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That Age Difference Question Again


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In Australia i have seen so many thai's with old guys, but not one jap or chinese.

why is that, and don't tell me it's cultural.

tell the truth one time.

well its cause the old guys have money

You didn't read the question. He asked why do you only see Thai women with older guys, not Japanese or Chinese. In fact I see older Australian guys with Philippinos and Chinese women, not as many Japanese though.

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there are a very rare few real relationships, but they are rare, good for you if your one of these.

but please dont deny its not rare and most are bs

In the housing estate where I live they are by far the majority, so not rare at all. Maybe the big difference is that most of these older guys are not whore mongers, drunks or loud mouthed individuals but just normal people going about their own business, have a sense of community, and generally are quite happy with their younger wives, as I am.

Judging by the attitude of the younger western members here on TV towards elderly people it is no wonder that so many of these elderly escape to a country where they at least can have a fairly happy live on a lot less money than in the west.

And let's be perfectly clear about it, I do hope that all of these young guys that look down on older people will have the change to experience themselves the bias that exist against age.

Yermanee wai.gif

by the way, i never been with a whore and dont drink and smoke, so that screwsthat theory

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In Australia i have seen so many thai's with old guys, but not one jap or chinese.

why is that, and don't tell me it's cultural.

tell the truth one time.

well its cause the old guys have money

You didn't read the question. He asked why do you only see Thai women with older guys, not Japanese or Chinese. In fact I see older Australian guys with Philippinos and Chinese women, not as many Japanese though.

i did read the question thank you.And my answer is still the same .The reason you dont see as many chinese or japanese is they have money already and dont need to marry an old guy to secure there life.as metallica said SAD BUT TRUE.
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there are a very rare few real relationships, but they are rare, good for you if your one of these.

but please dont deny its not rare and most are bs

In the housing estate where I live they are by far the majority, so not rare at all. Maybe the big difference is that most of these older guys are not whore mongers, drunks or loud mouthed individuals but just normal people going about their own business, have a sense of community, and generally are quite happy with their younger wives, as I am.

Judging by the attitude of the younger western members here on TV towards elderly people it is no wonder that so many of these elderly escape to a country where they at least can have a fairly happy live on a lot less money than in the west.

And let's be perfectly clear about it, I do hope that all of these young guys that look down on older people will have the change to experience themselves the bias that exist against age.

Yermanee wai.gif

Very well put. I too live in a village where most of the couples are middle aged to elderly falangs married to or living with younger Thai ladies. None of these guys are bar hopping dilletantes, but responsible caring guys. I have already expressed my feelings (in this post) towards the cocky young guys on this forum who waste no opportunity to deride older guys for having younger Thai partners. They want to give the impression that the Thai ladies fall madly in love with them and shower them with gifts, all because of their good looks, charm and witty repartee. Boys, grow up.

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In Australia i have seen so many thai's with old guys, but not one jap or chinese.

why is that, and don't tell me it's cultural.

tell the truth one time.

well its cause the old guys have money

You didn't read the question. He asked why do you only see Thai women with older guys, not Japanese or Chinese. In fact I see older Australian guys with Philippinos and Chinese women, not as many Japanese though.

i did read the question thank you.And my answer is still the same .The reason you dont see as many chinese or japanese is they have money already and dont need to marry an old guy to secure there life.as metallica said SAD BUT TRUE.

There are a billion Chinese, you think they all have money? Read a newspaper or watch TV news and get informed. I might add that I have a friend in Australia who is 76 that meets Japanese ladies through a chat room. He has had at least 6 fly out from Japan (at their expense) to meet him. He wines and dines them for a couple of weeks and then they fly home.

Edited by giddyup
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there are a very rare few real relationships, but they are rare, good for you if your one of these.

but please dont deny its not rare and most are bs

In the housing estate where I live they are by far the majority, so not rare at all. Maybe the big difference is that most of these older guys are not whore mongers, drunks or loud mouthed individuals but just normal people going about their own business, have a sense of community, and generally are quite happy with their younger wives, as I am.

Judging by the attitude of the younger western members here on TV towards elderly people it is no wonder that so many of these elderly escape to a country where they at least can have a fairly happy live on a lot less money than in the west.

And let's be perfectly clear about it, I do hope that all of these young guys that look down on older people will have the change to experience themselves the bias that exist against age.

Yermanee wai.gif

by the way, i never been with a whore and dont drink and smoke, so that screwsthat theory

Well maybe not, you can claim anything you want on an anonymous forum but you don't deny you're a loud mouth, and if I may say so you're language isn't exactly exemplary either.

Yermanee wai.gif

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spent time in china, every one knows thai's are on the take and they target old men, come on its no god dam_n revalation.

but i did say some are in legit relationships,you cannot deny most are bs

no oneseemsto notice i said some are legit relationships, if yours were don't worry.

the fact that you are all upset says something

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I know I will get slated by a few morons on this site but I live in a world with " Freedom of Speech " before I start I am 61 years of age so here goes 60 year old man with girl of 20 she is at an age where she could be his granddaughter now that I do find disgusting and if he has children of his own who are older than her how are they going to feel about his relationship these old farts need to wake up and realize that it is not there good looks that these girls are after but there ATM card and in 6 years living in the kingdom I have seen enough of them it was only a matter of weeks ago that myself and wife ( we are both farang ) went to the aid of a German guy in his 60s who had come off his scooter he was in a terrible mess from drink he was that drunk he just could not stand this was at 2 in the afternoon he had attempted to drive from his rented house 50 mtrs away . We got him back into the house and all he could do was cry about his young Thai lady who had lived with him for a year and had cleared out the night before taking all his money he told us she was 21 and had met anoth wealthy farang and that he was going to kill him.The house was a <deleted> hole full of empty leo and thai whiskey bottles we put him on his bed turned him on his side and left. Have since gone back but it appears to be empty do I feel sorry for these silly fools in a way yes and in another way no

There must be a publication or a website that encourages older, farang couples to retire in the Pattaya cesspit. I mean, how else did you make the judgement call to park in Pattaya?

Just asking.

I live in a very quiet area of Koh Samui have never visited Pattaya and from what I hear of it I would not want to visit the place, before living in Samui we lived on Koh Phangan which is much nicer than Samui but alas in the 4 years ther the party scene went from 1 a month to once a night hence the reason for leaving. I can assure you I would never go and visit Pattaya or come to that Phuket I do however like Kanchanaburi.

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sounds like some are going through a mid life crisis, second childhood kinda stage.

like i said, if your relationship is real, why get offended, must not be if your on the defence.

You don't know anything about me so don't make stupid assumptions.

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spent time in china, every one knows thai's are on the take and they target old men, come on its no god dam_n revalation.

but i did say some are in legit relationships,you cannot deny most are bs

no oneseemsto notice i said some are legit relationships, if yours were don't worry.

the fact that you are all upset says something

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spent time in china, every one knows thai's are on the take and they target old men, come on its no god dam_n revalation.

but i did say some are in legit relationships,you cannot deny most are bs

no oneseemsto notice i said some are legit relationships, if yours were don't worry.

the fact that you are all upset says something

I think your responses say more about you.

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spent time in china, every one knows thai's are on the take and they target old men, come on its no god dam_n revalation.

but i did say some are in legit relationships,you cannot deny most are bs

no oneseemsto notice i said some are legit relationships, if yours were don't worry.

the fact that you are all upset says something

I think your responses say more about you.

no they say more about u giddyup
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giddyup, your telling us more then you know

I don't know if you are responding to these posts because you are troll or you're just plain ignorant. Either way, you're not worth anymore of my time.

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

I know two farang men in this district who have been with their Thai wives for over 10 yrs, the age difference in both cases is over 30yrs, One of the wives is possible the best looking girl in the district, approx 32 yrs old. Both of these wives have never played around, not even flirting. But strangely many of the other farang men seem to be very jealouse of these two, they in many instances

Have wives g/f who are closer to their own age, why do you think?.

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It could well be that the Thai girl is searching for a cultured person, albeit he is older. Someone with manners, decorum and respect which clearly I see two very ignorant posters are not in possession of.

Thais in general respect their elders, try saying this in front of a Thai instead of being keyboard warriors and see their reaction!

Edited by edwinclapham
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when you walk in aroom every head turns, you feel pride, you smile and feel awarm fuzzy feeling inside, thinking you are the man.

little doyou know they are giggling in disgust, others feel pity for your lack of understanding your being screwed

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