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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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I'm a 60 years old man and attracted to thai ladyboys for a few years only. Have wife and a very active sex life with her. Hiowever like to have sex with ladyboy for time to time. Not ike gay and sure are not homosexual. most probably bi. My lady knows about that. Believe any preferences in sexuality should be accepted. Than you for taking my thougths into consideration. Good luck and take care.

Not disputing your preferences, but is your wife really happy about it?

Despite it being a small risk, there is more risk of catching an STD with a ladyboy, than with a female ( depending on what activities are carried out, of course, but I'm not going into that here ).

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A more classic bisexual is a man or woman who likes BOTH men and women sexually.

A straight man who wanders into the ladyboy field and doesn't like males who are males is something else.

That said, and I hope this doesn't make anyone's brain explode but this whole business of LABELING people gay, straight, bi, etc. is a relatively modern, recent historical concept. That doesn't mean it isn't REAL for us modern (assuming largely western) people but it is a social construct.

The Ancient Greeks would have been bewildered by the whole modern homosexual hangup thing.

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Another one who believes "not straight" = gay.

Your world is very black and white - just like the early missionaries who came to the East to save people.

This topic does not belong in the gay forum. Ladyboy lovers are heterosexuals with a fetish, or you can just say they are men who like ladyboys.

But the thread title is bisexual..

Which it would be hard to not agree with !

It was one of our (presumed) gay forum members who instantly jumps in with

Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

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I'm a 60 years old man and attracted to thai ladyboys for a few years only. Have wife and a very active sex life with her. Hiowever like to have sex with ladyboy for time to time. Not ike gay and sure are not homosexual. most probably bi. My lady knows about that. Believe any preferences in sexuality should be accepted. Than you for taking my thougths into consideration. Good luck and take care.

Not disputing your preferences, but is your wife really happy about it?

Despite it being a small risk, there is more risk of catching an STD with a ladyboy, than with a female ( depending on what activities are carried out, of course, but I'm not going into that here ).

The Ancient Greeks would have been bewildered by the whole modern homosexual hangup thing.

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I'm a 60 years old man and attracted to thai ladyboys for a few years only. Have wife and a very active sex life with her. Hiowever like to have sex with ladyboy for time to time. Not ike gay and sure are not homosexual. most probably bi. My lady knows about that. Believe any preferences in sexuality should be accepted. Than you for taking my thougths into consideration. Good luck and take care.

Not disputing your preferences, but is your wife really happy about it?

Despite it being a small risk, there is more risk of catching an STD with a ladyboy, than with a female ( depending on what activities are carried out, of course, but I'm not going into that here ).

The Ancient Greeks would have been bewildered by the whole modern homosexual hangup thing.

Not sure what your point is, but my post was just a comment on another post.

BTW, as far as I know, there were no STD's in Ancient Greek times, certainly no syphillis or HIV/ AIDS

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This topic gets lots of posts here, because there are a few gay members and ladyboy lovers insisting that having sex with a dude and his penis is straight as long as he wears a dress and puts on some makeup. The vast majority of straight men reject this and do not consider it to be straight. That is where the discussion comes from.

If ladyboy posts were allowed in the gay forum, the forum would be flooded with them I'm sure. Which is probably why they have that policy to begin with

Another one who believes "not straight" = gay.

Your world is very black and white - just like the early missionaries who came to the East to save people.

This topic does not belong in the gay forum. Ladyboy lovers are heterosexuals with a fetish, or you can just say they are men who like ladyboys.

Nope, I'm just saying they are not straight. Attraction to a penis is not heterosexual. Feel free to exclude them from homosexuals, I can understand why most gays aren't attracted to ladyboys as well. They are their own thing. It seems you are the one making things black and white by insisting it is heterosexual rather than something else.

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BTW, as far as I know, there were no STD's in Ancient Greek times, certainly no syphillis or HIV/ AIDS

I doubt that there were no "sexual diseases". According to this peer-reviewed publication, a 'compilers of the Hippocratic gynaecological treatises, active at the end of the fifth century bc or at the beginning of the fourth century bc,' talks about 'sexual diseases'


Yes, I aware that in ancient Greek society, sexual diseases were not as relevant (for various reasons) as today.

Edited by Morakot
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Well, I am banned from posting in the gay forum, due to my errr,,,strong views on the topic. I see however all the gay forum members (oops) have piled in here to distance themselves from ladyboys. Sorry, but if some guy is screwing another guy, tits or not, he is gay.

End of

I think you'll find that two, not all, of the gay forum posters are posting in this thread and we haven't distanced ourselves from anyone. We're justing pointing out that ladyboys aren't gay.

if I call myself jesus it doesn't automatically make me jesus.

frankly i would have expected the gay forum posters to be more encouraging of those taking their first baby steps at coming out of the closet instead of adding more confusion with this "really is hetro" nonsense...

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The OP or his 'friend'!!! was obviously on teh turn before he entered the country an dnow blames THAILAND for maing him like men???

Is he crazy?

Tell yourself, sorry, your 'friend' to face up to his life.

Plenty of gays these days.

Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

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This topic gets lots of posts here, because there are a few gay members and ladyboy lovers insisting that having sex with a dude and his penis is straight as long as he wears a dress and puts on some makeup. The vast majority of straight men reject this and do not consider it to be straight. That is where the discussion comes from.

If ladyboy posts were allowed in the gay forum, the forum would be flooded with them I'm sure. Which is probably why they have that policy to begin with

Another one who believes "not straight" = gay.

Your world is very black and white - just like the early missionaries who came to the East to save people.

This topic does not belong in the gay forum. Ladyboy lovers are heterosexuals with a fetish, or you can just say they are men who like ladyboys.

Nope, I'm just saying they are not straight. Attraction to a penis is not heterosexual. Feel free to exclude them from homosexuals, I can understand why most gays aren't attracted to ladyboys as well. They are their own thing. It seems you are the one making things black and white by insisting it is heterosexual rather than something else.

I would adhere to the heterosexual with a fetish or a twist statement. Also the statement "Attraction to a penis is not heterosexual ',.....is it possible that a man can be attracted to a penis but not attracted to men ?

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Wow have i opened a can of worms ,when i posted all i asked was had anyone else come across the fact that someone who was always known as hetro turn Bi when coming to Thailand for a holiday and encountering ladyboys ,which seemed to interest him far more than the ordinary bar girls .

and to all those who had a go saying i shouldnt discuss my friend

/ he does not read this site

2/ you dont know him or me from a hole in the wall.

3/ and for the guy who asked why i said we in my original post ,i was refering to my wife who knows him well.

4/ i certainly was not having a go at my friend ,i dont judge him ,its up to him

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Because it is acceptable in Thailand and not in most other countries.

I find many ladyboys attractive and I find many are interested in meeting me, many are more attractive than women.

We all have male and female chromosones......some more than others.

Wrong ! Females have XX chromosomes: Males have XY

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Ironically, the vagina is made from a removed section of the ladyboy's rectum. Thus even though her man is putting it in her "vagina" he's actually putting it is her bum.

The vagina is usually formed from the inverted penis. An artificial clitoris is built from the glans of those who haven't been circumcised.

lol wow..... really?

Whats next, they will make a clone of your pee pee so some can have 2.

lol I bet people might do that in about 10 years from now, the world is a screwed up place.


The world is what it is. It just doesn't fit into the black and white place that a lot of people have constructed for themselves.

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This is what we call becoming "Thai-Curious" not Bi-curious....totally normal. In fact, Most of the LB bars are the top earners at Nana Plaza. Your "friend" is just another casualty of the charms of Thailand's third gender. Mai Law, Mai Rue--never try, never know. Think of it like shagging a unicorn, or Sasquatch, maybe even something out of a Greek myth. You just don't find em anywhere else but LOS. Walk into Cascades sometime and try not to get a boner....impossible.

Wrong ! Fantastic looking TV's / Transgender ladies in just about every country in the world - and every country I've been to in Asia has them in spades thumbsup.gif

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Not sure what your point is, but my post was just a comment on another post.

BTW, as far as I know, there were no STD's in Ancient Greek times, certainly no syphillis or HIV/ AIDS

Lol, they had just as many STDs as they do now, plus they didn't have as many viable treatments.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Another one who believes "not straight" = gay.

Your world is very black and white - just like the early missionaries who came to the East to save people.

This topic does not belong in the gay forum. Ladyboy lovers are heterosexuals with a fetish, or you can just say they are men who like ladyboys.

But the thread title is bisexual..

Yes, people are labouring with categories. It doesn't fit "gay", "straight" or "bisexual", but why the stress about labelling it? Ladyboys are merely another fetish for heterosexual men AND they can get a pretty decent blowjob while they're at it.

If you want to convince me that ladyboy lovers are truly gay, tell me about guys who have graduated to real men from ladyboys or guys who do both. I doubt any do, because it is the feminine characteristics which their fans crave for. Many of the fans are probably tit lovers left in the cold when coming to Thailand.

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People who see the light (whether gay or straight) understand that having sex with a man doesn't make you gay necessarily, just as a gay man having sex with a woman doesn't make him straight.

Incarcerated men are a good example.

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To be fair, I am under the impression that there are SOME gay identified men who make a fetish of intact ladyboys. It's a different mental thing than for a straight man. For a gay man the attraction to the male aspects of the LB would be primary, with the breasts being a novelty add on. But again the vast majority of gay identified men are not into this and I really do think the majority of men into LBs are straight identified. I think this is the root core of the controversy here. What matters most, how people are self identified vs. a reductionist labeling of what a thing is based on physical sex organs? As sexologists all know, the most important sexual organ is ... THE BRAIN.

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frankly i would have expected the gay forum posters to be more encouraging of those taking their first baby steps at coming out of the closet instead of adding more confusion with this "really is hetro" nonsense...

The reason why they do not is because what you say is pure nonsense. Don't you think the gay community would be aware of gays who do ladyboys or guys who do ladyboys graduating onto real men?

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It seems you are the one making things black and white by insisting it is heterosexual rather than something else.

It seems you missed my earlier point. A hetersexual fetish is what I'm calling it.

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Men who actually self identify as homosexuals are for the MOST part not the slightest bit interested sexually in ladies or ladyboys. Homo means same. Ladyboys present as opposite. Of course there are always exceptions.

This could get interesting...

So a random (though in the majority) self-identified gay is not attracted to a male person( with a male body +/- breasts) because the ladyboy presents and acts female. But will be male when naked......

Are gay men only interested in a male personality, not the body? Somehow I doubt that. Then there is the effeminate, but not presenting as female, gay men. What percentage of gay men are attracted to masculine but not effeminate men? And vice-versa.

Edit: Just saw that JT has started to address this point.

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