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Why The Hate


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Thai guys never marry Thai women with children..... Wot a load of <deleted>, you wanna come up to where I live and give me 1 million baht for every Thai man that has ?

Didn't think so.

There is a world of difference between what someone 'wants' and what they 'make do' with.

You have added 'never' and changed the original post into something of your own, in what appears to me, to be a rather 'hate filled' commentary.

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Thai guys never marry Thai women with children..... Wot a load of <deleted>, you wanna come up to where I live and give me 1 million baht for every Thai man that has ?

Didn't think so.

Thai man never marry a girl over 25........ Wot a load of <deleted>, again come on up and bring your wallet.

Didn't think so.

Tell me, do these ignorant fools making such statements have any experience in Thailand apart from being a tourist ?

Didn't think so.

Good post and very true. Some people have their own preconceived ideas and they stick by them regardless of the facts.

I'm certainly not wealthy by any means but I am comfortable and set for the rest of my life without needing any income from Thailand. I worked long and hard for what I have and didn't consider retiring until I was quite certain that I would be comfortable. Living on a strict budget is not my idea of a pleasant retirement.

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Not all is hate.

Some is the classic, "pushing the cutest girl in school down in the snow" syndrom.

Complaining about something also show that one actually care.\

And finally,

some us (me maybe?) just want to be noticed in this big and cold world.



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I've been here over 20 years, I was not a tired old pensioner when I arrived, I never knew Thailand was so bad until I joined ThaiVisa, I thought I was happy and content never having had problems in Thailand, then I discover that I am in denial and am wearing rose tinted glasses, surely I must be unhappy, how dare I be content when others are miserable, I must be a Thai apologist.

Thank you ThaiVisa, I now see the error of my ways and will join the Thai bashing bonanza as soon as I don't have a life.

Aren't you happy now, that posters here have shown you the error of your ways? You only THOUGHT you were happy and content, never realizing that you were in denial and actually miserable.

So settle back now and stew in your misery. Isn't that so much better?


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I do actually feel better, it's amazing.

My wife hates me, my children hate me, my dogs hate me, all her family hate me, in fact,all Thai people hate me, all Thai men are drunks, All Thais are lazy, All Thais are useless drivers, All Thais are liars, All Thais are....... ( insert your own words).

That feels much better, I now feel like a fully fledged member of the expat community, I am now not a Thai apologist, I can be seen as enlightened and knowledgeable.

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Having read through this thread and taken note of all the b1tching, personal attacks, unfounded assumptions about other posters' language skills, income or who other posters have chosen to marry I'm left with the overriding impression that the only hate going on here is a bunch of sad expats glued to their computers and ranting at each other.

Maybe rhere's something wrong with me but I swear, nothing anyone else has ever said about Thailand or Thai people has ever made a single jot of a difference ofhow I myself find Thailand or Thai people.

Moreover, I've very very seldom read or heard a complaint or a praise of Thailand or Thai people that I've not seen some element of truth in. Praise or complaint leave me thinking there's someone having an up day or a down day.

What does not happen is someone else expressing an opinion does not effect my day in Thailand. But then maybe I'm a liitle odd that way.

Odder perhaps that I don't seem to have a need to deny others their opinions.

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Having read through this thread and taken note of all the b1tching, personal attacks, unfounded assumptions about other posters' language skills, income or who other posters have chosen to marry I'm left with the overriding impression that the only hate going on here is a bunch of sad expats glued to their computers and ranting at each other.

This one deserves a plaque.


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The largest of my Thai staff is called "ouan" because she is.................on a frighteningly big scale.

What's the problem ???

She enjoys her nickname, but to you it is a term of abuse.

Could be that is the strength of the culture ???

It's not Kansas ..............

Big question; are they calling her Ouan as a name, or are they pointing at her while she eats and calling out, fatty, fatty, you are ugly and disgusting and you eat like a pig?

Although Thais can be blunt about things, the culture dictates that they go out of their way to not make people feel bad, however, this seems to apply only to other Thai people.

The instances I am referring to are comments made about foreigners (whom they assume can't understand what they are saying) that they would never make about a Thai person.

As many Thais will tell you, Thai culture is for Thai people, not for "falang." Meaning they can treat you any way they want, in ways they would never treat a Thai. In many ways we are like clowns to them. Not everyone of course.

My dentist told me her nickname the other members of staff call her, "Pui". So I told her she was not pum pui, she really wasn't. She thanked me, and we laughed about it.

I sort of agree with the OP even coming over on the plane, I remember the piss heads on the plane! Thailand seems to attract more of the dregs of western society than the good. They don't give a good impression of the country from which they come from. Yes even knew a couple guys on the run from police and justice back in the UK. They seem to fit in only because of the corruption that is allowed to go on here in Thailand. i.e. buying forged dergees to look as if they are capable to teach English, when they probably never even passed thier English exam in the UK!

But then it is a 50/50 situation, Thais scaming Thais, Thais scaming farangs and even farangs scaming farangs. like atracts like! The reality is, It's the same where ever you go, or live. You can see the good and the bad, unfortuanely we remember the bad easier than the good.

What gets to me though is the excuse of saying "This is Thailand" and Farangs moaning about being called Farang. Because there is racism where ever you go (if being called farang is racism) in the world, and there are scams going on all over the world too.

I bet most of you were scammed one way or another in your home countries so don't moan about it here. I bet most of you have been racist one way or another as well and not just back home either, So farang is payback! Live with it and be man or woman enough and take it and move on.

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Makes me laugh really, I would guess that most of the constant whiners are struggling to make ends meet in Thailand.

ThaiVisa logic....

If you are happy in Thailand and have no issues with the country or the population, you are blinkered and a Thai apologist.

If you find fault in everything and spend every waking hour on the Internet you are enlightened and you really know what's going on. ( But how do you know anything when you spend every waking hour in front of a PC ? )

So, so true. Maybe us happy and well-adjusted folks should start taking the comment "Thai apologist" as a compliment.

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I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

What a ridiculous apologist statement.

It is entirely unnecessary in almost all circumstances, to include anyone's skin colour in a conversation..

You can ask where somebody's husband came from without referring to the colour of their skin (unless you are a racist and skin colour is the most important factor).

"Farang" does not equal "foreigner" unless it is a white foreigner.

Their are other insults for foreigners with other colour skins.

Racists are not dishonest, they are racists.

I am not apologising for anything , merely pointing out that I WOULD NOT refer to someone's foreign partner as 'an immigrant', and probably referring in point of conversation, that they may look or sound foreign. So what the hell is the problem with observing the colour of skin or the accent on someones voice in identifying that someone is not of local origin . Where on earth did you misinterpret that I have mentioned skin colour in a derogatory racist manner.

Actually, I am currently having a conversation with my Thai wife, relating to your understanding of the word Farang, she has just explained to me that a Thai would refer to a foreigner of european origin (usually white) as a farang as opposed to Thais referring to a black foreigner as a negro whether they are Aboriginal, African or whatever. The use of the word farang now just basically means European descended foreigner, who just happens to be white ( as we are).

I have read somewhere in the past, that the word Farang is actually derived from the word used to describe people from France many centuries ago during colonnial times, when many French colonised parts of SE Asia, on that basis of its use to refer to me as a white european foreigner as opposed to a black foreigner, I personally do not have a problem with the use of the word Farang to describe me ( although the French connection grates a bit to be honest, after recent events, with my being Welsh), rather than constantly being reffered to as 'Immigrant', as is done in the UK frequently. ie Bloody Immigrants.

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I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

What a ridiculous apologist statement.

It is entirely unnecessary in almost all circumstances, to include anyone's skin colour in a conversation..

You can ask where somebody's husband came from without referring to the colour of their skin (unless you are a racist and skin colour is the most important factor).

"Farang" does not equal "foreigner" unless it is a white foreigner.

Their are other insults for foreigners with other colour skins.

Racists are not dishonest, they are racists.

I am not apologising for anything , merely pointing out that I WOULD NOT refer to someone's foreign partner as 'an immigrant', and probably referring in point of conversation, that they may look or sound foreign. So what the hell is the problem with observing the colour of skin or the accent on someones voice in identifying that someone is not of local origin . Where on earth did you misinterpret that I have mentioned skin colour in a derogatory racist manner.

Actually, I am currently having a conversation with my Thai wife, relating to your understanding of the word Farang, she has just explained to me that a Thai would refer to a foreigner of european origin (usually white) as a farang as opposed to Thais referring to a black foreigner as a negro whether they are Aboriginal, African or whatever. The use of the word farang now just basically means European descended foreigner, who just happens to be white ( as we are).

I have read somewhere in the past, that the word Farang is actually derived from the word used to describe people from France many centuries ago during colonnial times, when many French colonised parts of SE Asia, on that basis of its use to refer to me as a white european foreigner as opposed to a black foreigner, I personally do not have a problem with the use of the word Farang to describe me ( although the French connection grates a bit to be honest, after recent events, with my being Welsh), rather than constantly being reffered to as 'Immigrant', as is done in the UK frequently. ie Bloody Immigrants.

In Addition

<br><br><br>Perhaps some of the Farang whingers on here would prefer the Thais to refer to them as Bloody Whingeing Immigrants (sound vaguely familiar), they probably have referred to other foreigeners in their home countries using much worse than the Thais using Farang to describe us in general, as well as probably curse us as we knock and whinge about the LOS.

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"Your husband" is both polite and correct

"The farang" is insulting and derogatory

No need to mention skin colour, if you don't understand that, then you are a Thai apologist.

This nigger doesn't like whitey to call him a nigger.

Edited by ludditeman
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I don't see much hate here . I see reaction from Europeans who have Just read their respective Daily New Papers ,and then have hatred for their leaders who are giving their Nations Wealth away to Aliens , who contributed nothing to the Economy. Then we get a bit nowty with the nearest person we meet...Well , I Do .biggrin.gif.Personally i feel driven out of England , and sad for Churchillian Values , all Races that fought for Freedom on the Brit Side , and the stinking Pensions given to Our Generation.

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It can most certainly be more of an insult if the listener has low self esteem.


I'm sure there is some truth to that, although you'd never get them to admit it.


How much Thai conversation can you understand?

How good is your Thai reading and writing?

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It can most certainly be more of an insult if the listener has low self esteem.


I'm sure there is some truth to that, although you'd never get them to admit it.


How much Thai conversation can you understand?

How good is your Thai reading and writing?

Pretty good, on all counts. Not fluent, but not illiterate. Your point?

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Unless you understand the Thai Mindset, the Teacher Mentality that prevails here , is confusing , what we should do ?., what attitude we should have , ? seems to be proffered by those whoes Balls Have yet to Drop. Preppy Yanks and Poor Lefty Brits , mainly . biggrin.gifThais are quite Happy , and amused by Ferangs with their over analysis .

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i dont feel we are seen as second class at all.

If so why is it such a status symbol to be with a westerner.

thai people are so laid back they don't care about much at all.

I also don't see farang as a rascist word whatsoever, they mean no malice when using it.

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If you understood spoken Thai you would understand the sentiments that usually surround the word.

I suspect you, like many of the apologists, can't understand Thai.

The old, "I speak Thai better than you do" defence. :D


1. I know where you're coming from, but just how long have you been here? I've been here for 17 years.

2. I hear you bro, but I don't think you can ever really understand these women until you've been married a few times.

In my experience, these defenses often come from Brits.

Or Brit Bashers!

Remove the tattoos, the obesity, and the obsession for soccer from a Brit, and you will get a Russian whistling.gif

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Thai guys never marry Thai women with children..... Wot a load of &lt;deleted&gt;, you wanna come up to where I live and give me 1 million baht for every Thai man that has ?

Didn't think so.

Thai man never marry a girl over 25........ Wot a load of &lt;deleted&gt;, again come on up and bring your wallet.

Didn't think so.

Tell me, do these ignorant fools making such statements have any experience in Thailand apart from being a tourist ?

Didn't think so.

Well, they just bought into the standard BS that western media and bar girls tells them. That is, that thai males are crap, and we western guys are the knight in the shining armor coming to save the innocent thai female princess.

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I personally see the use of the word Farang as a way of saying Foreigner, In fact that is what it says in my dictionary alongside 'Kon Dahng Chahd'.

I sat next to my wife last night at a Loi Kratong event and neat to us was sat an oldish Thai guy who asked where foreign (farang) husband was from. She explained i was from Wales. After all the guy is hardly going to say where is your welsh, ( Norwegian, American, or English ) husband from is he.

When I listen to Thai people talikng I often hear the word Farang, sometimes I know they are talking about me or foreigners in general. When I was in the UK, everybody, the BBC and Gov't alike, referred to people who settled in my old home country as immigrants.

I know which one I prefer to be referred to as in polite conversation.

I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

I have also had a few cases where I have made an error with a payment of cash to a Thai, and they have come after me to correct it, by giving me money back or pointed out the error to me, rather than them thinking oooh stupid rich faarang , I will keep his money. So Don't knock the Thai's for calling you a farang or treating you like a second class citizen anymore than you would a foreigner who cannot speak your language in your home country.

Deal with it Guys, Thailand is not PC Britain and never will be, thank you lord, Thailand will never change in this respect, so accept it.

It´s not about them not being PC, it´s rather about them as being in need of maybe getting a better understanding of the world.

For example a black american guy growing up on Manhattan, will have much more in common with a white american guy living next door to him, than a white guy from Russia, who can hardly speak a word of English.

Yet the thais will think that the russian guy and the american guy share the same cultural background, and the black guy is just a nigger.

In my home country (in western Europe), there are people who can´t see any difference between a japanese and a thai, they will just be referred to as asians) and the reason for that is, that they are practically non existent in our country. However I am 100%, that if we would have a lot of asian people coming there, we would very soon understand, and make a big difference between a thai and a japanese.

Thais have seen farangs, white people for more than 20 years wlaking up and down on sukhumvit and gradually also spreading out in the rest of the country, still they see no difference whatsoever.

I think it is more to their own disadvantage than ours.

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Thais have seen farangs, white people for more than 20 years wlaking up and down on sukhumvit and gradually also spreading out in the rest of the country, still they see no difference whatsoever.

I think it is more to their own disadvantage than ours.

As a generality, Thais are just not an intellectually curious people.

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Thais have seen farangs, white people for more than 20 years wlaking up and down on sukhumvit and gradually also spreading out in the rest of the country, still they see no difference whatsoever.

I think it is more to their own disadvantage than ours.

As a generality, Thais are just not an intellectually curious people.

As a generality, from a Thai middle class point of view, foreigners are rude, loud, uneducated, sex obsessed and cheap.

Not exactly the kind of people you want to associate with.

As a generality of course ...

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Thais have seen farangs, white people for more than 20 years wlaking up and down on sukhumvit and gradually also spreading out in the rest of the country, still they see no difference whatsoever.

I think it is more to their own disadvantage than ours.

As a generality, Thais are just not an intellectually curious people.

As a generality, from a Thai middle class point of view, foreigners are rude, loud, uneducated, sex obsessed and cheap.

Not exactly the kind of people you want to associate with.

As a generality of course ...

+1 smile.gif..........I would say mostly farangs tho....generality of course

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I live out in the boonies in a small village. After seven years here, most of the people have seen me many times. Some of the kids still point and yell farang. They are smiling and waving. Does anyone really believe that they are malicious? I always get a smile and a wave from the kids. That always makes me smile too.

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