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Thai Police Vs Usa Police. Which Are The Worse Of The Two ? Us Perhaps ?


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Been chancing upon US Police brutality videos alot on youtube. Which are the worse of the two? From my point of view the american cops are far more unreasonable in their use of force. Far more finger trigger, Even to an unarmed alone lady were not spared. They are far more abusive of their authority back in the states.

This just makes me think, give me the Thai cops any day. At least they are reasonable..And within necessary force.

What do you guys think?

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Your joking right ? This comes just after 3 Thai cops have been sentenced to death for the killing of a teenager in the "war" on drugs. A "war" that conservative estimates put at 2000 extra judicial killings, many of which had little to do with drugs and more to do with corruption and score settling. A nation where they have tourist police because its altogether more preferable that tourists come in touch with the real article as little as possible. US policing may be far from ideal but I think I know what side of the fence I come down on rolleyes.gif

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When I was a kid in the US, and we saw police in the street, we would go out and talk with them. We wanted to be around them, and be like them. In Thailand, when my kids see police, they come inside.

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Good man, white for me, but a little later a Single Malt could come into play, now that could be interesting.

hope you enjoyed it

The white goes down too easily and I'm looking at a bottle of Laphroaig right now but early flight says that might be a bad idea. G'night smile.png

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Most police in the US only know how to follow the rules, while getting their jollies by using / abusing their authority over citizens. They are less likely to extort money from you, but are more likely to taze your azz and beat you senseless. Lots and lots of cases of police brutality in US, along with many murders of perps for no apparent reason. Including little old ladies and kids.

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Police women of the world.

Your photo of the morbidly obese woman is unfair.

This is what the typical female US police officer looks like and has to deal with (The guy looks like he would fit in on Bangla with his filthy undershirt, tattoo; and hairdo.)


And then there are Thai female officers;


Edited by geriatrickid
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Ahem. The Ex-GF (whom I am still on good terms with, I think) is Los Angeles Police Department. I feel compelled to defend the erm...womanhood of female police officers. I have met quite a few. They are NOT obese. I went to the LAPD academy a few times and she showed me all the hills they had to run in training. I don't think anyone out of shape could do it. All of the lady police officers I have met are quite attractive. (Including her, and if anyone can remember my previous avatar picture, that was her in it.)

Back to the OP'S question, I don't think USA cops are abusive in their use of force, and the Thais are probably worst. In the USA we have a bunch of people running around with video cameras/cell phones, and a bunch of lawyers willing to sue. In Thailand, if there is police violence and abuse, I don't think alot of people want to come forward with it.

I used to watch the "police brutality" videos too. My thinking started to change after watching them with her. Like for every video that I thought the police were out of line she would point to things which made it justified. I then started to understand the police perspective. For example there was a riot video of a police officer on a horse hitting someone. Then she showed me that the the officer was giving instructions to get away from him and his horse and the person only got whapped because he was getting to close to the horse. She explained that a police horse or police dog is treated the same as a human officer, and anyone who may attempt to harm the animal will be handled as if they were harming a human officer. Makes sense to me. If you kick my dog I'm going to go off on you.

She also explained how really rigorous it is (at least for the LAPD) it is to become a cop. Literally 1 in every 1000 applicants gets a seat at the academy. They must have a clean financial record, they undergo over 1 year of background investigations, they undergo lie detecter tests and psychological examinations. And this is just to enter the academy. After that, everything is still scrutinized. Even your off duty stuff. Her sergeant got a discipline for an off duty intervention. Some woman at a bar was talking about killing her self. The sarge wrestled a bottle of pills from the woman before she could take it.

And then on the streets you run into lunatics. Like literally people who should be in a mental institution but because of state budget cuts are allowed to roam free. People who believe they hear the voice of God telling them to bite a police officer. I used to really dislike the police, but I have an understanding now.

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Very different police arrangements. Thailand has the RTPF, a nationwide entity, whereas every day police work in the US is handled by local forces, and the cultures of these departments vary. For two extreme examples there's the City of Berkeley (California) that tries to be as hands-off as possible, and then there's that sherrif in Arizona (the one who makes a lot of money from selling books and appearing on Fox News) who can't be intrusive enough while wrapping himself in the flag.

Thailand -- internal affairs investigations? Civilian charges of police brutality making it to court? Anti-corruption investigations? You've got to be joking!

US Senators can accumulate fortunes by helping the rich get richer, but woe be to the policeman who pockets $20 to let somebody slide on a minor traffic violation.

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The difference is american police won't stop bugging you. If I just want to talk to a streetwalker back "home" some donut eating cop will no doubt harass me. Here they don't bother anybody. A major reason I don't live in the states any longer.

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I guess I would rather be arrested by the Thai police but depending on the place I think I would rather be protected by the American police and courts than count on Thai police and court protection ..... But I don't need either arresting or protection so I don't really care much one way or the other.

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Police women of the world.

Your photo of the morbidly obese woman is unfair.

This is what the typical female US police officer looks like and has to deal with (The guy looks like he would fit in on Bangla with his filthy undershirt, tattoo; and hairdo.)


And then there are Thai female officers;


I can agree with the fact that police, male or female from all parts of the world have to deal with human filth on a daily basis. Not a job I would want.

The photo of the morbidly obese US of A cop was meant to be humorous. BTW, I’m a Yank. That being said, there is some truth to that picture, which is why it’s funny. I was pulled over by a moto cop several years ago in the US, and she was about that size.


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I am very sure there is an old quote about getting the Police Force you deserve. If you let every man jack wander around with a gun then expect the Cops to be pretty brutal. Just a simple maxim of minimum force required to achieve the aim does not apply in the states, it's all "In Your Face" bluster. Far more likley to be a smile and a wagging finger from a Cop here for a minor error than in the USA.

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The difference is american police won't stop bugging you. If I just want to talk to a streetwalker back "home" some donut eating cop will no doubt harass me. Here they don't bother anybody. A major reason I don't live in the states any longer.

A major reason you don't live in the states is that you can't 'talk' to a streetwalker! Lol.

Police women of the world.

Your photo of the morbidly obese woman is unfair.

This is what the typical female US police officer looks like and has to deal with (The guy looks like he would fit in on Bangla with his filthy undershirt, tattoo; and hairdo.)


And then there are Thai female officers;


I have never seen a female police officer. Where are they hiding?

Edited by mjj
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Perfect example of not knowing what you don't know.

US Police brutality - Big news item, lots of news coverage, lots of public debate, high profile stuff that gets reported, discussed - and dealt with.

Thai Police Brutality - Not on the news radar, next to zero news coverage, little or no pubic debate, low profile stuff, seldom reported, discussed or dealt with (+ Thai language reporting inaccessible to most expats).

And it is on this basis that the OP makes his judgement.

We all have to find our own way to flaunt our ignorance and stupidity



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You have to be totally clueless to believe that the Thai police are better than American police. The Royal Thai Police Department is a Criminal Organization. One Thai police officer somehow got involved in the satellite industry and became a billionaire. How many ex-police officers in the USA are billionaires now? How about the war on drugs where the Thai police went around murdering all enemies and competition? Yes, every now and then a video surfaces with an American cop doing something bad and then we have protests and tons of media coverage. In Thailand nobody blinks an eye. Try going on TV or standing outside with a megaphone saying that the Police are corrupt and bad and see how long that lasts.

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You have to be totally clueless to believe that the Thai police are better than American police. The Royal Thai Police Department is a Criminal Organization. One Thai police officer somehow got involved in the satellite industry and became a billionaire. How many ex-police officers in the USA are billionaires now? How about the war on drugs where the Thai police went around murdering all enemies and competition? Yes, every now and then a video surfaces with an American cop doing something bad and then we have protests and tons of media coverage. In Thailand nobody blinks an eye. Try going on TV or standing outside with a megaphone saying that the Police are corrupt and bad and see how long that lasts.

True. I agree.

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