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Refusing To Sleep With Someone Just Because They Have Been To Thailand.


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I haven't been back to Blighty in nigh on 4 years but the English, American and European women (I simply cannot abide by Australians) I've er, dealt with in LOS have never raised objections like that which the OP had to contend with but then again, maybe I don't come over as being particularly promiscuous or as the type to dispense with "the bag" in a moment of inebriated madness. My guess is divulging details of his escapades in LOS and generally pissing her off got him locked out of that particular pooch.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Well, there was this lovely gal about 24 in my home town in Duncan and we got along famously. But,she wouldn't sleep with me. Maybe it was because I was 69 at the time. Of course, that never stopped any of my Thai lady friends. And it didn't seem to bother a Swedish girl I met in Kanchanaburi or a Russian girl I met in Rayong. Not sure what the reason was for the discrepency.

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Well, there was this lovely gal about 24 in my home town in Duncan and we got along famously. But,she wouldn't sleep with me. Maybe it was because I was 69 at the time. Of course, that never stopped any of my Thai lady friends. And it didn't seem to bother a Swedish girl I met in Kanchanaburi or a Russian girl I met in Rayong. Not sure what the reason was for the discrepency.

Alchohol or maybe hallucinogenic drugs?

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wow ! such enlightening responses from TVs very own home guard (otherwise known as dads army) wink.png

tell me, do you lot need someone to help you up out of your chairs these days ?

What you expect?

As mentioned by another poster Thailand is one big knocking shop with or without condom no problem so why the shock and horror when some girl back in the West has some reservations before sleeping with you.

Not sure what you told the girl about Thailand but I don't think it was about you being celibate in a temple for three months.

and there in lies the narrow mindedness of TV members i have come to know and love !

and yet armed the "knowledge" of the TV mindset you still decided to post a thread on this topic?

som nam na old son, som nam flippin' naaa....

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OP..........I've got a Thai gf, but I want to bang you.

Oz..........Ok, go get an aids test then you can bang me

OP.........How dare you offend my morals, you get an aids test, I don't know where you've been!!

Oz.........I know where you've been so you can ram your morals up your a*ss

Dante reckons there's a special place in hell for the hypocrite..........I think they'll need a bigger room

Surely the OP could take a slightly more positive approach:-

OP - " I have been honing my shagging skills around the bars of Thailand and have developed a number of techniques that will leave you gasping for breath"

GF - "OK, I'll have some of that"

Pretty straight forward really.

It has played on the OP's mind for 10 years + that Oz knocked him back.............that must be some kind of record

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If the OP is as obnoxious in real life as he has been on this thread it's no wonder no one wants to sleep with him.

Apparently he's married to a Thai lady, or he was when he opened the thread. Not sure if she reads TV...


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OP..........I've got a Thai gf, but I want to bang you.

Oz..........Ok, go get an aids test then you can bang me

OP.........How dare you offend my morals, you get an aids test, I don't know where you've been!!

Oz.........I know where you've been so you can ram your morals up your a*ss

Dante reckons there's a special place in hell for the hypocrite..........I think they'll need a bigger room

Surely the OP could take a slightly more positive approach:-

OP - " I have been honing my shagging skills around the bars of Thailand and have developed a number of techniques that will leave you gasping for breath"

GF - "OK, I'll have some of that"

Pretty straight forward really.

Is that HIV positively?

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OP..........I've got a Thai gf, but I want to bang you.

Oz..........Ok, go get an aids test then you can bang me

OP.........How dare you offend my morals, you get an aids test, I don't know where you've been!!

Oz.........I know where you've been so you can ram your morals up your a*ss

Dante reckons there's a special place in hell for the hypocrite..........I think they'll need a bigger room

Surely the OP could take a slightly more positive approach:-

OP - " I have been honing my shagging skills around the bars of Thailand and have developed a number of techniques that will leave you gasping for breath"

GF - "OK, I'll have some of that"

Pretty straight forward really.

Is that HIV positively?

Not pleasant...............here is the brutal reality of HIV, I don't blame the Oz girl.


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Not pleasant...............here is the brutal reality of HIV, I don't blame the Oz girl.

Unbelievably ignorant idiot making that film

Regardless the 'reality' of HIV in Thailand is that current infection rates are roughly the same now as in the US. In the early 90s, there were over 150,000 people PER YEAR getting infected. African levels, that could have led to a crisis similar to South Africa where 1/3 adults have it. The new infection rate has decreased to about 10,000 per year. There are still about half a million people infected in the country, but most got it back in the 90s and are alive today due to free anti HIV drugs from the government

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Sorry, but I really don't get this at all.

When I first came to Thailand, it was a business trip, my long standing English girlfriend of several years suggested that we started using condoms on my return, which I agreed to, even though she had nothing to worry about.

A refusal of sex stating that a visit to Thailand is the reason is a lie, it's probably something else.

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Not pleasant...............here is the brutal reality of HIV, I don't blame the Oz girl.

Unbelievably ignorant idiot making that film

Regardless the 'reality' of HIV in Thailand is that current infection rates are roughly the same now as in the US. In the early 90s, there were over 150,000 people PER YEAR getting infected. African levels, that could have led to a crisis similar to South Africa where 1/3 adults have it. The new infection rate has decreased to about 10,000 per year. There are still about half a million people infected in the country, but most got it back in the 90s and are alive today due to free anti HIV drugs from the government

He talks about the design of the Thai condom, the Cabbages and Condoms programme, and a 90% reduction in new HIV rates and you call him an unbelievably ignorant idiot.

Well I've learned something from watching the clip so that will do me.

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He talks about the design of the Thai condom, the Cabbages and Condoms programme, and a 90% reduction in new HIV rates and you call him an unbelievably ignorant idiot.

Well I've learned something from watching the clip so that will do me.

I watched other parts than just the small part about C&C, the guy is ridiculous.

He also filmed a naked gogo dancer undercover without her consent, he could face serious prison time in Thailand if she found out videos of her naked are on youtube.

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Maybe the answer was, take the test and find out. Then tell her your clear (assuming you still are) then if she doesn't believe you and asks to see for herself, forget about her. If she doesn't trust you now, it means she already thinks you are a lying scumbag. Do you really want to sleep with someone who thinks so little of you?

If principles are the driver behind you current disgust, how can you disagree with the above?

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If I was with a woman whom I knew had been to any country with a high AIDS infection count I woulkd not be willing to sleep with her until I had very good reason to be sure she did not have AIDS herself especially if I knew she had been sleeping with locals.

Each of the women I have had in Thailand has voiced concerns about STD's and HIV before going to bed with me to have sex. The topic was discussed like adults. I did not take the hump because they used their brains and discussed the situation.

Get a life and a few more brain cells, OP.

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a man being in thailand is treated like say for instance .....meeting a woman who says shes a stripper,lap dancer ,entertainer in mens club etc

even though its not certain ,people will assume she gets a lot of cock and might be worried about STDS whether they admit it or not

i think thats how western women view men who spend a lot of time in thailand ,they cant be certain ,but THEY ASSUME that men (some do ,some dont ) get a lot of action in the kingdom ,just because of the association of thailand with "those kind of ladies" etc

Edited by wana
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she insisted i take an HIV test as the use of using a condom did nothing to install her with any confidence in the matter. of which i refused to do on the basis that i took it as an insult to both myself and my Thai partner at that point in time.

Would you agree that the answer you are looking for as to why the lady in question requested an HIV test from you, is the very same reason you took the test in the first place... ?


no, i took the test with my then Thai girlfriend and now wife at the same time. kind of a nothing to hide sort of thing.

and at the same time, i asked the Aussie girl to take a test of which she took exception to. i asked on the principle that having moved around in the same kind of circles as she and seen just how much they like to "spread it about" in antipodean areas of London it was fare game. she took the moral high ground and said it wasn't the same. at that point why bother pursuing in something with someone who thinks in that way.

You're telling porkies, aren't you . . . changing your story mid-stream because you thought your Neanderthal behaviour would find resonance here . . .

You're an ignorant fool for not agreeing to take the HIV test . . . and changing your story after you've been pilloried for being a pillock makes you a dumb and ignorant fool

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....AND it has nothing to do with Thailand. ANYONE who is sleeping with ANYONE should worry both about his/her own and their partner's HIV status. This isn't new; this is 'welcome to the 1980's' territory.

If your new partner's excuse for asking you to get an HIV test was that your previous partner was in Thailand, that's also irresponsible (and slightly racist- HIV respects no national boundaries and all countries and their inhabitants are hotbeds of potential infection).

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Would you agree that the answer you are looking for as to why the lady in question requested an HIV test from you, is the very same reason you took the test in the first place... ?


no, i took the test with my then Thai girlfriend and now wife at the same time. kind of a nothing to hide sort of thing.

and at the same time, i asked the Aussie girl to take a test of which she took exception to. i asked on the principle that having moved around in the same kind of circles as she and seen just how much they like to "spread it about" in antipodean areas of London it was fare game. she took the moral high ground and said it wasn't the same. at that point why bother pursuing in something with someone who thinks in that way.

irrelevant i know, but how can you chuck about the word antipodean and get the phrase "fair game" wrong?

unless, of course, you hail from those regions as well.

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....AND it has nothing to do with Thailand. ANYONE who is sleeping with ANYONE should worry both about his/her own and their partner's HIV status. This isn't new; this is 'welcome to the 1980's' territory.

If your new partner's excuse for asking you to get an HIV test was that your previous partner was in Thailand, that's also irresponsible (and slightly racist- HIV respects no national boundaries and all countries and their inhabitants are hotbeds of potential infection).

How is asking for an aids test irresponsible? You're contradicting yourself from one sentence to the next.

Asking for an aids test with a new partner, especially when they've potentially been porking about in a hot-bed of prostitution is NOT irresponsible, nor is it racist - it simply reflects the situation in Thailand, whether or not the person addressed actually partakes in the whores-for-hours schtick

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I can never understand why some people like to publish all about their personal and sex lives on here?

Don`t some of you have close friends to discuss this sort of stuff with? Or is it that outside this forum no one is interested and became bored long ago?

My advice to the OP is; go and visit a bar, have a few drinks, seek out someone else that has also had a few drinks who may also be feeling the blues, then start telling him/her all about it. I’m sure the person will be understanding and sympathetic.

i really don't think he has given that much away, and kudos to him for what can be considered the only original topic i have seen here in ages.

There are others, ie Ian Forbes who not only publishes his location, but also photographs of his day-to-day life, recent conquests, family, and friends, yet seems well adjusted, and just wants to document his existence.

what concerns me are the ones who seek emotional advice on major issues in their lives, or view this place as a support group.

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