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Global Introduce Credit Card Surcharge 3%..Ouch


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May have been posted before...however:

Just for a bit of Info:Non Thai Credit Cards

Over the years I have bought loads of stuff from Global..including after the fire and always used my N/W CC as payment with no Hassle.Went in last week and found on check out that they have introduced a 3 % surcharge on ...assume all Non Thai Credit Cards.

The young lass said it only start last week and sounds like I was the first "hit"

She also mentioed that they were happy for me to use my BB Be First Debit Card...but ach...didnt have it with me.

Also quick mention for the new Bic C (x Carre4)...first chance to visit and recon its got better.

Great fresh HOT cheesy Croissants at 4 bt each...and....they.... got an EAON atm machine....wonders...etc

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This topic has been discussed numerous times. There are various ways to reduce this surcharge. One is to make sure the store charges your credit card in Thai baht, not your foreign currency. You'll always get a better exchange rate from your foreign credit card company than the Thai bank that provides merchant services to the merchant.

Shop around for a good credit card in your home country. Our U.S.-issued Visa card is from our credit union. They only charge a 1% exchange fee. Annually, the credit union (which is owned by the members) distributes the profits of the credit union, based on account balances and activity. Every year we've had the card, the profit sharing has been about 1.2 - 1.5% of the activity of our Visa card, effectively meaning that it's cheaper for us to use the Visa card here than to pay cash.

Edited by NancyL
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That's a coincidence! Just skyping my husband and he was in Global today and they were going to charge him 1.75% to use his Thai credit card. He went to the ATM and paid cash instead and then dropped in on the manager to let him know Home Pro weren't charging to use a Thai credit card. whistling.gif

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That's a coincidence! Just skyping my husband and he was in Global today and they were going to charge him 1.75% to use his Thai credit card. He went to the ATM and paid cash instead and then dropped in on the manager to let him know Home Pro weren't charging to use a Thai credit card. whistling.gif

I just had a e-mail from Amex Thailand offering bonus card deals at Tops. Tesco, Central. Home Pro, Big C, Foodland, S&P and all Shell stations nation wide till the end of the year. All these stores have always taken cards and never charged a percentage, and maybe now are cashing in on the likes of Global!!

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I bought at Global yesterday around 14h00 and pay with my foreign Mastercard. I just checked the bill and no surcharge. My purchase under 1000 bahts....small bill for Global. Will check again next time.

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As an aside for those who have not had the pleasure of visiting Canada. - It might the first attempt to discourage use of certain credit cards that charge the business that 3%. It's a typically backward way of doing business. I don't mean that it's a backwards Thai way, it's done by backward businesses all over the world. There is a company in Canada, Canadian Tire, that uses a reverse system that also creates a customer loyalty stream that makes more sense than hitting (and pi$$ing off) your customer base. They issue a 2% discount on all cash purchases, which is built into their retail pricing. If you use your credit card, no discount. The discount comes in the form of "Canadian Tire Money" It is paper money they issue to you when you make your cash purchase and can only be spent in their stores. Many people never redeem this money so that becomes profit for the company. Those who do redeem it simply put the original cash back into the store. Simple


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I don't see the point in using a credit card when cash or another instrument such as a debit card will serve. I admit, that (if paying off the balance of the card when due) you get to use their money for some weeks, but you're charged a ton if you're a day late in paying out the account. Basically, merchants are saying that their business depends for profit upon cash, banks charge them a percent, and they're passing that charge on to the customer, me, who is trying to borrow money for some days for free.

Best we can do is to keep each other informed, as is the case here.

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Pretty much bought about half of the materials that went into the house over the last 5 years in Global,...bricks,windows,roof/floor tiles ,paint, storm boards,insulation,light fittings, blue pipes, pumps...the lot and was never charged on my N/W CC.(Still a Non Dom and work in Blighty)

Just feel that they are doing a copy of the world famous “Thai Bank rip” off with the 150 BT surcharges on overseas ATMs.

Would imagine that a country that really wants non T tourists would give them an EXTRA 150 Bt for using their ATMs in appreciation of being able to "serve them" ...that would really put the "Amazing “back into Thailand.

Anyway thank Cristi for a certain Japanese ATM....mpr and et al..

Gotta go again to Gbl tomorrow...market day so will load up my Be.1st...first

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Another, albeit not quite the same scenario: Yesterday I was at Index Mall to purchase a few items; actually wanted to buy more than I found available.

On checking out I was told that I couldn't pay with my Bangkok Bank debit card...they accept cash only. I put my card back into my wallet, left the merchandise with the clerk, and walked out. They lost a sale, and I, well, I guess I will just have to look elsewhere for my needs. (Or, go back and give them what they want: cash.)

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There sometimes seems to be resistance to the use of cards in this country. I've used cards in upper end eating holes and gone back a month later and given them the same card again only for it to be refused. When asked for an explanation all I get is 'don't want to accept foreign card today' or 'machine not working today'. We all know that taxes are avoided here by business and they obviously like to take as much cash as possible in small and medium size outlets. Never had a problem in Supermarkets and the like but have been asked for 3% on certain types of building materials. They want the extra for Steel, Cement, and so on but not for Paint,Tools or Door Locks etc.

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Another, albeit not quite the same scenario: Yesterday I was at Index Mall to purchase a few items; actually wanted to buy more than I found available.

On checking out I was told that I couldn't pay with my Bangkok Bank debit card...they accept cash only. I put my card back into my wallet, left the merchandise with the clerk, and walked out. They lost a sale, and I, well, I guess I will just have to look elsewhere for my needs. (Or, go back and give them what they want: cash.)

You think they worried about a lost sale - all you did was to shoot yourself in the foot

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  • 7 months later...

Been a while but checked out Global again last week and asked (again) about their CC policy.

It seems that yes they do still surcharge foreign cards ..ie my Nationwide/Barclay/First D//Halifax/Co -Op/....etc..but only if you are buying...steel or wood..??

New TV .(.they are doing them now)...OK...no charge...wot size you like ?...so...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read a story on NBC news internet that 27 January, 2013, Visa and MasterCard will allow US merchants to add a surcharge to credit card transactions. According to the story, they still cannot add the surcharge to debit card transactions. The story says this is because of a settlement of an antitrust suit.



Edited by hml367
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Another, albeit not quite the same scenario: Yesterday I was at Index Mall to purchase a few items; actually wanted to buy more than I found available.

On checking out I was told that I couldn't pay with my Bangkok Bank debit card...they accept cash only. I put my card back into my wallet, left the merchandise with the clerk, and walked out. They lost a sale, and I, well, I guess I will just have to look elsewhere for my needs. (Or, go back and give them what they want: cash.)

You think they worried about a lost sale - all you did was to shoot yourself in the foot

They should worry as that's not great business sense from a place with massive overheads that is always empty. Mind you, with the markup on some of their stuff, they'd only have to sell one bed a month to break-even. whistling.gif

Never been refused credit card there, though... perhaps he had goods under 1,000 baht or summat.

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They have always added 3% regardless of whether it's a local issued or foreign issued card. Maybe one year back my Thai son (has 2 cards both issued in Thailand by mainstream Thai banks) queried why the price has jumped when they processed his card.

It was obviously the 3% extra charge, he asked if it was different on his other card (different Thai bank), answer no - for every card there is a 3% charge.

He also asked why they didn't tell him there was a 3% extra charge, the supervisor was neraby and told my son it was compulsory by Thai law that every shop has to add 3%.

Son tried to insist they cancel the transaction, supervisor tried every excuse ever invented to say they couldn't cancel the charge. Son called his bank manager (a personal friend) who told the supervisor she was wrong on all counts. CC card transaction then quickly cancelled.

The bank manager also asked my son whether the cc transaction slip showed all 16 digits. The slip did show all 16 digits, and bank manager also told the global supervisor they were breaking the compulsory Bank of Thailand regulations on this point also. (Can only show first 4 digits then must show XXXX XXXX XXXX.)

Further, other friends have mentioned that this place records cc numbers and names in another record system which is illegal in Thailand.

Since then we have shopped elsewhere, plenty of choices.

Always beware of theft of your cc number. Had mine stolen 3 times in Thailand, with a nightmare of issues and documents needed to get the transactions reversed.

Also be aware that if your number is stolen several times then YOU are the prime suspect.

Edited by scorecard
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