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Uk Natwest Bank Card Blocked - Help !

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Hi all

Sorry if this being posted in the wrong forum - mods please move if inappropriate :)

I've recently moved to Thailand after working in India for a while - back to Isaan with my wife and son.

Whilst we were in India my wife tried to withdraw some money from an ATM - about 4 weeks ago.

The machine would not dispense any cash to her - and she contacted the bank to find her card was blocked.

They asked her some security questions and was amazed to find out she had failed one of them.

The Bank call centre staff were adamant and eventually it transpired her date of birth was incorrect - according to their records.

Her English is not brilliant - but as we have separate accounts I was not allowed to speak on her behalf.

We could not contact our UK branch directly as the bank use a centralized system these days.

After calling many 0800 numbers we were told that the only way to amend the records would be to send a photocopy of her passport and a signed letter explaining the issue.

We did this from India - via DHL - the letter reached the bank within 2 days - we asked a family friend to take another copy of the letter into our branch.

Even though we had met with the branch manager often - they said they could not change these details and had to send the letter to the Central processing location to have the details changed.

This was over 2 weeks ago - my wife has just called the bank - 0800 number and tried the same process ( security questions )

Surprise surprise - - still failed on the date of birth.

The call centre operator actually mentioned there was a discrepancy on the file - but offered no more help.

The problem is that we are not planning a trip to the UK anytime soon - a large amount of our funds are in this account.

Does anyone have any similar experience and any advice they can offer ?

I used to be a Mod/admin on this forum and will start using it regularly as I am back in LOS again - thank God.

Cheers in advance all :)

Edited by chonabot
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I gave up on the NatWest years ago, my entire family banked with them up to the 80's. Now none of us do.

Anyhoo... their complaints webpage is at: https://www.natwest.com/secure/global/contact_us/complaints_procedure.htm

Which states:

Our aim is to resolve your complaint straightaway [sic.].

If we haven't resolved your complaint within one week, we'll write to you:

1) Explain why we haven't managed to resolve your complaint

2) Tell you how long we expect to take to resolve it

3) Tell you who is dealing with your complaint

It seems like they are not living up to their promises and it's time to escalate up the chain through customer relations and the ombudsman. The CR numbers are also 0800 which you can Skype for free. Stress that you are on an extended trip abroad and this is causing you considerable hardship.

Chok dee.

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I used to bank with them many years ago then one weekend the ATM took my card and my wifes card on afriday night, no money no card! BYE BYE NW.

I am now with Metrobank in the UK ( they dont charge for foreign withdrawals) and to avoid losing the card in ATM, being charged 150bts a time or being scanned I go inside the bank with my passport and do thr transaction with a person. I reckon I save about £170 a year after ditching Nationwide, consider thois method for the future, have a look at their website

metrobank-online.co.uk ( only in the London area at the moment).

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I am very sorry to hear about your problem, perhaps I can help.

This should be pretty straight forward to sort out.

Step 1: Send a fax to your bank, of a copy of the passport of the account holder and also a copy of the card itself plus details of the last transaction on the card, flight stubs, boarding cards etc etc (the more info you provide the better). The signatures should match of course. This should be sent to the bank security (ony they can remove the block) the intial guy that picks up the phone is on minimum wage and could get a sink unblocked let alone a bank card , ask for the details when you call again. (e.t.a 10 mins). Also add authorisation for you to speak on behalf of your wife, on account her English is a second language.

Step 2 : Ask Natwest to reset the card and to also send you an additional card to your hotel, (there maybe a fee to pay).

Step 3. If they wont budge and I suspect they wont, ask to speak to the manager of the call center and explain the entire situation him/her. Say that "Unless you get this card unblocked, after provide copius amounts of identification, plus the card by fax, that you will have no choice but to return to the UK with your wife and child at the bank expense to present these details and resolve the matter in branch. You have made reasonable steps to prove your identity to the best of your ability given the circumstances and you accept any all responsibility for the transactions that take place on the account and do not hold the bank liable for any loss that may occur, which is of course unlikely as your wife is the account holder. Failure to remove the blocks on the card within 24 hours, will mean that you be visiting your local branch and seeking full compensation for your inconvenience. Because of the short notice, you have no option but to fly business class as you will have to make to two long haul flights (Thailand - UK _ Thailand) and incordance with General Medical Advice in preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis, Business class is the only suitable way to ensure you get satifactory resolution to your immediate problem."

Now if they can just remove the blocks on your card, you will be on your way and enjoying your time in Thailand or boarding a flight, what is it to be.

(Might work) or else use another account, preferrably one not a Natwat.

I used Secure Trust Bank, when I spent a month in Thailand. 20+ withdrawls, used a POS in Big C, Carrefour etc. No problem, you just have to call them 24 hours before you leave the UK and they do what is called " Tempest". No blocks when abroad mode. Whatever each bank calls it, its worth doing as they do take note of it.

Good luck any further problems, come back on here, I'll be on tomorrow.

Apologies for the bad grammar, its late here.

Edited by autan
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For this very reason I have two UK bank accounts with which I can transfer funds between in case of ATM card problems. The new 'Faster Payments' (same day rather than 4 working days) option most UK banks are using make this very convenient.

Hope all is well with the move Chon, maybe we can catch up for a beer soon ?

Totster :D

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For this very reason I have two UK bank accounts with which I can transfer funds between in case of ATM card problems. The new 'Faster Payments' (same day rather than 4 working days) option most UK banks are using make this very convenient.

Hope all is well with the move Chon, maybe we can catch up for a beer soon ?

Totster :D

Sure thing :)

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I am very sorry to hear about your problem, perhaps I can help.

This should be pretty straight forward to sort out.

Step 1: Send a fax to your bank, of a copy of the passport of the account holder and also a copy of the card itself plus details of the last transaction on the card, flight stubs, boarding cards etc etc (the more info you provide the better). The signatures should match of course. This should be sent to the bank security (ony they can remove the block) the intial guy that picks up the phone is on minimum wage and could get a sink unblocked let alone a bank card , ask for the details when you call again. (e.t.a 10 mins). Also add authorisation for you to speak on behalf of your wife, on account her English is a second language.

Step 2 : Ask Natwest to reset the card and to also send you an additional card to your hotel, (there maybe a fee to pay).

Step 3. If they wont budge and I suspect they wont, ask to speak to the manager of the call center and explain the entire situation him/her. Say that "Unless you get this card unblocked, after provide copius amounts of identification, plus the card by fax, that you will have no choice but to return to the UK with your wife and child at the bank expense to present these details and resolve the matter in branch. You have made reasonable steps to prove your identity to the best of your ability given the circumstances and you accept any all responsibility for the transactions that take place on the account and do not hold the bank liable for any loss that may occur, which is of course unlikely as your wife is the account holder. Failure to remove the blocks on the card within 24 hours, will mean that you be visiting your local branch and seeking full compensation for your inconvenience. Because of the short notice, you have no option but to fly business class as you will have to make to two long haul flights (Thailand - UK _ Thailand) and incordance with General Medical Advice in preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis, Business class is the only suitable way to ensure you get satifactory resolution to your immediate problem."

Now if they can just remove the blocks on your card, you will be on your way and enjoying your time in Thailand or boarding a flight, what is it to be.

(Might work) or else use another account, preferrably one not a Natwat.

I used Secure Trust Bank, when I spent a month in Thailand. 20+ withdrawls, used a POS in Big C, Carrefour etc. No problem, you just have to call them 24 hours before you leave the UK and they do what is called " Tempest". No blocks when abroad mode. Whatever each bank calls it, its worth doing as they do take note of it.

Good luck any further problems, come back on here, I'll be on tomorrow.

Apologies for the bad grammar, its late here.

awesome advice - I will let you know how it pans out - thanks :)

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I am very sorry to hear about your problem, perhaps I can help.

This should be pretty straight forward to sort out.

Step 1: Send a fax to your bank, of a copy of the passport of the account holder and also a copy of the card itself plus details of the last transaction on the card, flight stubs, boarding cards etc etc (the more info you provide the better). The signatures should match of course. This should be sent to the bank security (ony they can remove the block) the intial guy that picks up the phone is on minimum wage and could get a sink unblocked let alone a bank card , ask for the details when you call again. (e.t.a 10 mins). Also add authorisation for you to speak on behalf of your wife, on account her English is a second language.

Step 2 : Ask Natwest to reset the card and to also send you an additional card to your hotel, (there maybe a fee to pay).

Step 3. If they wont budge and I suspect they wont, ask to speak to the manager of the call center and explain the entire situation him/her. Say that "Unless you get this card unblocked, after provide copius amounts of identification, plus the card by fax, that you will have no choice but to return to the UK with your wife and child at the bank expense to present these details and resolve the matter in branch. You have made reasonable steps to prove your identity to the best of your ability given the circumstances and you accept any all responsibility for the transactions that take place on the account and do not hold the bank liable for any loss that may occur, which is of course unlikely as your wife is the account holder. Failure to remove the blocks on the card within 24 hours, will mean that you be visiting your local branch and seeking full compensation for your inconvenience. Because of the short notice, you have no option but to fly business class as you will have to make to two long haul flights (Thailand - UK _ Thailand) and incordance with General Medical Advice in preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis, Business class is the only suitable way to ensure you get satifactory resolution to your immediate problem."

Now if they can just remove the blocks on your card, you will be on your way and enjoying your time in Thailand or boarding a flight, what is it to be.

(Might work) or else use another account, preferrably one not a Natwat.

I used Secure Trust Bank, when I spent a month in Thailand. 20+ withdrawls, used a POS in Big C, Carrefour etc. No problem, you just have to call them 24 hours before you leave the UK and they do what is called " Tempest". No blocks when abroad mode. Whatever each bank calls it, its worth doing as they do take note of it.

Good luck any further problems, come back on here, I'll be on tomorrow.

Apologies for the bad grammar, its late here.

awesome advice - I will let you know how it pans out - thanks :)

Don't follow the advice in step 3 if you want a satisfactory conclusion. Never make threats and ultimatums (especially ridiculous ones) when dealing with people that you need to help you.

I would also think carefully about asking the bank to send a card abroad and letting them know that you do not plan to return to UK in the near future.

What has always served me well in similar cases is keep trying to speak to a human at the bank, head office, or security department, getting their name and asking them please to tell you what you must do to resolve this as it is starting to cause you and your family hardship.

Whichever advice you follow good luck, and I hope you don't burn any bridges.

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Agree with Paul about part 3. You will have after all signed something no doubt on opening the account making part 3 not realistic or enforceable in the slightest. Use a corporate networking site such as linkedin to identify someone actually working for the bank itself as opposed to a call centre bod and call them up through the main corporate number as opposed to a call center. As they are owned by RBS now, 0131 556 8555 might do it, 020 7672 1931 is their press office (in the right building at least). (0)20 7672 1758 is their complaints direct, (0)20 7672 1043 .+44 (0) 20 7672 0003 (a doozer of a number by the way - try it) +44 (0) 131 523 2028 for the same guy,,, and I guess that by a process of elimination 0207 672 0000 is the main switchboard number. Go get them. (All these numbers freely available on the net with a bit of digging on their website by the way, Have PM'd you just in case this get edited,

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I have had a LloydsTSB offshore account in Jersey for 11 years now.

One card in my name and another in my wife's name.

They have had my mobile number and email address plus home address updated for the same time.

One time I went to Papua New Guinea to work and after 3 days found that I could not withdraw any money.

It cost me over USD $100 to ring the call centre, get put on hold, transferred and put on hold again before somebody with any authority would deign to speak to a mere mortal like me and eventually change my overdraft limit (which they had cancelled without any reference to me)so that I could get some money.

3 or 4 times since then my card has been blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to ring the call centre.

On one occasion I was unable to take money out so I rang the call center and explained the problem and they put me on hold and eventually transferred me to another department.

They said that they had blocked it as I was trying to take out money for 3 days in a row. Their excuse was that they didn't know it was me withdrawing the money so they blocked the card. I asked if they had looked at where I live and checked back into the account at the drawing records. No was the reply. Did you look at where I live. No. So why did you do it? Well it wasn't me that did it but somebody else. granted that the guy unblocked the account straight away but that was after 3 international calls to the UK.

I have never been given any contact numbers or names so that I can actually speak to a real person in the branch where my money is deposited and withdrawn from.

I tried the call centre one time in the Isle of Man from Thailand and I ended up speaking to a very pleasant lady who apologised and said that she was unable to help me as she had no access to my account details. Just before I hung up I asked where she was and it was in Mumbai, India.

Every time I use my ATM card they charge me around GBP3 plus the 150 baht I have to pay at this end.

For this "service" they charge me GBP 70 per annum.

As I live overseas and do internet banking I asked to stop paper statements but as I live overseas I have to receive them.

However before the end of this month I think I have the cure for the banking problem.

All my pensions are transferred direct to my Thai bank, thus saving 150 baht and GBP 3+ every time and I shall transfer the balance of about GBP 12 to my friends account and close the account and that will be the end of it.

Good riddance.

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I dont go in for the "getting to know the bank staff" approach. Sorry but thats not my style. I prefer to play it there way when it comes to showing them that I am who I say I am. provide as much information to them as possible, then say to them. "OK now you have all the info you need, unblock the card and btw it never hurts to say they have been "helpful". Its Natwest afterall.

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I have had a LloydsTSB offshore account in Jersey for 11 years now.

One card in my name and another in my wife's name.

They have had my mobile number and email address plus home address updated for the same time.

One time I went to Papua New Guinea to work and after 3 days found that I could not withdraw any money.

It cost me over USD $100 to ring the call centre, get put on hold, transferred and put on hold again before somebody with any authority would deign to speak to a mere mortal like me and eventually change my overdraft limit (which they had cancelled without any reference to me)so that I could get some money.

3 or 4 times since then my card has been blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to ring the call centre.

On one occasion I was unable to take money out so I rang the call center and explained the problem and they put me on hold and eventually transferred me to another department.

They said that they had blocked it as I was trying to take out money for 3 days in a row. Their excuse was that they didn't know it was me withdrawing the money so they blocked the card. I asked if they had looked at where I live and checked back into the account at the drawing records. No was the reply. Did you look at where I live. No. So why did you do it? Well it wasn't me that did it but somebody else. granted that the guy unblocked the account straight away but that was after 3 international calls to the UK.

I have never been given any contact numbers or names so that I can actually speak to a real person in the branch where my money is deposited and withdrawn from.

I tried the call centre one time in the Isle of Man from Thailand and I ended up speaking to a very pleasant lady who apologised and said that she was unable to help me as she had no access to my account details. Just before I hung up I asked where she was and it was in Mumbai, India.

Every time I use my ATM card they charge me around GBP3 plus the 150 baht I have to pay at this end.

For this "service" they charge me GBP 70 per annum.

As I live overseas and do internet banking I asked to stop paper statements but as I live overseas I have to receive them.

However before the end of this month I think I have the cure for the banking problem.

All my pensions are transferred direct to my Thai bank, thus saving 150 baht and GBP 3+ every time and I shall transfer the balance of about GBP 12 to my friends account and close the account and that will be the end of it.

Good riddance.

This is good advice, I also noticed the 3 day rule in my visit too. I seem to remember I could only withdraw £500 equivalent per day for three consequtive says, then on the four day no withdrawls were permitted. Then I could make another 3 days of withdrawls. Its all very strange. This did not stop me using Mastercard on my bank card though, that was carte blanch.

I must say using bank cards in Thailand is an expensive bit of business, open a local account and get the funds sent to it from the UK.

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Cheers all - I have lodged a complaint as per Phaeton's advice - will wait a few more days - already had a confirmation reply - if that doesnt do the trick I will call a few of the numbers given by you friendly people :)

Regarding Internet banking - that got screwed up a while back - my wife had some new details sent out ( to my parents house in Scotland - we use that as a correspondance address after we sold the house )

I'm thinking of asking them ( Parents ) to send all of our mail via DHL to a trusted address over here.And then rectivating the online facility - if the activation code/customer number has in fact been sent.

If this works then we can trnsfer the money out of the account into an accessible source.

Hopefully - with all of your advice - a trip to the UK is not on the cards soon :)

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I have had a LloydsTSB offshore account in Jersey for 11 years now.

One card in my name and another in my wife's name.

They have had my mobile number and email address plus home address updated for the same time.

One time I went to Papua New Guinea to work and after 3 days found that I could not withdraw any money.

It cost me over USD $100 to ring the call centre, get put on hold, transferred and put on hold again before somebody with any authority would deign to speak to a mere mortal like me and eventually change my overdraft limit (which they had cancelled without any reference to me)so that I could get some money.

3 or 4 times since then my card has been blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to ring the call centre.

On one occasion I was unable to take money out so I rang the call center and explained the problem and they put me on hold and eventually transferred me to another department.

They said that they had blocked it as I was trying to take out money for 3 days in a row. Their excuse was that they didn't know it was me withdrawing the money so they blocked the card. I asked if they had looked at where I live and checked back into the account at the drawing records. No was the reply. Did you look at where I live. No. So why did you do it? Well it wasn't me that did it but somebody else. granted that the guy unblocked the account straight away but that was after 3 international calls to the UK.

I have never been given any contact numbers or names so that I can actually speak to a real person in the branch where my money is deposited and withdrawn from.

I tried the call centre one time in the Isle of Man from Thailand and I ended up speaking to a very pleasant lady who apologised and said that she was unable to help me as she had no access to my account details. Just before I hung up I asked where she was and it was in Mumbai, India.

Every time I use my ATM card they charge me around GBP3 plus the 150 baht I have to pay at this end.

For this "service" they charge me GBP 70 per annum.

As I live overseas and do internet banking I asked to stop paper statements but as I live overseas I have to receive them.

However before the end of this month I think I have the cure for the banking problem.

All my pensions are transferred direct to my Thai bank, thus saving 150 baht and GBP 3+ every time and I shall transfer the balance of about GBP 12 to my friends account and close the account and that will be the end of it.

Good riddance.

This is good advice, I also noticed the 3 day rule in my visit too. I seem to remember I could only withdraw £500 equivalent per day for three consecutive says, then on the four day no withdrawals were permitted. Then I could make another 3 days of withdrawals. Its all very strange. This did not stop me using MasterCard on my bank card though, that was carte blanch.

I must say using bank cards in Thailand is an expensive bit of business, open a local account and get the funds sent to it from the UK.

Already in the works today.

The problem before was that I worked offshore in a few countries, several of which I am sure had never heard of Thailand.

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I am very sorry to hear about your problem, perhaps I can help.

This should be pretty straight forward to sort out.

Step 1: Send a fax to your bank, of a copy of the passport of the account holder and also a copy of the card itself plus details of the last transaction on the card, flight stubs, boarding cards etc etc (the more info you provide the better). The signatures should match of course. This should be sent to the bank security (ony they can remove the block) the intial guy that picks up the phone is on minimum wage and could get a sink unblocked let alone a bank card , ask for the details when you call again. (e.t.a 10 mins). Also add authorisation for you to speak on behalf of your wife, on account her English is a second language.

Step 2 : Ask Natwest to reset the card and to also send you an additional card to your hotel, (there maybe a fee to pay).

Step 3. If they wont budge and I suspect they wont, ask to speak to the manager of the call center and explain the entire situation him/her. Say that "Unless you get this card unblocked, after provide copius amounts of identification, plus the card by fax, that you will have no choice but to return to the UK with your wife and child at the bank expense to present these details and resolve the matter in branch. You have made reasonable steps to prove your identity to the best of your ability given the circumstances and you accept any all responsibility for the transactions that take place on the account and do not hold the bank liable for any loss that may occur, which is of course unlikely as your wife is the account holder. Failure to remove the blocks on the card within 24 hours, will mean that you be visiting your local branch and seeking full compensation for your inconvenience. Because of the short notice, you have no option but to fly business class as you will have to make to two long haul flights (Thailand - UK _ Thailand) and incordance with General Medical Advice in preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis, Business class is the only suitable way to ensure you get satifactory resolution to your immediate problem."

Now if they can just remove the blocks on your card, you will be on your way and enjoying your time in Thailand or boarding a flight, what is it to be.

(Might work) or else use another account, preferrably one not a Natwat.

I used Secure Trust Bank, when I spent a month in Thailand. 20+ withdrawls, used a POS in Big C, Carrefour etc. No problem, you just have to call them 24 hours before you leave the UK and they do what is called " Tempest". No blocks when abroad mode. Whatever each bank calls it, its worth doing as they do take note of it.

Good luck any further problems, come back on here, I'll be on tomorrow.

Apologies for the bad grammar, its late here.

awesome advice - I will let you know how it pans out - thanks :)

Actually, don't hold your breath regarding them sending you a new card. I had a hell of a time getting one, over 30 odd emails before some how I received the card. They claim Thailand is not a safe country to send replacement cards to, even when couriered which again they claim they will not do. I have a friend here in Thailand who is having the same problems. the only difference is my address is in Thailand, he has his in the UK.

I'm guessing you can't access your wife's account on-line? because there is a block on the account? I would have to disagree about accepting liability on the account, purely because chances are someone in NatWest will raid your account. Most account thefts are inside jobs, not you loosing a card etc. What you could do, and which I did, is once you see they are giving you the run around start charging £25 per e-mail/letter for your time, stating you will invoice them for every letter. believe me it works. You could say that if you have to go back to the UK to sort this out after proving your identity you will sue them for the costs of getting it sorted. But you will have to sue them, they aren't going to just hand over the money.

In fact you may have a claim against them anyway. If it was their fault when putting your wife's details into their computer system for the account, You could claim interest repayments on credit cards etc, because you were not able to access your wife's account due to their negligence. Put that in writing to Natwest, But they will not admit liability you may have to complain to the FOS for a ruling. But it has to be on record, that you will claim this from them.

Good luck in sorting it out.

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Well 9 days after I complained via the website - apart from the confirmation reply I have had nothing.

Since leaving the UK we re-registered my wife for internet banking - apparently letters for her have arrived at my parents

We are DHL'ing them over and will hopefully transfer the money out asap.

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Welcome back chon, good to see you. Looking forward to your critter posts in pets!

good luck with the banking thing, I hear alot of complaints from British people about terrible service tbh.

Thanks sbk - nice to see a friendly face :)

Already have some pics of me and son relocating a family of Tokays from my Auntie's house in Ban Nok.

Now if I could only get the bloody internet set up at home I would post them....lol

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i also gave up with Nat West around 20 years ago having banked with them or their predecessor (Westminster Bank at Strand London) since around 1964. Ive still got an account since you should never close an account in UK and actually have accounts with all banks in UK. they are all now useless and operated by computers and rules. Long gone are days of a proper Bank Manager of proper Staff. Best ive found these days is HSBC but you need to be a premier customer. Bank of Scotland used to be very good but when taken over became useless as well. Getting my Thai wife on Bank of Scotland as a joint holder took 8 months and incredible paperwork Nat West we gave up after 18 months after supplying tons of paperwork. same as Barclays and Lloyds I got my wife on my HSBC UK account in about 2 minutes when in Uk but then we already had HSBC Premier accounts in joint names in Singapore and Hong Kong and Jersey. Best to get a joint accounts unless you dont trust your wife and have several accounts if you can.

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All sorted finally :)

My dear old Mum managed to read out the activation code for my wife's internet banking account.

Activated it - then saw her current account was not visible on the portal!

Phoned telephone banking and found out the balance of the current account - associated with the blocked card - was nil !

We then spoke to an adviser who told me wife she still had the wrong date of birth - wife passed phone to me and I when through the whole Mills and Boon scenario.

Our branch had received the DHL'd passport copy but had not changed the DOB on the record ( bastards )

But the lady then asked my wife about 6 more security questions and unblocked the card.

The advised us to call the branch and ask them to action the discrepancy correction.

We tried for an hour and could not get put through to the branch.

I then logged back onto her internet account and managed to transfer all of her money ( savings/current) to other bank accounts ( non Natwest )

Appreciate all of your advice - and my advice is don't ever use Natwest if moving abraod - or even for a holiday as back up cash.


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