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To PostMan Pat.You are missing the point here. How do you steal the signal? It is broadcast everywhere. Like like many others here I have paid True for quite a while (2400 a month) yet their service was terrible to say the least so we looked for alternatives. I would gladly for pay for True service if there was some service. True are rude, they couldn't care less about their customers and compared to Singapore they are very expensive. We had a Gold package plus the Discovery channels and truth be told the quality was shit.I guess you are just a True apologist given the posts here. How much did they pay you to post here?
I m certainly not a True apologist. Quite the reverse, I was spitting blood over the Euro mess, and in answer to your question, its quite simple. If youre getting the True signal from another system or provider then it is illegal and stolen. OK? Get it? True isnt a BBC type organisation which gets license fees to sustain it. It relies on people buying, not stealing, its programmes.
I beg to disagree. True are a shit company who stole my money by promising service yet delivered nothing. Even when we dis-continued their service they wanted more money. Our deposit was totally subsumed by their cancellation costs plus they sent us a bill for 327 baht! <deleted>!!! A truly garbage company, money centric, no service. If they did deliver proper realistic service at a reasonable price there would be no need for your so-called clandestine or 'illegal' services. If True get their act together by providing a decent signal and some proper customer orientated service I would the first in line to subscribe. Until they do there will always be a market for someone to circumnavigate their encryption and people like me who would buy it.As to your so-called Euro Mess. You just don't get get it do you. Grammy purchased the rights and True didn't want to pay for access. Simple.
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To PostMan Pat.You are missing the point here. How do you steal the signal? It is broadcast everywhere. Like like many others here I have paid True for quite a while (2400 a month) yet their service was terrible to say the least so we looked for alternatives. I would gladly for pay for True service if there was some service. True are rude, they couldn't care less about their customers and compared to Singapore they are very expensive. We had a Gold package plus the Discovery channels and truth be told the quality was shit.I guess you are just a True apologist given the posts here. How much did they pay you to post here?
I m certainly not a True apologist. Quite the reverse, I was spitting blood over the Euro mess, and in answer to your question, its quite simple. If youre getting the True signal from another system or provider then it is illegal and stolen. OK? Get it? True isnt a BBC type organisation which gets license fees to sustain it. It relies on people buying, not stealing, its programmes.
I beg to disagree. True are a shit company who stole my money by promising service yet delivered nothing. Even when we dis-continued their service they wanted more money. Our deposit was totally subsumed by their cancellation costs plus they sent us a bill for 327 baht! <deleted>!!! A truly garbage company, money centric, no service. If they did deliver proper realistic service at a reasonable price there would be no need for your so-called clandestine or 'illegal' services. If True get their act together by providing a decent signal and some proper customer orientated service I would the first in line to subscribe. Until they do there will always be a market for someone to circumnavigate their encryption and people like me who would buy it.As to your so-called Euro Mess. You just don't get get it do you. Grammy purchased the rights and True didn't want to pay for access. Simple.

Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

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Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

You call me screwed up! <deleted> You are definitely an apologist for True, no questions about it. How much do they pay you to write this garbage? Get your rose coloured glasses off and see the truth. I said it before but you choose not to listen. If True provided a reliable service at a reasonable cost I would be the first in line to re-sign. How come in Singapore I could get internet and cable TV for less than half the cost in Thailand? Yes INTERNET and TV. Typical Thai greed is the answer. In Singapore satellite dishes are banned so TV has to come via cable. Much more expensive than satellite to install on behalf of the provider but then you wouldn't agree would you. What do I get here? A crappy satellite signal that dis-appears every time some rain falls. Worse than crappy picture quality all the time. I am repeating myself here but if True provided decent service at a reasonable cost there would be no need for alternatives. Rather than fix the problem True have decided to go after the alternatives. Motive? Income. Simple. Wouldn't it be simpler to fix the basic problem? Service and quality of product. I hope that there are some folks out there who can crack True's signal within days. Reep as you sow True


Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

You call me screwed up! <deleted> You are definitely an apologist for True, no questions about it. How much do they pay you to write this garbage? Get your rose coloured glasses off and see the truth. I said it before but you choose not to listen. If True provided a reliable service at a reasonable cost I would be the first in line to re-sign. How come in Singapore I could get internet and cable TV for less than half the cost in Thailand? Yes INTERNET and TV. Typical Thai greed is the answer. In Singapore satellite dishes are banned so TV has to come via cable. Much more expensive than satellite to install on behalf of the provider but then you wouldn't agree would you. What do I get here? A crappy satellite signal that dis-appears every time some rain falls. Worse than crappy picture quality all the time. I am repeating myself here but if True provided decent service at a reasonable cost there would be no need for alternatives. Rather than fix the problem True have decided to go after the alternatives. Motive? Income. Simple. Wouldn't it be simpler to fix the basic problem? Service and quality of product. I hope that there are some folks out there who can crack True's signal within days. Reep as you sow True

Perhaps because Singapore represents a completely different demographic to Thailand and the two are totally incomparable as satellite TV markets... as you rightly say, Singapore is actually a cable service. How can you compare the two?!

It's a shame that you have had such a terrible experience with True. If you don't like their service I suggest you don't use it. I and many others have different experiences and on balance believe that for the money it's a pretty good service and the addition of these extra HD channels is a welcome improvement. It doesn't mean we are "True apologists" or being paid by True to post. That's just a bit delusional.... everyone that doesn't agree with me is being paid to do so?! You do seem a bit detached from reality!

You also seem quite confused having raged about how terrible the service is you now want to watch it illegally?! Why bother if it's such a terrible service, just use a legal alternative... or is the real issue that you resent paying what is fairly standard pricing compared to other sat providers offering similar content? Does it not occur to you that we would all get much better service and value for money if so many didn't take advantage of illegal services?

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Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

You call me screwed up! <deleted> You are definitely an apologist for True, no questions about it. How much do they pay you to write this garbage? Get your rose coloured glasses off and see the truth. I said it before but you choose not to listen. If True provided a reliable service at a reasonable cost I would be the first in line to re-sign. How come in Singapore I could get internet and cable TV for less than half the cost in Thailand? Yes INTERNET and TV. Typical Thai greed is the answer. In Singapore satellite dishes are banned so TV has to come via cable. Much more expensive than satellite to install on behalf of the provider but then you wouldn't agree would you. What do I get here? A crappy satellite signal that dis-appears every time some rain falls. Worse than crappy picture quality all the time. I am repeating myself here but if True provided decent service at a reasonable cost there would be no need for alternatives. Rather than fix the problem True have decided to go after the alternatives. Motive? Income. Simple. Wouldn't it be simpler to fix the basic problem? Service and quality of product. I hope that there are some folks out there who can crack True's signal within days. Reep as you sow True

Why dont you try looking at how much it would cost to buy a Sky package in the UK rather than harping on about Singapore all the time? Take a look at sky.com and you will find that in order to access the same type of service......everyday channels, sport, movies, news, HD etc the cost is actually close to 70 UK pounds a month!! Thats close to 3500 Baht!!.......And before you say the UK Channels are better, they arent......the live sport tends to be mostly the same (football, rugby, tennis, golf etc) and the movie channels are pretty similar to here, older movies that you ve already seen on dvd or whatever if they re any good.

Apologist, absolutely not, looking for fairness, yes, absolutely, I pay the correct fee for the service, far from perfect I agree, but True can hardly be expected to expand their service if a huge chunk of their audience, like you, receive stolen signals and the few hundred baht you pay goes to the pirate provider not True!!

Encrypt away, True, good luck in cutting the pirates and thieves off at the knees!!!


?? What are you going on about, you kept replying directly to me asking for more information, now your blaming others for dragging this thread off topic?!!

Information I notice you never seem to wish to reveal..

The fact that True HD boxes can network recordings between boxes over a network is a neat feature.. i mean its only catching up with dreambox features of 5 ears ago but hey.. Nice to know.

How much more information can I give you?! Go and get a new True receiver and try for yourself, it's hardly rocket science. I've already listed all the connections and explained how I've achieved this, what more do you expect? In return you have come across quite arrogant and unreasonable.

Why you expect so much from True as a satellite TV provider I don't know, it's not like any similar companies are giving you these functions as part of their subscription service, that's why people invest in systems like the dreambox, that and the obvious piracy issues... but by doing so you shouldn't be surprised when you encounter issues.

It's not in the satellite TV providers interest to support a system that enables you to broadcast their content illegally. Is that such a surprise? Of course they were going to shut it down. The writing has been on the wall for a long time, similar issues have come up in other countries as sat tv providers start closing loop holes which lose them revenue and in turn drive up sub costs for all legal customers.


I was going through some details on the update and it seems that the update is not regarding mpg4 or encryption but more for the reason that most digital or HD channels from other countries are H.264 and the boxes we had or used are not H.264 stream compatible. I have a few Dreamboxes / Astro and a few True setups at different locations so Im waiting to see what happens. I did think mpg4 was the norm though.

H.264 is video encoding compression. This is exactly what the switch over is going to entail and why they had to change out their boxes. They are changing the compression on the sat to fit more HD channels on the limited bandwidth and they do that through compression.

Again, this has nothing to do with encryption which is a totally other subject all together.

H.264 and mpg4 are encoding and irdeto is encryption.

encoding is NOT encryption

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I was going through some details on the update and it seems that the update is not regarding mpg4 or encryption but more for the reason that most digital or HD channels from other countries are H.264 and the boxes we had or used are not H.264 stream compatible. I have a few Dreamboxes / Astro and a few True setups at different locations so Im waiting to see what happens. I did think mpg4 was the norm though.

H.264 is video encoding compression. This is exactly what the switch over is going to entail and why they had to change out their boxes. They are changing the compression on the sat to fit more HD channels on the limited bandwidth and they do that through compression.

Again, this has nothing to do with encryption which is a totally other subject all together.

H.264 and mpg4 are encoding and irdeto is encryption.

encoding is NOT encryption

I understand the point you are making but was under the impression that part of the reason for the change to the new Truevision HD PVR receivers, was that Truevisions were in the process of changing from irdeto encryption to NDS / Videoguard...


I was going through some details on the update and it seems that the update is not regarding mpg4 or encryption but more for the reason that most digital or HD channels from other countries are H.264 and the boxes we had or used are not H.264 stream compatible. I have a few Dreamboxes / Astro and a few True setups at different locations so Im waiting to see what happens. I did think mpg4 was the norm though.

H.264 is video encoding compression. This is exactly what the switch over is going to entail and why they had to change out their boxes. They are changing the compression on the sat to fit more HD channels on the limited bandwidth and they do that through compression.

Again, this has nothing to do with encryption which is a totally other subject all together.

H.264 and mpg4 are encoding and irdeto is encryption.

encoding is NOT encryption

I understand the point you are making but was under the impression that part of the reason for the change to the new Truevision HD PVR receivers, was that Truevisions were in the process of changing from irdeto encryption to NDS / Videoguard...

Actually both encryption systems are currently in use on TRUE channels. This allows them them time to slowly change customers over and deal with issues in a timely fashion. They won't turn off the irdeto until all customers are switched over and working smoothly. I don't think they will just turn irdeto off all at one go either. They will more than likely slowly remove it from channels one by one starting with the premium packages. In any case, the word on the streets (not 100% by any means) is that they won't start turning off the irdeto till Nov or later. I would be extremely surprised if that happened on the 15th/16th when they introduce the new HD channels. They tend to make changes in steps to minimize the problems and make trouble shooting easier on their side. They don't just do everything all at once. That would be a huge mess and many paying customers would be calling in with problems. Any changes they make they expect problems along the way with a certain % of paying customers. That is why they do it all in steps to minimize the % of paying customers effected all at the same time.

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How much more information can I give you?! Go and get a new True receiver and try for yourself, it's hardly rocket science. I've already listed all the connections and explained how I've achieved this, what more do you expect? In return you have come across quite arrogant and unreasonable.

I am not calling others thieves and scammers, when that isnt the case..

As to the information.. What I was trying to get a picture of is how the networking features work, as your the first person to say you have it working that way. Recording from one point and viewing the recording over a network in another.

Eg how does one box browse another boxes recorded content ?? I understand hanging the HD off one box, but you say the recordings are encrypted.. So does box A list all box A and B and C's content, does it have a directory strructure to browse, do the boxes just discover each other on the network or do you need to point it to he IP of the other box ??

The whole network feature set isnt listed anywhere on Trues info and yours is the first post.. Hence my questions.

Just saying "I put a drive on" doesnt explain how multiple boxes access a centralised networked system.

Why you expect so much from True as a satellite TV provider I don't know, it's not like any similar companies are giving you these functions as part of their subscription service, that's why people invest in systems like the dreambox,

All I am saying is thats whats possible now, and has been possible for years, long before true started selling their awful (and now unsupported) PVR. Is it not normal to be dissapointed when features you have worked to get now, are taken away ??

The addition of new HD channels actually starts to bring true more value, it is closer to Astro etc in pricing.. Price isnt the issue as much as until now, the over compressed SD has been pretty ugly on larger screens. You can do some filtering to the MPEG stream with ffdshow filters in a HTPC, but then you need a dreambox to get to that MPEG stream. Even so GIGO applies.

It's not in the satellite TV providers interest to support a system that enables you to broadcast their content illegally. Is that such a surprise? Of course they were going to shut it down.

And again you say I am broadcasting it illegally despite knowing full well that isnt the case.

Like I said if true hadnt pulled this dumb thing about trying to scam me another install fee, for an already installed system, I would have upgraded.. As it is they made the process too inconvienint for me to bother with, and as I am going out of the country for a while I wont do it now. When I return I will see about pricing up a 3 zone setup, paying the 2 or 3 new equipment deposits (the deposit is more than a DB) and networking the recordings as you say is possible.

For now, I will keep paying my UBC sub, but using a cardshare, until it no longer works, just because the cardshare fits my already configured setup and I pay for that content anyway. I never touched the cardhare until my legit card stopped working the morning of a UFC bout, about the only thing I wanted to watch in weeks.


I'm sure the hardware changeover is to support the new encryption as well as the new compression. But I'd still be very surprised if they go and implement everything in one whack. I stand by my comment that it will be phased in. The new hardware will support the future plans of TRUE even if it's not implemented on the 15th.


That's my understanding of the situation too, like you say it makes sense that they'd bring the change in gradually. I'm sure there will still be a slew of customers with older receivers/ cards by the time the full switch over takes place, despite a concerted effort to swap out all customers to the new receivers!


After reading the input on Truevisions website regarding the changes on July 16th and other media news, from what I understand they will continue broadcasting on all the old type receivers, but there will be no premium channels on this setup, so people who purchased their old receivers will be able to watch their Thai programmes until they make a final decision to cut that service. There will be changes to the old receivers so they must be connected on the said date to enable it, but it will only be a numeric change to the channels. See the list on their website for details.


Here's a list of the free to air channels that will be available (Relocation 2012)



Interesting article explaining why satellite providers tend to prefer MPEG-4 technology (same as what True is changing to)


By the way, it seems that old boxes will not receive any signal after July 16 according to the True website:

"Note that after 16 July, your old box will cease to operate as it is not compatible with the new mpeg 4 technology."



They will still receive a signal but will no longer be able to decompress the new compression being used


Thanks, you are right. Does that mean that old boxes will still get the Free channels or will the new compression be used for all channels?


We shall know on the 16th.. rolleyes.gif Every channel could be treated differently so it's only a guess until they actually do it.

From reading the true website it seems only the Platinum, Gold, Gold Lite and Silver packages are effected by the change in compression. Although I's sure they are going to move around what transponders the channels are on which is why they tell you to unplug and the replug in your box after the changes are completed.


Well whatever happens happens, the sooner the better. Folks are getting down right nasty in a lot of posts. On the bright side True has called us to make an appointment to install our system. They actually offered an apology for the delay due to being extreamly busy servicing their old customers while attempting to satisfy new ones. Seems they are at least attempting to gain back some of their public respect which is a good thing.


Actually both encryption systems are currently in use on TRUE channels. This allows them them time to slowly change customers over and deal with issues in a timely fashion. They won't turn off the irdeto until all customers are switched over and working smoothly. I don't think they will just turn irdeto off all at one go either. They will more than likely slowly remove it from channels one by one starting with the premium packages. In any case, the word on the streets (not 100% by any means) is that they won't start turning off the irdeto till Nov or later. I would be extremely surprised if that happened on the 15th/16th when they introduce the new HD channels. They tend to make changes in steps to minimize the problems and make trouble shooting easier on their side. They don't just do everything all at once. That would be a huge mess and many paying customers would be calling in with problems. Any changes they make they expect problems along the way with a certain % of paying customers. That is why they do it all in steps to minimize the % of paying customers effected all at the same time.

This has been the most sensible explanation on this topic since it started,,,,,,,,,,,


Agreed! :) Thanks to Jayman for his info and "inside rumors albeit certainly not 100% sure" info!

Think 16th July at 0900 in the morning will be an exiting time for many True users! Only 4 days to go!

Also we can expect the first panic posts here at 2300 on the 15th July when they cut all signals in order to upgrade!: "Mother of God!!! My cable TV is out!!!"



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This 12 July Nation article clearly states the new encryption goes into effect 16 July.

During the 10-hour period, True Visions will beam data to upgrade the HD Plus receivers of its customers to rearrange channels to accommodate 17 more High Definition channels.

True Visions said the upgrade would also use a new encryption software to prevent unauthorised receivers from watching True Visions programmes.


I spoke to a True rep yesterday about upgrading to Platinum (dam_n them for giving me a free teaser during Euro 2012) and was convinced not to as after the upgrade my Gold package with HD and PVR will be automatically upgraded to Platinum for a free 6 month period. Anyone else heard about this?

Also the upgrade on the 15/16 will not affect True Knowledge users with the old box as I asked about this as well.


Also the upgrade on the 15/16 will not affect True Knowledge users with the old box as I asked about this as well.

I wondered about this...I bet many, many Thai's just have the Knowledge package as it gives them all the popular Thai channels plus some extra thrown in...plus it's cheap.


Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

Lol... Yeh. Both them got it wrong with regard to the black screen..... Vent your anger at Grammy, they pulled the swifty.

As for the shut down, for BKK they have been converting cable based subs bit by bit already, and our area they are already on MPEG4 ages back ( about 6 months back ) and pirated signals already dead. ( I know cause all the 30 Bt food shops which showed True visions dont have it anymore ). I guess Monday will be satellite boxes ? ... I think the big hype is the network shut down to do what ever the new channel line up w be.


I posted this comment on another thread but maybe this one is more relevant.

I was told by a True technician that I could see many English speaking channels (BBC World News, ESPN, HBO and quite a few others) on Vinasat. All I need to do is turn my satalllite dish to face east and use my openbox.

He claimed that many expats upcountry use it (especially under the Euro 2012) and that the HD quality is much better than that from True.

Do any of you guys upcountry use that? If so how is it?


I posted this comment on another thread but maybe this one is more relevant.

I was told by a True technician that I could see many English speaking channels (BBC World News, ESPN, HBO and quite a few others) on Vinasat. All I need to do is turn my satalllite dish to face east and use my openbox.

He claimed that many expats upcountry use it (especially under the Euro 2012) and that the HD quality is much better than that from True.

Do any of you guys upcountry use that? If so how is it?

The Lyngsat website says the transmissions are MPEG4 and Iredeto 2 encrypted...being encrypted usually means you need a subscription in order to decrypt/see the transmission. Link

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I posted this comment on another thread but maybe this one is more relevant.

I was told by a True technician that I could see many English speaking channels (BBC World News, ESPN, HBO and quite a few others) on Vinasat. All I need to do is turn my satalllite dish to face east and use my openbox.

He claimed that many expats upcountry use it (especially under the Euro 2012) and that the HD quality is much better than that from True.

Do any of you guys upcountry use that? If so how is it?

Vinasat has lots if decent content. If your cs streams the keys for it then just point your dish at the sat and you are golden.

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