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Thai Massages. Is It Just Me That Does Not Enjoy Them?


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Thai massages. Most everyone I mention them to swears by them..loves them: asks me if I get a Thai massage every day when I'm in Thailand.

But to me they are a brutal beast. A form of sadistic punishment that middle aged Thai women like to dish out to me. Pounding and prodding me in the most painful way they can think of. Getting their finger sand thumbs deep around the muscles. I'm sure they are lifting them out of their slots and compacting them in their palms. I've tried 4 of them now. Different locations. Different types. Full Body. Back/shoulder/head. Head/Shoulder. I feel like i've given them a fair go over a period a year, just to make sure.

The only one I like is the head/shoulder..or a massage from my GF just on the back and shoulder.

I've had plenty of massages in Australia. I had a bad neck and back after an accident and i got all sorts of massage and corrective work, but I cant remember any that were so robust.

Is it just me? Am I the only person who doesn't enjoy a Thai massage?

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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the "massage Viagra" where they put a long time pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

Edited by Jingthing
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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the massage Viagra where they put pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

Christ, ohmy.png will let the mrs do her thing, grin and bare it. angry.png

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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the massage Viagra where they put pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

Christ, ohmy.png will let the mrs do her thing, grin and bare it. angry.png

Why pay for something that doesn't please?
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I had a 30 minute massage at the hands of a sadistic monk at Wat Pho some years back. Never again. It felt like I'd gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. My GF had the full hour and came bouncing out and had to carry me back to the hotel...

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The traditional Thai massage is as ruff as guts and leaves me feeling sore. The oily massage leaves me feeling greasy all day. But the soapy is just right and saves having a shower afterwards lol.

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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the massage Viagra where they put pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

Christ, ohmy.png will let the mrs do her thing, grin and bare it. angry.png

Why pay for something that doesn't please?

I don't pay, comes with the marriage. laugh.png

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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the "massage Viagra" where they put a long time pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

I wondered about the injury thing also. Im not sure all that prodding into muscles can be good for you. and as for the sudden twisting of the neck...*shudder*

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Thai massage really hurts, I don't find that relaxing. I should find massages relaxing shouldn't I ? If I need physiotherapy I'll go to the hospital.....

Head massage, face massage and Aroma massage = Relaxation and has me falling asleep....

yes, i think thats part of it. They don't relax me at all and that is the main reason i like a massage.

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The only one I like is the head/shoulder..or a massage from my GF just on the back

I wouldn't call it "back" :), but other than that, you are right.

I don't like their massage.

And as most things Thai, I have severe doubts about their professionality considering there is a massaaaa shop every 10 meter or so.

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I used to like them as a tourist but after a few close calls of feeling like they injured me, I quit them. I much prefer real Swedish massage but here that mostly means some kind of sex dealio. I especially don't like the massage Viagra where they put pressure on your leg arteries and also the sudden twisting of your neck, which it seems to me if you aren't relaxed enough, could be seriously damaging. I have also heard for many people the leg artery thing is medically dangerous and its not as if they screen anyone for medical conditions here. 'Nuff said

Christ, ohmy.png will let the mrs do her thing, grin and bare it. angry.png

Why pay for something that doesn't please?

I don't pay, comes with the marriage. laugh.png

Me too!

I gave up on the commercial ones as they seem to delight in causing as much pain as possible, and I never felt any better after.

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I also don`t like the traditional Thai massage, because I find them too brutal, especially as I have some dodgy joints in my knees and arms. Just too painful for me.

Do enjoy a relaxing oil massage. Sometimes I fall into a deep sleep during the massage and feel so very relaxed when I wake up. Great for soothing away the stresses of the day. I found that by having a nice proper professional oil massage twice a month that it keeps my skin supple and slows down the aging process of the skin.

My favourite is the foot massage. I’m a real masochist when having the foot massage, especially when they use their special stick and jam it right into the sole of the foot.

The foot massage is great for relieving tension and for relaxation.

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I like a good foot massage…. They can do as hard as they like, (within reason) once a fortnight is about right, I stick to the same places that I know that do a good job. I often fall asleep, love it. Body, oil or Thai massage, not really into that.

I do believe that the more you have it done the more your body becomes accustom to it, a little like the pain you get from physical exercise…………..It hurts, for a time, then subside. The benefits are all there….just not instant, you need to stick with it, and keep it up on a regular basis.

I think the problem, or what I have found is the level of competence of the masseur……..If you find a good one, lucky you…. There a bit like Thai language teachers, or a bar girl with a heart of gold……There out there. You just have to find them.

OP…Mate, how many times have you had a Thai massage to come to this conclusion, it sound like you’ve had more than one………Top tip; if you don’t like them…..STOP! You sound like the guy who went to the doctor complaining about the fact that every time he lifted his arm above his head it hurt………The doctor told him to stop lifting your arm above his head! Job done.smile.png

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I like a good foot massage…. They can do as hard as they like, (within reason) once a fortnight is about right, I stick to the same places that I know that do a good job. I often fall asleep, love it. Body, oil or Thai massage, not really into that.

I do believe that the more you have it done the more your body becomes accustom to it, a little like the pain you get from physical exercise…………..It hurts, for a time, then subside. The benefits are all there….just not instant, you need to stick with it, and keep it up on a regular basis.

I think the problem, or what I have found is the level of competence of the masseur……..If you find a good one, lucky you…. There a bit like Thai language teachers, or a bar girl with a heart of gold……There out there. You just have to find them.

OP…Mate, how many times have you had a Thai massage to come to this conclusion, it sound like you’ve had more than one………Top tip; if you don’t like them…..STOP! You sound like the guy who went to the doctor complaining about the fact that every time he lifted his arm above his head it hurt………The doctor told him to stop lifting your arm above his head! Job done.smile.png

In fairness, the answer "4" was in post #1.

I am also a fan of foot massages.

Not averse to oil massages (with or without extras) but I have not had a traditional Thai massage.

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For one who has shoulder issues I like the Thai massage they are more like the sports massages back home. Work out the kinks in the joints and stretch the muscles

IMO too many people want a massage to be a gentle experience with a 'happy ending'.

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I am trained in thai massage, I honestly see many who do not factor in peoples age and physical status before stretching them way to far.

they get in a routine and massage eveyone the same way.

this is a problem for man who are not flexible, and can hurt quite a lot.

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No it isn't just you,I have had dozens and dozens of massages,over the years,and not one has ever lived up to my expectation,

I expect to come out feeling very relaxed and walking on air,it never happens though,what I do get is plenty of muscular aches,

I really dont know why I keep punishing myself, by having one every few months,perhaps it's me being too skinny?

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I enjoy a Thai massage, Not so much at the time, but it's a bit like a workout - after it's all over, and you've showered and you're sitting down with a nice cold beer, it feels great. When I was younger I used to play a lot of squash, and the feeling after the event was similar - a relaxed glow.

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Thai massages. Most everyone I mention them to swears by them..loves them: asks me if I get a Thai massage every day when I'm in Thailand.

But to me they are a brutal beast. A form of sadistic punishment that middle aged Thai women like to dish out to me. Pounding and prodding me in the most painful way they can think of. Getting their finger sand thumbs deep around the muscles. I'm sure they are lifting them out of their slots and compacting them in their palms. I've tried 4 of them now. Different locations. Different types. Full Body. Back/shoulder/head. Head/Shoulder. I feel like i've given them a fair go over a period a year, just to make sure.

The only one I like is the head/shoulder..or a massage from my GF just on the back and shoulder.

I've had plenty of massages in Australia. I had a bad neck and back after an accident and i got all sorts of massage and corrective work, but I cant remember any that were so robust.

Is it just me? Am I the only person who doesn't enjoy a Thai massage?

It's like most everything, depends on the individuals involved.

The first one I I had one that was very rough, I was sore for a few days, but I kept laughing the rougher it got, maybe that encouraged her too much? And I was warned before had by a Thai I was with that she was known for being a tad rough.

All the rest were from ladies recommended to me by others in the massage industry, I had pleasant massages, usually 2 hours. Personal recommedations by knowledgle natives likely slanted my experience. I don't always have 2.5 hours to take up in massage, so I don't get them every day that I am in Thailand.

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I quite like them.

You have to find the right masseur and also tell them how hard you like it so they can adjust the pressure accordingly.

The good masseurs watch your face to gauge when they're getting the pressure right.

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