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Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy


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Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy

Thai youth are strutting around in T-shirts bearing cartoonish images of the Nazi dictator. Critics blame it on ignorance

By Tibor Krausz

BANGKOK: -- Cartoon pandas, Teletubbies, Ronald McDonald. At first glance they don’t seem to have much in common beyond a certain childlike quality. But during a visit to Bangkok you may discover another trait these popular cultural icons now share: their resemblance to Adolf Hitler.

In the Thai capital’s latest outbreak of Nazi chic, pandas, Teletubbies and Ronald have metamorphosed into cutesy alter egos of the Führer, who seems to exert a childlike fascination over some young Thais.

With any luck you can spot trendy young [more...]

Full story: http://www.cnngo.com...ic-trend-138530

-- cnngo.com 2012-02-27


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Using the swastika image, as the Chiang Mai students did some time ago is one thing since it's an ancient religious symbol, but glorifying Hitler and using Ronald McDonald as a Hitler image is a bit much. I expect McDonalds Corp., to sue soon.

Thai ignorance of history is just stunning. No doubt some politicians will soon be seen sporting the Little Dictator moustache.


Perhaps some young ignorant soul with cash to splash here will open a slimming spa called Buchenwald Bodyworks. Pathetic.annoyed.gif

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Aside from the ignorance of glamorizing der Fuhrer, this situation basically is a very bold statement of the complete disregard and contempt that Thailand has for intelectual property, trade dress,and trademarks. Teletubbies, Ronald McDonald etc. are all trademarks and important assets of others. Those groups have invested millions if not billions of baht into building their respective brands. Teletubbies which is intended for young kids deserves better than to have its image raped and violated by a bunch of greedy, ignorant thieves. And yes tha's what these business are. They aaren't just robbing their victims, they are peeing on them as well. One can laugh this off all one wants, but it is this attitude that explains in part why no foreign entities have R&D investments in Thailand.


Beyond this, the fact that the army got its nickers in such a twist about putting Abhisit's image on a flip flop shows how truly bizarre this country can be.

I wonder how long a t-shirt openly stating Praer Viharn isn't Thai would last in the market? (Irrespective of whether it is true or not). To another poster, this isn't laughing at nazism, this parody as you call it is essentially thievery by besmirching global brands.

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Using the swastika image, as the Chiang Mai students did some time ago is one thing since it's an ancient religious symbol, but glorifying Hitler and using Ronald McDonald as a Hitler image is a bit much. I expect McDonalds Corp., to sue soon.

Thai ignorance of history is just stunning. No doubt some politicians will soon be seen sporting the Little Dictator moustache.


Perhaps some young ignorant soul with cash to splash here will open a slimming spa called Buchenwald Bodyworks. Pathetic.annoyed.gif

Whereas you, you wouldn't exploit the image at all, would you, Pathetic.

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Once again Thailand hits a homerun for ignorance.

It's not ignorance but being completely uninformed. I've seen swastikas on helmets and flags and posters a million times. I even saw a Thai nazi ones completely with shaved head, bomber jacket and boots with white laces. If they only knew that they wouldn't have made it a second in the Third Reich.

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Most of the Thai's are quite ignorant about the subject of Nazism. I'd say only the most highly educated understand who hitler was and what he did. Thai's see the swastika and only think of their religion. Buddists did have the symbol thousands of years before hitler decided to shame it. I doubt even if they did know what a swastika represented in the western world it would change anything. This is Thailand. Don't take it too seriously.

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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

Comparing Hitler to rock and roll is stretching it rather.

There is absolutely ZERO creativity in these images, they are simply bad taste and show an astonishing ignorance and zero empathy.

It is cheap kitsch products for sale or marketing, so it is a storm in a teacup, but it shows a much wider lack of understanding.

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I don't understand why these westerners are complaining. These kids are not running around threatening foreigners on the streets or promoting political hatred. The images are actually making fun of Hitler. You Jews did that too remember. Mel Brooks....And if it still offends you then why don't you start complaining about Italians and their glorification of ancient Roman Gladiators. Those guys did a lot of killing of Jew's and other people also. Or did you forget your history?

These westerners are the neo-missionaries, spreading the good news of PC-ism. All good souls will instantly recognise the glory of PC and bow down and worship it. Those who resist will be entrusted to the cleansing power of the flames of his mercy.Nothing ever changes.

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