of evidence around. Do your own research

2. Show a little bit of courtesy and do not alter people's posts when you are quoting them.

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