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Soi Forbidden To Farangs


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You're white. You're not a Muslim. You're a woman. You have a dog with you (regardless of what your friend says, some Muslims hate dogs, it is illegal to walk dogs in public in some Muslim countries or keep them as pets, so some disagree with your friend even if his interpretation is better). Lot of reasons for him to dislike you and want to try make himself feel powerful by putting you down. He quite likely has some mental illness in addition to being a religious fanatic. You should stay out of that neighborhood for your own safety

My neighborhood is his neighborhood, this happened the soi next to mine 500 meters away from my house

Could you tell me the exact soi and some easy to understand directions how to get there. I will go there myself and post the results here.

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Maybe it was the woman thing, maybe it was the dog thing but the OP mentions both being present in the Soi with other people. It does seem odd. Perhaps they feel like they want a little section of an area for themselves but being stopped going into shops is a bit harsh, with or without dog.

I live in Dubai and talk of not walking dogs, etc is utter rubbish. They sell dogs in pet shops here and people do walk their dogs with none of the debate I have seen in this thread. Muslims tend to not keep dogs but they don't stop other people doing it or walking their dogs.

Maybe you got some extremists in that soi but never had any anti-western feeling. Maybe it is just one guy but then you got told you couldn't go into shops too so that's odd.

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Try another soi.

it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

It may be just the way you dress and nothing to do with the dog. what were you wearing?

re read Gap clothes+ birkentock shoes

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Dunno why the OP continues to live in Thailand.

Everyone is so rude and nasty to her. Offensivness is lurking behind every corner.

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I might go and eat worms....blah blah.


Some people are polite

Some are rude

Some people have issues

like everywhere else

Wake up, it's reality, no Lalaland

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You're white. You're not a Muslim. You're a woman. You have a dog with you (regardless of what your friend says, some Muslims hate dogs, it is illegal to walk dogs in public in some Muslim countries or keep them as pets, so some disagree with your friend even if his interpretation is better). Lot of reasons for him to dislike you and want to try make himself feel powerful by putting you down. He quite likely has some mental illness in addition to being a religious fanatic. You should stay out of that neighborhood for your own safety

My neighborhood is his neighborhood, this happened the soi next to mine 500 meters away from my house

Could you tell me the exact soi and some easy to understand directions how to get there. I will go there myself and post the results here.

Erm that would be revealing where I live

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I am not familiar with any of the previous gripes of the OP, this seems a common occurence judging from some responses?

Maybe this 'I am a lickle girl in the big bad world' thing is projecting something outwards to people or maybe you take certain situations the wrong way because of this mentality (not neccessarily this thing but I mean in general) :)

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I would simply take my dog for a walk somewhere else. Or move apartments.

Quite simple stuff really....who wants to live with unhappiness and fear?

I must say your experience is quite different to that experienced recently by phuturatica.....and wonder to myself....why is that so?

Because I don't live in a condo with a security paid to give hiding to people being rude to me.

I live in a detached house with garden not in a moobahn because I have 4 dogs and they need the space

It took me ages to find a 2 storey (keep the second floor dog free and clean) house with a decent size garden that is not a 5/7 bedroom palace out of my prices and that is not to far from work, and I just moved in 6 months ago

OK, I can understand your reluctance to move elsewhere. In another post you say you are an easy target for these idiots. What is it that marks you out specifically do you think?

Maybe if you explain this a little better we can offer some constructive advice?

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You're white. You're not a Muslim. You're a woman. You have a dog with you (regardless of what your friend says, some Muslims hate dogs, it is illegal to walk dogs in public in some Muslim countries or keep them as pets, so some disagree with your friend even if his interpretation is better). Lot of reasons for him to dislike you and want to try make himself feel powerful by putting you down. He quite likely has some mental illness in addition to being a religious fanatic. You should stay out of that neighborhood for your own safety

My neighborhood is his neighborhood, this happened the soi next to mine 500 meters away from my house

Could you tell me the exact soi and some easy to understand directions how to get there. I will go there myself and post the results here.

Erm that would be revealing where I live

Well, ok. But this then leads on to the next question as to why you are telling everyone on a forum about your incident. I've made an offer to go clarify things, (with my Thai Muslim wife, I might add), but it seems you don't want to know the cause, buy only want to complain. Reminds me of the result of a survey I took a few years ago.

Q: Why do women cry ?

4% They're happy

12 % They're sad

84% F#@$k knows

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Try another soi.

it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Use something like this next time.


Good luck getting the dog to wear that. rolleyes.gif

I don't know about that - from what I have seen they get a lot of bitches to waer them. bita boom

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Well, ok. But this then leads on to the next question as to why you are telling everyone on a forum about your incident. I've made an offer to go clarify things, (with my Thai Muslim wife, I might add), but it seems you don't want to know the cause, buy only want to complain. Reminds me of the result of a survey I took a few years ago.

Q: Why do women cry ?

4% They're happy

12 % They're sad

84% F#@$k knows

1/ I am not crying

2/ I report it to have others opinion

3/ I would love you to resolve this really, but I already have a few stalkers here, so giving away my address would not be a good idea, beside being against forum's rules

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Call me crazy but I always thought bkk was a Buddhist city.

Perhaps next time tell him to f.... Off and give him to the count of 5 or you would set the dog on him.

Of course prominently Buddhist, but their will be areas that land is traditionally owned by Muslims. The OP knows she lives in a Muslim area, so again doesn't it come down to showing some basic respect towards their customs/beliefs, rather than taking actions that are going to antagonise the local community. if it were a traditional Jewish area would you walk your pet pig, leave it in front of a Jewish owned shop without expecting a negative response?

Only OP did not go on their land, she/he walked down the public street, a street owned by the state, a Buddhist state. Sure if she/he was perhaps to enter a Mosque with a pet pig or pork sandwich we could talk about respect.

Though, Mosques around Thailand do not particularly show much respect for its BUDDHIST neighbors when they start blasting the preyers over the loud speakers 3 times per day, every day.

A tad pedantic, you will know if it's a Muslim area. Never heard about Buddhists complaining about the call to prayer, nor Muslims complaining about sounds coming from a Wat during ceremonies.

It gets to me that foreigners bring their preexisting prejudices to Thailand and complain when they receive a negative response when not respecting the culture of the local people, local does include Muslims. The CIC of the Thai Armed Forces was a Muslim. After retiring from the Army in 2007, he became Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of national security. Today it was announced the appointment of the new head of the national police who is a Muslim.

You realize just because you have not heard it does not make it non existent.

My vet who was located right opposite the mosque has moved the location just because of the noise, preyers made all animals go crazy. And that's just one definite case I know personally.

Orher shop owners in the area are not exactly smiling, but do not have resources to move .

To get respect one also needs to give one , and in OP case there is no excuse. And EVEN assuming there was a genuine reason , the approach was far too unreasonable.

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I would simply take my dog for a walk somewhere else. Or move apartments.

Quite simple stuff really....who wants to live with unhappiness and fear?

I must say your experience is quite different to that experienced recently by phuturatica.....and wonder to myself....why is that so?

Because I don't live in a condo with a security paid to give hiding to people being rude to me.

I live in a detached house with garden not in a moobahn because I have 4 dogs and they need the space

It took me ages to find a 2 storey (keep the second floor dog free and clean) house with a decent size garden that is not a 5/7 bedroom palace out of my prices and that is not to far from work, and I just moved in 6 months ago

How you describe it, it looks like a very nice house, good for you, and i guess lots of people would envy you.

It seems to me you worry too much about unpleasant people.. just avoid them, and try to be happy with the good things in life smile.png

That is exactly my motto

But in that case it was impossible to avoid someone chasing you on his dirt bike and shouting HEY YOU!

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He must have been reading your posts on Thai Visa.

Maybe the Thais are tired of reading all the rude, crude remarks about Thai people, culture, and Government that posters put up on TV blogs, and decided they are going to give back some of the same medicine. Most of the expats here go about their business, minding their own business, and never have the kinds of problems that many posters complain about.

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call prayer is 5 times a day for sunni muslims and 3 times for shia (they combine prayer sessions to make 3)

fridays are special muslim day. like sunday is to christians.

i like the sound of the call to prayer. reminds me that we are all different in some regards.

but if it pissed me off id move

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that is bad. i am a muslim but i think those people are just stupid.. bangkok is full of dogs... dogs every where... one thing i know and all farang must know is that we should avoid all those motorcycle or tuk tuk guys... most of them are terrible i cant say all of them.

man i hope things get better with you

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that is bad. i am a muslim but i think those people are just stupid.. bangkok is full of dogs... dogs every where... one thing i know and all farang must know is that we should avoid all those motorcycle or tuk tuk guys... most of them are terrible i cant say all of them.

man i hope things get better with you

Thank you that cheers me up :)

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To the OP, it's a shame you've had to wallow through all this nonsense what with jerkoffs like meom trying to discredit you when you're taking all the care to address their (repetitive) questions showing they've given little attention to posts after the OP. You sincerely want to understand what is going on, and could have figured out the whole "move or stay and put up with it" by yourself. Ignore the knuckleheads.

I'll second (3rd?) the notion that I've gotten nothing but kindness and smiles from Muslims in TH - in any province - just as I would from any Buddhist Thai. However, I have had students who don't mind telling their teacher that Muslims strongly dislike Westerners. This was an isolated case, but they exist. It truly sounds like an extremist area, since you got grief from 2 sources, one of whom stood to make money from you.

You've mentioned being somewhat short of human resources so rather than hoping to recruit other local shop owners (who stand a better chance of likewise being intimidated by fat rude muslims on motorbikes) by frequenting them, maybe consider talking to someone who has a vested interest in NOT seeing this trend continue - like your building owner/landlord. Unless he's a Muslim too, he/she really likes having Western tenants because they generally pay on time. Being 500 meters away may be too far for them to make any phone calls, but in your case it may be more effective than just calling the police. Very good chance that if you consult the owner they'll just say "don't go down that soi".. but making them aware is still better than nothing.

If your landlord IS muslim, they can likely clarify why it happened, given that there are other dogs and women with shorts, etc on that soi.

Thank you very much, it's nice to read someone sympathetic

I am not surprised by your students comments, I do feel some hostility here by most Muslims, but the community seems big and very devoted

My landlord is not Muslim but I bet you're right and he would say just don't go to the next soi.

I would not like to move out as I said it took me months to find a house suitable for me+4dogs /not too far/expensive /etc

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maybe the many farang who came before me inspired the no farang rule.

looking at some here, not all but some,probably for the best.

for the record, the shirts were not cheap training ones, they were the dressier variety, the camp has a wide variety of clothing, jackets shoes you name it, we were not dressed down.

no doubt something in this post will warrant an attack also, go ahead cowboy.

I never commented on the shirts.

The only times I've been in Japanese clubs, I've found it an awkward and unpleasant experience, as I don't know how to behave.

If we're talking Pat Pong, that is a foreign country to me, and I've never been comfortable there, whichever Soi I was in. But generally, when I've been refused entry somewhere (mostly pubs, in my case) it has been something in me that has caused that


Patpong is a place I would avoid if I was not working, but we were not refused entry, we were passing through a soi, and stopped and asked to leave, we were not staying anyway.

so tell me, what did we do wrong

Were you carrying the collection tin for your charity work?

no, we were giving food to people earlier,not collecting anything.

do you recall me saying the guys know we are charity workers, dont think so, unless they are mind readers.

we had thai boxing shirts on, not charity shirts.

dont really agree with the tin cup thing, its to in your face, if people want to give they will find a charity, no need for door knocking.

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Am a bit confused, is it the dog or you they dont want to enter the soi?....

Well so am I, he said no dogs allowed but other dogs were there

And the GO HOME was not for my dog

You stated in your original post about the commotion your dog was making when it ran across other dogs and cats on the Soi. I don't want to steer you away from your ranting with logic but could it be they (1 person on a bike) are just sick of you bringing your dog down their Soi causing a ruckus for dogs that actually live on the Soi?

Edited by Nisa
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Am a bit confused, is it the dog or you they dont want to enter the soi?....

Well so am I, he said no dogs allowed but other dogs were there

And the GO HOME was not for my dog

You stated in your original post about the commotion your dog was making when it ran across other dogs and cats on the Soi. I don't want to steer you away from your ranting with logic but could it be they (1 person on a bike) are just sick of you bringing your dog down their Soi causing a ruckus for dogs that actually live on the Soi?

he also did say that his dog was tightly leashed, so if anything it would have been the soi dogs running overthumbsup.gif

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Seems like some posters are confused by comparing Buddhist-Thais with Mosleme-Thais.

My brother-in-law is a mosleme and while we don't agree with eachother on certain aspects we do get along and try to find a common understanding.

Although the Asian moslems are somewhat more openedminded than their western "cousins" , the problems with them here has nothing to do with the Thai culture as most Thais have a negative view about them. It's a matter culture and non-adaptive manners that causes this. Even though we define them by religion it has more to do with their culture than anything.

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This seems like yet another 'much ado about nothing' incident which whilst obviously upsetting for the OP really does not need to be over analysed with much speculation and baseless inference.

Seriously, these type of things happen from time to time anywhere in the world. In generally xenophobic and nationalist country they will occur more often if one is perceived to be an outsider.

For the OP, I would feel upset by such an experience as anyone would. However, based on the info you have provided I would just see it as a one off by someone who could have just been upset for all manners of completely unknown reasons and just decide to take it out on you.

If it becomes a trend and you feel threatened then obviously that will be a different matter altogether.

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Soi On Nut runs from Sukhumvit Road to On Nut. Maybe it joins Soi Pattanakarn at On Nut (not sure about that, but I think On Nut is further South and further East); there's certainly a few muslim communities in that quarter; particularly the big mosques on the South Side of Rama IX near Patanakarn.


You must have failed miserably at geography.

How does a road that runs to east to west have a south side?

.........................................Northern Side


West....................................Rama IX .........................................East


.........................................Southern Side

Sometimes a Picture says ...


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I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

need to know its driving me nuts.

Doesnt sound like Suk, more like soi Thanya in Patpong.

This area is for Japenese, all the signs are in Japanese, if I remember correctly the enterance to this soi has security guards,

so if this was the area I dont know how you got passed them.

Yes there are areas of Bkk where the Japanese hang out, and farang arent welcome in their bars/clubs, but have never heard of anyone being told to leave a soi.

Are you sure this wasnt the back sois of Ekamai.

Lol this really is a load of BS, I would like to respectfully say.

Firstly, Thaniya is NOT a soi (but this is just a technical non issue), it is a road. It is called Thaniya road. There is an adjacent small soi called Soi Thaniya 2.

2ndly, there are no security guards blocking entrance to Thaniya. It is an open road for vehicles and pedistrians alike. There are security guards in the area assisting with traffic so perhaps you were confused by this?

Thirdly, if you look good, know some cultural norms for these places and flash some cash most Japanese only clubs - not all - will let you in. They just don't want stingy westerners given the Japanese usually spend so much. (though these days there are also stingy Japanese tourists)

For SC, your description is difficult to geographically identify. 2 well dressed japanese in BKK telling you that you can't be in a soi as it is Japanese only? Sounds like their fantasy!

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Am a bit confused, is it the dog or you they dont want to enter the soi?....

Well so am I, he said no dogs allowed but other dogs were there

And the GO HOME was not for my dog

You stated in your original post about the commotion your dog was making when it ran across other dogs and cats on the Soi. I don't want to steer you away from your ranting with logic but could it be they (1 person on a bike) are just sick of you bringing your dog down their Soi causing a ruckus for dogs that actually live on the Soi?

he also did say that his dog was tightly leashed, so if anything it would have been the soi dogs running overthumbsup.gif

I didn't say anything about "running over" and she stated, "my dog was going crazy!"

Many Soi dogs are taken care of by the people on the Soi and it is very possible each time this women walks her dog(s) down the Soi, it causes a commotion and the guy on the bike maybe just was fed up with it. Right or wrong the conclusions the OP have drawn from the incident are beyond on the realm of normal conclusions over such an incident. To draw conclusions over an entire are or people by what some angry stranger said on a motorbike is just very strange ... almost as strange as feeling the incident warranted a discussion on an Internet forum.

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Soi On Nut runs from Sukhumvit Road to On Nut. Maybe it joins Soi Pattanakarn at On Nut (not sure about that, but I think On Nut is further South and further East); there's certainly a few muslim communities in that quarter; particularly the big mosques on the South Side of Rama IX near Patanakarn.


You must have failed miserably at geography.

How does a road that runs to east to west have a south side?

.........................................Northern Side


West....................................Rama IX .........................................East


.........................................Southern Side

Sometimes a Picture says ...


Has to be one of the all time best quotes for making oneself look silly.

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