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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment


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Herman be squirmin' for sure. Lets not forget Herman is an ordained Baptist Minister. It kind of goes hand and glove with these allegations. Bible thumpers often feel certain liberties are their God given right.

If that's the case, we will probably be seeing a string of young men making similar accusations?

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Americans voted in a black man and were possibly on their way to voting in number two. Voting for a Mormon is no big thang.

May I suggest you read up on Mormon beliefs. Don't get me wrong I don't like any organized Religion. Although I have to say Mormonism is quirkier than most by far.

I already have. I still do not think that his religion will be much of a factor in if he is elected, or not.

There has been talk of the far right and evangelical right to break away and field Cain as a third party candidate should Romney get the nomination. A significant percentage of people feel that the LDS is not Christian and represents a dangerous ideology (I do not personally agree with that. I am just repeating what some polls indicate.)

Now with these allegations, I would be curious to see if this will still be a possible course of action. Even if never proven, the mere smell of sexual misconduct may be too much for the evangelical right to stick with Cain.

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Even if never proven, the mere smell of sexual misconduct may be too much for the evangelical right to stick with Cain.

I think that it is and that Cain has no chance at all anymore. Too bad, because I like a lot of things about him, but absolutly no government experience is not worth chancing in a President.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Even if never proven, the mere smell of sexual misconduct may be too much for the evangelical right to stick with Cain.

I think that it is and that Cain has no chance at all anymore. Too bad, because I like a lot of things about him, but absolutly no government experience is not worth chancing in a President.

Not so sure, UG. We voted in the last one with absolutely no experience whatsoever.

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Not so sure, UG. We voted in the last one with absolutely no experience whatsoever.

Please get your facts straight.

State Senator: 1997–2004

U.S. Senator: 2005–2008

These presidents were elected as president as their first elected office, all coming by way of the military:

Zachary Taylor (12th president)

Ulysses S. Grant (18th president)

Dwight D Eisenhower (34th president)

If Cain were to become president, which I rate now as almost impossible (thankfully) he would be bucking a historical trend in a big way. No elected office before president. Not coming in as a military leader. It has never been done. It won't be done this time.

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Not so sure, UG. We voted in the last one with absolutely no experience whatsoever.

Please get your facts straight.

State Senator: 1997–2004

U.S. Senator: 2005–2008

These presidents were elected as president as their first elected office, all coming by way of the military:

Zachary Taylor (12th president)

Ulysses S. Grant (18th president)

Dwight D Eisenhower (34th president)

If Cain were to become president, which I rate now as almost impossible (thankfully) he would be bucking a historical trend in a big way. No elected office before president. Not coming in as a military leader. It has never been done. It won't be done this time.

I rest my case against Obama. Thank you.

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There is no case. He had government experience and elected offices before the presidency. These are facts. No ambiguity whatsoever.

If you said his experience lacked depth and longevity, I would agree with that, again, because those are facts.

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Well I am glad that Cain has been outed. I hope his chances of being POTUS are now at an end. The only honest man that UI have seen that could have taken the US back to it's original constitutional dream is Ron Paul. He rocks and frankly there is nobody at all that could/would be better. Problem is that the wrong people control the media. I think whatever you political persuasion in the states, Ron Paul would be the man, and not a scandal behind him. Married to the same woman for 50 years, 5 kids, loads of grandkids, and military service. If America holds the constitution dear then Paul is the only man to move her forward.

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Well I am glad that Cain has been outed. I hope his chances of being POTUS are now at an end. The only honest man that UI have seen that could have taken the US back to it's original constitutional dream is Ron Paul. He rocks and frankly there is nobody at all that could/would be better. Problem is that the wrong people control the media. I think whatever you political persuasion in the states, Ron Paul would be the man, and not a scandal behind him. Married to the same woman for 50 years, 5 kids, loads of grandkids, and military service. If America holds the constitution dear then Paul is the only man to move her forward.


Did you know he gets twice as much in contributions from the active military than all the other candidates combined?

That also says something ;)

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Anyway, there seems to be a consensus that Cain is toasted. Good riddance! I also detest his insults of his accuser based on her economic problems. As if someone who has gone bankrupt can't possibly be an honest person. That's been a pattern with this disgusting man, blame the poor for their problems. Poor people bad, rich people good. Sickening.

Dream on if you think tea party darling Cain's support will mostly go to Paul. It will be spread around for sure, Gingrich mostly I think for now, also probably doomed Perry, and some to Paul. It's Romney's nomination to lose now.

One very ironic thing about how the Romney challengers have exploded is that it now seems that IF Sarah Palin had decided to run, she would be the natural main challenger to Romney, and have a serious chance of winning against Romney. I wonder if she's kicking herself now. I wonder because I was never convinced she actually wanted to be president in the first place.

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Dream on if you think tea party darling Cain's support will mostly go to Paul.

There is no way that any candidate who intends to legalize hard drugs and let Iran have nuclear weapons will ever be be elected. Even with all the sex charges against him, Herman Cain would have a much better chance. :whistling:

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The sad thing is that it really doesn't matter too much what many of these candidates think. They end up doing very little. Without a cooperative congress, they can promise to sprinkle star dust in everyones eyes, but it won't happen. And even with a cooperative congress, there are the inevitable constitutional challenges.

Cains conservative moral standards are his big problem. They appear to apply to others, but not to him.

If he doesn't recognize the lady in question, maybe he should ask to see a picture of the back of her head.

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Dream on if you think tea party darling Cain's support will mostly go to Paul.

There is no way that any candidate who intends to legalize hard drugs and let Iran have nuclear weapons will ever be be elected. Even with all the sex charges against him, Herman Cain would have a much better chance. :whistling:

About the same actually -- NONE.

The toaster is on well done.

This from a right wing commentator ...

In a way, this was a fitting downfall: The slick ex-talk show host undone by his own rambling. He was no longer charming. He was desperate and entirely unbelievable. Forget the presidency. Forget becoming a conservative icon. Cain succeeded only in leaving the impression that he may be a bit off his rocker.


We should take Cain at his word that he’s not going to drop out of the race. But now it makes little difference. He’s been revealed as a crank and a bit of a fraud, a man masquerading as a polished professional. Maybe his true calling really was as a talk show host. There you can say the zaniest things and still be successful.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/herman-cain-discredits-himself/2011/11/08/gIQAcaFD3M_blog.html Edited by Jingthing
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I don't have a problem with him having done what he did. I do have a problem when people wrap themselves in a cloak of morality and religion when they have such skeletons in the closet.

Think folk are talking here about a bloke who could have his finger on the nuclear button but can't control his todger. :huh:

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Very few men are good at controlling their impulses. Actually, I get a little bit more concerned about those who do control those impulses....Richard Nixon and GW Bush come to mind.

I don't care for Cain, but I'd trust him with the red button more than I would with my daughter!

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Down he goes. Given what a disaster he is politically, yes, it is delicious to watch.


Cain of Denial

Herman Cain’s press conference about his sexual harassment accusers is a road map to his destruction.

For all of this, Cain has gone unpunished. His rise in the polls has given him the illusion that he can go on making false and falsifiable statements, even when the question is sexual harassment. He’s about to find out the hard way that he can’t.

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From the Associated Press today.


AP Exclusive: Accuser filed complaint in next job


WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman who settled a sexual harassment complaint against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain in 1999 complained three years later at her next job about unfair treatment, saying she should be allowed to work from home after a serious car accident and accusing a manager of circulating a sexually charged email, The Associated Press has learned.

Entire article here: http://news.yahoo.com/ap-exclusive-accuser-filed-complaint-next-job-080946066.html

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Dream on if you think tea party darling Cain's support will mostly go to Paul.

There is no way that any candidate who intends to legalize hard drugs and let Iran have nuclear weapons will ever be be elected. Even with all the sex charges against him, Herman Cain would have a much better chance. :whistling:

And that is what happens when you misquote people or listen to Fox news. Ron Paul never said those things. Concerning drugs he said it should not be regulated by Federal Government but by the State. It used to be State regulated in 1937 so why not now. He said that the first amendment and the issue of Liberty means that you cannot enforce on someone their personal habits. You have freedom to practice whatever religion you want, why not anything else. He was quite clear that what he was saying did not endorse any criminal behaviour, or give people the right to hurt others or steal from them. He was arguing that as Marijuana was legal in the 30's why not now? The prohibition of alcohol did not work, neither does the prohibition of Marijuana. State regulate it and tax it just like alcohol (which causes far more problems and health issues than Marijuana.). Incidently he never discussed heroin it was the moderator at the debate that used the word Heroin.

Re Nukes for Iran, he said that he can understand why they want them. They are surrounded by countries with Nukes. Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Israel, and of course the US. All he said was that he understood, and if they wanted them it was not for the US to mess in the internal affairs of other countries, what was needed was diplomacy, not sanctions.

The guy speaks a lot of sense on everything, and unlike Cain, has no skeletons in his cupboard.

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He appears on Fox News all the time and all one has to do is listen to him. There is no way that any candidate who intends to legalize hard drugs and let Iran have nuclear weapons will ever be be elected, no matter how some try to spin it.

As far as having any skeletons in the closet, he will never be taken seriously enough for the media to bother to find them - unlike Herman Cain.

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As far as having any skeletons in the closet, he will never be taken seriously enough for the media to bother to find them - unlike Herman Cain.

That admission speaks volumes about the level of intelligence of many American voters.

Also explains why they now have the government they do & the byproducts associated with it.

There should be a basic test on the Constitution for all candidates & voters alike. Before

they are allowed to represent or vote

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I'm quite curious as to how much the media pays these women for their "stories". Doesn't it seem strange that more than ten years later these stories come out of no where?

Politics is an incredibly dirty business and it gets worse every election. The US elected a man who never held a productive job in private life as president. His only credentials were to help people collect benefits from the government. What else is a community organizer?

Politicians will do anything for votes and building bigger inefficient government is the result. Now we have a man who has a tax plan and has presented it to other people who have no plans other than to attack someone who is at least trying to create change.

I think Herman is being attacked in the dirtiest manner possible. He understands that socialism doesn't work and has never worked. Take a look at Europe and you can see that socialism is NOT sustainable regardless of what the liberals and their liberal pet politicians try to make people believe.

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Well I am glad that Cain has been outed. I hope his chances of being POTUS are now at an end. The only honest man that UI have seen that could have taken the US back to it's original constitutional dream is Ron Paul. He rocks and frankly there is nobody at all that could/would be better. Problem is that the wrong people control the media. I think whatever you political persuasion in the states, Ron Paul would be the man, and not a scandal behind him. Married to the same woman for 50 years, 5 kids, loads of grandkids, and military service. If America holds the constitution dear then Paul is the only man to move her forward.

On the Republican side, I think I agree with you. At least he is a man I can respect even if I am not in 100% agreement with all his viewpoints.

Sexual misconduct while in a position of power knocks out Cain for me. Romney has changed tack more often than an America's Cup boat. Perry is way too far out there for me. Bachmann is a silly, ineffectual politician. But Paul? I don't see how anyone can take issue with him as a person even if they might not agree with this views.

I was a little excited by Cain's shooting up in the polls at first. I was concerned by this lack of government experience, but not overly so, and he was a good speaker. But now, no, I don't want him as president.

Kennedy and Clinton couldn't keep it in their pants, either (nor could Eisenhower or FDR), but that is a far different cry from what Cain is accused. Those men merely had consensual sex outside of their marriage bed, something 85% of us have done, according to most polls. What Cain is accused of having done was to try and push for sex where the other person did not want it, and to use the weight of his position to "buy" sex with promises of jobs and such.

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