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TrueVisions To Increase Number Of HD Channels To 17 On July 16


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I was told by one of Truevisions "engineers" that on July 16th when the new HD channels come to force, all Irdeto channels will cease to function as the bandwidth is being taken up by the new HD channels. So anyone with the old boxes will have to change their LNB to C band to carry on watching basic thai tv.

I hope that doesn't happen.

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I was told by one of Truevisions "engineers" that on July 16th when the new HD channels come to force, all Irdeto channels will cease to function as the bandwidth is being taken up by the new HD channels. So anyone with the old boxes will have to change their LNB to C band to carry on watching basic thai tv.

I hope that doesn't happen.

Sounds way too soon for me...even sooner than the 1 Oct 12 date that was in a news article late last year. Personally, I think when TrueVisions does reach the point where they decide Iredero 2 transmissions will be turned-off on date XYZ (be it 16 Jul 12, 1 Oct 12, Feb 13, or whatever date) they will make a last and very obvious push to make sure everyone knows...and hopefully starts broadcasting notices at the bottom of the screen that on date XYZ anyone who has not swapped out their boxes will be unable to receive TrueVisions broadcasts.

Whatever date they pick will probably be based on them reaching a certain swap-out percentage, say 90% just for discussion, and they figure they will never get the remaining 10% of paying customers to switch until their screen goes blank. As for the number of folks getting the transmission through alternate (unpaid) means I expect TrueVisions know they won't hear any serious complaining from them...and will probably get X-amount to actually pay for the service versus just switching to free-to-air transmissions which don't have many of the shows transmitted by TrueVisions.

To this date I still haven't seen an official TrueVisions document or broadcast which clealy and specifically says you "must" swap-out your box to continue to receive transmissions because Iredeto 2 transmissions will stop on date XYZ. Now, it don't make a difference to me personally since my cable boxes were swapped out around 2 months ago....I just think TrueVisions probably has a "cut-off" date that is close-hold but subject to change based on business decisions.

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Found this on Trues Facebook page,

http://www.facebook.com/Truevisions you have to be a member to read it, its on the left at the top, scroll down a bit, click translation,

Bit of a shocker for lots of viewers i rekon, managed to copy some of it,,

ท่านสมาชิกทรูวิชั่นส์ และ ผู้ใช้บริการกล่องรับสัญญาณทรูวิชั่นส์ วันที่ 15 ก.ค. เวลา 23.00 น. – วันที่ 16 ก.ค.เวลา 09.00 น. ทรูวิชั่นส์จะดำเนินการเปลี่ยนแ

ปลงระบบการควบคุมการออกอากาศใหม่ พร้อมเพิ่มช่องรายการ HD ใหม่ 17 ช่อง ระหว่างดำเนินการท่านจะไม่สามารถรับสัญญาณจากทรูวิชั่นส์ได้ ซึ่งสัญญาณจะกลับมาเป็นปกติอีกครั้ง หลังจากเวลา 09.00 น. หากภายหลังจากเวลาดังกล่าวแล้ว ท่านยังไม่สามารถรับชมรายการต่างๆไ...ด้ โปรดติดตามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมที่ http://www.truevisionstv.com/news_detail.aspx?news_id=214 หรือ 0-2725-2525 กด1 แล้วกด 4 ทรูวิชั่นส์ขออภัยในความไม่สะดวกมา ณ ที่นี้

นอกจากนั้นท่านสมาชิกในแพ็กเกจ แพลทินั่ม โกลด์ โกลด์ไลท์ และ ซิลเวอร์ ที่ยังไม่ได้ทำการเปลี่ยนกล่องรับสัญญาณทรูวิชั่นส์ใหม่เป็น รุ่น HD Plus กรุณาติดต่อรับบริการเปลี่ยนกล่อง ได้ที่ทรูวิชั่นส์ แคร์ 02-725-2525 เนื่องจากหลังจากการดำเนินการปรับปรุงระบบออกอากาศดังกล่าวในวันที่16 กรกฎาคมเป็นต้นไป กล่องเดิมของท่านจะ ไม่สามารถรับชมช่องรายการต่าง ๆ ของทรูวิชั่นส์ได้

Dear TrueVisions members and owners of TrueVisions receivers,

On the evening of Sunday 15 July, we will convert our broadcast system to the very latest MPEG4 technology, which will radically improve our transmission quality and also give viewers added enjoyment, with the introduction of new HD channels. During the conversion process, you will not be able to receive any transmission from 23:00 on 15 July, to 09:00 the following morning; by which time, all services will be fully functional. Please visit http://www.truevisionstv.com/news_detail.aspx?news_id=214 to find information on primary problem-solving, or contact TrueVisions Care at 0-2725-2525 press 1 then press 4. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

Members of Platinum, Gold, Gold Lite and Silver packages, who have still not swapped to the new HD Plus box, Please contact TrueVisions Care urgently to make arrangements to have your box swapped at 02-725-2525 between 08:00 to 22:00 daily. Note that after 16 July, your old box will cease to operate as it is not compatible with the new mpeg 4 technology.

You TrueVisions and user receivers TrueVisions Jul. 15 at 09.00 a.m. to 23.00 p.m. – Jul. 16 times to TrueVisions change control system, a new broadcast HD channels added 17 new openings during the operation, you will not be able to receive signals from true visions. That the signal will come back to normal again. After 09.00 a.m. If after that time. You still can't watch lists. For more information, see track or http://www.truevisionstv.com/news_detail.aspx?news_id=214 0-2725-2525 (1982) press 1, then press 4 TrueVisions apologize inconvenience comes at this.

In addition, members in the packages, and the klolai gold lathi nam silver has not made a new box TrueVisions Plus HD version please contact the service change

Edited by Lickey
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The announcement deals with switching to MPEG4...I think the old boxes used MPEG2. There are a bunch of MPEG standards (i.e., MPEG1, 2, 4, 27, A, B, etc)...see this Wikipedia Link. This has nothing to do with the type of encryption the MPEG transmission is being transmit with. Seems most of the earlier posts have dealt with the type of encryption method being switched to as he reason old boxes would no longer work.

However, if they continue to transmit the MPEG4 signal under both (old & new) encryptions a person should still be able to view the transmissions "if," repeat, if, their box can handle MPEG4"....and continue to view it until the encryption also changes. I didn't see were the article said they was turning off the old Iredeto 2 encryption and just using the new encryption only...but maybe they left that out intentionally as it would get too technical for many and the old encryption will also be turned off come 16 July.

Time to pull out the spec sheet on your non-True boxes and just to wait until the morning of 16 July. Regardless, I'm good to go...True swapped out my cable boxes about two months ago.

Edited by Pib
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Old encryption Irdeto 2 will end on the 15th of this month.

The switch to MPG4 has nothing to do with encryption... I hear the encryption switch won't occur till later in the year. (Nov maybe).....

We'll see.....

Edited by Jayman
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I use two different systems of IPTV at home and gave True the miss due to no EC football.

Bad enough the last WC was with only vuvuzeela sound and no commentary.

Thaiexpat.tv is just starting and a good option for some sports. ( BBC and ITV )

But been more than happy with them so far, after 1 month of usage.

Been watching the Euros, Wimbledon and teh Tour de France.

And obviously will be watching the Olympics.

They also just added ESPN ( USA )

Stream is broadcast from Thailand.

For more flavor and movies I use futubox.to

They have quite a few hd channels ( that I then click on sd ) to be able to stream.

Dont be fooled though. Only about 33% of the advertized channels are in English.

Rest in French, German or Italian.

But have Eurosport 1 & 2 and Sky Sports 1 and some Sky movie channels + news.

Really cost effective / wish I could say the same about my internet connection.

Usually have to click the SD labelled button for continous stream.

Stream is not being broadcast from Thailand.

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Old encryption Irdeto 2 will end on the 15th of this month.

The switch to MPG4 has nothing to do with encryption... I hear the encryption switch won't occur till later in the year. (Nov maybe).....

We'll see.....

With the bad press TrueVisions wrongly or rightly got recently with the EURO2012 issue (which is still fresh on everyones mind), to piss off a bunch more paying customers (or non paying pirates who will still scream murder) come 16 July seems like very bad timing.

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Old encryption Irdeto 2 will end on the 15th of this month.

The switch to MPG4 has nothing to do with encryption... I hear the encryption switch won't occur till later in the year. (Nov maybe).....

We'll see.....

With the bad press TrueVisions wrongly or rightly got recently with the EURO2012 issue (which is still fresh on everyones mind), to piss off a bunch more paying customers (or non paying pirates who will still scream murder) come 16 July seems like very bad timing.

When a company is #1 they are usually the target of anyone who somehow manages to use the product for free. The problem I have with True is customer related, not content, not pricing. Dropping ASN without any warning is a prime example. I dumped them when that happened a year ago. True's marketing is also suspect to question. Being a commission hungry bunch each True outlet seems to be competing with True's other branches. This happened to me when the wife wanted a new Iphone. Paradise Park had a waiting list Seacon Square had every model, both colors in stock, ready for sale. Did the folks at Paradise suggest Seacon, no. Why, pure commission. Same thing is happening to me right now with my trying to get Truevision re-installed so I can watch the NFL games on ASN. I'm on a waiting list at Seacon. Others say they drop in to a True outlet and get service in two days. Maybe I should have looked around. Why in Hell a company stands for this type of marketing is beyond me unless they think they TRUELY are the 100 pound gorilla which they seem to be.

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To be fair to True, they didn't decide to drop ASN, they were outbid by Grammy. I assume that the lack of warning, which I agree was annoying, was because they had hoped to be able to do a deal to retain it, but were unable to. The fact that now ASN is back on True (again without warning!) suggests they did take some notice of the irritation its removal caused.

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This 12 July Nation article clearly states the new encryption goes into effect 16 July.

During the 10-hour period, True Visions will beam data to upgrade the HD Plus receivers of its customers to rearrange channels to accommodate 17 more High Definition channels.

True Visions said the upgrade would also use a new encryption software to prevent unauthorised receivers from watching True Visions programmes.

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News articles have been known to make mistakes in reporting.

The 16th is just a short time away so I think wait and see is the order of the day.

"Blackout" day will come soon enough for those of us using the "other" methods of reception.

You play, You win for a time but the house always wins in the end.

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Yup - I have no idea what to do! Think people will start roaming the streets like hungry zombies looking for anything that will satisfy our need for brain numbing! :) Cheers!

10 hours to switch over..............

Far too long

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I have been talking to a True technician and he really doesn't know whether Dreambox or Openbox will work after July 16th but he mentioned that I could buy a new satellite dish (or turn the existing one to the east ) and pick up Vinasat from Vietnam.

Do any of you who live upcountry pick up Vinasat? I have seen on the Internet that they have BBC World, CNN and ESPN. These are basically the only channels I watch.

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What I would like to know is how are people in Europe watching sky tv etc on dreamboxes? Surely their encryption technology is far superior to true visions?

Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect App

From looking up Sky and TrueVisions on the Lyngsat website which shows progamming, frequencies, encryption used, etc., Sky uses Videoguard encryption and TrueVisions is using Iredeto 2 and Videoguard encryptions right now...or basically TrueVisions has already been transmitting the new encryption of Videoguard for the new boxes and the old encryption Iredeto 2 for the old boxes which allows all the current boxes to continue to work. Plus TrueVisions has been transmitting under MPEG2 where Sky uses MPEG4, but True is also switching to MPEG4 come 16 July. So, basically it sound like TrueVisions will just be catching up to equal Sky in terms of encryption, MPEG used, etc. Additionally, TrueVisions is now marrying the subscription cards to the box where before a subscription card could be used between boxes.

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