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Why Do Some People Moan About Phuket And Others Don'T?

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Why can't you see "the glass is haf full - not half empty" in these types of threads and posts on this forum?

Very strange remark coming form somebody whose glass is always near empty.

Me, I don't see the point in a thread like this, that is why I did not post here (except for this one post of course). The problem is, as indicated in an earlier thread, that there really is no point in a discussion with somebody who does not even bother to read but replies all the same, presuming he knows what the post read. Quite a few examples of this also in this thread.

And that is all I'll say here.

"Very strange remark coming form somebody whose glass is always near empty." - Once again, WRONG. For example, you see a negative post/experience about buying veg at Villa. I see a positive post to me, and many others, about how to avoid that scam. The glass is "half full." You just see the negative post as whinging, moaning or complaining, I see the benefit behind such a post. Many are learning something new here everyday. Another positive. :)

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"I'd like to see Phuket on motorbike but I'm worried about being scammed/ripped off. For example, I'm worried about returning the bike and them saying I owe for damages for physical or mechanical damage that may have already been present but not too noticeable. Can anyone recommend some companies that you believe are trustworthy or ones you've personally gone through before without problems? I'd prefer to go through a large hotel that rents motorbikes but can't seem to find any, but I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks "

This was the OP for the thread you are talking about. "BUT I AM WORRIED ABOUT BEING SCAMMED/RIPPED OFF" - pretty straight forward request for information on how NOT to get scammed/ripped off on Phuket, don't you think???????? To expand on that request and mention no travel insurance coverage if unlicenced to ride here etc, what's wrong with that???????? Threads evolve So what?

Most people disagreed with your advice in that thread! The OP said he ALREADY knew about the scams and rip offs he asked ' Can anyone recommend a trustworthy shop' To which your answer should have been 'NO', because you couldn't, but instead you gave him advice that he didn't ask for and most people disagreed with.

You still haven't answered this question from a previous post: "It's only fair that I can now ask you "rose tinters" a question. Name some good things that have been done for tourists and expats here in recent times?"

Somebody else answered that for you. I personally couldn't care less what good things have been done for expats or tourists, why should I? If things are getting so bad and nothing good is being done then expats can choose to stop living here and tourists can choose to stop holidaying here, can't they. Or are people being forced to do these things?

You make it sound like you signed up to a life in Phuket with a tour agency and now you want your money back! You are NOT being hard done by. Nobody is victimising you, nobody has made you any promises that they are now reneging on. Anything negative in your life is there because YOU allow it to be.

I have told you before, and the forum, I live in Patong.

biggrin.png I honestly didn't know that. I hear CM is nice when Patong gets too much for you. tongue.png Like I said above. It's YOU who puts yourself right in the middle of all your own issues.

Name one constructive post you have made recently, to tourist or expats, offering your knowledge and advice, or any "adaptations" you have put in place, to avoid a scam or lessen their impact on you????

I haven't because NOBODIES asked for any advice I am qualified to give. The question is why HAVE you shared that advice when nobody asked for it? Especially when it is highly disagreed with as your advice in the scooter shop thread was.

I gave an example of a some nice views on that thread, that was the last positive post I made. The thread you obviously had nothing to add to!

I have no problem boring the pants off everybody else, no one forces them to read my posts, but I do have issues with boring myself which is what I'm now doing. We'll have this chat again when you've moved. It will all become much clearer to you then.


"What would have to change to make me leave?" has to be the dumbest question I have ever read on TV.

If you meant "what would have to change to allow me to stay" the answer is a lot - so I left in 2003. And since then Phuket has turned into one of the most crime-ridden overdeveloped shitholes on the planet.

Sorry, I was done but this little gem somehow passed me by.

'NKM' just briefly explain who and how benefited from this post. Just so as you don't reply to something completely different let me summarise.

It's by a person who hasn't been to Phuket for 9 years (still reads and replies in the forum though blink.png ) He thinks my question is dumb because it's asking what would have to change to make people leave, and thinks it should be changed to what would change to allow them to stay.

I'm not sure but I think he thinks that when he left in 2003 everybody followed him. I think he thinks Phuket is a ghost town with tumble weed blowing down Soi Bangla. smile.png

So Mr half glass full, please tell me what positiveness I'm supposed to be extracting from that post, because I just see a person who got chewed up and spat out of Phuket and now holds a grudge. (I bet he lived in Patong tongue.png )


@ Hong Kong Phoney :)

"Most people disagreed with your advice in that thread." - So? They are entitled to disagree, just like I am entitled to post it.

"Somebody else answered that for you." - Why couldn't you answer it as well? You are so full of "positives" of Phuket. The question shouldn't be too hard for you to answer.

"I haven't because NOBODIES asked for any advice I am qualified to give." - I asked you to give advice to someone coming to Phuket and wanting to hire a jet-ski. You never replied. What about an easier one. What advice would you give someone wanting to get from the airport to Patong?

"The thread you obviously had nothing to add to!" - I don't remember it. Refresh my memory.

"We'll have this chat again when you've moved." - I don't know when that will be. I don't rule out that it could be next week, or it could be in 20 years. If/when that time comes, I will still post on the issues that were still affecting Phuket, up unto when I left, so, I expect we'll be chatting regularly. :)

"Sorry, I was done but this little gem somehow passed me by." - I posted this earlier in the thread. "You will never hear me make a ridiculous comment like, "Phuket is sh*t." You WILL hear me make a comment to the effect of, "Phuket is sh*t for public transport" and then I will give reasons for my comment. Eg. 200 baht minimum journey, changing the price on the drunk passenger at the arrival destination etc etc. Am I not entitled to make such a comment? Are you not entitled to either agree, or disagree with it, and state your reasons?"

I agree, there is no positives in that post because there is no information in it. If that member was to post their reasons behind that opinion, there may be some positive points of interest.

"So Mr half glass full, please tell me what positiveness I'm supposed to be extracting from that post, because I just see a person who got chewed up and spat out of Phuket and now holds a grudge. (I bet he lived in Patong tongue.png )" - Once again, if Phuket is such a nice place as you would have us believe, why was he "chewed up and spat out?" Why would someone feel the need to leave such a nice place???? Could it be Phuket is not as nice as it first appears?

"I'm not sure but I think he thinks that when he left in 2003 everybody followed him. I think he thinks Phuket is a ghost town with tumble weed blowing down Soi Bangla. smile.png" - An obvious exageration, but I know a few people who have left and now question why they never left earlier, and they were die hard Phuket fans. People are leaving, and new people are coming. Only time will tell if expat numbesr decline, remain stable, or increase.


...you see a negative post/experience about buying veg at Villa. I see a positive post to me, and many others, about how to avoid that scam. The glass is "half full." You just see the negative post as whinging, moaning or complaining, I see the benefit behind such a post. Many are learning something new here everyday. Another positive. smile.png

Scam? Didn't yer mom teach you not to buy overpriced, cello/paper wrapped veg - you had to learn that on an internet Forum? huh.png
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Why Do Some People Moan About Phuket And Others Don'T?

Maybe, they did not know how Phuket was 1990 and before until about 2000+.

For me, its just to much from everything now, special the traffic in and around the beach centers and Phuket town.

Crazy overdeveloped the island. To many Tourists and Thais to.

That is what I dislike. Change-not possible. Restrict the Tourists and cars allowed on the island? Just turn the clock back?

The s... hit the fan already for me.hit-the-fan.gif



Yup....you nailed it.

A picture of a hot-air balloon would also have sufficed.

Now there's an idea. Can you imagine hot air ballooning over Phang Nga Bay!! How fantastic would that be. Wouldn't be possible because of the airport, but lovely idea.


I have told you before, and the forum, I live in Patong. So, I see the worst of it. Even if I moved from Patong and went to a quieter part of the island, I would still post about my knowledge of how to avoid, or minimise the impact of scams on Phuket, to new tourist and expats alike. They can take my "left field" views, and your "right field" views, and make an informed decision for themselves. It's all good. It all "balances."

I never knew you lived in Patong...makes everything you say seem completely bizarre to me. Why would anyone that is so effected by the "scams" of Phuket chose to live in Patong?


I have told you before, and the forum, I live in Patong. So, I see the worst of it. Even if I moved from Patong and went to a quieter part of the island, I would still post about my knowledge of how to avoid, or minimise the impact of scams on Phuket, to new tourist and expats alike. They can take my "left field" views, and your "right field" views, and make an informed decision for themselves. It's all good. It all "balances."

I never knew you lived in Patong...makes everything you say seem completely bizarre to me. Why would anyone that is so effected by the "scams" of Phuket chose to live in Patong?

I'm not affected by them, I have "adapted" and have my "workarounds." I also have a good reliable driver of a legitimate taxi, although there was one time he said he couldn't pick me up because it was in someone else's area, or "patch." We agreed I would walk down the road a bit and I got in his taxi at that location.

"You will never hear me make a ridiculous comment like, "Phuket is sh*t." You WILL hear me make a comment to the effect of, "Phuket is sh*t for public transport" and then I will give reasons for my comment. Eg. 200 baht minimum journey, changing the price on the drunk passenger at the arrival destination etc etc. Am I not entitled to make such a comment? Are you not entitled to either agree, or disagree with it, and state your reasons?"

The above is the 3rd time I have posted this paragraph. If someone starts a thread requesting information about certain "issues" that exist on Phuket, I'll tell them the scam DOES EXIST, because it actually does. I can then tell them how to avoid it, or minimise its affect. Others on this forum have done the same, and I have learnt from them. Just passing on knowledge.

Of course, some would have you believe Phuket is scam, crime, violence and extortion free. :) :)



Yup....you nailed it.

A picture of a hot-air balloon would also have sufficed.

Now there's an idea. Can you imagine hot air ballooning over Phang Nga Bay!! How fantastic would that be. Wouldn't be possible because of the airport, but lovely idea.

I thought this place was perfect. Don't tell me you have found an imperfection, no, it can't be. It's impossible. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Why are you moaning there is no hot air ballooning over Phuket? If you like hot air ballooning, you should move to a place that has hot air ballooning. There has never been hot air ballooning here, why did


I have told you before, and the forum, I live in Patong. So, I see the worst of it. Even if I moved from Patong and went to a quieter part of the island, I would still post about my knowledge of how to avoid, or minimise the impact of scams on Phuket, to new tourist and expats alike. They can take my "left field" views, and your "right field" views, and make an informed decision for themselves. It's all good. It all "balances."

I never knew you lived in Patong...makes everything you say seem completely bizarre to me. Why would anyone that is so effected by the "scams" of Phuket chose to live in Patong?

Are you not entitled to either agree, or disagree with it, and state your reasons?"

The information you give as far as i am concerned exaggerates the problems in Phuket and do not give tourists and visitors to this website an accurate and informative impression of what to expect in Phuket.

At no point did I say that the problems that people quote on this website don't exist, all I say is that they do not effect daily life and effect very few tourists. I certainly almost never get affected by any of the issues you talk about ( I can struggle to think of one time to be honest). On that basis I don't think your comments are helpful in fact quite the opposite.

That is why I disagree with you and that is my reason.


@ HongKongPhooey

I thought this place was perfect. Don't tell me you have found an imperfection, no, it can't be. It's impossible. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Why are you moaning there is no hot air ballooning over Phuket? There has never been hot air ballooning here, so why did you move here in the first place? If you like hot air ballooning, you should move to a place that has hot air ballooning. Why post negative things about the airport, just because you like hot air ballooning. blah, blah blah.

Sound familiar? smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png


I have told you before, and the forum, I live in Patong. So, I see the worst of it. Even if I moved from Patong and went to a quieter part of the island, I would still post about my knowledge of how to avoid, or minimise the impact of scams on Phuket, to new tourist and expats alike. They can take my "left field" views, and your "right field" views, and make an informed decision for themselves. It's all good. It all "balances."

I never knew you lived in Patong...makes everything you say seem completely bizarre to me. Why would anyone that is so effected by the "scams" of Phuket chose to live in Patong?

Are you not entitled to either agree, or disagree with it, and state your reasons?"

The information you give as far as i am concerned exaggerates the problems in Phuket and do not give tourists and visitors to this website an accurate and informative impression of what to expect in Phuket.

At no point did I say that the problems that people quote on this website don't exist, all I say is that they do not effect daily life and effect very few tourists. I certainly almost never get affected by any of the issues you talk about ( I can struggle to think of one time to be honest). On that basis I don't think your comments are helpful in fact quite the opposite.

That is why I disagree with you and that is my reason.

Once again, the same old, "It doesn't affect me - so it shouldn't affect you" reply.

Peterocket, when a tourist comes to Phuket for the first time, as soon as they walk out the front door of the airport, tell me, what happens?

They are besieiged by "Airport Limosine" drivers trying to grab their bags off them and charging anywhere from 1300 baht to 1500 baht, and sometimes more, for transport to their hotel. It's very intimidating. Just put yourself in their shoes, for one minute.

So, they google, "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" for example, before they fly. Maybe this website appears on the first page of google. They read do not get an Airport Limosine, they are a rip off, get a metered taxi from Phuket Airport, and that's what they do.

I have two questions for you. 1) Is the information they have read the wrong advice? 2) Has that information benefited them?


Once again, the same old, "It doesn't affect me - so it shouldn't affect you" reply.

Peterocket, when a tourist comes to Phuket for the first time, as soon as they walk out the front door of the airport, tell me, what happens?

They are besieiged by "Airport Limosine" drivers trying to grab their bags off them and charging anywhere from 1300 baht to 1500 baht, and sometimes more, for transport to their hotel. It's very intimidating. Just put yourself in their shoes, for one minute.

So, they google, "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" for example, before they fly. Maybe this website appears on the first page of google. They read do not get an Airport Limosine, they are a rip off, get a metered taxi from Phuket Airport, and that's what they do.

I have two questions for you. 1) Is the information they have read the wrong advice? 2) Has that information benefited them?

I will chip in one more time, thanks HKP for the correction that I had already posted here.

NKM, again, please read before you answer. Nowhere did Pete say or imply: 'It doesn't affect me - so it shouldn't affect you'. This is what you do on a continuous basis: you don't read, just keep repeating the same over and over, saying/implying people are claiming things when they are not.

Therefor any discussion with you is pointless.


"What would have to change to make me leave?" has to be the dumbest question I have ever read on TV.

+1 thumbsup.gif

Maybe for the OP it's when his regular massage lady finally has had it with his flatulence, and says something? Sort of like those of us who have to be tortured by written flatulence.

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@ HongKongPhooey

I thought this place was perfect. Don't tell me you have found an imperfection, no, it can't be. It's impossible. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Why are you moaning there is no hot air ballooning over Phuket? There has never been hot air ballooning here, so why did you move here in the first place? If you like hot air ballooning, you should move to a place that has hot air ballooning. Why post negative things about the airport, just because you like hot air ballooning. blah, blah blah.

Sound familiar? smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

You really are a strange one! Even by your standards that was a seriously daft post. Negative things about the airport?? Moaning about hot air ballooning?? Oh dear, oh dear!!

One final point then I truly am done. The above post shows that you will keep this going for ever regardless of whether you have anything of an substance to say or not, so I won't encourage you any more.

Please allow me to take you back in time. I would like to go back to the week before you moved to Phuket. I will take it for granted that you didn't just pack a bag and jump on a plane to Phuket without ever having been there before, I will assume that you did some research in to the place or like most people came on several holidays before deciding to make the move permanent.

The two things you repeat over and over again, are that Phuket's changing and the lack of cheap transport. The thing is, the transport situation hasn't changed at all since you got here. Maybe the problems regarding mobs and blockades, but the fact that there is no other alternative to Tuk Tuks has always been the case as long as you have been here.

So my question to you is what thought process were you entering in to the week before you moved here? Did you take a chance and think that a bus system would start soon after you arrived and then get disappointed when it didn't ? Did the lack of transport not worry you then but then became a worry later? Please explain what exactly was your take on the situation that week before you moved here.

I can only see it two ways. Either it didn't bother you back then but now does, which means it's you that's changed while the transport situation has stayed exactly the same. Or, you knew the system was like it was, knew it would be a problem for you what with you living in Patong without a car, but still came anyway and started to moan about it when you got here.

The first one is entirely your fault because it's you who has changed not Phuket, and the second one is your fault because you knew how it was but came anyway.

Please explain how you got yourself in to the situation where you're unhappy about the transport situation, because you like to claim things are changing but that hasn't. What did you think about it the week before you came here?


"What would have to change to make me leave?" has to be the dumbest question I have ever read on TV.

+1 thumbsup.gif

Maybe for the OP it's when his regular massage lady finally has had it with his flatulence, and says something? Sort of like those of us who have to be tortured by written flatulence.

'Have' to be tortured by it?? How does that work exactly. Assuming you are in complete control of your faculties, then why exactly would you 'have' to read my posts?


Once again, the same old, "It doesn't affect me - so it shouldn't affect you" reply.

Peterocket, when a tourist comes to Phuket for the first time, as soon as they walk out the front door of the airport, tell me, what happens?

They are besieiged by "Airport Limosine" drivers trying to grab their bags off them and charging anywhere from 1300 baht to 1500 baht, and sometimes more, for transport to their hotel. It's very intimidating. Just put yourself in their shoes, for one minute.

So, they google, "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" for example, before they fly. Maybe this website appears on the first page of google. They read do not get an Airport Limosine, they are a rip off, get a metered taxi from Phuket Airport, and that's what they do.

I have two questions for you. 1) Is the information they have read the wrong advice? 2) Has that information benefited them?

Note to self: Stop saying that you have finished posting on a thread when you haven't. ph34r.png

While I'm waiting with bated breath for you to answer my last question 'NKM', which I believe may go some way to helping me understand exactly how you arrived in the position you are in, I would like to answer the above post that you addressed to 'PRock'. I seemed to have missed it when I made my 'last' last post.

Firstly, I hate to disappoint you but TV doesn't appear on any of the first 3 pages of Google when using those key words. I didn't check further than that. sad.png

However, all is not lost because all the unbiased, accurate and relevant information does. So this goes some way in proving that not only your negative opinions aren't really necessary but even if they were you are failing miserably to reach the masses any way, because there is already far more relevant, accurate and welcomed information out there already. Which is why I try to tell you that it may benefit you by making you feel better, but it doesn't benefit anybody else.

My answer to your questions would be, Yes the advice is wrong and, No the information hasn't benefited them. You have told them not to use a service that millions of people use each year without any problems or regrets simply because you don't like them. How does it benefit the millions of people that are happy using that service when they are standing in a huge queue waiting for a clapped out meter taxi which is only slightly cheaper anyway, because you told them that was the only option??

The prices are clearly labelled and if they aren't they will be told to you if you ask. I personally have never heard of any stories about the price being changed at the end of the journey so can only assume it very rarely happens if ever. They are big, brand new comfortable cars that you almost never have to wait for.

My only down side is they drive way too fast, so I personally would mention that so people are aware. Having said that I don't think they have many accidents. Probably leave them all in their wake. biggrin.png

The point is you told people they are a scam, yet millions of people including myself, have decided that despite their erratic driving they are by far a better option than waiting in a queue for an hour, just to save a couple of hundred baht. That is why it was bad advice because you didn't give all the facts, just a selective snippet of information based on your own personal gripe.

It doesn't matter what you say anyway because I think I'm the only person that reads your posts anyway and you're the only person that reads mine. tongue.png

Although having said that, you said you would still post the same even after you have moved. shock1.gif That will be when I draw the line and stop reading your posts completely as that will be an illogical step too far as far for me.

P.S Can you give me some examples of how you personally have been scammed. Just so I understand what kind of things you are talking about.


Calm down people I'm nearly done. smile.png Unless 'NKM' answers my questions, I promise I won't post on the forum for at least a month after this post. Help balance out the over use of recent days. I don't want my very presence to be responsible for anyone popping any arteries, or making their pace makers explode!

Another example. If you google 'Renting Jet Ski Phuket', these are some of the things that you will see:

'I will never use a jet ski after what I saw'

'The Phuket jet ski debate'

'BKK & Thailand scams'

'Jet Ski Rental' (Trip Advisor)

'Aussie tells of jet ski scam nightmare'

'Phuket Jet ski dispute'

All those were on page 1 of google and many more! TV made it on to the very bottom of page 3 as the very last topic, but unfortunately you didn't take part in that discussion.

So again you will see that every needed advice and warnings are out there for everybody to read and know before they come to Phuket. 100% proof that when you constantly moan about the same thing over and over again it doesn't make the slightest difference, because all the advice is out there already, and none of it is from you on TV. So your strongest argument that you are doing it to help is 100% flawed as Google proves.


Calm down people I'm nearly done. smile.png Unless 'NKM' answers my questions, I promise I won't post on the forum for at least a month after this post. Help balance out the over use of recent days. I don't want my very presence to be responsible for anyone popping any arteries, or making their pace makers explode!

Another example. If you google 'Renting Jet Ski Phuket', these are some of the things that you will see:

'I will never use a jet ski after what I saw'

'The Phuket jet ski debate'

'BKK & Thailand scams'

'Jet Ski Rental' (Trip Advisor)

'Aussie tells of jet ski scam nightmare'

'Phuket Jet ski dispute'

All those were on page 1 of google and many more! TV made it on to the very bottom of page 3 as the very last topic, but unfortunately you didn't take part in that discussion.

So again you will see that every needed advice and warnings are out there for everybody to read and know before they come to Phuket. 100% proof that when you constantly moan about the same thing over and over again it doesn't make the slightest difference, because all the advice is out there already, and none of it is from you on TV. So your strongest argument that you are doing it to help is 100% flawed as Google proves.

PLEASE, PLEASE NKM - don't respond! Bear in mind HKP has in this post pointed out that there are a few problems, but his point is that he would prefer no-one mention them.

Also bear in mind HKP's promise not to post again if you don't respond!

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HKP has in [his] post pointed out that there are a few problems, but his point is that he would prefer no-one mention them.

No, his point seems to be some people (maybe including himself...) enjoy beating dead horses.

"What would have to change to make me leave?" has to be the dumbest question I have ever read on TV.

+1 thumbsup.gif

Maybe for the OP it's when his regular massage lady finally has had it with his flatulence, and says something? Sort of like those of us who have to be tortured by written flatulence.

'Have' to be tortured by it?? How does that work exactly. Assuming you are in complete control of your faculties, then why exactly would you 'have' to read my posts?

You can be confident I do not read 99% of your posts. Now, go back to responding to other posts one-by-one.



"I don't think the island has changed any where near as much as people say, not in the last 12 years anyway."

You lost me, are your credibility, after that sentence. Seriously. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

When you consider it's a small island with very little available land and you consider what is happening all over the world as far as over development and the increase in crime, I stand by comment.

In the UK, councils can now knock down listed buildings that were protected because they want to build more houses so we have somewhere to put all the immigrants.

Green belt land that was supposed to be protected is being used for the same.

Do you think me or you could build on that land or knock down a protected listed building? People say I bury my head in the sand but when people talk about corruption they are showing how naive and gullible they are about what happens everywhere in the world. What is a local council paying to be able to knock down a listed building if not corruption?

Do I really need to point out how corrupt politicians are the world over? It would seem I do. So yes, I stand by my opinion that Phuket and Thailand isn't that different to the rest of the world. If anything the corruption and deceit are for more honest as they are there for all to see and not done in such a way that the are trying and succeeding to pull the wool over everybody's eyes. I know which I prefer.

Why didn't you answer my simple question about where you live and have lived?

“In the UK, councils can now knock down listed buildings that were protected because they want to build more houses so we have somewhere to put all the immigrants.

Green belt land that was supposed to be protected is being used for the same.”

Another woefully inaccurate statement with some ironic racism thrown in. Local UK Government cannot just knock down listed structures to house immigrants and neither can it ‘pay’ to have such. There is considerable due process involved, which can take a number of years to resolve and any comparative with the machinations of a third world country are really quite risible.



So, they google, "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" for example, before they fly. Maybe this website appears on the first page of google.



So your strongest argument that you are doing it to help is 100% flawed as Google proves.

If you Google "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" with the quotes, not only do you get NKM's post on the first page of results, it is the only result. tongue.png


Who in there right mind googles using quotes....lol

Using quotes in a google search has the advantage that you only get the results with the exact text as quoted. I don't see it happening much for a search like this one, but for certain searches I can see advantages.

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