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Tourist Police Volunteer


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I have read a few comments about people being a tourist police volunteer and some not very nice.They are called wannabees etc,I would like to know why?

Where i live there is no tourist police but i really see no problem with some westerners helping out the Thai police and helping the tourists at the same time.

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Helps some ex cops fill in their day and lets some play cop. Live in the back of beyond not many farangs in the area, local cops know what I was and if a farang problem occurs they can give me a call. Never been needed except to translate a CCTV footage. I am not a volunteer tourist cop. Jim

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I think they are hilarious! Always give me a good laugh when on walking street.

They should dress them in yellow T-shirts with smiley face badges saying "Can I help you" but instead someone thought it would be a good idea to dress them up like Nazi Storm-troopers!

Still they do nobody any harm (well except for the one convicted and banged up for selling heroin, the one pepper-spraying lady-boys on beach road and the nutter that made his own police car driving round pattaya at 100 MPH)

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I know quite a few tourist police "volunteers".

In my opinion it's a good idea, majority of them are English, as well as French, Italian etc.

I'm interested in doing it myself problem is I'm to young, merely to pas s the time (+the wife likes the uniform :))

But the problem with all of them is there attitude and they are know different to the Thai police when it comes down too....

No more can be said

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I think the basic concept is a good one, but for some reason its attracts some real nut cases, and the blackshirts and jack boots dont help either

The ones that pretend to be customers and help bust Go-Go bars really bug me.

I really do have to agree with you, we have enough Thai's trying to have us over and we learn to live with that, but when one of our own helps them to do it then that really does bug me too.

Edited by MB1
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I think someone to assist the tourists with information, and the ability to call police or medical is the key. This is what they have in Honolulu around the popular tourist areas. Dressed in Honolulu horror shirts and shorts. They were easy to find and very helpful. Also an extra set of eyes on the streets is helpful, but that’s where it should stop.

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

And now you can supply a translation of your pithy Torkish saying so to keep this thread eminently readable for the few non- Brits who give a toss about the erstwhile, part-time, English bobbies in LOS.

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I think someone to assist the tourists with information, and the ability to call police or medical is the key. This is what they have in Honolulu around the popular tourist areas. Dressed in Honolulu horror shirts and shorts. They were easy to find and very helpful. Also an extra set of eyes on the streets is helpful, but that’s where it should stop.

And I guess this is were the failing comes in with the current system....they actually believe they are policemen and start trying to play PC plod for real...by all means help people...but there appears to be a line which is crossed on a frequent basis

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

And now you can supply a translation of your pithy Torkish saying so to keep this thread eminently readable for the few non- Brits who give a toss about the erstwhile, part-time, English bobbies in LOS.

Sorry missed the typo, "If you ever do anything for nothing, Do it for yourself" Happy now?

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I guess the key is in how much one is prepared to 'volunteer' for this work. A very good friend of mine has been a long-time volunteer in Pattaya and is as nice a bloke in his 'stormtrooper' garb as he is in real life. He helps friends and he helps strangers in need with equal grace. He volunteered as he was real long term resident of Pattaya, had family and local property investments and needed something to do in his spare time since drinking and golfing weren't high on his list of life choices.

Now, if there are some that feel so compelled to act against human trafficking, drugs, etc., that they actually volunteer for these distasteful 'sting' operations in the red light zones, I really have to wonder if they truly volunteered for this or were volunteered by the Thai component of these fairly paltry and generally ineffective efforts to get attention. There's probably at least a few hundred reports of volunteers being busted for casually breaking the law as well as the more serious aspect of abusing their volunteer status in order to commit a crime. But note that probably 99% of those are Thai-national volunteers and not the noise-some, drunken German(?) with his siren and lights or the peculiarly well decorated New Zealander(?) with the S.W.A.T. Hummer. Those guys are simply aberrations and like the dipshit that made a circus about his 'illegally' parked motorbike out front of phl's hotel (must be Soi Buakhao), they should not be used as the poster boys for a core team of honest, caring and devoted individuals that only volunteer because they want to give and not take.

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

And now you can supply a translation of your pithy Torkish saying so to keep this thread eminently readable for the few non- Brits who give a toss about the erstwhile, part-time, English bobbies in LOS.

Sorry missed the typo, "If you ever do anything for nothing, Do it for yourself" Happy now?

You should read below my post to get it spot on :P

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

And now you can supply a translation of your pithy Torkish saying so to keep this thread eminently readable for the few non- Brits who give a toss about the erstwhile, part-time, English bobbies in LOS.

Sorry missed the typo, "If you ever do anything for nothing, Do it for yourself" Happy now?

You should read below my post to get it spot on tongue.png

"See all, Hear all, Say nowt. Eat all, drink all. pay nowt."

Is that the Torkish balloon-chasers mantra by any chance?

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In my opinion anyone who wants to wear a uniform and parade around as if they have some sort of authority is automatically suspect mentally.

To do so in a country where contact with the BiB is as dangerous and messing around with the Mafia back home - well that's just nuts.

Go sign up for a tour in Afghanistan to get your rocks off.


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I think they are hilarious! Always give me a good laugh when on walking street.

They should dress them in yellow T-shirts with smiley face badges saying "Can I help you" but instead someone thought it would be a good idea to dress them up like Nazi Storm-troopers!

Still they do nobody any harm (well except for the one convicted and banged up for selling heroin, the one pepper-spraying lady-boys on beach road and the nutter that made his own police car driving round pattaya at 100 MPH)

What about the one in Phuket who murdered his Thai wife !!!!!

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They came to ask me, I told them my visa siad mo work permitted. They said no problem we don't pay you. That's when the Torkshire background kicked in. "If you ever do owt for nowt. Do it for thisen" You need a volunteer visa.

Could you repost this in English, preferably the Queen's.

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I think they are hilarious! Always give me a good laugh when on walking street.

They should dress them in yellow T-shirts with smiley face badges saying "Can I help you" but instead someone thought it would be a good idea to dress them up like Nazi Storm-troopers!

Still they do nobody any harm (well except for the one convicted and banged up for selling heroin, the one pepper-spraying lady-boys on beach road and the nutter that made his own police car driving round pattaya at 100 MPH)

What about the one in Phuket who murdered his Thai wife !!!!!

Yes indeed, what about the ONE in Phuket....?

Edited by NanLaew
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I think they are hilarious! Always give me a good laugh when on walking street.

They should dress them in yellow T-shirts with smiley face badges saying "Can I help you" but instead someone thought it would be a good idea to dress them up like Nazi Storm-troopers!

Still they do nobody any harm (well except for the one convicted and banged up for selling heroin, the one pepper-spraying lady-boys on beach road and the nutter that made his own police car driving round pattaya at 100 MPH)

What about the one in Phuket who murdered his Thai wife !!!!!

Oh yeah...what was his name again? biggrin.png

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Pattaya Volunteers,

For starters half of them do not speak any English and certainly no Thai, so how exactly are they helping?

The ones who are from English speaking backgrounds, majority do not speak or understand any Thai, so again, how exactly are they helping? They can not translate your problem, nor can they understand the instructions given by the real officer.

For some unknown reason, some of them have decided they have the right to act as policeblink.png , Following is a personal experience which can be backed up by CCTV and live witnesses.

One volunteer decided that he wants to park his bike in front of my hotel, on hotels property(he was not a guest or patron).

He parked his bike right in front of a sign which states in red and bold in 2 languages(english and thai)

"parking for hotel guests only, if parked without authorization, bike will be chained and 100 baht will be charged"

Anyhow, after 30 mins or so of him shopping or doing whatever he did return to find his bike chained up.

First thing he did was flash his volunteer batch-to which i simply laughed.

He paid the 100 baht and returned with a street cop from around the corner, which was even more funny, considering that same street

cop uses my toilets and gets his drinks from the hotel.

30 mins later, he returned with another officer from the station. After showing that officer where he parked and the sign, that officer just left...

The real Thai cop, just left him, so he had to take a taxi to go back to station.

He returned again, sadly i was not here, and started demanding to see all the licenses, my WP from my staff etc. As i said, sadly i was

not present, to have him charged as volunteers have no right to "demand" or act without real police present.

So to answer your question why people do not speak nice of them?! because they are useless, arrogant and worst of all too stupid to

think they have some special powers.

I am not saying all, but have enough of them around to give that impression.

Some are too fat or too old to even walk so what use are they exactly when there is trouble and they are called?! Though are useful to give directions.

Lucky you didn't get arrested for theft. You have no legal right to chain peoples bikes, on your property or not, sign or not, even plonkers bikes.

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I think someone to assist the tourists with information, and the ability to call police or medical is the key. This is what they have in Honolulu around the popular tourist areas. Dressed in Honolulu horror shirts and shorts. They were easy to find and very helpful. Also an extra set of eyes on the streets is helpful, but that’s where it should stop.

And I guess this is were the failing comes in with the current system....they actually believe they are policemen and start trying to play PC plod for real...by all means help people...but there appears to be a line which is crossed on a frequent basis

Can you give examples of when they "believe they are policeman?" Remember that any civilian, foreign or Thai, when directed by a sworn policeman has by proxy police powers, is obligated even. I have seen foreign TPV's go hands on with a drunk fcukstick wanting a fight in Phuket. Saved the guy from a serious pummelling by Somchai and his 18 cousins that were circling like sharks. Granted the Patts guys look and act far to militaristic. Berat? Really? I've known some of the guys in Phuket and they all seemed good people. I've met the team leader, Claude de Crissey a few times. Good chap. Super likable guy. Big teddy bear. I don't sense the chip on shoulder of the TPV's in Phuket like in Patts.

Edited by NomadJoe
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I think they are hilarious! Always give me a good laugh when on walking street.

They should dress them in yellow T-shirts with smiley face badges saying "Can I help you" but instead someone thought it would be a good idea to dress them up like Nazi Storm-troopers!

Still they do nobody any harm (well except for the one convicted and banged up for selling heroin, the one pepper-spraying lady-boys on beach road and the nutter that made his own police car driving round pattaya at 100 MPH)

What about the one in Phuket who murdered his Thai wife !!!!!

Oh yeah...what was his name again? biggrin.png

He was not a Tourist Police Volunteer. He was a Big Bike Highway Police Volunteer, which you get to be after a 1 and a half day seminar on police infrastructure, motorcycle safety, first aid, and accident management. The process to be a TPV is a fairly lengthy one. Interviews, background investigation, self defense training, written testing, arrest procedures, field training etc.

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