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Yingluck's No-Show Raises Democrat Ire In House


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Perhaps the media sources you rely on for your daily dose of what to think did not report what she may have said?

Let's hear it then. What did your media sources report on what she may have said?

But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM


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How sad we do not have a PM anymore like Abhisit who personally wrote the budget, answered questions on it and attended every parlimentary sitting in his time angry.png

Is it not normal the world over for leaders of countries to actually have a large team of 'brains' behind them who are the actual ones making the decisions, policies etc.

I am sure Khun Abhisit did it all himself.


Welcome to a freshly signed up member of the "leave Yingluck alone, Abhisit was no better" merry brigade.

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How sad we do not have a PM anymore like Abhisit who personally wrote the budget, answered questions on it and attended every parlimentary sitting in his time angry.png

Is it not normal the world over for leaders of countries to actually have a large team of 'brains' behind them who are the actual ones making the decisions, policies etc.

I am sure Khun Abhisit did it all himself.


Welcome to a freshly signed up member of the "leave Yingluck alone, Abhisit was no better" merry brigade.

Much appreciated. How do I join your gang, ‘Abhisit was great and the Deomcrats were wonderful’? so wonderful in fact they got voted out by the actual people who matter, namely the Thais.

Edited by smutcakes
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Perhaps the media sources you rely on for your daily dose of what to think did not report what she may have said?

Let's hear it then. What did your media sources report on what she may have said?

But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM


Twice in recent days you have managed to accomplish this staggering comment.....try getting more sleep.....you may elevate to two words.....eventually

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How sad we do not have a PM anymore like Abhisit who personally wrote the budget, answered questions on it and attended every parlimentary sitting in his time angry.png

Is it not normal the world over for leaders of countries to actually have a large team of 'brains' behind them who are the actual ones making the decisions, policies etc.

I am sure Khun Abhisit did it all himself.


Welcome to a freshly signed up member of the "leave Yingluck alone, Abhisit was no better" merry brigade.

Much appreciated. How do I join your gang, ‘Abhisit was great and the Deomcrats were wonderful’? so wonderful in fact they got voted out by the actual people who matter, namely the Thais.

Not my gang and it sounds pretty lame.

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But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM

I'd just like to point out that what 473geo calls "pertinent information" is more commonly referred as "wild ass guessing", as in GK saying that the reason the PM didn't attend the parliament debate* is that she was pressured by some big players to attend the BOI fair and there were urgent matters of national security that had to be discussed with the army commander over lunch.

*Has she ever took part in a debate or defended her.. eh... PTPs initiatives?

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But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM

I'd just like to point out that what 473geo calls "pertinent information" is more commonly referred as "wild ass guessing", as in GK saying that the reason the PM didn't attend the parliament debate* is that she was pressured by some big players to attend the BOI fair and there were urgent matters of national security that had to be discussed with the army commander over lunch.

*Has she ever took part in a debate or defended her.. eh... PTPs initiatives?

Then you ignore the information provided by GK......I'd just like to point out that is called tunnel vision.....

But then the team that continually criticise the government are hardly noted for their peripheral vision......

Dems not looking too good at the moment then? not performing in the polls? need a situation to try and knock points off Yingluck....a debate.....yes I can see how this might be a little frustrating....maybe they should try another approach...assuming they have one

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But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM

I'd just like to point out that what 473geo calls "pertinent information" is more commonly referred as "wild ass guessing", as in GK saying that the reason the PM didn't attend the parliament debate* is that she was pressured by some big players to attend the BOI fair and there were urgent matters of national security that had to be discussed with the army commander over lunch.

*Has she ever took part in a debate or defended her.. eh... PTPs initiatives?

Then you ignore the information provided by GK......I'd just like to point out that is called tunnel vision.....

But then the team that continually criticise the government are hardly noted for their peripheral vision......

Dems not looking too good at the moment then? not performing in the polls? need a situation to try and knock points off Yingluck....a debate.....yes I can see how this might be a little frustrating....maybe they should try another approach...assuming they have one

Whether the dems are looking good is not the point, but it is typical of you to try to divert the discussion.

You say "But then the team that continually criticise the government are hardly noted for their peripheral vision......"

The 'team' as you call it IMHO have good reasons to continuually criticize this government and a search of a few threads will provide many subject areas of concern with in depth analysis and comments in criticism of this smokescreen totally incapable government. Hardly tunnel vision.

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But rixalex when GK divulges pertinent information the unbiased people striving to keep the government honest choose to accuse him of making his information up.........in order to continue their unbiased criticism of the PM

I'd just like to point out that what 473geo calls "pertinent information" is more commonly referred as "wild ass guessing", as in GK saying that the reason the PM didn't attend the parliament debate* is that she was pressured by some big players to attend the BOI fair and there were urgent matters of national security that had to be discussed with the army commander over lunch.

*Has she ever took part in a debate or defended her.. eh... PTPs initiatives?

Well said alexG.

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Thing is scorecard posters are scratching around, leaping in to criticise the government based on publications from the Nation, which appear to be designed to attract criticism for the government, without, as it would appear in this instance, providing the full facts - known or not

So the credibility of the posters is then brought into question as their source is the one article initiating the rapid fire critism of the government, but essentially Yingluck

An observation, on the type of people who are regularly posting here, you can proclaim their provision of numerous sources if you wish, but at the outset of many threads the aim is clear from the start there is no caution, no looking for extenuating circumstances, little evidence of anything other than accepting a strike opportunity........straight in with both feet and both barrels firing.....disgree if you wish but this thread provides a classic example.....

Started out that with outrage that Yingluck was not present at the budget debate,.......culminating a rather lame.....why did she not inform everybody where she was and why........

You be the judge.....as I said at the start of the thread, mountains out of mole hills, and so it appears it has turned out to be.......apparently there will always be the stragglers who still wish to try and justify their initial outrage, and expect explanation, when it appears that Yingluck was where the interests of the country could be best served

Edited by 473geo
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How sad we do not have a PM anymore like Abhisit who personally wrote the budget, answered questions on it and attended every parlimentary sitting in his time angry.png

Is it not normal the world over for leaders of countries to actually have a large team of 'brains' behind them who are the actual ones making the decisions, policies etc.

I am sure Khun Abhisit did it all himself.


Welcome to a freshly signed up member of the "leave Yingluck alone, Abhisit was no better" merry brigade.

Much appreciated. How do I join your gang, ‘Abhisit was great and the Deomcrats were wonderful’? so wonderful in fact they got voted out by the actual people who matter, namely the Thais.

here is a short wink.png required vocabulary list including any sentence combining :

red + buffalo,

air-head + clone + puppet,

fugitive + criminal,

dictator + Hitler/Pol Pot/Mao,

terrorists + mob, and

brain-wash(ed) + democracy + red

and the basic list of individual terms in no particular order -

paymaster, cronies, thugs, mob, terrorists, conned, brown-shirts, mao, communists, terrorists, criminal, despot, lies, uneducated, terrorists, Amin, Marcos, Gahdaffi, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, terrorists, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, fascism, dictatorship, ignorant, kwai, buffalo(s), unemployed, rent-a-mob, terrorists, bankrolling, illegal armed attack, militia, idiots, terrorists, gullible, gangs, megalomaniac, gullible, SS, despot, stupid lot of sods, scumbag, Red Idiots, ...

Please memorize and use in every every thread whether relevant or not...


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Thing is scorecard posters are scratching around, leaping in to criticise the government based on publications from the Nation, which appear to be designed to attract criticism for the government, without, as it would appear in this instance, providing the full facts - known or not

So the credibility of the posters is then brought into question as their source is the one article initiating the rapid fire critism of the government, but essentially Yingluck

An observation, on the type of people who are regularly posting here, you can proclaim their provision of numerous sources if you wish, but at the outset of many threads the aim is clear from the start there is no caution, no looking for extenuating circumstances, little evidence of anything other than accepting a strike opportunity........straight in with both feet and both barrels firing.....disgree if you wish but this thread provides a classic example.....

Started out that with outrage that Yingluck was not present at the budget debate,.......culminating a rather lame.....why did she not inform everybody where she was and why........

You be the judge.....as I said at the start of the thread, mountains out of mole hills, and so it appears it has turned out to be.......apparently there will always be the stragglers who still wish to try and justify their initial outrage, and expect explanation, when it appears that Yingluck was where the interests of the country could be best served

You are dead right and perhaps too gentle with your observations.

The opening headlines for many of these threads are utterly sensationalist and frequently factually incorrect.

It's all about baiting and driving adv. revenue and giving the floor to some right wing loonies who refuse to accept that Thailand is changing, the change will accelerate and the perceived status quo will soon change.

They don't like it, won't accept it but will have to live with it.

Personally, I despise Thaksin and what he represents, however, the genie is now out of the bottle and interesting times will soon be upon us.

Many of the arguments / discussions on here, with their pathetic bile, vitriol and cheap point scoring completely overlook the bigger picture, that change is coming and that a big element of Thai society are not happy.

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Many of the arguments / discussions on here, with their pathetic bile, vitriol and cheap point scoring completely overlook the bigger picture, that change is coming and that a big element of Thai society are not happy.

You are right:

right wing loonies

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Many of the arguments / discussions on here, with their pathetic bile, vitriol and cheap point scoring completely overlook the bigger picture, that change is coming and that a big element of Thai society are not happy.

You are right:

right wing loonies

Thank you for that, erudition is your strong point.

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The reality is she had no choice.

To show up would have also shown her up for the bumbling buffoon she is.

She might even have cried and been forced to say give me time.

100% agreed, she dosen´t have what it takes to lead the country. In a political debatt she wouldent survive even five minutes.

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Yingluk's training, background and experience is all executive, not legislative.

She's obviously more comfortable acting as a CEO or President, rather than as a Member of Parliament.

Actually, she has arguably not held a proper job as a CEO or President, as anyone who worked or dealt with her at SC Asset and AIS can vouch for.

In those positions she only acted as the nominee; first of all for a PM who is not allowed to run a business due to conflict of interest (and during which time AIS fortunes soared while their competitors were consistently hamstrung by government policy right up until a political decision to allow foreign ownership up to 49% at which time AIS became 96% foreign owned completely coincidentally as Thaksin didn't know anything about the policy change and his relatives made the decision to sell to Temasak completely without his knowledge as well) and then secondly as a nominee running a very well funded yet surprisingly 2nd rate property company for an absent main owner.

In both cases, her main job was to manage the press, and be a figurehead, without ever really needing to know what is going on in detail. Its not like she got the job through interviews and proven performance!

It's almost as laughable as describing someone as a successful entrepreneur because they cornered a profitable 2 watt GSM phone network and secured a monopoly on it through connections, then used connections to avoid a financial crash when all their competitors anyhow on inferior networks crashed and burned.....such a person is successful, but not as a real businessman - as a crony capitalist, sure.

One wonders whether she is actually aware of what a poor public speaker and leader she is turning out to be; as the first PM to come in with a huge amount of goodwill provided by the press and the public, her aura has lasted surprisingly well given her inability to answer questions, pick up what are fairly simple and basic issues then present them, and to do the job for which she is paid. My guess is she didn't do any better at the last 2 jobs she held, but because of her connections and the lax standards which business leaders are held to in the media, she was never exposed.

Rank and file PT supporters like Chalerm; a gun wielding posturing strongman with a family record of intimidation and alleged murder, and complete indifference to following the law coupled with seemingly virtually no morals. With such taste, is it little wonder that Yingluck can be held to such a low standard and considered acceptable?

I am willing to bet the many voters would not even care if they dissolved parliament and did all policy making from now on without any debate or consideration on the floor. Sadly, that is the state of Thai democracy at this point, and it has been deliberately and systematically dragged down to reach this point since TRT 1.

Great post Steve. Nice summation of her illustrious past achievements.

Didn't she ask for 6 months grace period before her party was judged?

Are we there yet?

Not fast enough!

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

Unless you are sleeping with her (and by sleeping with her, i don't mean have a poster on the wall above your bed), how could you possibly know what she loses sleep over, and what she doesn't?

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Ah, where would a GK post be without the usual snide, you are all poor peasants married to prostitutes, your opinions mean nothing, whereas i am a respected professional, of high social standing, whose opinion means an awful lot, snobbish rubbish that totally goes against the, all are equal, pro lower class rights, anti-elite stand you jokingly claim to be behind.

Fetch my slippers and be quick about it. hit-the-fan.gif

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

Could be he is the horses mouth. For sure he is dedicated to her.

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