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Iran Condemns Quran Burning By Florida Pastor Terry Jones


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Iran condemns Quran burning by Florida pastor Terry Jones < br /> 2012-04-30 19:35:00 GMT+7 (ICT) GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA (BNO NEWS) -- The Iranian government on Monday issued a strong condemnation a Florida pastor's burning of a Quran over the weekend, calling it provocative and warning the action will cause anger and resentment throughout the Muslim world.Pastor Terry Jones, who heads the Dove World Outreach Center, a 50-member evangelical Christian church in Gainesville, Florida, burned the Quran and an image of the prophet Mohammed on late Saturday afternoon to protest against Iran's imprisonment of 35-year-old Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.Iran's foreign ministry described the Quran burning as "absurd, insulting and provoking" and the result of 'Islamophobia' in the West. "There is no doubt that this cheap American priest will cause religious hatred, anger and resentment throughout the Muslim world," a spokesman said, accusing the U.S. government of failing to prevent the burning. The burning took place outside the church in Gainesville and was attended by a small group of supporters. "The image of Mohammed and the Quran will be burned as a form of demonstration and protest against the brutality, murder, rape and destruction of Islam that has taken place over a 1,400 year history and has not stopped," the pastor said. "Today is not a day of celebration by no means, it is actually a very sad day. It is sad that something like this needs to take place. It is sad that this type of step must be done."Jones accused the U.S. government and other governments in the Western world of failing to protect Christians, minorities, women, believers and non-believers in Muslim countries. "Pastor Youcef has spent over 900 days in jail because of his religious beliefs, because he dared to share those religious beliefs," he said. Youcef Nadarkhani, born to Muslim parents in the northern Iranian town of Rasht, was arrested in October 2009. Nadarkhani, who has said he was never a practicing Muslim, turned to Christianity as a teenager and later became a member of the Only Jesus Church. He was ordained as a pastor in Rasht. Nadarkhani, who had protested against his child being given mandatory lessons on Islam in school, refused an order by Iran's Supreme Court to recant his Christian faith. As a result, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death for apostasy in September 2011. His death sentence was upheld in February, and Nadarkhani's execution may be imminent.Jones, who is participating in this year's presidential election in the United States as an Independent candidate, announced in 2010 that he would burn 200 Qurans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States. The announcement led to massive protests, leaving more than 20 people killed, but Jones canceled the Quran-burning event after international outrage and pleas from world leaders.But in March 2011, Jones played the role of a judge during an event dubbed as the "International Judge the Quran Day." The Quran was charged with being responsible for violence and 'found guilty' after a six hour trial. Jones then 'sentenced' the Quran to burning, after which pastor Wayne Sapp carried out the act. The burning caused renewed outrage, mainly in Afghanistan where dozens of people were killed. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-30

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Well today, there weren't any protests in Kabul (although we were on lockdown most of the day due to this issue). Some protests in Khanadahar, but nothing as violent as last year when this idiot burned another Koran which led to violent protests in Mazar, storming of a UN house and killing of the UN workers.

Of course the only ones upset are Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The other Muslim countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, etc) don't seem to care...its just the backwater uneducated countries.

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But nobody seems to give a sh-1-t about 20 killed in a Nigerian church bombing, not to mention the 54 jihad attacks resulting in 169 deaths last week alone. I guess the Pastor does give a sh-i-t though and perhaps if such facts were used in replying to Iran and anyone else who complains then they may understand how ludicrous and hypocritical their stance is.

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why does religion attract all the head cases?

Because this "pastor" is a classic chickenhawk provocateur, only too happy to cause trouble as he knows that he will not have to face the consequences (in this life at least if you believe in that kind of thing, and in his case I truly hope there is some form of final reckoning).

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why does religion attract all the head cases?

Because this "pastor" is a classic chickenhawk provocateur, only too happy to cause trouble as he knows that he will not have to face the consequences (in this life at least if you believe in that kind of thing, and in his case I truly hope there is some form of final reckoning).

Maybe he's a bit pissed off about all the attacks and persecution of Christians and desecration of their places of Worship in quite a few Country's and nobody seems to give a dam_n about it , burn their holy book and they are up in arms ,fire bomb a Christian Church and slaughter its inhabitants and the silence is deafening !.
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What we should have is the burning of every koran and every bible, along with the smoking of Tom Cruise's book on Scientology and his mate Xenu. whistling.gif

I would rather they be printed on a roll with perforations between each piece, smaller carbon footprint.

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What we should have is the burning of every koran and every bible, along with the smoking of Tom Cruise's book on Scientology and his mate Xenu. whistling.gif

Shhhh...you can't mention Xenu or the Operating Thetans will come and get you.

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It does seem that the later religions are even more ridiculous than the earlier. What is scary is that which the possible future leader of the US professes to believe.

".......will cause religious hatred, anger and resentment throughout the Muslim world...." I suggest not a great increase in a religion well-versed in all three.

This world will be a better place when the right of "Freedom of Religion" is extended to "Freedom FROM Religion."

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why does religion attract all the head cases?

Because this "pastor" is a classic chickenhawk provocateur, only too happy to cause trouble as he knows that he will not have to face the consequences (in this life at least if you believe in that kind of thing, and in his case I truly hope there is some form of final reckoning).

If you are going to get upset over the silly behaviour of one man who may or may not represent his 50 parishioners, then you really do not want to see the farang that has a habit of walking down the soi in his thong. Nothing really illegal in it, but what a sight to behold. He makes a fool of himself, just like this fellow from Florida.

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Why Don't some one burn a ton of Bibles ,I can guarantee you another Christian Country will not make a big deal of it like Iran did ,or anyone living thousands of miles away who had sweet FA to do with it will be slaughtered as a direct result of it! Why is the Koran deemed so special by Westerners when no one gives a monkeys when they burn a Christian Church to the ground in Nigeria and and kill many people inside ?? Muslim demand respect but never show it to any other religion, The putrid stench of pure hypocrisy is nauseating .

I shudder to think what the exchange rate is for dead Christians, especially black ones versus one burnt Koran.

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I condemn the use of the Koran in the Beslan school attack in 2004. The book was openly on display in the home-movies the terrorists made, chapters of it were ritually chanted to the room full of imprisoned children. The children were forced to drink their own urine for 3 days, in a room wired with explosives, while listening to black clad maniacs reading chapters of the Koran, before being machine-gunned on the floor.

334 people died there, including 156 children. After the attack, many people in the media said the attack was not related to islam. How anyone can say that when they were reading from the Koran during the whole siege is unbelievable.

That is the global delusion we persist in believing, or at least pretend to do so. As Richard Dawkins once observed, why does religion always get a free pass for words and deeds which would attract condemnation and legal sanction for anything else? If blasphemy laws are used as a device to stop criticism or examination it is a sure sign there is something very evil which indeed does need exposing and bringing to an end.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Really? Are you guys really, going to debate religions? cheesy.gif

Can we discuss conspiracy theories while we're at it! coffee1.gif


I guess we could discuss European football but since the title of this thread is...are you ready for this?

"Iran condemns Quran burning by Pastor Terry Jones"

It would seem almost imperative that religion be discussed in a thread with that name.wink.png

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Although it will never happen cos the West has " No Balls", what should happen, is when an Incident like this happens and the Islamic world is up in Arms they should be told in no uncertain terms do not expect others to respect your religion when you yourselves respect no one else,s , just why is YOUR religion so special and others so unimportant and of no consequence? , then of course those who utter these words there will be a wringing of hands and a gnashing of teeth by "the appeasers" and they will be branded Racist fascist extremist,s ,funny old World ain't itwink.png

Edited by Colin Yai
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why does religion attract all the head cases?

Because this "pastor" is a classic chickenhawk provocateur, only too happy to cause trouble as he knows that he will not have to face the consequences (in this life at least if you believe in that kind of thing, and in his case I truly hope there is some form of final reckoning).

If you are going to get upset over the silly behaviour of one man who may or may not represent his 50 parishioners, then you really do not want to see the farang that has a habit of walking down the soi in his thong. Nothing really illegal in it, but what a sight to behold. He makes a fool of himself, just like this fellow from Florida.

But unlike your local poseur, Terry Jones (the self-appointed pastor, with a unaccerdited theology degree that gives him tax exempt status on his "church") and his actions cause ripples far further than just your soi.

Jones is looking for an over-reaction to his provocative action, thus enabling him and his fellow islamophobes to say just how beastly they are. Classic extremist behaviour, though it is fair to say that muslims should not fall for this simple provocation and certainly not take any lives. Sadly only extremists on both sides derive any benefit as such acts just validate their myopic stereotypes of the other side as religious zealots out to crush their religion and way of life, and being allowed to get away with such behaviour.

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An off-topic post has been deleted.

Further posts which state refer to Muhammad as 'not having existed' will result in a suspension. Such posts have no other purpose than to lead into an off-topic discussion. They are inflammatory and baiting.

This topic is not the burning of a book, not necessarily it's author.

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Jones is looking for an over-reaction to his provocative action, thus enabling him and his fellow islamophobes to say just how beastly they are. Classic extremist behaviour, though it is fair to say that muslims should not fall for this simple provocation and certainly not take any lives. Sadly only extremists on both sides derive any benefit as such acts just validate their myopic stereotypes of the other side as religious zealots out to crush their religion and way of life, and being allowed to get away with such behaviour.

Actually the thread concerns Iran because Pastor Jones was protesting against the continued imprisonment of a Christian Pastor by Iran for a 'crime' involving freedom of conscience. If you think about it this case highlights the juxtaposition of being jailed for religious conviction and the burning of a book, which denies this choice. This is demonstrably so as Iran uses Sharia law, which is based on the Koran and Hadiths.

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This guy is a fool. He has gained nothing by his actions. If he wants to burn the Quran to vent his hatred/get himself off or whatever then why doesn't he just do it privately? He is doing it deliberately to piss off Muslims that he knows good and well over- react at the best of times. He is a shit stirrer and nothing more. Someone should go and slap his titty. crazy.gif

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This guy is a fool. He has gained nothing by his actions. If he wants to burn the Quran to vent his hatred/get himself off or whatever then why doesn't he just do it privately? He is doing it deliberately to piss off Muslims that he knows good and well over- react at the best of times. He is a shit stirrer and nothing more. Someone should go and slap his titty. crazy.gif

I do disapprove of his actions, as they provide a pretext for violence, though be under no illusion that another pretext couldn't be conjured up almost at will. And yes, he indeed 'knows good and well' that Muslims over-react as you put it, but this is the racism of low expectations when you conclude some Muslims will act in a manner consistent with that of a nine year old child in the west. Touching on what Colin wrote - If such behavior is tolerated you are creating a negative cycle when the same hair trigger sensitivities will assert themselves at all times, which is why I'm hoping this time we avoid a grovelling apology from the Potus.

Edited by Steely Dan
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why does religion attract all the head cases?

Because those who are emotionally capable can do without it.

I've nothing against anyone's god..... whether it's Allah, Buddha or Clapton. Whatever floats your ark.

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When there is an upsurge in violence in Afghainistan because of his actons, and troops are killed or maimed, he should be held accountable.

Why? He is neither aiding nor abetting such attacks. I think we all agree that Mr. Jones is a fool. The Taliban don't care about Mr. Jones and would find another excuse to murder and maim. Your logic is the equivalent of saying that the English citizenry should rise up and slay all Pakistanis in their midst because 3 Pakistani males are on trial now for brutalizing and turning white girls into prostitutes. The local Pakistani community is repulsed by such acts and wants to see these guys kicked to the curb. By the same token, the local US community wishes Mr. Jones would go back to his trailer park and &lt;deleted&gt;.

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