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Tv Documentary On Sex Trafficking In Thailand Delves Into The Bangkok Underworld


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sure it's happening.


it looks a bit fake,

because he has his face and others

to be reconized

and in the end exacuted

and found face down in a river some time soon.

and who in thailand would be paying 6000baht for it ?

and ontop of it, for this type of girl? no way.

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Some how I do not think these girls did not know what they were getting into. I am pretty sure they were "pros" before their arrival.

The real question is.............Who in the heck would want one of these girls after he saw a Thai Girl? Maybe a special hospital that does brain scans in the area is called for. ha ha

What grotesque comments. I don't know where to begin, the condescension and dismissiveness of 'I'm pretty sure they were "pros" before their arrival' -- well, shoot, does that make sex trafficking any better?-- or the sheer sleaziness of 'Who in heck would want one of these girls after he saw a Thai Girl?'

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Watching the documentary now, sad to see all this thing... But once again the power of money makes human corrupted..

This not only happen in Bangkok and pattaya, but also in other part of Thailand such as Chiangmai and danok.. I myself have interview few of this girl before out of curiosity.. And while some been force into this trade, most of them are doing it willingly...

I even saw with my own eye, two clearly underage girl been trafficking into Malaysia.. Not knowing their own fate and what will happen..

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Thai black ops squad - they looked like farangs to me; especially the white guy with the tattoos.

Cops in the station first time round; just a bunch of bungling buffoons for the world to see.

Which night club was that then by the way? Looked like a nice friendly place to go hang and have few beers. A lot of booze there considering it is a Muslim joint. Maybe they pour tea into beer bottles.

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. . .

Which night club was that then by the way? Looked like a nice friendly place to go hang and have few beers. A lot of booze there considering it is a Muslim joint. Maybe they pour tea into beer bottles.

I am guessing it is the CM2 disco in the basement of the Novotel Hotel in Siam Square. Ten years ago this was a great place to mingle and meet willing Thai girls. Now it is the venue of aggressive Russian/Uzbek girls and their pimps, and Middle eastern and South Asians stepping out of their lower Sukhumvit habitat.

Earlier this year many of the working Uzbek girls were camping out in the Rajah Hotel and connecting apartments on Soi , just behind the Nana Hotel. But the 'apartment building' shown in the Nat Geo documentary showed a different building housing the girls. I read an earlier suggestion that this is the Omni Hotel on Soi 4, but this seems a little upscale and expensive for this type of use.

Any idea where the apartment building shown in the video is located?

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The one good thing to come out of this documentary is that there is defiantly NO prostitution in Thailand as it is a criminal offence and any prostitutes caught by local police would feel the full force of the law down on them straight away.. and police would also arrest any scum bag low life pimps instantly and see that they are locked away for a long time.

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Sad they let this go on...The whole of Sukhumvit, Soi 3 and now even soi 4 has many of Eastern European prostitutes. It has grown massively since all the Arabs moved into Soi 4 hotels etc. As most cater for them. If you walk from Asoke to Soi 3 at around midnight to 2 am the streets have many Africans and Eastern European girls. The whole demograhics of this area has changed. It now has an edge at night, feels slightly unsafe and some very questionable people. African pimps, young Eaastern European men who runs girl. One buidling my friend lives in in soi 4, Omni Tower seems to caters for groups of Eastern European prostitutes. The big fat lady pimps and young guys who run the girls sit outside openly and are always there when I meet my buddy. It is so obvious you would have to be an idiot not to realise what is going on. So why they are not arrested I do not know. Sad to see it happening as it just ruins the area, the crime goes up, and socially it looks horrible. I feel sorry for anyone who lives around there.

I agree the change is obvious. Note the number increase of non Thai persons from Muslim countries. Women are not always treated well. Time spent in Afghanistan shows how women can be treated.

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How many men bought tickets to Bangkok after this episode aired? NatGeo selling sex again. As for the "knights in shining armor" who have dedicated their lives to helping these women, methinks the close-up hand holding of the victims, and the fact that they can "patrol" the sex districts to help women, speaks volumes as to their true motives. I have seen many a Mormon in Phnom Penh bars trying to convert the girls--all the while, that shit eating grin was dying to come out. Sanctimonious perverts...

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The one good thing to come out of this documentary is that there is defiantly NO prostitution in Thailand as it is a criminal offence and any prostitutes caught by local police would feel the full force of the law down on them straight away.. and police would also arrest any scum bag low life pimps instantly and see that they are locked away for a long time.

"feel the full force of the law down on them" litterally or figurative ?????? whistling.gif

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The principal reason why the politicians and police do not combat this issue is because most of them directly profit from it or get their jollies from it. Like asking a man to punch himself. Never going to happen.

However, I think this is the first ever marginally well written news article in the Nation. They actually used the word scandalous. Getting better.

The principal reason why the politicians and police do not combat this issue is because most of these women are from the underclasses of society. The bottom line is that the public in general do not care about their welfare and these issues are given low priority.

Basically they are prostitutes waiting to happen and it`s just a case that these criminal gangs have found ways of exploiting and manipulating the girls, mostly of low educate, who are willing to make a living by working in the sex industries. This means that if the job works out, they are prostitutes and if the terms of employment are not what they expect, than they become trafficked sex slaves.

The solution would be to legalise prostitution worldwide and place the whole industry under Government controls. The women would receive some protection under the laws, with properly run establishments including imposed health checks and working conditions, plus the Governments could claim taxes from the earnings and profits from the sex industries, so everyone benefits, including the clients.

Of course this would not completely eradicate corruption and the criminal elements attached to the sex industries, but at least it would give these women protection and legal rights under the laws and make the whole profession less viable to the human traffickers and other criminals associated with it.

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I watched this program a week or two ago. Just for a moment differentiating between the issue itself and the program - the program is really very poor and in parts scripted in such a way as to make it and the scenarios it depicts ridiculous and very much unbelievable.

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To Celtic Boy (or child)

"Grim viewing indeed. Most of those Uzbek

women were nothing much to look at! "

Richard Head

Some how I do not think these girls did not know what they were getting into. I am pretty sure they were "pros" before their arrival.

The real question is.............Who in the heck would want one of these girls after he saw a Thai Girl? Maybe a special hospital that does brain scans in the area is called for. ha ha

As they said in the documentary, middle eatern and Indian men like white skins.
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yeah, make it legal and controlled by the government getting 7% VAT, lol... what service works here in thailand ? they pump thousands of baht out of us for a stupid stamp , you have to prove a mountain of papers of all kinds and money in the bank ... and still have to wait 30 days for their approval or not...

so making prostitution legal, with police protection, as it is already now ? who do you think controls the drugs, the sex industry, the drugs ?

if they get cought, they hardly ever go to jail... maybe suspended on paid leave... and they can always claim they just got "it" as evidence of a pimp, drug dealer, etc...

7% VAT and maybe 10% service charge also ???

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I wonder why some of the posters call this program a DOCUMENTARY.

Obviously done for an American audience, it had features of a cheap crime miniseries, was sensationalistic, full of half - truths and sometimes plain lies, more a soap opera than a documentary.

They tried to add some suspense, and that "Special Forces" attack of a dozend heavily armed tough guys on two little dumb would - be pimps was the crown jewel of the film.

This anchor man, (was his name Gouster or the like?) speaks pretty good Thai, so he MUST know what a load of cr_p he produced there. Shame on him!

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The PTP government does not have the time or money to deal with trivial things like human-slavery and mass-exploitation in the capital, PTP are instead focusing on far more important things like cleaning-up Thaksin's image.


what government ever made a dent on this problem????

but this is now and that was then eh? so it's all ptp's fault.

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I agree with Arguseye. I kept seeing the AMERICAN show that was coming on. Tittilating shows, but, this one, never seemed heartfelt. Just playing on the people.

It wasn't done very well, and never got to the heart of the problem. That being humanity. It's almost impossible to stop.

Poor Thailand. They like to point the finger elsewhere. Russian mafia plus Thai mafia can only lead to all sorts of humanity. Depraved humanity

I thought this was both funny and insightful. "There are many twists and turns in the story."

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This anchor man, (was his name Gouster or the like?) speaks pretty good Thai, so he MUST know what a load of cr_p he produced there. Shame on him!

It's very easy though to start out meaning well, but then get completely caught up in the bullshit-factory that is the TV documentary industry. I've seen that up close, and you really have no control over anything that happens, or how it's edited. You have about as much control as an actor in a movie. So there's at least a 50% chance that the guy isn't as big an idiot as he seems. (The other people though, like the Jesuslady.... not so much, I think it's pretty clear what she is. ;) )

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"The mamasan was also accused of forcing the Uzbek ladies to undertake sex work on a casual basis by approaching men - generally Middle Eastern men - in notorious pick-up joints along lower Sukhumvit Road."

That seems to be a pretty loaded statement. What! Farangs were not approached ? The writer seems to imply that "generally" Middle Easterners are their chief patrons. Go to some of the popular clubs that serve as the watering hole (!) for women from the former Sovet Union and you will know "generally" who are their chief patrons.

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By the way, why only Uzbek women ? What about all those African women lining the Suk ? "Generally" it's the westerners who crave them, right ? (like Middle Easterners and Indians crave white skin). So now can we expect a sequel on NatGeo ?

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thank god for america to show us such drama.

If you are busted for being here illegally would you blame someone else? Of course you would. there has to be serious believable study done not, this American hero with drama music.

Choice 1. you have being do illegal things by your own choice.

Choice 2. you agree to have american tv pay you money and say you were forced to do illegal things.

I wish for something more objective. Gouster is the super hero, Gouster this Gouster that, what the hell is this?

this show is all a show set up to so the Thais can say we do good things to stop bad things.

But in reality, why is there no crack down on real places, cracking down on local underage prostitutes etc.? Because the corruption leads to the top and any show allowed to air any where will be just a tv show.

DEADLY EVIDENCE! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH WITH A SURGICAL STRIKE! bit of aliteration "and they are taking no chances"


come on, this is tv drama at its best, as if nobody else recording him or the other two vehicles or the police team spotted the two vehicles! Why the hell are the traffickers caught in the middle of nowhere? couldn't they have been caught in Bangkok or Pataya with their faces shown? Not some bit of hollywood pretend?

Please everyone grow a brain. this is propaganda at it's worse.

Yes this stuff does occurr but don't make a money out of it with fake tv shows!

Perfect example of the type of attitude that allows the violation of human rights and oppression of women to pervade.

your post is a perfect example of using evidence that does not exist.

Make a serious study present it, talk about it, do something about it.


Make a soap opera that praises an American TV Hero.

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...The Labour Ministry conceded on Tuesday that cases of trafficking are poorly handled because its five departments are not integrated. Officials are due to meet next week to discuss a master plan to combat trafficking in key sectors such as crews on fishing trawlers and migrant workers in Thailand in general...

How many decades have they had to get their departments in contact with each other???

Shear ineptitude.

Stayed two nights at Grace Hotel,

only because it was right next to Bumrungrad Hospital and I needed a recovery place.

Never again, this was just a horrible place to visit let alone stay at, the lobby made you

feel threatened and people looked at you suspiciously. I guess they thought I was a spy

for US gov. or something. I needed a massage and went to the basement thinking it was a spa,

no. it was the most horrible 'Fishbowl' in all of Thailand. Turned around and went upstairs.

Got healthy post operation, and left.

Can't drive by on Suk 3 and see the working girl line up in the parking lot and not shudder.

Good for NatGeo to run this.

Sounds like some high ranking BIB owns the place.

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By the way, why only Uzbek women ? What about all those African women lining the Suk ? "Generally" it's the westerners who crave them, right ? (like Middle Easterners and Indians crave white skin). So now can we expect a sequel on NatGeo ?

To crave these women one would need to have serious eye sight or mental problems.

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How many men bought tickets to Bangkok after this episode aired? NatGeo selling sex again. As for the "knights in shining armor" who have dedicated their lives to helping these women, methinks the close-up hand holding of the victims, and the fact that they can "patrol" the sex districts to help women, speaks volumes as to their true motives. I have seen many a Mormon in Phnom Penh bars trying to convert the girls--all the while, that shit eating grin was dying to come out. Sanctimonious perverts...


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By the way, why only Uzbek women ? What about all those African women lining the Suk ? "Generally" it's the westerners who crave them, right ? (like Middle Easterners and Indians crave white skin). So now can we expect a sequel on NatGeo ?

To crave these women one would need to have serious eye sight or mental problems.

Whatever! Undeniably they have a significant market here because there are so many of them and, if you observe their custom, they cater "generally" to blacks and whites only. Now guess who's suffering from "serious eye sight or mental problems." tongue.png

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Btw, I still can't stop laughing over that post which said : "Stayed two nights at Grace Hotel, only because it was right next to Bumrungrad Hospital and I needed a recovery place." Grace actually requires you to cross the very busy road from Bumrungrad and I can't see why a person under medical treatment would undertake that tortuous task. There are several other hotels adjacent to Bumrungrad. Besides, all the shenanigans of Grace are quite apparent at the lobby when you check in. You should have retreated at that stage, bro ! rolleyes.gif

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