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Whats The Story With Aeon And 150 Baht Charge

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Not that it surprises me in the slightest being a long time opponent of AEON, but according to the great man himself the charge is certainly being made.

Now as I'm not in the country I cannot confirm ??

Of course I expect my PM box to be full of apologies from certain people if indeed correct !!

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Reading between the lines of his report, is that the 150 baht charge has become hidden on ATM withdrawal, but only shows on statement back home. This I guess has replaced the reduced rate they previously gave, moving the true rate inline with everyone else, but charging the 150 baht.

Have emptied my PM box.............

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Used the AEON at Big C OnNut yesterday, Saturday, around noon. I always check my account when I get back to the condo and no extra fees were taken out, other than the usual $1.50 fee that my credit union charges. I also saw the news flash and rechecked my account just a little bit ago. Still no extra fee slipped in there. So all is good for me.

Hopefully it will not come to pass. It's nice not having to pay the extra fee. :thumbsup:

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I withdrew 7000b from an Aeon ATM yesterday using my Norwich and Peterborough debit card and as far as i can see there were no extra charges, i paid £143.99 in total for the withdrawal which made the exchange rate 48.614 per pound sterling which seems about right

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In all likelihood, this is yet another false report...which the OP being a critic of AEON was more than happy to post here.

In fact, as this thread and the other current thread on this subject show, various others of us have made recent ATM withdrawals from AEON in recent days (mine as recent as yesterday) and have been charged NO fee.

The original Stickman column item wasn't based on any experience the columnist himself had, but rather, on some emails he got from acquaintances, one Aussie and one Brit. The column didn't include any of the details, but Stickman did graciously share with me some of those details, and I've recounted them in the other post, which only adds doubt to the likelihood that the fees came from AEON.

The other current TV thread on the subject with details of the transactions Stickman referenced are here. The Stickman part starts toward the bottom of the first page. His emailers clearly were charged a fee by their banks, but it seems doubtful the fee originated from AEON. And the online banking line items references often make it difficult to tell just where a fee is originating.

So yes, various banks do charge fees for using ATMs abroad and foreign currency fees, including the standard Thai banks' 150 baht fee for foreign card holders. But there's no evidence as yet that AEON ATMs are responsible for any of those fees. And the rest of us certainly aren't getting any fees from AEON, as usual.

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In all likelihood, this is yet another false report...which the OP being a critic of AEON was more than happy to post here.

In fact, as this thread and the other current thread on this subject show, various others of us have made recent ATM withdrawals from AEON in recent days (mine as recent as yesterday) and have been charged NO fee.

The original Stickman column item wasn't based on any experience the columnist himself had, but rather, on some emails he got from acquaintances, one Aussie and one Brit. The column didn't include any of the details, but Stickman did graciously share with me some of those details, and I've recounted them in the other post, which only adds doubt to the likelihood that the fees came from AEON.

The other current TV thread on the subject with details of the transactions Stickman referenced are here. The Stickman part starts toward the bottom of the first page. His emailers clearly were charged a fee by their banks, but it seems doubtful the fee originated from AEON. And the online banking line items references often make it difficult to tell just where a fee is originating.

So yes, various banks do charge fees for using ATMs abroad and foreign currency fees, including the standard Thai banks' 150 baht fee for foreign card holders. But there's no evidence as yet that AEON ATMs are responsible for any of those fees. And the rest of us certainly aren't getting any fees from AEON, as usual.

As per the other thread lets wait and see. I certainly agree on the surface Stickmans normal level of knowledge doesnt extend to finance but he's from experience unlikely to print that sort of stuff without reason.

Yes I have a beef about AEON without question as I've clocked them bang to rights previously, but lets see how this pans out, to be fair-whatever I would never use them again.

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I think I have the answer here, and it's not about AEON.

Stickman's emailer reported the following:

I mean that if you use aeon atm's with an debit card from an Australian bank you will be charge this fee. the ANZ, Commonwealth and Westpac banks have told me that this fee is from Thailand and not from them.

When I look tonight at the ANZ bank web site and check their fee documents, I see the following for ANZ's VISA Plus debit card. $5 AUS flat fee for international ATM withdrawals plus a 3% foreign currency fee -- exactly what Stickman's Aussie emailer was charged.

That's the fee charged by ANZ to its own customers... not by AEON or any other Thai bank. Perhaps the emailer either misunderstood his bank reps or they were giving him a line of bull...


The full ANZ pdf document on their VISA debit card fees backing up what I've reported is here... The excerpt above came from page 13 of that file.


In looking through other ANZ fee documents online, their $5 flat fee plus 3% on foreign ATM withdrawals appears to be a pretty standard condition of their accounts.

So yes, another false report regarding AEON, which still doesn't charge a fee for using its ATMs.

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I should also mention, I copied Stickman via email on the info I posted above here re his Aussie friend's bank and their fees... Not sure what he can or will do with the info, at this point.

Stickman was very gracious in responding promptly and curteously to my emails about his AEON ATMs column item, and ultimately in sharing the info from his friend that allowed me to get to the bottom of the issue...and find the problem wasn't with AEON but with the Aussie bank.

Unfortunately, he also decided to post his column item on AEON ATMs without doing any independent checking of what his friends had reported to him. So now, that he's put the item into print, so to speak, it's a bit difficult for him to maneuver, beyond the original skin back (a kind of clarification) that he posted after my earlier, original response to him saying I and others weren't getting any fees.

He could simply come out and say his column item was wrong... But I'm not going to hold my breath.

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no 150 baht fees charged by AEON for me

took out 30,000 on Saturday, no 150 fee

only the usual withdrawal charges have ever been made by my banks, DBS Treasures Singapore or HSBC Premier UK

i get good exchange rates with DBS too, not so much with HSBC :angry:

Edited by timekeeper
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I withdrew from AEON a few days back with an NAB (Australian) card that has no foreign conversion fees nor extra charges for using foreign ATMs - so it's easy to notice for extra fees or charges other than my actual withdrawal - and I still see no extra fees at all.

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