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90 Late Due To Flooding

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I expect you will have to do it at Chiang Mai. Here's a real world example of how another office will refuse to accept a 90 day report. Right now I've evacuated my Bangkok home due to flooding; staying in Nakorn Pathom right now with my 90 day report due 11 days from today. Last Friday I bumped into another expat who lives in Nakhon Pathom and he said he had just went to do his 90 day report at the Nakhon Pathom office but couldn't because it was closed/two feet of water around it. He said he was going to Kanchanaburi Immigration instead to do the report. So, I decided to tag along and off we go to the Kanchanaburi office on Friday.

Thanks for info, should have guessed nothing would be that straightforward.

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Re mail-in 90-day reporting, I've never yet had one fail to arrive... But then again, I've never tried mailing one in amidst most of the country being flooded.

The Immigration folks do specifically ask you to save the mailing receipt. So I'd assume the reason for that is that if the envelope is mislayed or mishandled somehow after you've sent it, you the sender have proof you sent it to them on a particular day.

If they were going to blame the sender for something that happens after they've handed it off to the Postal Service, then there'd be no reason to ask for keeping a copy of the mailing receipt. So I've got to assume -- and it is assume -- that they won't hold it against you if something goes wrong after you've mailed it... provided you did everything you were supposed to do in the proper timeframes.

But I also don't recall reading any/many posts here about what happened with Immigration in cases where a properly mailed 90-day report, where the sender has a legitimate and timely mailing receipt, failed to arrive at all or failed to arrive on-time.

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Here is a message I received when I asked the same question about the 90 day renewal, hope it helps;

In order to assist the projects affected by the flood, theforeign expert (I assume they mean "expat"?) can report 90 days by notify his/her name, company name,and phone number to contact back, at One Stop Services Center for Visa andWork Permit via several channels:

- Tel: 02 209 1100 press 1 then press 2

- Fax: 02 209 1193

- SMS: 088 487 9797

- email: [email protected]

- company representative

This service will be available until 15 Nov 2011.

I will forward this email to the Immigration Bureau at One Stop Services Centerfor Visa and Work Permit.

Best Regards,

One Stop Services Center for Visa and WorkPermit.

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That communication, despite being a bit undecipherable in English, seems to be related to the One Stop Services Center at Chamchuri Square. That's the location where those in BKK with work-related extensions are being directed to do their 90 Day Reporting.

Those with most non-work related extensions, including retirement, are still supposed to report either by mail or in person (if you can get past the local flooding) at Chaeng Wattana, or in person at Suan Plu at least for the present time.

Note, the Nov. 15 date referred to in the prior post is this coming Tuesday...

The BKK Immigration website has a notice re the special flood provisions that says they will begin Nov. 1 and continue "until normal situation return."


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Yes, BKK folks can still mail their 90 day reports to Chaeng Wattana... And as stated, they advise to mail 7 days before, but I think that's based on sending via regular mail and giving time to arrive.

What really matters is that your envelope gets there BEFORE your due date. So if you send EMS or similar, it arrives within a couple days.... There is no after the due date grace period for mailed in 90 day reports.

Be sure to get and keep a receipt of mailing as proof that you sent it in and on what date.

You can notify at Suan Plu here is Thai Immigration notice:

Due to flooding situation, Immigration Divition 3 including Ayuthaya, Patumthani and Nonthaburi provinces, now temporarily serve at Immigration Bureau in Soi Suanplu, Building 1, effecttive from 1 November 2011.

Sorry this year they have been sending notes clipped to the receipt stating that you must send 10 days before (and keep the EMS receipt) I tried 7 days as stated on Thai Immigration web site, and they went ballistic!

This is notification as shown on their website:

Copy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp in the Kingdom or latest visa stamp)

Copy of arrival/departure card TM.6 (front and back) click to view Example TM.6 card

Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any) click to view Example document

Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47 click to view Example document

Envelope with 5 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.

The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.

Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to





The stamp is 10 baht.

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I never heard of anyone fined about being late for a 90 day for any reason, at least in Pattaya. and I know many, many, many who have been from 1 day to 2 weeks late without paying a baht. Like everything else in the Kingdom guess it depends on the place, time and people involved. All that I have known that have been late have had legitimate excuses, whether they be medical, family crisis or something of that nature. I certainly would be shocked if someone were fined for being late on a 90 day check in because of flood related problems. That would be illogical, even for here ! Anyways, they have telephones at most immigration offices now in Thailand. Do you think maybe a good idea would be to call them ?

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It is standard everywhere to fine 2,000 baht now for such action AFAIK. Up to seven days is allowed in the 15 days prior to 7 days after but beyond that will get a fine.

Lop, the 7 day grace period after the due date applies to in-person 90 day reporting only. There is no after grace period for mail-in reporting, right?

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Can any one help?, can you do the 90 day reporting at any immigration office or does it have to be the one where you are resident. I ask as I live in Chiang Mai and will have to do my 90 just before New Year, last time it took forever. I will be traveling back from Bangkok week before New Year and could do it at Nakon Sawan where I used to do it when living there. It only takes a few minutes there even with a queue. Advice appreciated.

I expect you will have to do it at Chiang Mai. Here's a real world example of how another office will refuse to accept a 90 day report. Right now I've evacuated my Bangkok home due to flooding; staying in Nakorn Pathom right now with my 90 day report due 11 days from today. Last Friday I bumped into another expat who lives in Nakhon Pathom and he said he had just went to do his 90 day report at the Nakhon Pathom office but couldn't because it was closed/two feet of water around it. He said he was going to Kanchanaburi Immigration instead to do the report. So, I decided to tag along and off we go to the Kanchanaburi office on Friday.

They would not accept the 90 day report from either of us. They gave us the phone number of the Nakhon Pathom Immigration Office which has temporarily relocated to some rooms in a university in Nakorn Pathom. My new friend will have no problem doing his report there since he lives in Nakhon Pathom However, when the Thai wife and I called the office about my report they said I could do the report but first must file the form to change my residence to Nakhorn Pathom...they told me to bring along the Blue Book of my wife's mom since we are staying at the mom's house for a few weeks. OK, this change of address form is a one page form like the 90 day one page report form and I did such an address update once at Bangkok Immigration when my house address in Bangkok changed.

But I have decided rather than changing my residence to Nakhon Pathom and then having to change it back to Bangkok in a few weeks when I can get back to my home to Bangkok, I will just mail in my 90 report tomorrow to Bangkok Immigration via registered/EMS mail. I've always done my 90 day address reporting in person but this time I'll do the mail thing versus doing all this change of address stuff in order to accomplish the report in Nakhon Pathom. Oh, this 90 day reporting thing....it seems to be such a paperwork exercise and tree killer...but it's the law.

This is very odd. I live in Bangkok and evacuated to Ban Pong. Went to Kanchanaburi to do my 90 report on the 4th. I was due on the 7th.

We explained the situation and they were very helpful. Easy as anything. No notification of address change required.

I have heard several times that the Nakhon Pathom Immi people can be very "difficult" and interpret the rules their own way.

We'll see on the 1st of February if Cheang Wattana makes a fuss of me reporting in Kanchanaburi.

What might have happened is that Immi HQ has heard about all these pesky foreigners reporting elsewhere and have given an order not to accept it.

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It is standard everywhere to fine 2,000 baht now for such action AFAIK. Up to seven days is allowed in the 15 days prior to 7 days after but beyond that will get a fine.

Lop, the 7 day grace period after the due date applies to in-person 90 day reporting only. There is no after grace period for mail-in reporting, right?

In Bangkok, in other places it is can be no problem to report by mail after the due date, depending on that office's policy. Best to always mail before the due date.

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Can any one help?, can you do the 90 day reporting at any immigration office or does it have to be the one where you are resident. I ask as I live in Chiang Mai and will have to do my 90 just before New Year, last time it took forever. I will be traveling back from Bangkok week before New Year and could do it at Nakon Sawan where I used to do it when living there. It only takes a few minutes there even with a queue. Advice appreciated.

I expect you will have to do it at Chiang Mai. Here's a real world example of how another office will refuse to accept a 90 day report. Right now I've evacuated my Bangkok home due to flooding; staying in Nakorn Pathom right now with my 90 day report due 11 days from today. Last Friday I bumped into another expat who lives in Nakhon Pathom and he said he had just went to do his 90 day report at the Nakhon Pathom office but couldn't because it was closed/two feet of water around it. He said he was going to Kanchanaburi Immigration instead to do the report. So, I decided to tag along and off we go to the Kanchanaburi office on Friday.

They would not accept the 90 day report from either of us. They gave us the phone number of the Nakhon Pathom Immigration Office which has temporarily relocated to some rooms in a university in Nakorn Pathom. My new friend will have no problem doing his report there since he lives in Nakhon Pathom However, when the Thai wife and I called the office about my report they said I could do the report but first must file the form to change my residence to Nakhorn Pathom...they told me to bring along the Blue Book of my wife's mom since we are staying at the mom's house for a few weeks. OK, this change of address form is a one page form like the 90 day one page report form and I did such an address update once at Bangkok Immigration when my house address in Bangkok changed.

But I have decided rather than changing my residence to Nakhon Pathom and then having to change it back to Bangkok in a few weeks when I can get back to my home to Bangkok, I will just mail in my 90 report tomorrow to Bangkok Immigration via registered/EMS mail. I've always done my 90 day address reporting in person but this time I'll do the mail thing versus doing all this change of address stuff in order to accomplish the report in Nakhon Pathom. Oh, this 90 day reporting thing....it seems to be such a paperwork exercise and tree killer...but it's the law.

This is very odd. I live in Bangkok and evacuated to Ban Pong. Went to Kanchanaburi to do my 90 report on the 4th. I was due on the 7th.

We explained the situation and they were very helpful. Easy as anything. No notification of address change required.

I have heard several times that the Nakhon Pathom Immi people can be very "difficult" and interpret the rules their own way.

We'll see on the 1st of February if Cheang Wattana makes a fuss of me reporting in Kanchanaburi.

What might have happened is that Immi HQ has heard about all these pesky foreigners reporting elsewhere and have given an order not to accept it.

HQ Immigration may have done that. The Kanchanaburi immigration lady did say they had had problems with false reports lately. And both of us were nice and smiling when trying to get the reports done and my friend had his Thai wife with us who tried to convince the immigration lady also. Anyway, I mailed my report from Bang Pong today as I was in town to buy a washing machine part to fix the Thai wife's mom's washing machine. Ain't got much else except fix things around Dear Ol' Mom's house here in Nakhorn Pathom as I wait to hear that the water in my Bangkok/Khet TalingChan moobaan has dropped enough for us to go back....still too high for any vehicles in the moobaan and nearby sois, but the water appears to be dropping about 5cm per day.

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4 days late for the 90 day-report

My wife told the officer at Suan Plu / Room 202 that we have 80cm (32") in our neighborhood, and we were not able to go to Chaeng Wattana on time. He told us that we could have taken one of the military trucks... he took his book, asked me to sign... 2,000 Baht fine

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Can any one help?, can you do the 90 day reporting at any immigration office or does it have to be the one where you are resident. I ask as I live in Chiang Mai and will have to do my 90 just before New Year, last time it took forever. I will be traveling back from Bangkok week before New Year and could do it at Nakon Sawan where I used to do it when living there. It only takes a few minutes there even with a queue. Advice appreciated.

It say's on the form you can report at any office so N/S should be ok.
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4 days late for the 90 day-report

My wife told the officer at Suan Plu / Room 202 that we have 80cm (32") in our neighborhood, and we were not able to go to Chaeng Wattana on time. He told us that we could have taken one of the military trucks... he took his book, asked me to sign... 2,000 Baht fine

That's disappointing, but not entirely unexpected...

On one hand, they have their rules. On the other hand, under the present circumstances, one might think/hope they'd exercise some discretion based on the residence location and extent of being late.

But perhaps exercising discretion isn't part of the institutional culture at Immigration.

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This 90 days requirement to go in an Office and say "hi" completing more paperwork to add to the piles they must have to someone who has the required Visa has been exposed as bureacracy gone mad when people are fined when they cant get to an office because of the Flood disaster, Shame on the country for not waiving this for a period.

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HQ Immigration may have done that. The Kanchanaburi immigration lady did say they had had problems with false reports lately. And both of us were nice and smiling when trying to get the reports done and my friend had his Thai wife with us who tried to convince the immigration lady also. Anyway, I mailed my report from Bang Pong today as I was in town to buy a washing machine part to fix the Thai wife's mom's washing machine. Ain't got much else except fix things around Dear Ol' Mom's house here in Nakhorn Pathom as I wait to hear that the water in my Bangkok/Khet TalingChan moobaan has dropped enough for us to go back....still too high for any vehicles in the moobaan and nearby sois, but the water appears to be dropping about 5cm per day.

As I mentioned above I mailed my 90 day address report on Monday afternoon from the Bong Pong in the Provine of Ratchaburi post office via registered and EMS mail. Just checked the delivery status on Thai Postal web site and it was delivered/signed for at Cheang Wattana/Bangkok Immigration this Wednesday morning/15 Nov. So even with this once-in-a-lifetime flooding event and with many roads closed or hard to travel due to the flooding, the Thai Postal system is still getting EMS mail delivered quickly. Assuming I included all the right paperwork my address reporting which is due 24 Nov should process fine (I hope)...but since water in my Bangkok/KhetTalingChan moobaan is still around a meter deep I expect the return mail from Bangkok Immigration will be held at the TalingChan Post Office for delivery pending the water receding in my moobaan.

It cost me around 80 baht to mail the package via registered and EMS mail, which included the cost of the 10 baht stamp put on the self addressed return envelope included with the paperwork.

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I dropped my 90 day notice at the Post Office in central BKK on Sunday, the 13th, trackable by domestic EMS.

Checked tonight, and it showed the envelope was out for delivery from Laksi as of noon-time today, the 16th...

But not yet updated with an actual delivery confirmation to Chaeng Wattana Immigration. Hopefully I'll see that tomorrow.

Mine went central BKK Sunday, to Phra Kanong (the regional hub for my area) on Monday, arriving at Laksi on Wednesday/today.

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Anyone in Ayutthaya Province , the Immigation office has temporarily moved to "Ampomall" 2nd floor which is the shopping mall almost opposite Rajthanee Hospital by the footbridge.

I wonder if anyone has the phone number for this new office? Drove over to the old place last week to do my 90 day reporting but the place was 1/2 in the river with no sign as to where they had moved.

The number I have (for the old office) is 035-328-411 but I can't get through - no answer.

Cheers! :)


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HQ Immigration may have done that. The Kanchanaburi immigration lady did say they had had problems with false reports lately. And both of us were nice and smiling when trying to get the reports done and my friend had his Thai wife with us who tried to convince the immigration lady also. Anyway, I mailed my report from Bang Pong today as I was in town to buy a washing machine part to fix the Thai wife's mom's washing machine. Ain't got much else except fix things around Dear Ol' Mom's house here in Nakhorn Pathom as I wait to hear that the water in my Bangkok/Khet TalingChan moobaan has dropped enough for us to go back....still too high for any vehicles in the moobaan and nearby sois, but the water appears to be dropping about 5cm per day.

As I mentioned above I mailed my 90 day address report on Monday afternoon from the Bong Pong in the Provine of Ratchaburi post office via registered and EMS mail. Just checked the delivery status on Thai Postal web site and it was delivered/signed for at Cheang Wattana/Bangkok Immigration this Wednesday morning/15 Nov. So even with this once-in-a-lifetime flooding event and with many roads closed or hard to travel due to the flooding, the Thai Postal system is still getting EMS mail delivered quickly. Assuming I included all the right paperwork my address reporting which is due 24 Nov should process fine (I hope)...but since water in my Bangkok/KhetTalingChan moobaan is still around a meter deep I expect the return mail from Bangkok Immigration will be held at the TalingChan Post Office for delivery pending the water receding in my moobaan.

It cost me around 80 baht to mail the package via registered and EMS mail, which included the cost of the 10 baht stamp put on the self addressed return envelope included with the paperwork.

As addiitonal FYI, for those of your who haven't used the Thai Postal system EMS service, it can move mail really fast and you can track it along the way. As mentioned about, I mailed my 90 day address reporting package to Chaeng Wattana/Laksi/Bangkok Immigration on 14 Nov/Monday afternoon from Ban Pong Post Office in the nearby Province of Ratchaburi and the package was delivered/signed for on 15 Nov/Tuesday morning. See attached EMS tracking cut and paste for more info.


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Just as a quick follow-up, my mailed 90-day report to Chaeng Wattana was successfully delivered and signed for at Immigration yesterday morning on the 16th (Wednesday), after having been mailed from central BKK via EMS on the 13th (Sunday). Total postage for the EMS envelope mailing was 37 baht.

Here's the Thailand Post website for tracking domestic EMS mailings:


As it turned out, they delivered my envelope one day before my actual reporting due date.

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So just to come full circle on this... re my 90 Day mailed in report to Chaeng Wattana...

Nov. 13 -- mailed from BKK by EMS

Nov. 16 -- arrived CW

Nov. 17 -- my official due date

Nov. 21 -- the processing date for my new/future report

Nov. 25 (today) -- received the 90 day report receipt and future reporting date slip back in the mail via my 10 baht SASE envelope.

Less than two week turnaround from start to finish.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Future reporting slip and blank TM reporting form returned in the envelope, along with the various passport page copies I had provided.

That's pretty good handling considering the mess that the floods have caused...

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Mailed my report on 14 Nov; rec'd at CW/Bangkok Immigration on 15 Nov (report due on 24 Nov) but still no return 90 day receipt rec'd via self addressed 10 baht stamp envelope.

But hey, there hasn't been any mail delivered in my western Bangkok moobaan for around a month. However, streets have dried up quickly over the last two days....guess they got a bunch of pumps going. Hopefully, over the coming days the mailman on his motorcycle will start making mail deliveries again....expect he has a LOT of saved/old mail for each residence which will takes days (or longer) to get delivered as his daily runs before always had full saddlebags. Yeap, the flooding sure has messed-up mail delivery in many areas.

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Mailed my report on 14 Nov; rec'd at CW/Bangkok Immigration on 15 Nov (report due on 24 Nov) but still no return 90 day receipt rec'd via self addressed 10 baht stamp envelope.

But hey, there hasn't been any mail delivered in my western Bangkok moobaan for around a month. However, streets have dried up quickly over the last two days....guess they got a bunch of pumps going. Hopefully, over the coming days the mailman on his motorcycle will start making mail deliveries again....expect he has a LOT of saved/old mail for each residence which will takes days (or longer) to get delivered as his daily runs before always had full saddlebags. Yeap, the flooding sure has messed-up mail delivery in many areas.

Mailman started deliveries again today after the flood waters receded from my moobaan streets and I got over a month's worth of mail. In that bundle of mail was the 90 day receipt which immigration processed on 21 Nov and it appears the postmark reflects a same day/21 Nov return mailing. As mentioned earlier, EMS tracking shows they received the report on 15 Nov and apparently took 6 days to process the form on 21 Nov; or maybe they just held the report to process it closer to the due date of 24 Nov....or maybe the flooding just showed everything down. Regardless, good to go for another 90 days.

In the return envelope was also a blank form for the next reporting, but they did not return any copies of documents I mailed in. Funny how some people get their copies back and others don't....guess it depends on who is processing the form.

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