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1 hour ago, Chilon said:

It has been coming down here like a cow p1ssing on a flat rock.   Second lot of rain today.   There was a loud bang as it got heavier and has now managed to short out the lights on the recently completed driving range plus the associated restaurant across the river.


I checked the weather forecast and, yes, still showing sunny with 0% chance of rain.


We had rain a couple of days ago as well, almost like an early start to the rainy season.

If it's any consolation Bill we have had rain here as well. That's almost 5km as the crow flies. Tip, never believe a Thai weather forecast.


Good job your new boat hasn't arrived yet or you might have got wet trying it out.

14 hours ago, fredob43 said:

If it's any consolation Bill we have had rain here as well. That's almost 5km as the crow flies. Tip, never believe a Thai weather forecast.


Good job your new boat hasn't arrived yet or you might have got wet trying it out.


We had a bit of rain out here last night as Dad's taxi was taking son and a friend to Klong Nam Lai about 5.30pm, heavy in Klong Lan and dry in Klong Nam Lai . At 8pm dry here, heavy rain in both Klong Lan and Klong Nam Lai.


No meter on the taxi and no tip either. Cheapskate kids.


It saves me watering the tress but the scrub grass grows like crazy.

4 minutes ago, billd766 said:


We had a bit of rain out here last night as Dad's taxi was taking son and a friend to Klong Nam Lai about 5.30pm, heavy in Klong Lan and dry in Klong Nam Lai . At 8pm dry here, heavy rain in both Klong Lan and Klong Nam Lai.


No meter on the taxi and no tip either. Cheapskate kids.


It saves me watering the tress but the scrub grass grows like crazy.

Ok here today Bill's, That's both of you. Just wall to wall sun. was around 30c at 11am with a bit of luck it'll get a tad milder as the hours progress.

5 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

Ok here today Bill's, That's both of you. Just wall to wall sun. was around 30c at 11am with a bit of luck it'll get a tad milder as the hours progress.


Another nice sunny day here too but the Thai Met office posts 10% possibilities of thunderstorms for KPP and by next Monday they forecast hot and sunny up to 37C.


 Haven't had any rain down here in a couple of weeks, but it snowed again last night!  Black snow from the sugar cane burning. It's 1241 and the thermometer on the desk says 33.2 degrees and 50% humidity.  It doesn't feel that uncomfortable due to the low humidity, a fan on high blowing on me, breathing very slowly and not moving a muscle!

  • Like 2
19 hours ago, billd766 said:


Another nice sunny day here too but the Thai Met office posts 10% possibilities of thunderstorms for KPP and by next Monday they forecast hot and sunny up to 37C.

Was out last night with Bill the younger. Dinned in a restaurant on the side of the river ping. Nice and Mild. Am looking forward to next week when it'll be even milder. Must say cant be putting up with this cold stuff we are getting. Unlike Wayne we haven't had any black snow. Thank you Buddha.


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We've copped a fair bit of the black stuff here.  According to Mike from the Oasis he hasn't had much this year but last year he was complaining about it all through the dry season.  Makes running an open air restaurant difficult.


Back from Patts and Bangers, hadn't been to Patts for 10 years and there is now an impressive amount of building going on. 


Took assorted relatives of the GF down and had 2 rooms booked at the Amari hotel.   What I didn't know was that the place is undergoing reconstruction and the large pool I remembered had vanished.   


Complained about the construction noise and the disappearing pool and the manager was very good-upgraded our 2 rooms to 2 suites on the top floor so I couldn't have asked for better.    


The associated Mantra restaurant was another matter-food was good but 100B for a bowl of rice!!  


Went to buy some stuff for the boat but a very disappointing selection of equipment at what passes for ship chandlers.   Nonetheless  whilst they had bugger all in the way of boat stuff one of the shops sold meat(!) so I did manage to buy some Falang sausages at the Blue Oceans marine shop in Sattahip.


 Swarms of Chinese tourists in Patts clogging up the footpaths in various industrial strength tourism processes getting in and out of buses and boats but I guess the locals must be raking it in.

  • 2 months later...
20 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Is the By Pass going north worth using, no one seems to use it, so i dont.


I last used it after Songkran and it was as crappy then as it have ever been. I can remember them building itas a two way road, then rebuilding it in a dual lane but for the life of me I cannot remember when it was ever a decent surface and when there have not been roadworks on it.


The design is pretty much OK, but the build and constant rebuilds/resurfacing have been awful for years.

11 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I last used it after Songkran and it was as crappy then as it have ever been. I can remember them building itas a two way road, then rebuilding it in a dual lane but for the life of me I cannot remember when it was ever a decent surface and when there have not been roadworks on it.


The design is pretty much OK, but the build and constant rebuilds/resurfacing have been awful for years.

You confirm just as the Kerry Drivers say about it. Thanks. i allway go through early, theres no traffic lights before 6AM ish.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, rott said:

Anyone know of an English speaking lawyer/attorney around here? (Property not divorce).

You might like to try around/in the Police station we have several near our one.

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

All gone very quiet on here again, doesn't seem that long since we were getting all hot and bothered about the name or was it who to include or exclude. I get very confused these days.

2 hours ago, rott said:

All gone very quiet on here again, doesn't seem that long since we were getting all hot and bothered about the name or was it who to include or exclude. I get very confused these days.


Back in 2012 some surveyors came along and did some surveys to build a dam on the eastern (or Khampaeng Phet) side of the Mae Wong national park. This was after the floods in BKK and around the time that the drought was starting to take hold.


All the villagers were invited to a meeting and it was explained that they wanted to build a dam across the valley and the klong some 900 metres long. Photocopies of the flooded area were given out showing the area to be flooded, mostly farming land with no real title.


After a lot of campaigning, arguments etc it was put on hold.


Since the drought which hit us badly, we had no government water for 5 months in the area and the local fire trucks were out 8 hours a day 5 days a week.


Last year they drilled a borehole which covered us all.


It will be interesting to see if it happens.


Who do we thank if it comes off?


The current government or the PTP who started the whole thing off?


My wife told me a couple of days ago that it is back on again. My wife will lose some land which is rented out anyway, my neighbour will lose all of hers which again is rented out but compensation will be paid to everyone.


H/M would like to say a big thankyou to the Nakhon Smog elders for adding over 45 minutes to my trip to BKK on Friday.


This was due to the quality "or lack of" the roads there. I see that they are still using that well known company Bodge It and Op It. With the added bonus of even the freshly laid roads being taken care of by their other repair peeps Patch It and Pray.


The bypass is also closed for the full length on the down section so one has to travel down single file using the up side. What with the horrendous amounts of lorries and general traffic that abound in N/Smog it's a nightmare.


Suggest anyone that is going that way finds an alternative route or at least allow plenty of extra time.

In my estimation it wont get much better for the next several years and I'm not joking.



  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

H/M would like to say a big thankyou to the Nakhon Smog elders for adding over 45 minutes to my trip to BKK on Friday.


This was due to the quality "or lack of" the roads there. I see that they are still using that well known company Bodge It and Op It. With the added bonus of even the freshly laid roads being taken care of by their other repair peeps Patch It and Pray.


The bypass is also closed for the full length on the down section so one has to travel down single file using the up side. What with the horrendous amounts of lorries and general traffic that abound in N/Smog it's a nightmare.


Suggest anyone that is going that way finds an alternative route or at least allow plenty of extra time.

In my estimation it wont get much better for the next several years and I'm not joking.




I usually bypass the N/S bypass by going down to Lat Yao and out to the  route 32 and BKK via Uthai Thani.


There is not a lot of difference in mileage for me but for Fred could go down the route 1 and cut over to Lat Yao and Uthai Thani, though I am not sure if the roads are wide enough or strong enough to take his Japanese made panzerkampfwagen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerkampfwagen_E-100

7 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I usually bypass the N/S bypass by going down to Lat Yao and out to the  route 32 and BKK via Uthai Thani.


There is not a lot of difference in mileage for me but for Fred could go down the route 1 and cut over to Lat Yao and Uthai Thani, though I am not sure if the roads are wide enough or strong enough to take his Japanese made panzerkampfwagen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerkampfwagen_E-100


8 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I usually bypass the N/S bypass by going down to Lat Yao and out to the  route 32 and BKK via Uthai Thani.


There is not a lot of difference in mileage for me but for Fred could go down the route 1 and cut over to Lat Yao and Uthai Thani, though I am not sure if the roads are wide enough or strong enough to take his Japanese made panzerkampfwagen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerkampfwagen_E-100

Thank Buddha I do have a Panzerkampwagen or 4X4 Tank as it's is known to the locals. As any small lump would I'm sure have suspension trouble due to the roads in N/Smog.

Sorry to say that any alternative route as you suggested is no good to H/M as it's well out of my way and would stick on even more time.


Thank Buddha I wont have to travel Via N/S for several months. Next time pencilled in is early November. when I have to go to that dreaded place Pattaya to see friends. Must say not looking forward to it Crap journey there, and Crap time once there. 


H/M K.P.Phet.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, fredob43 said:


Thank Buddha I do have a Panzerkampwagen or 4X4 Tank as it's is known to the locals. As any small lump would I'm sure have suspension trouble due to the roads in N/Smog.

Sorry to say that any alternative route as you suggested is no good to H/M as it's well out of my way and would stick on even more time.


Thank Buddha I wont have to travel Via N/S for several months. Next time pencilled in is early November. when I have to go to that dreaded place Pattaya to see friends. Must say not looking forward to it Crap journey there, and Crap time once there. 


H/M K.P.Phet.


Flog your shiny tank to some mug who wants one and buy a bashed up old pickup truck. Take your time in getting places, relax and enjoy the view as it slowly passes the window.

2 hours ago, billd766 said:


Flog your shiny tank to some mug who wants one and buy a bashed up old pickup truck. Take your time in getting places, relax and enjoy the view as it slowly passes the window.

Everyone has to take their time now. They had several speed checks in both directions on the 1/32 stopping all and fining peeps I think 500bht that were going above 110kph. I was told by my cab driver that 110 was fine anything over that you will be in trouble. So I always stick my tank at 108kph in cruse control.

Question does your bashed up old pick up have C/Control. Or do you have to keep your foot or a brick on the peddle for hundreds of K/M???



1 hour ago, fredob43 said:

Everyone has to take their time now. They had several speed checks in both directions on the 1/32 stopping all and fining peeps I think 500bht that were going above 110kph. I was told by my cab driver that 110 was fine anything over that you will be in trouble. So I always stick my tank at 108kph in cruse control.

Question does your bashed up old pick up have C/Control. Or do you have to keep your foot or a brick on the peddle for hundreds of K/M???




My old truck is pre most things. No electronics though it does have central locking and electric windows (when they work). I can lift the bonnet and actually see what is there. There is no point for a computer to be plugged in, a couple of years ago we upgraded the sound system from a cassette deck to a CD player.


No cruise control, no 10 speed,twin clutch auto gearbox, just 5 on the floor and reverse.


It is nearly 18 years old with 377,xxx km on the clock and the start up rattles go away after a couple of minutes. I still get around 12.5 km/lt. The great thing is that I can take it to Somchai Fixit for a service or repair and it doesn't cost me an arm or a leg to pay the bill.


HiSos take a look at it and decide to keep out of the way and I can leave it unlocked with the key in it and nobody steals it. Some even leave money out of pity for me.

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, billd766 said:

HiSos take a look at it and decide to keep out of the way and I can leave it unlocked with the key in it and nobody steals it. Some even leave money out of pity for me.

Hee hee hee...good one Bill!

  • Like 1

Billd's suggested route is nice for those well west of AH1. For those coming down AH1 try coming down the 117. Turn left on 3523 and follow it to the last road before the river (Kosi). Make a left and go down to the bridge on Tumvitee. Up and over the bridge and you'll be dumped onto 225. Turn right and proceed to AH1 missing Nakhon Sawan's worst.

7 hours ago, dave_boo said:

Billd's suggested route is nice for those well west of AH1. For those coming down AH1 try coming down the 117. Turn left on 3523 and follow it to the last road before the river (Kosi). Make a left and go down to the bridge on Tumvitee. Up and over the bridge and you'll be dumped onto 225. Turn right and proceed to AH1 missing Nakhon Sawan's worst.

Your route is fine for those that are coming from Suk or Phitsanulok but for those that are coming from Chang Mai down the AH1 it's well out of your way. I live in K.P.Phet and it takes as long to get to Phitso as it does to get to N/Smog. Added to that the 117 is also crap surface wise, well it was the last time I had the misfortune to travel on it.


H/M K.P.Phet.

9 hours ago, dave_boo said:

Billd's suggested route is nice for those well west of AH1. For those coming down AH1 try coming down the 117. Turn left on 3523 and follow it to the last road before the river (Kosi). Make a left and go down to the bridge on Tumvitee. Up and over the bridge and you'll be dumped onto 225. Turn right and proceed to AH1 missing Nakhon Sawan's worst.

Stand to be corrected but go down 117 further which is much better but started to break in places again, on a right turn off 117 is a new road ( 33 )  I think/remember and it comes back on to road 1  at the turn off to K.P.Phet going back the other way.

On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 11:12 AM, Kwasaki said:

Stand to be corrected but go down 117 further which is much better but started to break in places again, on a right turn off 117 is a new road ( 33 )  I think/remember and it comes back on to road 1  at the turn off to K.P.Phet going back the other way.

I think you are correct, but it leads you to the Bypass that at present is a pile of Cr/p with all the traffic having to go in single file. Adding yet more time for a trip down south. Oh and north.



1 hour ago, fredob43 said:

I think you are correct, but it leads you to the Bypass that at present is a pile of Cr/p with all the traffic having to go in single file. Adding yet more time for a trip down south. Oh and north.



Not like that now as resent as June. 

2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Not like that now as resent as June. 

I went to BKK last Friday week and it was hell. Roads up on the 1/32 then to crown it off single file on the bypass. Added to the lorries and hoards of general traffic it was a nightmare.




Gentlemen; you are both mostly correct.


Kwasaki; the road is the 122 not the 33. And you're correct that in the stretch between the 117 and AH1 it's rather nice.


fredob43; reading Kwasaki's post it sure sounds as if he's describing the northbound part of Nakhon Sawan bypass on the north side of the city. And that is heads and shoulders better than the southbound section.


Note: it's 2 1/2 km from my house so I kind of know what I'm talking about as I use it.

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