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New 3 Chamber Water Filter, What Is Alternative To Resin


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Ok I know nothing about water filters but started researching here and on the net.

Went to Homepro and got a stainless steel Mazuma- 3 chamber (4900THB). ( I hate buying anything plastic !! ) As there is no more mineral water except Evian in Thailand it was about time I buy a water filter.

I want mineral water. We have well water in my moo baan. My landlord drinks it straight from the tap. I wanted some basic filtration. NO RO and no UV.

So when I got to Homepro I looked at the Polymer Resin and did not want it. Looked like chemical and didnt feel I needed the "softening function" of it.

So the guy gave me a bag of Manganese. They installed it (homepro not Mazuma as I did not want to wait a week)

But the water taste Chalky!! and on further research it seems that Manganese is something that should be filtered OUT! :o

Should I empty it and just have to canisters of Charcoal?

or what is polymer resin?

I did google but I am still unclear

THanking you in advance!

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You might contact Mazuma, they have a web site and list contact information. It's been my experience that sending an e-mail to a Thai company and then place a phone call to ask them to check the question you sent via e-mail will make the process work. But asking a question on the phone with typical customer service of a Thai company, they often just "agree" with you and do not offer a real honest answer.

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Well maybe I know nothing about water unless it's used in making beer.

The Mazuma filter we have with 1 carbon and 1 ceramic filter tastes just as good as the Ma-inlaws one that has 3 filters, well !!! Now they do.:)

A guy in Chiangmai told me what to do because I said it had a horrid plastic twang to it, OK he said, run the water through the filter and circulate the water with a hose from the filter to the storage tank, mine, I let run through for about twenty minutes, then testing the water it taste good.

I then fill our 75 ltr ceramic storage pot with a top and we drink and fill kettles etc from that.

I don't know it's mineral content. :D

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well thanks for answering

I sent an email already, but I hate calling Thai companies! Will give it a try though and interesting observation about getting a good correct answer.

... I decided the Manganesese was a bad idea and was a stupid suggestion from an well meaning but uninformed sales staff. I took it out and but Carbon in both chambers. Ran it for a long time, cleaned the ceramic filter and it taste so much better.

The resin looks scarry!

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well thanks for answering

I sent an email already, but I hate calling Thai companies! Will give it a try though and interesting observation about getting a good correct answer.

... I decided the Manganesese was a bad idea and was a stupid suggestion from an well meaning but uninformed sales staff. I took it out and but Carbon in both chambers. Ran it for a long time, cleaned the ceramic filter and it taste so much better.

The resin looks scarry!

Yes, you certainly don't want to drink softened water, hard water is far better. However it would have been preferable to buy one with a UV light, then all the 'little buggies' would have be exterminated. Remember Google is your friend.

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well thanks for answering

I sent an email already, but I hate calling Thai companies! Will give it a try though and interesting observation about getting a good correct answer.

... I decided the Manganesese was a bad idea and was a stupid suggestion from an well meaning but uninformed sales staff. I took it out and but Carbon in both chambers. Ran it for a long time, cleaned the ceramic filter and it taste so much better.

The resin looks scarry!

Yes, you certainly don't want to drink softened water, hard water is far better. However it would have been preferable to buy one with a UV light, then all the 'little buggies' would have be exterminated. Remember Google is your friend.

My business is water filtration and I have done hundreds of systems in Thailand, mostly Pattaya. (Large full house systems that deliver safe potable drinking to every tap)

The reason I would say the person in the shop gave you manganese (Zeolite) would have been removal of iron.

The taste of chalk would have been from the calcium content in the water.

If a UV light is used, you need to remember that the bulb needs to be cleaned on a regular basis with alcohol to get rid of bio film which inhibits the kill !

Most "Thai" brands of UV light are ineffective due to glass being used instead of crystal. Glass changes the frequency of the UV light and hence no kill!!! (Be warned)

My system UF membranes


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My business is water filtration and I have done hundreds of systems in Thailand, mostly Pattaya. (Large full house systems that deliver safe potable drinking to every tap)

The reason I would say the person in the shop gave you manganese (Zeolite) would have been removal of iron.

The taste of chalk would have been from the calcium content in the water.

If a UV light is used, you need to remember that the bulb needs to be cleaned on a regular basis with alcohol to get rid of bio film which inhibits the kill !

Most "Thai" brands of UV light are ineffective due to glass being used instead of crystal. Glass changes the frequency of the UV light and hence no kill!!! (Be warned)

I have a side question but should interest others reading this thread. My water is from a borehole and passes through a big carbon/sand/manganese filter built into onto one of our storage tanks and by the time it gets to the house it smells and tastes good. I'd like to be able to drink it and would like to figure out what, if any extra filtering needs to be done. I can get all manner of tests done here in Chiang Mai but no-one has been able to point me in the direction of a simple set of criteria that must be met to class water as fit for human consumption. Is there such a thing?

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My business is water filtration and I have done hundreds of systems in Thailand, mostly Pattaya. (Large full house systems that deliver safe potable drinking to every tap)

The reason I would say the person in the shop gave you manganese (Zeolite) would have been removal of iron.

The taste of chalk would have been from the calcium content in the water.

If a UV light is used, you need to remember that the bulb needs to be cleaned on a regular basis with alcohol to get rid of bio film which inhibits the kill !

Most "Thai" brands of UV light are ineffective due to glass being used instead of crystal. Glass changes the frequency of the UV light and hence no kill!!! (Be warned)

I have a side question but should interest others reading this thread. My water is from a borehole and passes through a big carbon/sand/manganese filter built into onto one of our storage tanks and by the time it gets to the house it smells and tastes good. I'd like to be able to drink it and would like to figure out what, if any extra filtering needs to be done. I can get all manner of tests done here in Chiang Mai but no-one has been able to point me in the direction of a simple set of criteria that must be met to class water as fit for human consumption. Is there such a thing?

Basically you water is classed as potable if the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) are below 500 ppm in Thailand. This is the standard set here by the authorities. It is 200 ppm in Oz!

TDS content is usually salt. If above 500 then an RO (Reverse osmosis) is needed. You can get your TDS reading done from any decent pool shop. Just take a bottle of water and asked them to do it. Usually an electronic probe meter is used. Being ground water there is a good chance that is is not contaminated. May be high in calcium though!

You say you have a big carbon/sand/manganese filter. Is it just one. Depending on the type of filter - it is not a good idea to have these 3 media together. They should be separate or in separate chambers. If it is one of those P.O.E (Point of Entry) with separate chambers - you need to make sure that the media doesn't break down and come out through your taps. I have seen these before and have actually replaced them under 12 months old. Best to have these media in separate filters because when you backwash (Mostly monthly depending on use) the media bangs together and being of different hardness - breaks it down quicker.

For safety sake I would consider a UF (Ultra Filtration) membranes as a last filtration stage. They can filter down to .2 microns. Nothing organic can get past this. No loss or noticeable drop of pressure or flow. I offer these and an under sink system UF in kit form.


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The filter is just one and occupies the bottom third of an 1800L tank. I backwash it about every 6 weeks and a huge amount of iron is discharged - I don't mind installing additional filtering to get it drinkable but shouldn't it be tested for heavy metals, nitrates and a bunch of other things?

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The filter is just one and occupies the bottom third of an 1800L tank. I backwash it about every 6 weeks and a huge amount of iron is discharged - I don't mind installing additional filtering to get it drinkable but shouldn't it be tested for heavy metals, nitrates and a bunch of other things?

Can you show a picture of it or PM me for an email.

Sounds like it is a gravity filter of some sort.

If so then it should have a flow pump for backwashing other wise it would not be getting the dirt out properly!

They are not expensive.

How long since you have changed the media, (Charcoal should be changed 6 monthly especially if it is in with manganese & sand) If it is Anthracite then no problem.

Typically the sand is soft here as well if it is not Silicone! Manganese is hardness of 7 on the scale to 10!

IF high iron, then the manganese will need cleaning or changing.

Manganese (Zeolite) is negatively charged so it attracts iron and magnesium and typically backwashing doesn't get it all out so it builds up!

You mat by now be experiencing staining in the house and around the taps. What about the garden walls if you water the plants.

Any brown stains?

What type pump do you have to the house.

I would suggest filtration after the pump. To what speck depends on your budget and if you want it drinkable.


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The filter is in the left hand tank. Water from the borehole arrives crystal clear and then turns rust brown immediately after it settles into the tank having gone through the aerator. The tanks are linked so the filtration is applied by gravity when the second tank fills from the first via a 2" pipe at ground level and the second tank goes about 1m into the ground. Backwashing is done by closing the connection between the tanks and pumping water from the borehole up through the filter where it exits into a nearby klong. I was very concerned at the amount of iron in the water but this Heath Robinson rig does seem to deliver a clear, stain and taste free product - I just don't know if we can drink it!


The house is supplied by an Hitachi 400W pump and we have a 3HP pump that delivers (filtered) water to the garden. The unit in the borehole is a submersible (lucky, that) 2HP Franklin. The water is quite hard and the only problem we seem to have with the bathroom fittings is from white deposits - no rust stains.

Here's the list of tests done at CMU - is there a simple way to decide which ones I should have done to decide if the water is OK to drink?


The column that totals to 15,080 is the cost in baht so you'll appreciate I don't want to go overboard here!

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we just bought a 'Smart One' 3 element tap water filter, carbon-resin-ceramic installed for about thb6k and presently works OK. I can't find any manufacturer's info on the internet, anyone got any contact details? looks to be made in Thailand...

for the carbon looks like straight replacement of the element is required when it is exhausted after a period of use but the resin needs to be 'back washed'/regenerated at more frequent intervals also back washing for the ceramic would probably be required at less frequent intervals...need to find an operation manual that explains how to do this...

maybe just disassemble and turn on the garden hose and let rip?

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The filter is in the left hand tank. Water from the borehole arrives crystal clear and then turns rust brown immediately after it settles into the tank having gone through the aerator. The tanks are linked so the filtration is applied by gravity when the second tank fills from the first via a 2" pipe at ground level and the second tank goes about 1m into the ground. Backwashing is done by closing the connection between the tanks and pumping water from the borehole up through the filter where it exits into a nearby klong. I was very concerned at the amount of iron in the water but this Heath Robinson rig does seem to deliver a clear, stain and taste free product - I just don't know if we can drink it!


The house is supplied by an Hitachi 400W pump and we have a 3HP pump that delivers (filtered) water to the garden. The unit in the borehole is a submersible (lucky, that) 2HP Franklin. The water is quite hard and the only problem we seem to have with the bathroom fittings is from white deposits - no rust stains.

Here's the list of tests done at CMU - is there a simple way to decide which ones I should have done to decide if the water is OK to drink?


The column that totals to 15,080 is the cost in baht so you'll appreciate I don't want to go overboard here!

Give me some time to analyse the figures!

I would be reluctant to drink the water.

The last 3 although are under the required limit are there!

Bacterial Pathogens.

How far down is the bore?

You have an iron problem all right. Air + Iron & Water = RUST

that is were the color is coming from!

The deposits are calcium alright.

2 options to deal with this. (Salt brine) Pain in the arse but the cheapest or electronically with an EMPD Electromagnetic Pulsing Device. (Expensibve up front but 12 v dc) More info on request!

Be back in touch.

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Sorry! I don't think my last post was very clear.

The list I posted is of all the tests available at CMU, I haven't had any done yet because I don't know which ones are relevant so I don't think you don't need to analyse anything.

The bore is 28m deep and we are not near any major industrial plants or agricultural land. As I understand it hard water is good for you, at least to some extent, so I'm not concerned about reducing the calcium unless it's present at a hazardous level.

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Sorry! I don't think my last post was very clear.

The list I posted is of all the tests available at CMU, I haven't had any done yet because I don't know which ones are relevant so I don't think you don't need to analyse anything.

The bore is 28m deep and we are not near any major industrial plants or agricultural land. As I understand it hard water is good for you, at least to some extent, so I'm not concerned about reducing the calcium unless it's present at a hazardous level.

Check this thread out.

My system is posted there.


Th eonly thing is that the calcium will start building up and scaling. Id you don't mind cleaning off it is not an issue.

Use 10 or 20 % hydrochloric acid to water and rubber gloves to clean it off!


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2 options to deal with this. (Salt brine) Pain in the arse but the cheapest or electronically with an EMPD Electromagnetic Pulsing Device. (Expensibve up front but 12 v dc) More info on request!

These magnetic water treatment solutions keep popping up. Proceed with caution -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_water_treatment

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2 options to deal with this. (Salt brine) Pain in the arse but the cheapest or electronically with an EMPD Electromagnetic Pulsing Device. (Expensibve up front but 12 v dc) More info on request!

These magnetic water treatment solutions keep popping up. Proceed with caution -- http://en.wikipedia....water_treatment

I have been involved with similar technology for over 15 yrs now which use and Electromagnetic field and a "Sound Frequency" to treat bodies of fluids (Mainly water)

Thousands have been sold by me both commercially and domestically. The knockers have been around just as long.

I have hundreds of testimonies praising the results from chief engineers, local councils, Gov departments and schools all around the world including hospitals

It is not the electromagnetic field that does the job but the frequencies applied.

The technology has has gone through yrs of extensive studies and millions of dollars invested via Griffith University in Qld Australia with very positive and encouraging results.

Mainly based around water born pathogens. Cryptosporidium, Gardia and Pseudomonas have been effectively killed by the sound frequencies we used!

Do you know that dentist have been using ultrasound for cleaning their equipment for years.

Applications are, A/C, aquaponics, beer reticulation, hydroponics, marine anti-fouling, swimming pool and water filtration.

But the knockers still have to bang their drums. Fortunately they are getting less and less.

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2 options to deal with this. (Salt brine) Pain in the arse but the cheapest or electronically with an EMPD Electromagnetic Pulsing Device. (Expensibve up front but 12 v dc) More info on request!

These magnetic water treatment solutions keep popping up. Proceed with caution -- http://en.wikipedia....water_treatment

I have been involved with similar technology for over 15 yrs now which use and Electromagnetic field and a "Sound Frequency" to treat bodies of fluids (Mainly water)

Thousands have been sold by me both commercially and domestically. The knockers have been around just as long.

I have hundreds of testimonies praising the results from chief engineers, local councils, Gov departments and schools all around the world including hospitals

It is not the electromagnetic field that does the job but the frequencies applied.

The technology has has gone through yrs of extensive studies and millions of dollars invested via Griffith University in Qld Australia with very positive and encouraging results.

Mainly based around water born pathogens. Cryptosporidium, Gardia and Pseudomonas have been effectively killed by the sound frequencies we used!

Do you know that dentist have been using ultrasound for cleaning their equipment for years.

Applications are, A/C, aquaponics, beer reticulation, hydroponics, marine anti-fouling, swimming pool and water filtration.

But the knockers still have to bang their drums. Fortunately they are getting less and less.

Points in order:

"I have been involved with similar technology for over 15 yrs now which use and Electromagnetic field and a "Sound Frequency" to treat bodies of fluids (Mainly water)

Thousands have been sold by me both commercially and domestically."

That doesn't mean the technology worked. It just means that thousands of people have been fooled.

"The knockers have been around just as long."

Perhaps for a very good reason?

"I have hundreds of testimonies praising the results from chief engineers, local councils, Gov departments and schools all around the world including hospitals"

References please. Featured in which respected scientific or engineering publications?

"It is not the electromagnetic field that does the job but the frequencies applied."

Great example of creative hype.

"The technology has has gone through yrs of extensive studies and millions of dollars invested via Griffith University in Qld Australia with very positive and encouraging results.

Mainly based around water born pathogens. Cryptosporidium, Gardia and Pseudomonas have been effectively killed by the sound frequencies we used!"

References please .. i.e., where was that study published? Was this study perhaps funded by the manufacturer or dealers of said devices?

"Do you know that dentist have been using ultrasound for cleaning their equipment for years."

I assume you are speaking of ultrasonic vibration of fluids to clean debris from various materials such as delicate instruments and jewelry?

Are you actually insinuating that ultrasound removes dissolved solids! Seriously?

Have drum, will travel. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Caveat Emptor!

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there... there... Klikster! these devices work perfectly

-if your faith is strong enough to move mountains,


-if the appropriate snake oil, matching the sinus wave of the

pulsing frequency, is injected with a force of exactly 173.85 megajoule.


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Here we go again.

I am not going to wast my time answering you ignorant Key board warriors.

Especially when I get asked a a stupid question as to removal of Solids.

Nowhere was that stated!!! 5555

Goes to show you don't know what the <deleted> you are on about..

This technology is being used (Buy off shore platforms for anti fouling)

I have it 2 units on a 40" Sunseeker in Phuket for 6 months with unbelievable result and many others large pleasure boats.

They are purchasing a couple more units because of the results!!!!

Also it is on large service boats in the north sea keeping sea chests clean!!

Plus 100' if not 1000.s of happy customers in the swimming pool area.

Many councils in Australia using it on the municiple water treatment waste water plants and commercial public swimming pools saving thousands in chemicals!.

Keep you heads in the sand guys and don't bother me with ya drivel. cool.gif

(Unlike you who are probably retired and nothing better to do! I have work to do)

By the way the test where carried out for 3 yrs in the late nighties at he Griffith University and funded by the Government under grants.

I have the scientific papers and when I am with an interested corporate client they are most welcome to it.

Please don't waste your or my time with anymore ignorant comments..

Other wise you are insulting many people much smarter than you who are praising the results and savings being achievedjap.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am alive and healthy.

I removed the magnesium and just did a double carbon with the ceramic. Water taste much better.

Seems fine. Cats prefer it over the regular water too. They live too.

I think this is one of the best things I have bought. No more worrying about running out of water no more plastic bottles!!

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