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What'S Up At California Wow? Doors Closed...


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I wouldnt be surprised to see all the calwow equiptment at the new Tonys on Buakow that is due to open sometime next month

I would be. There is no way that they will liquidate that equipment for the price Tony would want to pay for it.

I would never underestimate Tony's capabilities and connections n Pattaya. He also owns a lot fitness facilities now so he would seem the perfect buyer

I've had 4 years experience with Tony's gyms. Training in them, sweating in them.

I don't underestimate his ability in the gym business. He doesn't have a clue about how to put a good gym together. They're all pretend gyms, but unfortunately with California out of the picture, they're the best we have - which is a sad state of affairs. He believes by opening enough centers he'll make up for quality by quantity.

Why would he go and buy good quality equipment when he has more than enough junk already to put in his gyms. If he hasn't got enough, he'll get some welder to knock something together for a song. If you only knew how bad some of the equipment really is you'd understand my sentiments.

Edited by tropo
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Esplanade BKK CalWow is still closed, they have removed the "power has been cut" nonsense notice.

From the word on the street CalWow will not be trading again.

... but have they removed the sign at the Pattaya California Wow? What streets are you getting your information from? Bangkok or Pattaya?

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@Tropo: But didn't you say you'd pass by? Have you done so yet?

No, it's been a tough week. I had to have an electrician around to the house to fix a problem so my workout has been delayed. Heading out shortly but you won't hear from me until about 6pm, so hopefully you'll get some earlier (good) news from someone else.

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I wouldnt be surprised to see all the calwow equiptment at the new Tonys on Buakow that is due to open sometime next month

I would be. There is no way that they will liquidate that equipment for the price Tony would want to pay for it.

I would never underestimate Tony's capabilities and connections n Pattaya. He also owns a lot fitness facilities now so he would seem the perfect buyer

I've had 4 years experience with Tony's gyms. Training in them, sweating in them.

I don't underestimate his ability in the gym business. He doesn't have a clue about how to put a good gym together. They're all pretend gyms, but unfortunately with California out of the picture, they're the best we have - which is a sad state of affairs. He believes by opening enough centers he'll make up for quality by quantity.

Why would he go and buy good quality equipment when he has more than enough junk already to put in his gyms. If he hasn't got enough, he'll get some welder to knock something together for a song. If you only knew how bad some of the equipment really is you'd understand my sentiments.

It took you 4 years to find somewhere better? WOW

Tony's on 3rd rd is an excellent gym, plenty free weights, plenty machines, could do with a bit of TLC i agree but a lot better than all these plastic gyms like Fairtex and CalWOW where people go to pose and NOT train.

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Some believe that their sweating is the main world problem...

If you don't like to sweat stay in aircon room in fronf of yoru TV.

And someone here believes that any bodybuilder does not pose, hahaha... you don't know anything it seems !

Tony suxx because of dual pricing and old equipment.

But maybe the new Tony BUA KAO will be better ? Where will it be located ?

Edited by freegiftsideas
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Tony's on 3rd rd is an excellent gym, plenty free weights, plenty machines, could do with a bit of TLC i agree but a lot better than all these plastic gyms like Fairtex and CalWOW where people go to pose and NOT train.

What gym are you talking about? - there's 2 on 3rd Road - the original one with tennis court and pool and the new plastic tent gym. Both are lousy gyms. They're dumps - with junk equipment. If you think they are good gyms, then you're not too fussy and finding a good gym for you is no problem at all.

I was concurrently a member of both Tony's and California Wow.

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I called her again so she said same: "tomorrow we open normal time!...I have known only about ptt gum."

Passed by there at about 3pm. No new sign - still locked up tight.

You'd think if they were serious about opening again they would have been more conscientious with their notices.

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Tony's on 3rd rd is an excellent gym, plenty free weights, plenty machines, could do with a bit of TLC i agree but a lot better than all these plastic gyms like Fairtex and CalWOW where people go to pose and NOT train.

Sorry, can't take a gym that offers short-time rooms (380 baht?) seriously.

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Here's a snapshot of the notice they placed on the door:


The main words here are "Courts Protection". So the Manager of the Avenue doesn't care about the Bankruptcy protection order.

What's point of getting that then ??

Bankruptcy protection isn't carte blanche water and electricity use. You still need to pay your bills. What you're protected from is the electric company and waterworks (or any of your creditors/vendors/etc.) seizing and liquidating your assets through the courts.


Edited by Heng
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if you think Firtex is a plastic gym for posers you obviously know nothing about training...have you actually ever been there and worked out?..Just hope people from CW dont influx on the place.

Been there once - crap... Full of prima donna's wanting to show off their "sport wear"

There is however a lot of other good facilities there it has to be said.

Prices for membership are also too high for going 3 or 4 times a week for 40-50 minutes.

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Ok I spoke to the manager of the Ave and it appears they have not paid their rent or utilities for sometime and the landlord is simply enforcing their rights - allegedly.

A well know Falang pub in the same centre is also alleged to have done the same and is up for sale for B10 million

Great decision from the manager as now he has set the final step which creates a complete dungeon of his shopping center.

Also, if Cawow indeed has a court order as they said in there first message on the gate, this might come back to bite him in the arse.

I don't think the owners (A family group) of the Ave which there are many AVE's in Thailand really care - I think their pull much outweighs that of the Farang who owns the chain of gyms.

It is normal Thai Chinese mentality, they would rather have it empty if rent is not coming in. Its more a status thing - just look at older more abandon style centers in Pattaya like jomtien complex, the centre on the corner of dolphin roundabout and there is a semi abandoned centre half way along jomtien beach which are all owned by a family of thai Chinese who would rather have them empty if rent is not coming in.

Or just look at all of the Thai Chinese owned malls at full occupancy. There's a tipping point for every enterprise where the situation isn't in your favor, and IMO the Thai Chinese (yeah, another broad generalization) and Thais for that matter who have been in business for generations are very in tune as to what that exact point is. Plenty of shopping centers... including those under the Central Retail, Central Pattana, the Mall, Siam Future, etc. banners do indeed allow you to struggle along when you're business is treading water, but eventually a 'coming soon' wall is better than having a shop on life support (and not paying the bills).


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Tony's on 3rd rd is an excellent gym, plenty free weights, plenty machines, could do with a bit of TLC i agree but a lot better than all these plastic gyms like Fairtex and CalWOW where people go to pose and NOT train.

What gym are you talking about? - there's 2 on 3rd Road - the original one with tennis court and pool and the new plastic tent gym. Both are lousy gyms. They're dumps - with junk equipment. If you think they are good gyms, then you're not too fussy and finding a good gym for you is no problem at all.

I was concurrently a member of both Tony's and California Wow.

I go there to train not to take in the decor and worry about what it looks like. There are plenty free weights which you can use for everything, some of the machines are junk i agree and the maintenance could be better ( but that's Thai's for you - they do NOT do any maint ).

Why did you bother to become a member if it was such a dump?

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Why did you bother to become a member if it was such a dump?

Dumb question. There was nothing better in town for a hardcore trainer. It's not like we have 10 gyms lined up in a row to choose from.

Being the best out of a bad lot doesn't make it a good gym.

The show must go on - I've been training for 36 years and I'm not about to quit just because all available facilities are dumps. I've trained in some dismal gyms when travelling. I can have a good workout in a garage if I have to - but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it.

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Tony's Third road has enough equipment to do a decent session but it is pretty crappy by international standards and it is damned hot. And I dont mind sweating as I have been a hard core squash player for years but the sweat level does start to get pretty annoying at his facility and of course all his facilities have become worse and worse over the last 5 years or so.

I have a Fitness First membership in Singapore and am hoping they open up in Pattaya one day so i can use my card in Thailand without paying anything extra.

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Tony's Third road has enough equipment to do a decent session but it is pretty crappy by international standards and it is damned hot. And I dont mind sweating as I have been a hard core squash player for years but the sweat level does start to get pretty annoying at his facility and of course all his facilities have become worse and worse over the last 5 years or so.

I have a Fitness First membership in Singapore and am hoping they open up in Pattaya one day so i can use my card in Thailand without paying anything extra.

There have been rumours going on for a few years already that fitness first would open up in Central Festival.I think they were just waiting for this event, as it was hanging in the sky for some years also, and will open soon now.
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Tony's Third road has enough equipment to do a decent session but it is pretty crappy by international standards and it is damned hot. And I dont mind sweating as I have been a hard core squash player for years but the sweat level does start to get pretty annoying at his facility and of course all his facilities have become worse and worse over the last 5 years or so.

I have a Fitness First membership in Singapore and am hoping they open up in Pattaya one day so i can use my card in Thailand without paying anything extra.

There have been rumours going on for a few years already that fitness first would open up in Central Festival.I think they were just waiting for this event, as it was hanging in the sky for some years also, and will open soon now.


When Central Shopping Center first opened I believe it was Fitness First that was promoting their fitness center to be opened there. Then the fitness center never developed - rumor had it that there was no room for it. (could have been an excuse). Yes, Fitness Center should just take over the poorly managed CA Wow. There are enough patrons; of course, the membership would be more. Personally I do not mind paying 20,000 baht or more a year; for, working out is for my physical and mental health. I don't spend money on golfing or hanging out at the bars, so I can justify spending some baht on a membership at a good fitness center.

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20k might be alot for some of us but I dont think anyone would mind spending 10kbaht a yr to work out at calwow. I feel had that been the way they charged when it opened, this club would be ok financially...that being said, the pattaya branch is just a part of the big calwow picture

Edited by ericg1953
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